OCT/NOV 2010 ISSUE COVER STORY CAPPING IMMIGRATION TO THE UK If the reduction of net immigration to the UK is to be maintained as an explicit policy objective, it would make more sense to think about a target than a cap. Institute for Public Policy Research

Background migration voices (such as Migration Watch and the Cross- Tier 2 do, and must work for that employer. he government faces an unpalatable choice, between Party Group on Balanced Migration) would like to see net Tier 1 currently has four routes. Tintroducing a policy that it knows is damaging to the immigration to the UK brought down even further, to The general route is for persons who wish to obtain economy and public services or finding a way to abandon or around 40,000. The Conservative Party has intimated its highly skilled employment in the UK. Unlike ‘sponsored’ re-define its currently stated policy objectives. support for reductions to this kind of level in the past. skilled workers (who are covered by Tier 2 of the PBS), If the reduction of net immigration to the UK is to be The Home Secretary set out a ‘comprehensive package’ applicants do not need a job offer to apply under the Tier maintained as an explicit policy objective, it would make of proposals to achieve this overall objective: 1 General route. Applicants are awarded points based on more sense to think about a target than a cap. This would be • A cap on skilled immigration for work from outside the qualifications, previous earnings, UK experience, age, a very different approach. Rather than limiting immigration EU, along with changes to Tiers 1 and 2 of the existing English language skills and available maintenance funds. numbers by fiat in certain categories, a target-based approach points-based system (PBS) The post-study work route (PSWR) is for non-EEA would allow a government to ‘raise or lower the bar’ in • Further restrictions on student immigration from outside international graduates who have studied in the UK. different parts of the immigration system in order to achieve the EU, and on foreign students’ (and their dependents’) The entrepreneur route is for those wishing to invest in a certain (desirable or promised) level of immigration. The the UK by setting up or taking over, and being actively Points Based System (PBS) as currently structured, provides “The government’s recent involved in the running of a business. The investor route clear mechanisms for taking such an approach, without a cap. discussions with India is for high net worth individuals making a substantial By changing the way points are awarded, or the thresholds for financial investment in the UK success, in different parts of the PBS (for example, by raising underlined the risk that Tier 2 is for skilled migrants only. A successful applicant the salary or qualification requirements for intra-company the cap contributes to an must be coming to fill a job at National Qualification transfers), the government could reduce numbers without Framework level 3 (or equivalent) or above and be paid resorting to a numerical cap. impression that the UK is at least the ‘appropriate rate’ that would be paid to a Being in control of immigration does not require setting a not ‘open for business’...” skilled resident worker doing similar work. The three limit or a cap. It is perfectly possible for the government to be in main routes are: control of an immigration system that is flexible and responsive ability to work Shortage occupation: for people coming to the UK to the needs of the country. Politically, the government would • More stringent requirements on those seeking to bring to work in a skilled occupation that is deemed to be in do better by predicting and managing migration flows to family members to the UK from outside the EU shortage and where it is sensible to fill that shortage via maximise benefits, minimise costs and reassure the public, • Reducing the rights of temporary migrants to settle and migration from outside the EEA. rather than by struggling (probably unsuccessfully) to meet remain in the UK permanently. Resident labour market test (RLMT): the employer arbitrarily imposed limits Policy development is much further advanced on (sponsor) needs to show that there is no suitably qualified The government’s headline objective on immigration, the first of these proposals than on the others, and this worker from the UK or EEA available to fill the specific repeated again by Home Secretary Theresa May in her first briefing focuses on the proposals and options for capping vacancy. Employers are required to advertise the relevant major speech on the issue, is to reduce net immigration ‘from and reforming the routes which govern immigration for vacancy through Jobcentre Plus and as agreed in a sector the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands’. work from outside the EU. Since all routes for low-skilled code of practice (for example in a trade magazine) for at immigration for work are currently closed, this means that least four weeks, at a level of earnings deemed reasonable Recent statistics this debate is about capping and/or reforming Tiers 1 and by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) for that job. stimated net immigration to the UK (the surplus 2 of the PBS, which govern skilled immigration for work. Intra-company transfer: for employees of multinational Eof people immigrating over people emigrating) in companies with at least 12 months’ company experience the year to December 2009 was 196,000 (Office of Tiers 1 and 2 of the points-based system being transferred to a skilled job in a UK-based branch National Statistics, Migration Statistics Quarterly Report iers 1 and 2 of the PBS allow for skilled persons to of the organisation. August 2010). This means that even the most minimal Tcome to the UK to take up employment. Persons This explanation is adapted from the Consultation by interpretation of the government’s objective would require coming under Tier 1 do not require an offer of employment the Migration Advisory Committee on the level of an net immigration to the UK to be halved. Prominent anti- before they come to the UK, whereas those coming under Continued on page 5

BHARAT BRITAIN: ’S LITERATI A DISAPPEARING AN OVERVIEW OF SOUTH ASIANS IN CELEBRATE DSC NUMBER: ASIAN IMAGE MODERN GOAN THE UK 1870-1950 p. 3 AWARDS 2010 p.12 IN THEATRE p.13 LITERATURE p. 16 CONFLUENCE ROUND & ABOUT A GREATER BRITAIN EDITORIALLY SPEAKING HIGH SOCIETY AT BHAVAN BANQUET Bharat Britain: South Asians Making Britain, 1870-1950 HAS MULTICULTURALISM Dance presentation by Bhavan teachers and students HAD ITS DAY? Shyama Perera his question has currently surfaced in the minds of many n 13 and 14 September 2010, the he conference made visible new research curriculum and the ways in which present and the Patcham Chattri dedicated to the South Tconcerned people. It all began with Trevor Phillips, Head Oexciting project ‘Making Britain: South Tfrom an impressive range of distinguished past colonial and postcolonial histories are Asian soldiers who died in the Brighton of the Equality and Human Rights Commission who has been Asian Visions of Home and Abroad, 1870- scholars, practitioners, curators and writers. written, discussing a number of models that hospitals. quoted as having said that “Multiculturalism is tantamount to 1950’ reached fruition with an international ‘Bharat Britain’ engaged discussion on the look at the presence of South Asians in the in conversation with Shyama sleepwalking into segregation”. On the other hand, notables conference at the British Library. range of networks and affiliations South here and now instead of being more centrally Perera talked about how memories of the like Lord Bhikhu Parekh, author of the Runnymede report The Conference panel Asians and Britons formed factored into national historical narratives. past and knowledge of such histories is on Multi-ethnic Britain maintains that he does not buy that across boundaries of ‘race’, While a body of scholarship in academic interwoven in the present. Elleke Boehmer, kind of thinking and goes on to remark, “This is like saying ‘nation’, ‘culture’ and ‘class’, circles addresses such issues, Burton argued Alexander Bubb, Ann David and Sarah Socialism is dead” Now where does this leave us? setting up connections which that this scholarship should be open to a wider Turner presented on cultural representations This magazine takes the view that the bottom line is where were to anticipate the diverse audience as part of a revised national history and networks in London, ranging from the migrants while rightfully trying to retain their identity through cultural make up of British curriculum. This was particularly appropriate dance performances of Uday Shankar and various cultural practices of their cherished heritage, must at all society today. in the light of the current government’s plans Ram Gopal to the close relationship between times bear in mind that they are not perceived as posing a threat One of the objectives of the to narrow the history curriculum in Britain poet Rabindranath Tagore and artist and to the British way of life and values. This is of fundamental he Rt. Hon. The Lord Tom McNally, Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and Minister of State for Justice two days at the British Library once more to a version of the well-known critic William Rothenstein, and poets Sarojini importance in the interest of social cohesion and integration. Twas Chief Guest at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s annual fund-raising Diwali Banquet on Wednesday 10th was to show how Asians ‘island story’. Naidu and Edmund Gosse. The papers A recent report in the Prospect magazine quotes a survey November 2010, with High Commissioner of India, Shri Nalin Surie as joint Chief Guest. participated and interacted in Susheila Nasta, Director of the Making explored how such artistic networks and made in the northern towns of Oldham, Bradford and Burnley The gala dinner attended by many distinguished guests from all walks of life, including members of both all aspects of British cultural Britain project, and pioneering historian encounters not only shaped and influenced which had witnessed rioting by young Asians in the summer Houses of Parliament, took place at the prestigious Millennium Mayfair Hotel, London. Distinguished participants from across the and political life including an area where Sri Rozina Visram engaged broadcaster Mukti London’s cultural landscape but significantly of 2001. The riots had followed more than a decade of official In his speech of welcome, Bhavan Chairman Maneck Dalal OBE, paid tribute to the close co-operation globe showcased the depth and breadth of the Lankans form an important part—the élite Jain Campion in a stimulating conversation impacted on representations of India in the anti-racism and diversity policies at local and national levels. between the Indian High Commission and the Bhavan. He also acknowledged the close ties between the South Asian presence in Britain in the period. literary and artistic circles of Bloomsbury that elaborated on Burton’s argument, imperial metropolis. The traffic in other Today, despite the well intentioned efforts of council officials, Bhavan and the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in welcoming the Mayor Councillor Adronie Alford. Highlights were the presence of the eminent where friendships were forged between highlighting the wealth of material words between Britain and India went in two teachers, police and local charities, there is heightened tension High Commissioner Shri Nalin Surie praised the work of writer, historian and political commentator, novelists, poets and painters. Another area of available on the South Asian presence in directions: from colony to metropolis and between communities. It is further stated that despite years of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in London and said that Diwali Nayantara Sahgal as well as the contributions interest were the anti-colonial organisations Britain which allows us to re-evaluate from metropolis to colony. official exhortation to “celebrate diversity” many people had sent a message of victory of good over evil, of faith and from pioneering historians and cultural critics which brought South Asian and British the manner in which British history is retreated into their ethnic camps. hope, and the joy that flowed when such hopes and dreams including Rozina Visram—author of Asians activists together in the lead up to Indian presented. Key questions were raised about Database The growth of race relations management, diversity training came true. in Britain: 400 Years of History—Antoinette independence. Significantly too, there was silenced histories and how these should be s one of its major outputs, Making and “promoting good relations” has come at a cost. On the Lord McNally believed that festivals such as Eid, Hannukah, Burton, Humayan Ansari, Mukti Jain much attention paid to the battlefields of read and interpreted in the present. ABritain launched its online database at other hand people have got so cocooned into their cultural Diwali and Christmas, were testaments to a diverse and tolerant Campion, Meera Syal and Shyama Perera. the two world P r o f e s s o r the conference. Accessible free of charge this Meera Syal and Shyama Perera enclaves that it is even disturbing. Leading what has come to society. The Indian community had contributed greatly to The conference and the wider outputs of wars where H u m a y u n interactive research tool offers information be known as “parallel lives”, there is hardly any time to identify the British economy and culture. They had influenced the the project are directed beyond the academic Indian scores A n s a r i about South Asians in Britain in the period with “being British.” UK’s music, cinema and tastes for food. Britain and India audience to all who have an interest in the of sepoys and presented on 1870-1950. It pays particular attention This is where this magazine is in the thick of promoting were natural partners with a shared history. long history of South Asians in Britain and v o l u n t e e r s the minute to South Asian networks in Britain, their British home grown concepts and cultural practices such as After toasts of loyalty to the Queen and the President of Bhavan Chairman Maneck Dalal (left) the relationship between Britain and the f o u g h t book of the relationships with British figures, events they British Asian creative writing, drama and dance forms, that India, a cultural programme presented by the Bhavan’s teachers in conversation with High Commissioner subcontinent. To this end, the biggest public a l o n g s i d e East London participated in and their locations in Britain. and students followed. Nalin Surie (right), seen with ex-India achievement of the Making Britain project is B r i t i s h Mosque, which It offers a number of different browsing encourage and sustain cross cultural practices farmed on wicket keeper Farokh Engineer (centre) British soil as a way of bringing people together across the racial the interactive database, the ‘South Asians s o l d i e r s . celebrates its options and features a timeline, location divide—the down to earth practice of true social cohesion making Britain’ timeline published on the What is clear c e n t e n a r y maps and network diagrams to illustrate the Awards for emerging creative writers Guardian website and the touring exhibition is that these this year. manifold connections of this earlier South Subscribe to Confluence and have your copy which were all launched in September. encounters were often marked by hierarchies Illustrating the development of the mosque Asian diasporic community. The database delivered regularly to your doorstep. £10.00 for UK The database is hosted by the Open and dissent and the conference examined from its inception to the present day and its also highlights selected source materials, subscribers and £15.00 for overseas. University at http://www.open.ac.uk/ whether through protest, strike or petition, vital role in the formation of identities and bibliographical references and archive details Please address cheques to ‘Confluence Foundation’, 13, Claremont Court, makingbritain. The Making Britain exhibition South Asians struggled for their rights as sense of community, he also made plain the for researchers interested in the South Asian 172 Selhurst Road, London SE25 6LS will tour the UK in 2010-2011, starting citizens of Empire helping to shift ideas of ways in which the mosque has impacted on presence in Britain and will be an invaluable in Bradford and then moving to Leicester. ‘Britishness’ in the process. the social, cultural and political environment research tool for anyone interested in exploring PUBLISHED BY: For further dates visit http://www.open. Setting the tone for the conference was the in East London. Dominiek Dendooven, South Asian contributions to Britain further. CONFLUENCE FOUNDATION ac.uk/Arts/south-asians-making-britain/ keynote address by the renowned Indian writer Santanu Das, and Florian Stadtler examined 13 CLAREMONT COURT 172 SELHURST ROAD, LONDON SE25 6LS exhibition.htm. The interactive timeline is Nayantara Sahgal. Titled ‘The Importance of the contributions of South Asian soldiers Exhibition still available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Strangers’, her talk looked at the many ways in both world wars, raising pertinent touring panel exhibition co-curated PUBLISHER/EDITOR: JOE NATHAN world/interactive/2011/sep/10/south-asians- in which the connections and relationships questions, especially in the context of current A by the project team and the British (J.A. Sothinathan) making-britain. of the Nehru family in the 1930s and 1940s anniversary commemorations of World War I Library was launched at the conference. Telephone: 020 8771 1156 Over the past three years, the project has influenced perceptions of Britain and India and II. They drew attentions to the absence The panel display will tour venues across Email: [email protected] examined the numerous ways in which South and impacted on the future shape of India. of South Asian voices in the memorialisation England in 2010/11 and will be on show DESIGNER: HOWARD LAKE Asians contributed to Britain’s cultural, “There is no end to our involvement with of both world wars, despite the fact that in Bradford, Manningham, Leicester, economic, political, intellectual and social life. strangers and the debt we owe to them,” she their presence is well documented in the Brighton, Woking, and Croydon. Plans The views expressed by interviewees or Led by Professor Susheila Nasta (also Editor of told a packed hall. “The fallout of change archives. Historian Dominiek Dendooven, are also underway to tour a revised and contributors are their own and do not necessarily Wasafiri) at the Open University and working works both ways... Where does one culture curator at the In Flanders Fields Museum in expanded version to selected venues in reflect Confluence editorial policy. No part of this publication or part of in collaboration with Oxford University, begin and another end when they are housed Ypres, offered an insider’s perspective on the India in 2011-12. The panels focus on a the contents thereof may be King’s College, London, the British Library in the same person. Inheritance is many-sided challenges of curating exhibitions