Inscriptiones Graecae
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- Nemesis: the Concept of Retribution in Ancient Greek Thought and Cult
- Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond Methods – Projects – Case Studies
- AIO Papers 8 Two Inscribed Documents of the Athenian Empire
- Karystos Revisited: Interaction Networks of an Aegean Island Polity (Sources and Finds)
- Water Culture in Roman Society
- Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. Volume I. Eastern Europe
- Information to Users
- Women in Medicine. an Epigraphic Research
- ΛΑΒΕ ΤΗΝ ΓΡΑΦΗΝ! Book Format, Authority, and Authorship in Ancient Greek Medical Papyri
- Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage Proceedings of the First EAGLE International Conference
- AIO Papers 4 Inscribed Athenian Decrees of 229/8-198/7 BC (IG II
- Geological Heritage of Syros Island, Cyclades Complex, Greece: an Assessment and Geotourism Perspectives
- Bibliography
- Jewish Inscriptions in Greek and Latin1
- Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections British Museum Decrees of the Council and Assembly Stephen Lambert
- UC Berkeley UC Berkeley Previously Published Works
- A Lead Phylactery from Colle San Basilio (Sicily) Sergio Giannobile and D
- A Funerary Epigram for Diokles the Rhodian Dramatist [ 436 ] Thomas Coward Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia