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- An Examination of Medicinal Ethnobotany and Biomedicine Use in Two Villages on the Phnom Kulen Plateau Taylor Walker Hollins University, [email protected]
- Bridelia Ferruginea Methanol Leaf Extract in Streptozocin Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rats
- Lose the Plot: Cost-Effective Survey of the Peak Range, Central Queensland
- Hans Nooteboom 80 Years
- FTIR Based Pharmacological Validation of Bridelia Retusa Somendra Kumar, Dinesh Kumar, Motiram Sahu, Anil Kumar*
- Bridelia Micrantha and Tabernaemontana Ventircosa for Cytotoxic Principles Against Drug Sensitive Leukemia Cell Lines
- Antimicrobial Activity of Bridelia Micrantha and Grewia Plagiophylla Leaf Extracts
- Euphorbiaceae
- JMSCR Volume||03||Issue||02||Page 4504-4513||February 2015
- Duodichogamy and Androdioecy in the Chinese Phyllanthaceae Bridelia Tomentosa1
- Hans Nooteboom 80 Years
- WRA Species Report
- Cyanogenesis in the Euphorbiaceae Lucinda L
- Introduction Tree Composition and Structure Tree Community
- A Review of Bridelia Ferruginea, Combretum Glutinosum And
- Cambodian Journal of Natural History
- Systematic Anatomy of Euphorbiaceae Subfamily Oldfieldioideae I
- Evidence from Plastid Matk and Nuclear PHYC Sequences