and displays wide range of South Asian-British networks reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or and SALIDAA, the project has uncovered a and it takes many forms.” She told a story that highlight non-European involvement in and interactions including South Asian transmitted in any form without the express wealth of new source materials from a range of her uncle, Nehru, asking of her mother the First World War. These commemorations contributions to sport, the arts, domestic, permission of the publisher in writing. of archives in Britain, India, Sri Lanka and before a pending trip to Washington: “Which have often been organised by grassroots cultural and intellectual life, resistance and © Copyright, Confluence Foundation 2010 the United States, materials which highlight facet of myself should I put to the American organisations before more official recognition activism, as well as global politics. The Confluence Foundation held its 2nd annual Awards Day in Creative Writing at the Croydon Town Hall, UK the important cultural connections, networks public, the Indian or the European?” at state level follows. Interestingly, a more Shyama Perera is Chairperson of the The next issue of Confluence will be the January 2011 issue to be published (its home borough) on December 15th with the Council’s Director of Education and Children, Mr. Alan Potter and roles of South Asians in this relatively American historian Antoinette Burton recent campaign of this kind has led to the South Asian Diaspora Literature and in the second week of that month giving away the awards. Pictured here is Mr.Potter addressing the award winners on the occasion. little known period of British history. raised crucial questions about the history inauguration of a new memorial adjacent to Arts Archives (SALIDAA) 2 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 3 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE A PERSPECTIVE COVER STORY

Continued from page 1: Capping Immigration To The UK annual limit on economic migration to the UK. about the limited impact that the proposed cap is likely to an accompanying strategy of investing in skills and training Dialectical Materialism and Faith: A Hindu Perspective have on total immigration numbers, noting that even if the in the UK workforce, something which will be difficult to Gautam Banerji Capping economic immigration: the state of the cap were set at such a level as to reduce numbers at twice achieve in the current economic and fiscal climate. policy debate the rate set by the current interim measure it would only remember being branded the ‘angry young man’ in my committed to the elevation of the masses and believed that individual can lead a peaceful and un-distracted life. Before oon after the general election, the government reduce total immigration by around 2 per cent. Political risks I salad days when judgment was green. I have mellowed. social change can be brought about only on a firm footing of preaching religion, he believed in the need to ensure that the Sannounced its intention to cap immigration for So far, the indications are that the government has ublic concerns about immigration are real - polling Now in my season of autumnal fruitfulness, the riot of right conduct, character and spirituality. recipient was well nourished and well fed. For Vivekananda this work from outside the EU. In June 2010, the UKBA listened to at least some of the concerns expressed Pconsistently shows that people in the UK are worried colours of youth has been left behind. As I write this note, I Marx was an ardent socialist who believed in dialectical was a prime requirement for spiritual evolution and growth. launched a consultation on how this might be done, during these various consultations, with suggestions about the issue. But a promise to cap immigration will not see the ivy turn to rust in my garden. They will soon fall. The materialism. He approached life through the dialectics of Marxism also professes the attainment of a different order, alongside the introduction of an interim cap on Tier 1 that the cap may not apply to all parts of Tiers 1 and 2 necessarily prove to be the easy political win that it might desolation of the English winter will soon descend. And there confronting, studying and understanding natural phenomena. that is, a classless society. A socialist state has no exploitation and parts of Tier 2 of the PBS. At the same time, the and talk of flexibility and exemptions. It is also clear that appear to be. While it is legitimate for the government will be the longing once again for the advent of spring. At the same time Marxism is materialistic in its means of and the individual is freed from the burden of having to government commissioned the Migration Advisory there are significant tensions within government about to take a view on the total level of immigration to the In my younger days, progress seemed to be linear. interpretation. Dialectical materialism is reckoned to be a work for those who exploit his labour. This in turn leads to a Committee (MAC) to consult and advise on the level this policy, with clear indications that the Treasury, the UK, a specific target to reduce net immigration risks Today I can appreciate the cyclic pattern of the seasons. scientific approach to social analysis founded upon western classless society. at which a cap might be set. In Parliament, the House Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and being a hostage to fortune. Significant migration flows Life renews itself. It never ceases to exist. empiricism and is opposed to oriental idealism which offers an Both Vivekananda and Marx founded their ideologies of Commons Home Affairs Committee also took key members of the government are concerned about (of British people and EU migrants) cannot be limited I call myself a Hindu today. It was not so very long ago, when interpretation based upon spirituality. upon the search for emancipation. They however differed on evidence on the cap and published its report at the start the possible economic impacts. by government (for example, recent increases in net I attended an Inter-faith event here in London and signed in as Marx believed in the power of economic forces. Religion the fundamentals. Marxism advocates the need to grip one’s of November. Announcements from government on the The government’s recent discussions with India immigration were driven largely by reduced net emigration a Practical Vedantist. I was admonished by my peer group in for him was the opium of the masses inflicted and imposed destiny by putting up a fight against oppression. Vivekananda level and operation of the cap are expected before the underlined the risk that the cap contributes to an impression by British nationals) and key elements of the remainder my community for not falling in line. “We are all Hindus” I was upon them by the ruling class. Marxism sees in institutionalised sought a spiritual dimension through self-sacrifice. Where end of the year, for implementation from April 2011. that the UK is not ‘open for business’ (such as asylum) are governed by international, European told. And it was expected that I declare myself to be one. religion as practised in 19th century Europe a coveted design to Marxism fails in my opinion is in its inert capacity to realise The proposal to cap skilled immigration to the UK or UK legal frameworks that are difficult to change. I had known to believe that ‘Hindu’ was a word of convenience exploit human ignorance and credulity. its utopia. Communism, the panacea of all evils, has not been through Tiers 1 and 2 of the PBS has drawn a significant The government’s policy options Net immigration is also a rather esoteric measure—the concocted by ancient Persians to denote their neighbours Moreover, Marx is believed to have been an internationalist achieved or realised to-date. It is the ultimate ‘heavenly abode’ amount of media interest and comment (both positive and o what policy options does this leave open to the government could succeed in reducing net immigration across the river Indus. There was a whole world beyond that who cared little for the sentiments behind nationalism. The that every Marxist aspires to arrive at some day. negative) and has also raised concerns from a wide range Sgovernment? In the next few weeks, the government to zero and the public might still be very concerned by the ancient Persians discovered much later down the pages of largest gap in his writings in politics was the limited attention Further, contrary to popular belief that the foundation of affected stakeholders—the UKBA received over 3000 must answer four questions: high levels of gross immigration (if a million people arrived history. My humble roots in Gangetic West Bengal were a world given to nationalism at a time when Europe was witnessing of Marxism is ‘internationalism’, I would venture to responses to its consultation. Business leaders, economists, • Should changes be made to the thresholds and points while a million others left). apart from the Indus Valley. In my younger days I had resisted argue that Marxism, despite its universal appeal, remains and economic departments within government have raised Specifically, the proposed cap on Tiers 1 and 2 of the PBS being branded and labelled. Today I do not complain. I have “For me, as a Hindu the world essentially Eurocentric in its origin. This remains a concerns about the impacts of a cap on growth (and on is based on a misunderstanding of what the public wants. reconciled myself to the fact that it does not really matter. moves in circles with shifting contradiction that many Marxists shun shy to come to the fiscal position). Unions are worried about the