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- Musical Mimesis in Orphans of the Storm *
- Gerard Genette Paratexts Thresholds of Interpretation
- Background of Classical Literature
- Acting: Drama As the Mim4sis 27
- Conceptual Blending Theory and the Theatricalized Substance of Nothing in Shakespeare's Hamlet
- The Problem of Suspension of Disbelief in Transmedia and Vr Experiences
- Aristotle and Excess
- The Classical Concept of Mimesis
- Paratexts Are Those Liminal Devices and Conventions, Both Within and Outside the Book, That Form Part of the Complex Mediation B
- Introduction
- ! 1! Between Mimesis and Technē: Cinematic Image As a Site For
- Tragedy, Then, Is an Imitation of an Action That Is Serious, Complete, and of a Certain Magnitude; In
- A Study of Metaphor and Irony in the Poetic of Robert Browning
- The Real in the Unreal Mimesis and Postmodern American Fiction Bo Pettersson (Helsinki, Finland)
- Mimesis As a Phenomenon of Semiotic Communication
- Mimesis, Artistic Inspiration and the Blends We Live By
- Mimesis and Poiesis in the Novel: William Faulkner's "Go Down, Moses" and the Mythopoeic Turn in the American Imagination
- Form and Representation in Auerbach's Mimesis