Continental shelf
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- Modeling Wave and Seabed Energetics on the California
- Internal Tides and the Continental Slope
- 1 OCEANOGRAPHY of the NORTHWEST ATLANTIC CONTINENTAL SHELF (1,W) School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine Institute Of
- Internal Swash and Surf (Water Movements/Marine Sediments/Continental Shelf) K
- Controls on Submarine Canyon Activity During Sea-Level Highstands: the Biobío Canyon System Offshore Chile GEOSPHERE; V
- Seamounts, Submarine Channels, and New Discoveries Benefits of Continental Shelf Surveys Extend Beyond Defining the Limits of the Shelf
- Dynamics of Rip Currents Associated with Groynes — Field Measurements, Modelling and Implications for Beach Safety Scott
- Mediterranean Submarine Canyons Ecology and Governance Maurizio Würtz, Editor ABOUT IUCN
- A New Approach to Analytical Modelling of Groyne Fields
- 15.2 the Diversity of Ocean Life
- Current Patterns Over the Continental Shelf and Slope Marlene A
- Earth's Oceans
- Ocean Geologic Features
- 2 the Continental Shelf Before the United Nations
- How Are the Intertidal, Neritic, and Oceanic Zones Different?
- Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States Geologic Background
- Zonation and Distribution Part I Question
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