impacts Our research has looked in detail at the views of those who My attraction to dialectical materialism could be traced to concentricity. To that extent, I terms with. The source of Marxism was Europe and it was of a cap on growth and public services. Employers (in the are worried about immigration. This research found that, my desire to find an easy slip-shod solution to the constant even more Eurocentric than regular Imperialism. public, private and voluntary sectors) have highlighted when they are given the space to discuss the issues in detail, conflicts that confront our daily existence. In a different age believe in many myriads of Moreover, Marx fully shared the contempt of British their fears that they will not be able to recruit the staff self-declared sceptics often have nuanced and moderate and clime, confronted with a similar dilemma, Siddhartha worlds and world orders that Imperialists for India. He said: “Indian society has no history they need. Multinational companies have suggested that views on the issue. They are concerned about the scale of renounced the comforts of his princely existence and donned have continued to evolve and at all, at least no known history. What we call its history, is but any limitations on their ability to move staff to the UK recent immigration, but they can also see the benefits for the ochre robe to research the mysteries of human life. In his disappear time and time again...” the history of successive intruders.” He also held the view that from other parts of their operations might lead them to the UK - they respect the hard work of migrants and the blissful Enlightenment, he set the Wheel of Law in motion. India neither knew freedom nor deserved it. To him the question relocate elsewhere. Small businesses have raised concerns contribution they make. In particular, the public can see I am no Buddha. Nor do I pretend to seek salvation through rapid political transformation through birth of nation states. was “not whether the English had a right to conquer India, but that the operation of a cap will favour large employers with the value of highly skilled migration—by capping these renunciation. I believe and do believe earnestly that we need Marx believed that nations were a by-product of capitalism whether we are to prefer India conquered by the Briton.” The specialist legal and human resources capacity. Public sector immigration flows, the government is limiting a flow that to grip life firmly by the horns. To that extent I am practical founded upon the economic undercurrent of bringing origins of Marxism to that extent are steeped in intra-European employers are worried about their ability to recruit key staff the public do not generally perceive to be a problem. but certainly not materialistic. If I had sought the tools for about markets for goods produced. Marx proclaimed that rivalry for political power, ideological dominance and control. at a time of wage restraint. Existing migrant workers are requirements for Tiers 1 or 2? People want the government to be in control of social analysis in Marx at a point of time in my evolution and the proletariat was not confined by national frontiers and I am inclined to conclude, again contrary to popular belief, concerned about their ability to renew their visas and stay • Which parts of Tiers 1 and 2 should be included in immigration and to be honest with them about the growth, I had not failed to keep Swami Vivekananda close to championed international co-operation of the working class. that while Marxism used radical slogans, its aims were essentially in the UK. Universities and academics (including a high- the cap? numbers. Neither of these would be achieved by a cap that my heart. He continues to provide me the inspiration today. Vivekananda, on the contrary, was a nationalist to the core reactionary. It taught that Europe was the centre and the rest profile group of Nobel laureates) are concerned about the • At what level should the cap be set for each part of is held up as an important part of the ‘solution’ to mass To that extent I feel proud to declare myself a Hindu though and believed in patriotism and national pride and human of the world its periphery - not by chance but by an inherent UK’s status as a global centre of research and teaching. Tiers 1 and 2? immigration but then fails to deliver. The risk is that a it makes me no less a Practical Vedantist. dignity. He was proud of the Indian legacy and was of the dialectics of history. This came through a linear approach to Concerns about the likely impacts of a cap have also • How should the cap be implemented in practice? key policy is then perceived either as a failure or as spin. Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) and Karl Marx (1818- view that every nation is born and not created. According to human evolution and human history dominating western been raised by the immediate effects of the interim cap— Neither would go down at all well with the public. 1883) were perhaps two towering personalities of the 19th Swami Vivekananda, “Every nation has a national purpose of thought through the scientific researches of Darwin. many employers (particularly small businesses) have found Change criteria? century, who redefined our outlook on human nature and its own. Either in obedience to the law of nature, or by virtue For me, as a Hindu the world moves in circles with shifting themselves unable to recruit the staff they need to fill here may be possible consequences for productivity Where next for the government’s immigration policy? society. Vivekananda’s masterful oratory and Marx’s magnum of the superior genius of the great ones, the social manners and concentricity. To that extent, I believe in many myriads of vacancies (or even to renew visas for existing staff). Tand wider employment within affected organisations, he government has put itself in a very difficult opus Das Capital were a source of optimism and inspiration customs of every nation is moulded into shape, so as to bring worlds and world orders that have continued to evolve and On the other side, some anti-migration groups and sectors and connected businesses. In others, an inability Tposition. There is a direct trade-off between setting for the advance of human prosperity and emancipation. that purpose to fruition.” Vivekananda wanted each nation to disappear time and time again. For me the ‘core’ remains commentators are concerned that the government’s proposals to bring international staff to the UK might lead firms the cap on Tiers 1 and 2 of the PBS at a level that is These two great men in two different parts of the world, grow to its full stature and strength, thus contributing to the the still point of the turning wheel from where one achieves do not go far enough. The proposed cap on Tiers 1 and 2 of to relocate away from the UK (as an illustration, Canada low enough to have a substantial effect on total net with their distinctive philosophies, were totally committed sum total of world’s growth and human welfare. the capacity to be the silent witness to all movement and the PBS affects only around 20 per cent of total immigration has successfully attracted a number of large employers immigration and setting it in such a way that it doesn’t to the cause of the oppressed and were ready to sacrifice Despite Vivekananda’s national pride, his thoughts in change and yet not being drawn into it. to the UK, and suggestions of exemptions and flexibility in away from the USA on the basis of its more liberal visa damage businesses, public services, universities and our everything for that cause. Both were revolutionary thinkers many ways remained deeply imbued in western empiricism For me as a Hindu, this vantage point at the centre of the the proposed cap have led to accusations that the government regime for skilled workers) or reduce their investment in economy. No amount of expert advice from the MAC who pioneered a radical change, in their own unique ways. acquired through his formal academic training in educational turning wheel has a spiritual dimension. It is a position I reserve is not serious about reducing immigration as promised. the UK. Other effects would be less tangible, such as the will get around this trade-off. Vivekananda and Marx viewed socialism through two institutions of his days. Vivekananda stood apart in his for my ‘gods’ and ‘saints’ my ‘murshids’ and ‘rasuls’ my ‘guru’ The Home Affairs Committee (HAC) report looked possible impacts on science and innovation of limits on There is no way in which any reasonable cap on Tiers different prisms with the ultimate goal of uplifting the age and time by his persistent effort to question authority and ‘avatar’. I place the wheel in their hands for them to hold as at both the likely impacts of a cap on Tiers 1 and 2 the ability of universities to attract the best international 1 and 2 of the PBS can make a significant contribution downtrodden and the exploited. Both continue to hold on the strength of reason. He was a thorough scientist to they will. They descend from age to age with a Divine Purpose of the PBS and at how effective such a cap would be talent. More broadly, the government’s recent discussions to meeting the government’s desired reductions in total inspiration for those who champion the cause of the underdog. the core. To that extent he was unique. He analysed the to set the Wheel of Law in motion. They come to uphold and in meeting the government’s overall immigration with India underlined the risk that the cap contributes to net immigration. Even achieving a 5 per cent reduction They differed in their prescriptive remedies. While Marxism foundations of ancient Indian wisdom and brought the sanctify