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- Unmanned Autogyro for Mars Exploration: a Preliminary Study
- Aerodynamic Concept of the UAV in the Gyrodyne Configuration
- Effects of Rotor Contamination on Gyroplane Flight Performance
- Transport 8S
- Police Aviation News January 2009
- NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing Project
- THE PHILADELPHIA REGION: the Cradle of Rotary-Wing Aviation in the US
- Simulation and Control Design of a Gliding Autogyro for Precision Airdrop by Joshua F
- Optimal Aeroelastic Trim for Rotorcraft With
- Autogyro Let's Talk Aeronautics NORTH AMERICA the Safest Aircraft in History and the Precursor to the Helicopter Aertecsolutions.Com
- Energetic Design of a New Autogyro Aircraft with Cyclorotors with Possibility of Energy Harvesting
- Flight Dynamics Issues Relating to Autogyro Airworthiness and Flight Safety
- Pilot Operating Handbook
- The Personal Aircraft--Status and Issues
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Autogyro Fight Dynamics
- Rotorcraft's 'Multiblade' Modelling for an Autogyro
- FAA-H-8083-21, Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
- 1605/Autogyro Reg. Program