Mashup (video)
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- Eduardo De Moura Almeida
- 1 DEPARTMENT of FILM YORK UNIVERSITY FACULTY of FINE ARTS COURSE OUTLINE Course: Recycled Images: from Found Footage to Digita
- Historiographic Paratext 89
- As We All Know, Fifty Shades of Grey, Originated As a Piece of Fanfic Based on the Twilight
- The Mashup As Resistance? a Critique of Marxist Framing in the Digital Age
- A Mashup World
- Mashup the Archive and Dividual Agency
- Smashing the Copyright Act to Make Room for the Mashup Artist: How A
- Remixing Music Copyright to Better Protect Mashup Artists Kerri Eble
- Automatic Mashup Creation by Considering Both Vertical and Horizontal Mashabilities
- Mashup, Remix and Cut-And-Paste Culture
- Perspektiven
- Identifying the Genre Through Jane Austen's Novels
- Scary Monsters: Hybrids, Mashups, and Other Illegitimate Children Rebecca Tushnet
- Adapting Copyright for the Mashup Generation
- The Matrix Hero on Youtube: Fan Vids As a Form of Transmedia Storytelling
- C:\Users\Petermenell\Desktop\RCLA
- Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation