African Standby Force
Top View
- Progress with the African Standby Force Jakkie Cilliers and Mark Malan
- The Role and Place of the African Standby Force Within the African
- Nine Lessons for the Future of the African Standby Force Walter Lotze
- Securing Africa: the Role of the African Standby Force
- Operationalizing the African Standby Force
- The African Standby Force
- Structure of Eastern African Standby Force in Maintaining Peace and Security in Kenya and Somalia
- African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA)
- Nordic Support to Eastern Africa Standby Force: Perceptions, Prospects and Problems — and the Way Forward
- The African Union's Conflict Management Capabilities
- African Standby Force
- The African Standby Force Put to the Test
- Responsibility to Protect: an Idea That Needs (Y)Our Support
- Report of the Independent Panel of Experts
- African Civilian Police Capacity for International Peacekeeping Operations