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- An Appeal from New to Old Austrians
- Neo-Nazism and Antisemitism • Holocaust Education
- The Habsburg Empire
- "Germans" and "Austrians" in World War II: Military History and National Identity
- Self-Determination Along the Austrian Frontier, 1918-1920: Case Studies of German Bohemia, Vorarlberg, and Carinthia
- University of Alberta the Slovene
- The Austrian Imaginary of Wilderness: Landscape, History and Identity In
- AUSTRIA in the FIRST COLD WAR, 1945-55 COLD WAR HISTORY SERIES General Editor: Saki Dockrill
- Austria: Country Health Profile 2017, State of Health in the EU, OECD Publishing, Paris/European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels
- GERMANY and AUSTRIA in the 1930S
- A Study of Austrian Identity Through Language
- MARGIT REITER Antisemitism in Austria After the Shoah 1
- Ethnicity in Austria
- Creative Austrians Innovators for the Society of the Future – the New Austrian International Culture Programme
- Macroeconomics – Austrians Vs. Keynesians Is Ken's Third Book
- Cfp Vienna in Hollywood Final-4.21.21
- Utopian Visions of Madness in Austrian Literature
- The Second Austrian Republic and the Sequels of the Nazi Dictatorship