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- Aboriginal Pastoralism, Social Embeddedness, and Cultural Continuity in Central Australia Nicholas Gill University of Wollongong
- Relational Economies, Social Embeddedness and Valuing Labour in Agrarian Change: an Example from the Developing World
- Masterarbeit / Master's Thesis
- Investigating Movement in the Mewar Plain of Rajasthan
- On Capitalism, Difference, and Representation
- Karl Polanyi and the Social Embeddedness of Economic
- Social Embeddedness of the Economy
- The Great Transformation: the Political and Economic Origins of Our Time / Karl Polanyi; Foreword by Joseph E
- The Embeddedness of Markets
- Pastoralism and Socio-Technological Transformations in Northern Benin
- Economization, Part 1: Shifting Attention from the Economy Towards Processes of Economization
- How Personal Networks Shape Business an Anthropological Study of Social Embeddedness, Knowledge Development and Growth of Firms Parker, Peter
- Thesis Embeddedness and the Market's Edge: Lakota
- In Presenting This Dissertation As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for an Advanced Degree from Emory University, I
- Disembedded Ideologies, Embedded Alternatives: Agricultural Biotechnology, Legitimacy, and the WTO
- National Differences in Cultural Embeddedness Shalom H
- Institutions and the Challenge of Karl Polanyi: Economic Anthropology After the Neoinstitutionalist Turn
- The Great Transformation of Embeddedness: Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology