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- Neurotransmitter Balance: the Key to Understanding Addiction
- Snapshot: Neuromodulation Dirk Bucher1 and Eve Marder2 Coe 0 03©03Esve N
- 5-HT Receptors Review
- The Science of Addiction
- Functions and Mechanisms in Contemporary Neuroscience1
- Corticosteroids Alter the 5-HT1A Receptor-Mediated Response in CA1 Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells Nancy K
- The Dopamine Theory of Addiction: 40 Years of Highs and Lows
- The Role of GABA Neurotransmitter in the Human Central Nervous System, Physiology, and Pathophysiology
- Adenosine Triphosphate As a Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulator
- Expression of Multiple Neurotransmitter Receptors by Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons in Vifro
- Key Concepts in Psychopharmacology
- Neurotransmission in Mood Disorders
- Interrogating the Development of Enteric Nervous System in Zebrafish Using Transcriptomics Sweta Roy-Carson Iowa State University
- The Discovery of Serotonin and Its Role in Neuroscience Patricia Mack Whitaker-Azmitia, Ph.D
- Blockage of 5HT2C Serotonin Receptors by Fluoxetine (Prozac) (Membrane Currents͞receptor Binding͞xenopus Oocytes͞hela Cells)
- ALCOHOL and GLUTAMATE Biological Psychiatry 36(6):395Ð421, 1994B
- Correlation Between Oxytocin Neuronal Sensitivity And
- Historical Review: ATP As a Neurotransmitter