Righteousness and cleanse the world of Misdeeds. An policy objective. On the first question, the HAC report an impression that the UK is not ‘open for business’—the in overall immigration - a reduction probably not large foresees the eventual emancipation of the oppressed by armed texts of authority out of the cloistered shelters of hermits in epoch ends for another to begin. Life continues to evolve and concludes - quoting from a range of organisations which same strong political rhetoric about immigration that enough to register on the public’s radar, and certainly insurrection, Vivekananda infuses a spiritual dimension to self- forests to men in the streets. He lived life to the brim. in the process revolve. The Centre subtly shifts. made submissions to the committee - that an arbitrary may appeal to some domestic constituencies can have real nowhere close to the reduction that the government is sacrifice through service for the poor and oppressed. It is commonly understood that in Hinduism, the ultimate In the midst of the present day despondency and gloom cap, set too low, will be damaging for businesses and the impacts on the migration decisions of individuals and the seeking—would mean reducing skilled migration through Swami Vivekananda’s attitude towards socialism is summed aim of human life is the attainment of salvation. Seeking I see a ray of hope. The ivy in my garden has turned rust UK economy. The report also emphasises that it is not investment decisions of international firms. Tiers 1 and 2 by 25 per cent. The government cannot up in his own words: “I am a socialist, not because it is a personal salvation in the words of Vivekananda and his Master, no doubt. As I pass through the cold solely the private sector which will be affected by the All this underlines the difficulty of setting a cap that meet the demands of the anti-migration lobby while also perfect system, but because I believe that half a loaf is better Sri Ramakrishna, was selfish to the core. For Vivekananda the winter again, I know that life will begin cap, and highlights in particular the need for the UK to has a meaningful impact on total immigration numbers. responding to the concerns of employers and others. than no bread.” Vivekananda saw socialism as a ray of hope purpose of human life was to acquire the capacity to extend anew with the advent of spring. recruit the most talented scientists into universities, and This trade-off could be managed, to some extent, by for the myriad of problems confronting India at his time. His to others where needed. At the same time he believed that it Gautam Banerji is a solicitor and possible impacts on education and social care. implementing the cap over a longer time frame (that is, by The above has been abridged from an IPPR report concept of socialism was in no way averse to religion. He stood was necessary to attain a socio-economic order wherein an social activist On the second question, the HAC report raises concerns reducing numbers gradually). However, this would require issued in November 2010 4 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 5 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE THE DEVI RAJAB COLUMN MONEY, MARKETS AND MANAGEMENT South African newsletter INDIA: THE FUTURE OF CHANGE From Darkness To Light The world’s largest emerging market proud heritage of tilling the soil, picking and cowered by the taunts, handling and overzealous Indian detectives in the up the garbage , planting the vegetables, laughter of the local natives, they seemed Special Branch and the Jews who served By Avinash Kalla sweeping the streets, selling fruit and a frail and miserable sample”. He notes in the Nazi ‘concentration camps. vegetables in the market place, waiting at two Brahmins, five Rajputs-Kshatriyas, In addition, their social and cultural lives he World needs India more than with the world, which gives it a unique developed software argues Sudhir. to the function and develop an edge,” tables in hotels, working in the coal mines, (the warrior caste), two Kumbhar couples, were limited and this was compounded TIndia needs the world. An overstated upper hand. So far in 2010 UK, USA asserts Kumar. selling newspapers and driving buses. traditionally potters, a young couple of by an imbalance in the ratio of men to emotionally charged statement by an and France have inked multibillion deals Beyond IT Though a helpless victim of apartheid, I the Sona or goldsmith caste, a barber, 5 women. Of significance was the high optimistic Indian? It could have been and Russia and China will follow suit,” But India’s growth and impact on world Branding India also have a proud heritage of fighting for men and three women from the Ahir caste suicide rate, which according to authorities had it not come from someone heading says Stefan Wagstyal, Emerging Markets business is beyond IT. Rajesh N Prasad, Against these immense possibilities, justice and leading the vanguard against of cowherds and dairy men, 4 of whom was the second highest in the British the manufacturing business unit of IT Editor, Financial Times, who spent three Deputy High Commissioner, UK the land of opportunity, despite having an oppressive regime with higher order were associated with the catching of colonies—the most common method giant Infosys in Europe. Now it does years in New Delhi as chief of bureau. attributes this to Democracy, Diversity, a unique identity, needs branding and principles of non violence. Now after 4 snakes and reptiles, three gardeners, two of suicide being hanging oneself by ones pack a punch. Development and Demographics that positioning to add strength and enhance generations I can proudly say that Mother shoemakers or Chamars and four Baghee, turban. This is particularly poignant in Business heads, academics, bureaucrats, Desi Bytes India offers to the world. the global outlook towards India. This Africa has defined me, embraced me and or sanitary cleaners. The last two groups the sense that the turban symbolised students and business professionals from For those doing business in the west and “If you look closely India has made all is where the India Future of Change moulded me into this unique product who were untouchables sat apart from the lost status. Powerlessness was symbolised UK and India spoke their minds and tracing their origins to India, the country these four aspects play a defining role initiative seeks its role. oday 150 years ago a symbiotic aptly described as “conceived in India, rest. Then there were some Muslims, one by their inability to defend and provide hearts as Aditya Birla India Centre, was a repository of untapped resources to the success we have achieved today. “The idea is to seek global support and Trelationship between the sugar made in SA” of whom he noted was ‘too gentle and for their women having emerged from a London Business School hosted the and prospects. “The over billion Missing any of these will leave a void.” pick the best ideas from across the world industry and the Indian community began. The history of Indian South Africans distinguished for servile employment’. culture where gender was definitive where India Future of Change initiative seeking population is a great market opportunity India offers new frontiers of investment and bring in the best talent” says Amit In celebrations throughout the country I men were men and women were women. solutions to how will India Partner the and offered immense possibilities,” said to the world. “It is the world’s largest Shahi, CEO, the Idea Works. was asked by the sugar industry to deliver “Powerlessness was symbolised by their There were several cases of women world to shape the future of change? Babu Datta, Managing Director, Evolve emerging market and the past six months The ambitious five-year initiative a speech on the theme from darkness to committing suicide as well by way of This initiative, after travelling to Creative Ltd. Babu added, “Creatives are have shown tremendous potential both promises to take India to the world and light. As I mulled over our struggles and inability to defend and provide for their hanging themselves with their saris. Spain, Singapore, and Germany, came to the third largest revenue earning sector.” ways, people investing in India and garner creative support from across the tribulations of Indians in SA, the insights Secondly they had to abandon the caste London. Echoing Stefan Wagstyal, Dr. Ajanta Indians investing overseas,” says Mukesh globe. As Shahai puts it, “The idea is brought home the poignancy of their women having emerged from a culture system which wasn’t a bad thing at all but Sen from IIT Mumbai opines, “What Rajani, Leader of India Business Group, to get students and professionals across enslaved exile. Torn from their moorings where gender was definitive where men still was a traumatic change in their social View from West (Left to right) Sudhir Chaturvedi, Head Europe, geographies to compete, through sheer dint of hard work and standing. A positive development was a Through western eyes, Infosys Technologies; Prof Nirmalya Kumar, London collaborate and co-create a diligence they put down new roots turned were men and women were women...” deep sense of generosity and charity that diversity, enthusiasm, Business School; Mukesh Rajani, Partner, PWC; better future for all of us.” adaptability, engagement and Stefan Wagstyl, Emerging Markets Editor, Financial A larger scheme of things barren land verdant and metamorphosed developed for their survival in a foreign Times and Sharath Chandra, COO, Absolute Radio into loyal and abiding nationals of their land. Thirdly another by product of their the country’s unique ability aims at building a network country of