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- Britain and the Anglo-Saxons in Late Antiquity Todd Morrison
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- Ethnicity, Identity and the Development of the Roman Frontier in Central Europe
- Celts in the Baltic? Much Ink Has Been Spent on Arguing That Some Iron Age Tribes Living Beside the Baltic Sea Spoke a Celtic Language
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- Dark Age Migrations and Subjective Ethnicity: the Example of the Lsmbards
- Caesar and Genocide: Confronting the Dark Side of Caesar’S Gallic Wars
- Representations of Space and Custom North of the Res Publica in the Historical Narratives of Polybius and Caesar
- The Cimbri Nation of Jutland, Denmark and the Danelaw, England: a Chronological Approach Based on Diverse Data Sources
- The Cimbri and Associated Tribes of Denmark: Their Origins and Descendants As Suggested by the Archaeological, Historical and Genetic Data - (Hypothesis A)
- The Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar Translated by W. A. Mcdevitte And
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