
Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Arthurian Legend Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Locations: & • Camelot is a mythical castle and land that is ruled by the Pendragon family. • It also refers to any ruler that is “too good to be true” • Avalon is a nearby island that has many mythical legends. • The women of Avalon are a covet of witches. For the most part, they are good witches. • ‟s mother was one of the witches. • , the Pendragon family sword, was forged at Avalon and first emerged from the „.‟ Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

Igraine Gorlios

Morgause of Garlot Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School ’s enemy is , a strong king and a defender of the people. Uther

Uther’s advisor is Merlin, the wizard.

Merlin Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School One night, Merlin has a dream where he sees a two : a white one and a red one. The white one kills the red one. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Merlin interprets the dream to mean that Uther, the white , must kill his enemy Gorlios.

Gorlios Uther Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Uther, through circumstances and Merlin’s help, tricks Lady , and lays with her. This very night Uther's troops dispatch on Gorlois and kill him.

Uther Igraine Gorlios Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

Igraine delivers a son exactly nine months later. They name the boy Arthur. Uther & Igraine marry. Merlin becomes Arthur’s advisor. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Angry about her father’s murder and mother’s infidelity, Morgan le Fay puts a curse on Uther and baby Morgan le Fay Arthur.

Uther Arthur Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Knowing that Arthur’s life is in peril, Merlin smuggles the one-year old child off to the country to be raised by Sir Hector and be taught at a church abbey.

Merlin Arthur Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

One year later, when Arthur is only two, Uther dies in a battle. Uther

Once he was mortally wounded, Uther drives Excalibur into a stone. Only his son, “the true king,” will be able to remove it. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

When Arthur is 16, Merlin puts into motion his plan for Arthur to gain his rightful place as king of Camelot. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Arthur accompanies his “half brother” Kay to a jousting tournament at Canterbury. Arthur is supposed to bring the sword. However, he realizes that he has forgotten it. There is not time to return the country for the sword … Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

… coincidentally, just then he passes a large stone with a sword sticking out of it. How fortunate! He quickly grabs the sword and takes it to the tournament. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

Little did he know that the sword was Excalibur and he was the “true king.” Hundreds of men had unsuccessfully tried to pry the sword from the stone to be acclaimed as King. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

Arthur takes his rightful place as King of Camelot Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Arthur is a fair and just ruler. His gather around a to signify their equity to him. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Sir is Arthur’s number one trusted and friend.

Lancelot Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School • Morgan le Fay’s decides it is time for her move against Arthur… • Morgan arranged for Arthur’s dinner drink to be drugged. Morgan le Fay • She sent her sister, — Arthur’s half sister, to lay with him. • Nine months later, was born Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

• Arthur and Morgause do not know that they are committing incest. • Morgause is told that she conceived a child with her brother during her pregnancy, she tries to abort the pregnancy. • Morgan le Fay prevents the abortion. • Morgause has a difficult time loving her son/nephew and is cold to him throughout his childhood. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Mordred is raised in the country with , Morgause’s first and favored son.

Mordred Gawain Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Meanwhile, in Camelot… • Arthur doesn’t know about his son • He falls in love and marries . Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

Gawain travels to Camelot to join the Knights of the Round Table. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

In his most famous adventure, Gawain battles a . Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School

• Guinevere and Arthur cannot conceive a child. • Arthur assumes it is his fault, because his wife is perfect. • So, he convinces his most trusted friend/brother to lay with his wife. • The plan backfires when fall in love with each other. Arthur does not know this. • Good news = a child is not conceived. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School • Mordred is finally told of his lineage and travels to Camelot to meet his father. • Arthur welcomes his son, and trusts him completely. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School • However, Mordred hates his father for abandoning him, and devises a plan to ruin Arthur. • He tells Arthur about Lancelot and Guinevere (gaining more trust) • Arthur leaves Camelot to “recover” & names Mordred as temporary king. • Mordred gains the respect of the people and builds a rebel army to over throw Arthur. Victoria Weiss Moorpark High School Arthur does not know who to trust

His Son His wife His best friend