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- Time Machine Biology Cross-Timescale Integration of Ecology, Evolution, and Oceanography
- Fossil Hunt with Scope-On-A-Rope By: Adrienne Lopez, LSU SOAR Coordinator (Adapted from an Activity By: Mignon Morgan)
- A Morphogram for Silica-Witherite Biomorphs and Its Application to Microfossil Identification in the Early Earth Rock Record J
- Marine and Non-Marine Strata Preserving Ediacaran Microfossils Ilana Lehn , Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski & Paulo Sérgio Gomes Paim
- Iron Minerals Within Specific Microfossil Morphospecies of the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation
- Evaluating the Biological Pump Efficiency of the Last Glacial
- Exceptionally Well-Preserved Cretaceous Microfossils Reveal New Biomineralization Styles
- The Origin of Life from a Paleontological Perspective, a Review Boletín De La Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, Vol
- Sir2005-5235.Pdf
- 5. Palaeo-Records of Histories of Deoxygenation and Its Ecosystem Impact Moriaki Yasuhara, Nancy N
- The Cenozoic Deep Sea Microfossil Record: ...F the Dsdp/Odp Sample Set Using the Neptune Database
- Lab 2: Microfossils
- Neogene Marine Mollusks of the Pacific Coast of North America: an Annotated Bibliography, 1797-1969
- Perspective on the Response of Marine Calcifiers to Global Warming And
- Paleoceanographic Perturbations and the Marine Carbonate System During the Middle to Late Miocene Carbonate Crash—A Critical Review
- Eukaryotic Organisms in Proterozoic Oceans
- Contrasting Microfossil Preservation and Lake Chemistries Within the 1200–1000 Ma Torridonian Supergroup of NW Scotland
- Transitional Changes in Microfossil Assemblages in the Japan Sea From