History of manga
Top View
- Manga Portraits
- Race and Identity in the Manga of Tezuka Osamu
- Collective Creation in Contemporary Manga and Anime A
- Foreign-Born Mangaka and the Future of the 'Japanese'
- History 146C: a History of Manga Spring 2017; Tuesday and Thursday 1:30-2:45; Brighton Hall 218
- The Significance of Manga in the Identity-Construction of Young American Adults: a Lacanian Approach
- Valerie Cools
- Gekiga As a Site of Intercultural Exchange: Tatsumi Yoshihiro's A
- The Case Analysis of Japanese Comics (Manga) Market in the US
- History 146C: a History of Manga Fall 2017; Tuesday and Thursday 12:00-1:15; Brighton Hall 210
- Comics Worlds and the World of Comics: Towards Scholarship on a Global Scale (Series Global Manga Studies, Vol
- The Underground and Cultural Legitimacy: the Divide in the American Comics History
- “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media”: Reflections on the Scholarship of a Transnational and Transmedia Industry
- The Manga Culture in Japan