Anna Fotyga
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- En En Motion for a Resolution
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- Margarita De La Pisa Carrión, Hermann Tertsch (31)
- European Parliament
- Anna Fotyga – Minister Lecha Kaczyńskiego
- Brussels, 28 September 2017 Dear Honourable President Tajani, We
- 15.10.2020 A8-0200/1115 Amendment 1115 Krzysztof Jurgiel
- Kim Jesteśmy? Kim Są Polscy Ministrowie? – Analiza Socjologiczno-Politologiczna
- European Parliament 2014 Elections
- Polityka Zagraniczna RP Mgr Piotr Zalewski
- 14.1.2020 B9-0040/2020 } B9-0042/2020 } B9-0043/2020 } B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 40 Amendment 40 Kosma Złotowski, Zbigniew Kuźmiu
- From the 23Rd to 26Th of May, 500 Million European Will Head to the Polls in the Second Largest Democratic Election in the World
- Kampania Wyborcza Do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2019 W „Wiadomościach” TVP
- Stefan Meller, Anna Fotyga, Radosław Sikorski
- EP Elections 2014
- Mrs Ursula Von Der Leyen President of the European Commission Brussels
- Pl Issn 0033-2437
- The European Elections of May 2019