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- Upaya Pelestarian Seni Tradisi Rampak Bedug Di Bale Seni Ciwasiat Pandeglang
- JAVANESE GAMELAN TERMINOLOGY Barry Drummond Boston Village Gamelan
- Karawitan Source Readings in Javanese Gamelan and Vocal Music
- A Method for Automatic Gamelan Music Composition
- Instrumen Dan Teknik Instrumentasi Gamelan Pegongan Oleh
- Lou Harrison and the American Gamelan
- UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta 60
- MUSIC in CENTRAL JAVA Gamelan Tunings in Theory, There Are No Two
- Journal of Arts & Humanities
- Rhoma Irama and the Dangdut Style: Aspects of Contemporary Indonesian Popular Culture1
- Estetika Tabuh Gamelan Gong Gede Di Desa Adat Tejakula Buleleng
- Analisis Permainan Cuk Dalam Musik Keroncong Dan Penerapannya Pada Langgam Jawa Di Orkes Keroncong Bunga Nirwana Wonosari
- MUSIC in CENTRAL JAVA Text by Benjamin Brinner Instructional Materials by J
- Combinatorial Principle in the Use of Drum (Kendhang) Formulae in Gamelan Music of Yogyakarta
- INTRODUCTION to JAVANESE GAMELAN Notes for Music 451 (Javanese Gamelan-Beginners) Preface
- Aspects of Composition and Improvisation in Balinese Gender Wayang
- Gamelan and the Modern Pedal Harp of the West: a Performer’S
- Gambang Ensembles of Bali and Banyuwangi Introduction on Entering the East of East Java and the Island of Bali Ensembles of Gambang Proliferate