Mean motion
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- Extreme Secular Excitation of Eccentricity Inside Mean Motion Resonance Small Bodies Driven Into Star-Grazing Orbits by Planetary Perturbations?
- Analytical Representation for Ephemeride with Short Time Spans Application to the Longitude of Titan
- A New Radial Velocity Curve, Apsidal Motion, and the Alignment of Rotation and Orbit Axes
- Mean Motion Resonances in Exoplanet Systems: an Investigation Into Nodding Behavior
- The Full Two-Body-Problem: Simulation, Analysis, and Application to the Dynamics, Characteristics, and Evolution of Binary Asteroid Systems
- Computation and Astrophysics of the N-Body Problem
- Orbital Mechanics
- Perturbed Motion
- 3 Orbital Dynamics
- Orbits and Masses of the Satellites of the Dwarf Planet Haumea (2003 El61) D
- On the Location of the Ring Around the Dwarf Planet Haumea
- New Perspectives on the N-Body Problem
- A Study of the N-Body Problem in Celestial Mechanics for College Students
- Analytical Representation for Ephemeris with Short Time-Span : Application to the Longitude of Titan Xiaojin Xi
- Analytical Treatment of Planetary Resonances
- Planets in Mean-Motion Resonances and the System Around HD45364
- Appendix B Orbits
- The 1/5 Law for Chaos in the Three-Body Problem at Moderate Eccentricity