adoption. immigration was that Love and romance to communicate with the of India enthusiasts and Indians growing up in Africa have had went beyond caste and religion. west in a language they are futurists who dare to a rich and challenging life of immigration, From these inauspicious beginnings, comfortable with, English, imagine what the world indenture and struggle politics and I was Indian South Africans have come a long makes the big difference to would look like in a couple a product of this heritage. My forefathers way by the onset of the twenty first India’s ability to bond with of decades down the road came from the South of India having left century. In time, the colonial repression the world and formulate and work towards making behind a way of life, relatives, a culture would give way to apartheid and political business partnerships. this dream possible. of cuisine, music, language, religion and repression, the ogre of which was only “India is the most sought “Between now and 2015, Indian indentured labour arriving in Natal in the 1860s (left) and a family after partner for any country we intend putting together a rich ethnic tradition. The flip side was group from the 1880s successfully repulsed in 1994. poverty, stringent adherence to tradition, In SA, both indentured and trader that wants to do business a body of knowledge limited life opportunities, the caste system has been well documented in various As in a menagerie or zoo, unbeknown alike contributed to the welfare and today and expand beyond that can be showcased and the pressures of family expectations publications which give an account of to themselves the new arrivals were economic growth of Natal in terms of its borders,” says Jude Kelly, as the achievement of and control. indentured Indians who came to Natal being observed at every turn. The ship’s labour, goodwill and economic expertise Artistic Director, Southbank a collaborative effort of In a diasporic haemorrhage , when from 1860 to 1911, and the vicissitudes surgeon Dr Mathews, who at various for the general good of the entire South centre. is happening today has happened in the Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP. students from across the world at the Indians left India’s shores mainly for that faced them upon their arrival. Their times was accused of rape, attempted African nation. Yet since their arrival The land of innumerable opportunities past. India has a history of assimilating Apart from these facets there are a few Milan World Expo 2015,” says Shahai economic reasons either as indentured initial jubilation of finding a Shangri Li rape or indecent assault against female 150 years ago no memorial stands to this is growing rapidly for the west and in ideas and functions. We adapt and traits which are predominantly Indian in outlining the roadmap of the nation’s labourers or as passenger traders, they filled with the promise of a better life was immigrants observed “At meals times day to acknowledge their contributions many ways has changed the way the develop quickly as a nation and this adds nature and can’t be replicated elsewhere branding and global public diplomacy brought along with them, a fearless sorely crushed when they arrived in Natal they present a funny sight, the different to the development particularly of the world perceives it. to the country’s USP.” which give it a unique position in the programme. determination to succeed and took on the to face a barrage of 144 odd laws which family groups around their plates, helping sugar industry in Natal. Washington has “If growth continues at the same rate, Explaining his stand Sudhir Chaturvedi, global marketplace. According to Dr. character of the country of their adoption restricted their lives socially, politically themselves with their fingers out of the its Lincoln Memorial, Paris its Arc de the west will have to run hard to catch up head manufacturing business unit, Nirmalya Kumar, professor of Marketing, Partnership while still retaining their religious and and culturally. same pannekin. Here and there a wife, Triomphe, Rio its Christ the Redeemer, with India and keep pace,” opined Sian Infosys Europe cites the example of London Business School, there is an The initiative has garnered support. cultural roots. The journey took 45 days from Madras more attentive than the rest, feeds her and Delhi its Gandhi Memorial. Even Prime, Course Director, MA Creative and US Company Apple. “It’s an American injection of intelligence at most levels INDIA Future of Change is supported by Today I am a product of this mass scale and 54 days from Calcutta, in sailing ships husband, rolling the rice into balls and Port Elizabeth has built the Freedom cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths. company with British design, produced which adds to India’s strength. He states, the Public Diplomacy Division, Ministry human trek from India to Africa. and paddle steamers packed to the brim popping them into his mouth...” In Tower, a structure taller than the Statue Taking the thought further, David in China and has Indian software,” he “This has to do with the phenomenon of External Affairs, Government of India. I am a living example of this testimony with its ‘human cargo.’ Their reception keeping with every man’s fantasy it is little of Liberty, to express the spirit of freedom Adams, Managing Director, Global points out. of over qualified people at times doing Apart from government institutions like of a proud heritage that my forefathers was one accorded to parcels of labour to be wonder today that the stereotypical image and celebrate the life and work of Nelson Cities says, “More than anything else He said further, “Had it not been for odd jobs.” the Centre for Innovation, Incubation built for me some 150 years ago with their immunized, cleansed, fed and sheltered. of the subservient or nurturing Indian Mandela. And why can’t we in KwaZulu it’s the infectious enthusiasm that India the software, Apple would not have been At many Business Process Outsourcing and Entrepreneurship, the Indian blood, sweat and tears. And out of their Commenting on the first batch of arrivals female still persists. Natal acknowledge the contribution of exuberates which fuels growth and attracts able to deliver what it does at the price it (BPO) centres there are highly skilled Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, toil I emerged having metamorphosed James Saunders, manager of the Tongaat Life was not easy for our indentured a minority group who have lived and investors from across the boundaries.” does. Pricing the products at such rates people doing a relatively easy job given Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay from various historical designations of Sugar Estate observed that they “squatted Indian forefathers as harsh working worked to build up a viable SA nation? These views explain why in 2010 five would not have been possible without their skills. This leads to them devising and Financial Times are on board as coolie, Amakula, Amaindya, Asiatic, dejectedly in small groups, according to conditions translated to extended working The above is the text of the 2010 world leaders including British Prime the software.” ways in which they can do the work Knowledge Partners. Indian, Charow to the pinnacle of my new religion or caste, like martyrs awaiting the hours, restrictions in their movements and annual Desmond Tutu Peace Minister David Cameron visited India Not just Apple, giants like Tesco, effectively as well as quickly. “This comes So how effective can this engagement identity as a fully fledged South African. lions. Exhausted by their long hot and punitive overseers or sirdars. (In the face lecture delivered by leading South seeking alliances for business ventures services like NHS, British Telecom are out of the sheer mundane nature of the of thinking minds be? Siddhartha Dev, a I am a unique creation unlike my dusty march from the Port, discouraged by of the role of the Sirdar who oppresses African journalist Dr.Devi Rajab. and investments. all unified by India. Somewhere, behind jobs these people do. Knowingly or marketing consultant who participated in counterparts in the rest of Africa. I have a their strange and uncomfortable quarters his own people, one is reminded of the She is at : [email protected] “India has a history of engagement their smooth running systems is Indian unknowingly they add value Continued on page 8 6 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 7 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE INTERNATIONAL LAW Continued from page 8: ‘India: The Future Of Change’ India Media Centre at University of Westminster the talks says, “Initiative from the Indian government he India Media Centre, conferences, events, leading publications KOSOVO AND SELF-DETERMINATION is good. Targeting the young abroad makes sense in the world’s first research and policy documents and attracting high- terms of addressing awareness and perceptions for T and knowledge transfer centre quality research students. The Centre An international law perspective the future more positively.” dedicated to the study of will also build collaborative links with that media, has been set up international institutions, policy makers, Challenges Dr K. Parameswaran at the School of Media, Arts NGOs and creative and cultural industries Riding on the crest of development India does face and Design, University of and provide a platform for UK-based Indian The time is ripe for a constitutional framework on self-determination based on international law, understanding and co-operation. its share of challenges to sustain, capitalise and build Westminster, London. The media, arts and cultural