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- Estuarine Communities Descriptions
- Modeling the Impact of Oyster Culture on a Mudflat Food Web in Marennes-Oléron Bay (France)
- Biodiversity of Upwelling Coastal Systems of the Southern Caribbean Sea Adjacent to Guajira Peninsula
- Primary Producers and Decomposers of Intertidal Flats
- Eleven Years of Mangrove–Mudflat Dynamics on the Mud
- Can We Recreate Or Restore Intertidal Habitats for Shorebirds&Quest;
- Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Habitats Chapter 2: Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Habitats
- Remote Sensing for Wetland Mapping and Historical Change Detection at the Nisqually River Delta
- Effects of Mud Supply on Large-Scale Estuary Morphology and Development Over Centuries to Millennia
- Wetlands of New Jersey
- Drivers of Change in Mudflat Macroinvertebrate Diversity
- Formation of Coastal and Continental Shelf Mud Deposits and Environmental Records
- The Ecology of Tidal Marshes of the Pacific Northwest Coast: a Community Profile
- Role of Microbial Mats in Sulaibikhat Bay (Kuwait) Mudflat Food Webs: Evidence from Δ13c Analysis
- Sediment Characteristics and Infauna of Deltaic Mudflats Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
- Inter-Tidal Mudflat
- Unity Freshwater Mud Flat Community
- Riverbank Freshwater Tidal Marsh System