Layered intrusion
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- Layered Intrusion-Hosted Vanadium: a Mineral Systems Analysis
- Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Provincial Geologists 1986 Journal Journal.,,, L.. Des Geologues Provinciaux
- Layered Intrusions: from Petrological Paradigms to Precious Metal Repositories
- Stratiform Chromite Deposit Model
- PGE-Cu-Ni Mineralization of Mafic-Ultramafic Massifs of The
- PGE-Enrichment in Magnetite-Bearing Olivine Gabbro: New Observations from the Midcontinent Rift-Related Echo Lake Intrusion in Northern Michigan, USA
- An Overview of Anorthosite-Bearing Layered
- Late Neoproterozoic Layered Mafic Intrusion of Arc-Affinity in The
- Deposit Classification Scheme for the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Global Geochemical Database
- A Geologic and Mineral Exploration Spatial Database for the Stillwater Complex, Montana
- Monomineralic Anorthosites in Layered Intrusions Are Indicators Of
- Magmatic Ore Deposits in Layered Intrusions—Descriptive Model for Reef-Type PGE and Contact-Type Cu-Ni-PGE Deposits
- Pocket Program
- Crystallization Sequences in the Muskox Intrusion and Other Layered Intrusions-II
- Igneous Rock Associations 23. the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: New Insights and Paradigms Stephen A
- Stratigraphy of the Layered Gabbroic Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica
- Layered Series of the Wichita Complex, Oklahoma