organizations on this growth. Will India manage to move to the his article does not aim to dissect the judgement of the the monarchs of historical times who claimed a divine right declaration, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Kashmir and India, Centre is a collaboration through exhibitions, installations and film next level? The biggest challenge that confronts International Court of Justice at The Hague delivered in its or any rule or sanction that imposed a common fate upon the Tibet and China, Taiwan and China, and Iraq, New between Communication screenings. T India according to David Adam, Managing Advisory Opinion on July 22nd 2010 on the issue of Kosovo’s governed without their wishes or consent. The political thoughts Zealand’s nationalism, Volkstaat in South Africa, and Media Research Institute Quality services including consultancy Director, Global Cities is: “can the metros of the unilateral declaration of its statehood, lest it provoke a clash of Aristotle, Locke, Rousseau and many others of the school Southern Sudan awaiting a referendum of self-determination (CAMRI) —which received and short courses are also on offer to a range country almost saturated and clogged up rise to the between groups for or against the right to self-determination of natural law influenced opinions against this oppression of in 2011, the attempts of Sri Lankan Tamils through the LTTE, top media research rating in of different groups including government occasion and develop its Tier II and III cities to based on their various sentiments. Rather its intention is sanctions and paved the way for social groups in their quest for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the native American the UK Research Assessment officials, journalists, media organizations take on the global influx? Will the infrastructure twofold: one, to analyse the possible outcome following the aggregate rights towards a self-asserting liberty and freedom— population in the USA and Chicano nationalist groups seeking Exercise (RAE) 2008—and and NGOs. be developed at the desired rate?” This view was Kosovo opinion, not necessarily its fall-out, and second; to be it against the ruler who governed them or against an alien to re-establish Aztlán, the sovereignty movement in Hawaii the Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Research interests of the Centre include: widely supported. attempt to throw light on how this political struggle of self- ruler, external to them and their political group, commonly and many more movements for self-determination show how Media (CREAM), ranked London’s top art and • Indian journalism in a global context Stefan Wagstyal pointed out that though diversity asserting liberty and freedom can be harmoniously handled referred to as internal or external self-determination. Then with afflicted mankind is across the world. More than 60% of the design research department in RAE 2008 • Indian popular cinema—its history, culture and was India’s strength, India had a literacy rate a little and peacefully reconciled without a dissipation of political time the emergence of the 1776 Declaration of Independence by the world’s problems or 1/3rd of the membership of the United From cutting-edge research to international global circulation over 70 percent while its neighbour and rival China and social energy of peoples and nations. Especially so when United States, the German theory of Selbstbestimmungsrecht, Nations is affected by this growing political trend. consultancy and training development, the Centre • Communication for development had a rate of over 90 percent this struggle for self-determination becomes more complex, the vibrant re-definition of it given by Karl Marx and Lenin will provide high-quality services to a wide range of • Media as ‘soft power’ Manivanna Janakiraman, an IT Professional half-understood and unfortunately ignored as we see it now through labour-philosophy and movements, Woodrow Wilson’s UN and self determination government, industrial, NGO and cultural bodies. It • Indian documentary and screen-based art working in London for the last couple of years pointed in many parts of world resulting in social unrest and political 14-point principle developed out of Kantian Enlightenment he term self-determination occurs twice in the Charter. will also raise the academic profile of Indian media, practice. out the threat corruption poses to the nation’s image. crises leading to economic disadvantage. And it looks somewhat Article 1(2) says, “To develop friendly relations among build international links and partnerships, and T “Investors in the West are very particular about fair irreconcilable to see in this world two conflicting situations nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self- disseminate information through conferences, events The two Directors of the Centre, Professor Daya practices and given this situation what is the way where on the one hand we see tremendous advancements in determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures and publications. Thussu and Rosie Thomas, are leading researchers ahead for India?” he asked. science and technology making human existence more fulfilling to strengthen universal peace;” and Article 55: “With a view to The Centre aims to promote and develop research in the fields of international media and Indian film. “Only by political will,” responded Wagstyal who and enjoyable and yet on the other, the world is severely conflict- the creation of conditions of stability and well-being which are and knowledge transfer on Indian media in a They work with senior researchers, post-doctoral said that Britain did the same some two centuries ridden with many contradictory clashes and confrontations at necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based global context through high-profile international fellows and PhD students across the university. back when its rich decided that they won’t let various levels. Bearing this in mind, this article attempts to on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination others make use of their fortunes and placed strict provide an inclusive approach based on a socio-political-legal of peoples...” But nowhere do we see any clear legal obligation laws and rules in place. “India can do the same,” Indian Translators Association Conference platform in search of a realistic solution. on the part of the UN based on these provisions, only as policy. he maintained. Again a reference to it is made in Article 73, which says “... he Indian Translators Association (ITAINDIA), a Regular Background to judgement territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of Neighbours TMember of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), he International Court of Justice as a court for the self-government...to develop self-government, to take due account Apart from the policy framework which needs and LINGUAINDIA will hold their second International Conference Tinternational community and its authoriser the United philosophy, the indirect appearance in the Atlantic Charter of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the to be robust, India’s strained relationships with from 16-19 December, 2010. More than 500 scholars will gather at Nations, gave a commendable Advisory Opinion on the issue in the form of territory and the people-centric principle, progressive development of their free political institutions, according its neighbours have been a cause of concern for the Instituto Cervantes (Spanish Cultural Center), 48, Hanuman of Kosovo on the question: “Is the unilateral declaration of leading finally to the United Nations Charter, this issue of self- to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and countries willing to enter into trade and business Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi, where language professionals and independence by the Provisional Institutions of self-government of determination had become too vast in scope and inextricably their varying stages of advancement.” and Article 76 reads “... relationships. academicians from leading national and international universities will Kosovo in accordance with international law?” Of course this is a complex, making the definition of the term extraordinarily progressive development towards self-government or independence “Recently on my visit to Mumbai I asked a discuss “The Role of Translation in Nation building, Nationalism and hypothetical presumption accepted without any rebuttal but it difficult with many genuine attempts falling short of explaining as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each leading banker what could go wrong with India’s Supra-Nationalism”. might be still justifiable bearing in mind the main theme that the realities of the day. Any individual of any nation of any territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples economy if at all and the reply was, ‘war’,” says More than 150 speakers representing 60 universities from 25 countries focuses on the challenges ahead in the wake of post-Kosovo and race at any stage in history since prehistoric times cannot but concerned.” Both Articles 73 and 76 are specific to Territory Wagstyal. Similar fears cross the minds of mega will share knowledge about translation, interpretation and like activities how best these human crises can be solved. The impact that have experienced this struggle for self-determination. Yet this whereas Articles 1(2) and 55 clearly specify that in order to investors he asserts. “To have a neighbour as that play an important role in the socio-economic and cultural growth of a this international opinion might create can be either considered struggle which has spanned