Eastern Bloc
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- Communism 1 Communism
- Stony Brook University
- United States Vs. Soviet Union
- The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the Failed Coordination of Planning in the Socialist Bloc in the 1960S Simon Godard
- Transmitting Democracy to the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc
- A Fait Accompli: the Prague Spring, Warsaw Pact Invasion, and the United Statesâ•Ž Reaction, 1968
- Stalin, Soviet Policy, and the Consolidation of a Communist Bloc in Eastern Europe, 1944-1953
- NKVD/KGB Activities and Its Cooperation with Other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945 – 1989
- Which East Is Red? the Maoist Presence in the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc Europe 1956-1980
- Trade Between the European Economic Community and the Eastern Bloc
- Re-Sourcing History the Cold War in Asia
- United States-Yugoslav Relations, 1961-80: the Twilight of Tito's
- AP European History Mr. Blackmon Multiple Choice Questions
- Cold War in Asia: China's Involvement in the Korean and Vietnam
- Securitas Im Perii
- Poland's Place in the Soviet Bloc
- The Second World War in Historiography and Public Debate
- The Eastern Bloc, Human Rights, and the Global Fight Against Apartheid