Cultural anthropology
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- Cultural Relativism
- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Anthropology 204
- Anthropology 1
- Revitalizing the Ethnosphere: Global Society, Ethnodiversity, and the Stakes of Cultural Genocide
- The Art of Being Human: a Textbook for Cultural Anthropology
- Man-Environment Relations in Anthropology: on the Formulation of the Cultural Ecological Approach
- On the Relationship of Anthropology to Multicultural Teaching and Learning University of Michigan
- Ethnocentric Monoculturalism and Ernest Becker: an Existential-Psychoanalytic Explanation of Cultural Encapsulation John Snyder Pacific Nu Iversity
- Social and Cultural Anthropology Guide First Examinations 2010
- The Emergence of Civilization
- Cultural Ecology: a Brief Overview
- Chapter 3 Anthropology in History and the Explanation of Cultural Diversity
- Carrying Cultural Baggage: the Contribution of Socio-Cultural Anthropology to Cross-Cultural Coaching
- Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
- Perspectives: an Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropology and Culture
- ANTH 103 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Ethnocentrism
- Cross-Cultural Research 561 Carol R