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- Baju Kurung Design in the Context of Cultural Changes in Modern Malaysia
- Legacy in Cloth Batak Textiles of Indonesia
- 7. Traditional Textiles in Indonesia Languages Online: Indonesian, Section 31
- Fashioning Lao Identity: Textiles, Representation and the Grand Fashion Show
- Konsep Adat Pakaian Cara Melayu Sentuhan Tenunan Dalam Busana Melayu1
- Culture and Customs of Indonesia
- Supplementary Weft on an "Ikat" Isle: the Weaving Communities Of
- Kerajinan-Blangkon-Di-Potrojayan
- Formulir Validasi Data Warisan Budaya Tak Benda (Wbtb)
- Review of Peter Ten Hoopen's Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian
- Some Observations on Indonesian Textiles
- Fashionable Tradition Production and Consumption of Hand-Woven Textiles in Bali
- Bab Ii Karakteristik Busana Etnik
- Pkm Kelompok Pengrajin Blangkon Dan Replika Bregada Bugis Di Desa Bugisan, Patangpuluhan, Wirobrajan, D.I
- Bandhani to Batik: Resist-Dyed Textiles from Asia, June 3, 2005-October 16, 2005
- Unfolding Cloth Across Cultures Curated by Jennifer Kramer
- Bab Ii Tinjauan Umum Tentang Serban Dan Takhrij Hadis 2.1
- Buku Rumah Gadang.Pdf