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- World History Unit 4
- Calendar and Dates of Easter Sunday
- Paul's Missionary Journeys
- Fathers of the First General Council, Nicaea, 325 AD
- Roman Corinth: the Formation of a Colonial Elite
- The Council of Nicaea: Constantine's Sword Or Shield?
- Edessa, Goths, and Roman Identity in Euphemia and the Goth and the Julian Romance
- Nicene Parallels: Five Historical Records of the Council of Nicaea in Parallel
- Plague and the End of Antiquity : the Pandemic of 541-750
- Iv. Haçli Seferi'nin Ardindan Bati Anadolu'da Mücadele
- Construction History of the Aqueduct of Nicaea (Iznik, NW Turkey) and Its
- The Hinterland of Nikaia/Nicaea/Iznik. Analyzing the Hellenistic, Roman, and Late Antique Bithynian Landscape Through Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
- The Basis of Decisional Thought at the Council of Niceae
- To Condemn a Bishop in Flight
- Hellenism and the Shaping of the Byzantine Empire Rakesh Mittal Marquette University
- Historical Timeline of Anatolia
- 5.1 Eastern Rome -- Byzantine Empire Reading and Q's (Honors)
- Table of Contents