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- Antibacterial Activities of Methanol Extracts from Alchornea Cordifolia and Four Other Cameroonian Plants Against MDR Phenotypes
- A Conspectus of Combretum (Combretaceae) in Southern Africa, with Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Notes on Species and Sections
- TAXON:Combretum Indicum SCORE:10.0 RATING:High Risk
- (Combretaceae) for Antioxidant Activities
- Comparative Study on Combretum and Terminalia
- Notes on African Combretum Loefl. Species (Combretaceae)
- Combretaceae
- Isolation of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Leaves of Combretum
- Appendix 6, Ecological Assessment
- Terrestrial Ecology Assessment for the Proposed Tailings Storage Facility at Bakubung Platinum Mine
- Botanical Diversity at Soneva Kiri
- Introduction
- Bioactivities of the Genus Combretum (Combretaceae): a Review
- Combretum Indicum ALL ZONES Answer Score
- Therapeutic Evaluation of Combretum Molle (Combretaceae) (Bush Willow) Stembark Extract in Experimental Avian Coccidiosis
- Structural Analysis of Combretum-Terminalia Mixed Acacia Vegetation in Ilu Gelan District, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Central Ethiopia
- Abundance and Community Structure of Birds Breeding in Kalahari Woodland Used As Rangeland
- Combretum Collinum Combretaceae Fres