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- Facets of Conscientiousness and Their Differential Relationships with Cognitive Ability Factors
- The Importance of Early Conscientiousness for Socio-Economic Outcomes: Evidence from the British Cohort Study
- Grit, Self Control, and Conscientiousness 1
- Low Childhood Conscientiousness Predicts Adult Obesity 9 August 2013
- Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability in Relation to Person Perception
- A Theory of Conscientiousness∗
- Conscientiousness and Academic Performance: a Mediational Analysis Nicole Conrad Saint Mary’S University, [email protected]
- New Utah State University Research Linking CEO Personality to Stock
- Personality; a Deciding Factor in Leadership
- Examining Student Engagement in the Academic Environment
- The Dark Triad of Personality and Its Positioning in the Big Five
- Conscientiousness, Health, and Aging: the Life Course of Personality Model
- Personality, Uses of Music, and Music Preference, in Which Uses of Music May Serve As Interme- Diary Connections Between Trait and Preference
- Football Scores on the Big Five Personality Factors Across 50 States in the U.S
- And “Dark” Sides of Personality As Predictors of Adaptive Performance
- The Trait Perspective of Personality There Are Relatively Stable
- Conscientiousness Is the Most Powerful Noncognitive Predictor of School Achievement in Adolescents
- Flow and the Five-Factor Model (Ffm) Of