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- 3.Mythologie
- The Parliament of Trolls
- A Skeptical Feminist Exploration of Binary Dystopias in Marion Zimmer Bradley's the Mists of Avalon
- The Diffusion and Bastardization of Mordred in Arthurian Legends from Select Works of the Sixth Through the Fifteenth Centuries
- The Chivalrous and Feminist King: How the Arthurian Legends Chronicled the Formation of Two Gender Identities
- King Arthur 'Lite': Dilution of Mythic Elements in Arthurian Film
- Le Morte D'arthur"
- Re-Vision from the Mists: the Development of a Literary Genre of Feminist Arthuriana As an Allegorical Response to Second Wave Feminist Politics
- Questing for the Historical Arthur, King of Britons Sheila Brynjulfson
- The Cycling and Recycling of the Arthurian Myth in Alfred Lord Tennyson’S Idylls of the King
- Download Now for Free
- Goddess Dethroned: the Evolution of Morgan Le Fay
- Arthurian Legend
- Sir Gawain Gawain Is One of a Select Number of Round Table Knights to Be Referred to As "The Greatest" of the Knights
- T.H. White's Defence of Guenever: Portrait of a "Real" Person
- Vilification of the Mother Morgause in T.H. White's the Once
- Heraldry in the Arthuriad: a Brief Survey