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- Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/ Environmental Assessment March 2011
- American Avocet & Black-Necked Stilt
- Drought and Predation Cause Avocet and Stilt Breeding Failure in Nevada
- Birds List for Carlsbad Caverns Np
- Long-Distance Movements by American Avocets and Black-Necked Stilts
- Supplementary Material
- Abundance and Diversity of Wildlife
- Environmental Setting of the Southern California OCS Planning Area
- Avocets First Started to Winter Regularly in the UK in 1947, the Same Year As the Resumption of Breeding in Suffolk
- Bird List River Valley IBA
- Avocet Population Dynamics in England C
- The Avocet ~ - / L ·,
- Farallon NWR 100Th Anniversary
- Birds and Climate Change: Grand Canyon National Park
- Lake Andes NWR Complex Bird List
- Birds & Butterflies of the Big Bend
- The Chromosomes of Ten Species in the Avian Order Charadriiformes
- American Avocet & Black-Necked Stilt