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- Rebuilding the Lives of Mosul's Children After Years of Conflict And
- Basra: Strategic Dilemmas and Force Options
- A Vernacular Aramaic Statement from the 10Th Century History of Mosul by Al-Azdī
- Mosul Trauma Response: a Case Study Application of Humanitarian Principles Executive Summary - Part 1: Application of Humanitarian Principles
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- West Mosul: Perceptions on Return and Reintegration Among Stayees, Idps and Returnees
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- Iraqi Force Development
- Water Quality and Its Environmental Implications Within Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
- Mosul and Basra After the Protests the Roots of Government Failure
- Life After ISIS-New Challenges to Christianity in Iraq
- The Case of Iraq
- Quoted from Catholic News Agency for Mar 8, 2021. (Aboard the Papal
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- When the Islamic State Comes to Town