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- Fifth Century B.C.E. War Memorials in Pausanias’ Periegesis
- The Rise of Alexander: 337 BC
- The Enslavement of War Captives by the Romans to 146 BC
- Twilight of the Polis
- The Concept of Ethnicity in Early Antiquity by Nathanael Shelley
- Thucydides' Account of the Athenian Empire in the Light of Contemporary Coinage
- The Form and Content of Thucydides' Pentecontaetia (1.89-117) , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 34:1 (1993:Spring) P.35
- The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta
- The Vineyards of Laconia
- Information Gathering in Classical Greece Front.Qxd 10/18/1999 2:09 PM Page Ii Front.Qxd 10/18/1999 2:09 PM Page Iii
- Medical Practice in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
- 75 AD MARCUS BRUTUS 85?-42 B.C. Plutarch Translated by John