a major portion of human history achieve peaceful and friendly relations, respect for the principle politically unstable as Pakistan is fraught with risk” country. The conference serves as a vibrant platform for experts and learners as an expected outcome citing Kosovo as an example and baffles many a scholar attempting to unravel the complexity of of self-determination of peoples is a pre-condition which UN he opined. to enhance their expertise through discussions on diverse subjects linked thereby legitimize claims of the people and nation or it could this legal enigma and jurisprudential challenge to capture its members pledge to take jointly and separately in cooperation... to Translation, Interpretation, Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Cultural just be a natural corollary of accepted ground situations and true essence. for the achievement of objectives set forth in Article 55. If these Balanced approach Diversity, Teaching and Training in Translation, Terminology Management circumstances without any attempt at viewing it in the Kosovo provisions are so clear and call for respect of the right to self- With the country emerging strong, and backed by & Project Management in Translation, Machine tools, Technology and context or component. Nevertheless the issues of statehood, he problem in defining this term precisely arises because determination by the international community how do we the ‘can do’ attitude of the people India needed a Innovation in Translation. Experts will discuss the importance of Translation protection of minority and indigenous population rights, Tof the varying shades of understanding based on explain the disintegrating phenomenon that flows through this balanced approach to win the world and shape its as a tool for national integration and cultural diversity. right to a democratic government, international recognition different practices of this right at different times in history. right and struggles that we see across the world today? The long future. Government as well as Corporate entities including CIIL, TDIL, Instituto Cervantes (Spanish Cultural of an entity on the verge of becoming a state and subsequent The unfortunate inequalities of the world that arose from and chequered history of international relations and politics has As Siddhartha concluded , “I have a lot of heart Center), International Federation of Translators (FIT), Dev Sanskriti University, Zeitgeist Asia, Transwelt, issues such as responsibility, succession, recognition, territory, colonization gave rise to the right of external self-determination, shaped the nature of this right and principle that has come to be for the sentiments of ‘the world needs India more El Dorado Academy, Adayana Learning and German Book Office have extended their support to the jurisdiction and other complex issues arising from these group while the post cold-war era and recent world developments recognised today as a customary principle of international law and than India needs the world’ international conference which is set to create the next benchmark in the translation industry of India. claims and attendant struggles are indeed debated legally and gave birth to the right of internal self-determination. Just following decolonization of the sixties, now well understood in and the ‘ can do’ attitude Dr. Pranav Pandya, Chancellor of Dev Sanskriti University and Dr. Anita Bhatnagar Jain, Joint Secretary, politically more vigorously in this day and age of globalization. a brief survey or sample of such struggles both external and the international polity. But why then does this struggle, if it is of Indians. However, MHRD, Government of India are Guests of Honour. Special guests and keynote speakers include Dr. internal throughout the world shows a scary picture of the rooted so well in principle, the jurisprudence of fundamental there is a fine line between Swarnlata, TDIL, Department of Information Technology; Dr. Oscar Pujol, Director, Instituto Cervantes, Growth of self-determination political map of the world. The intersecting lines of latitude right and history, bring social and political instability and a confidence and arrogance New Delhi; Dr. Anil Dhingra, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Dr. P.P Giridhar, CIIL, Mysore; Mr. Rana brief history and analysis of the concept of self-determination and longitude in the geographical topography of the world are disturbance of international peace and security? Is this struggle and India needs to keep an Banerji, IAS, Mr. N.L. Lakhanpal, Ex-Director General, Foreign Trade; Dr. G Chaudhari, Director, Athat was one of the important issues in the case of Kosovo no more the political lines of territorial states, rather they are a case of political and social self-obliteration? Are these struggles eye on this if it is to fulfil School of Foreign Languages, IGNOU; Mr. Sanjay Ganjoo, CEO, Bhaskar Foundation and Dr. Georgeta or any issue related to the right to self-determination will give the emerging blood-marks on most nations thrust on them by an attempt at a vain chimera of peace to be realised through its promises. Ciobanu, Politehnica University of Timisoara. us an understanding of the deeper issues. The fundamental competing groups, reaching out for individual liberty, social self-asserting freedom, liberty and welfare? Is the process of self- Avinash Kalla is Pre-conference and post-conference workshops, roundtables and panel discussions on Machine Tools philosophy of self-determination is simply based on an inherent freedom and political identity. Take for instance the issue of determination itself a problematic political and social process? a former principal are scheduled. The event partner LINGUAINDIA plans to organize the pre-conference workshop on and natural feeling among mankind that every human being is the international recognition of Abkhazia and South , Is the intended solution to bring peace and security, welfare and correspondent of the “Project Management, Quality Standards and Technology Integration in Translation” coordinated by entitled to control his own destiny, particularly when it became the aborigines of Australia, the crises of Baluchistan, Basque stability as enshrined in the Charter a figment of imagination of Times of India Prof. Ravi Kumar, Conference Convenor & President, Indian Translators Association. an issue or a problem of self-determination confronted with and Biafra, the claim of Catalan in Spain, Chechnya’s self- Continued on page 10 8 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 9 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE FEATURE A PRINCE FOR ALL SEASONS by Reginald Massey HIMALAYAN HARMONY en such as Mohsin Ali Khan are rare in today’s and modes of living and behaving were amazingly similar. all peoples and nations should seek peace with each other. Though a lonely dreamer, Malashri Lal Mworld. He is courtly, debonaire, soft-spoken, However, in the rural areas the language was Telugu. In He has initiated many inter-faith dialogues. In 1994 he Let me dream to find the reality well-mannered, educated and civilised. How would one the Nizam’s state between the lower reaches of the Krishna represented India at the World Peace Conference held at In the heart of all that seems. trolling through a quiet street Lakshmi Chand consolidated the prayers until she was well into her families that lived on the Samaj land. describe such a man in today’s rough and tumble world? and Godavari rivers was the former Sultanate of Golconda Seoul and his passionate address for international peace Let each drawn breath bring light to make Strailing off the busy Mall Road of activities of the Samaj at the Sunday seventies. She is remembered most Albeit they are neither “Brahmo” nor Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor, the humanist Sir Thomas in which the world’s most famous diamonds were mined. made a deep impression. Our darkness disappear, Shimla, I chanced upon a gate with an Prayer Meetings. Even today, several for the excellence of her “Bhajans” highly educated. They are Himachalis More (1478-1535) who was later made a saint of the These number the Koh-i-Noor, the Hope, the Orlof, and He started by quoting from Professor Samuel And mirror forth the real in our dream. inconspicuous tablet saying “Himalaya elders in Shimla recall the times when to the accompaniment of an organ. descended from the families earlier Roman Church, was described as ‘A Man for all Seasons’. the Pitt. Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations: ‘Faith and family, Brahmo Mandir, 1886”. A cobbled hundreds of devotees filled the hall Vijay and Shail take care of the Samaj employed by the Samaj—the durwan, Prince Mohsin Ali Khan of Hyderabad, Nawab, Doctor of The Reddy zamindars owned large tracts of agricultural blood and belief are what people identify with and what The search for peace and coexistence is not path dipped into the valley and I had and the gardens to participate in the property and conduct the prayers. A the mali, the doodhwala, the farash. Humanities, plus the recipient of several other awards and land and the Naidus were top professionals. The great they will fight and die for’. Huntington, however, was only a fanciful enterprise; it is a must, an imperative. to peer into the outlines of a gabled “Udbhodhan” prayers, the songs, and handful of friends and well wishers, With the passage of time the numbers titles including that of the Freedom of the City of London, Indian poet-politician Sarojini Naidu, echoing the Prussian general Helmuth Mutual distrust can only lead to mutual destruction. cottage amidst a colourful garden. the “preetibhoj” communal meals. not always Brahmo, join in. That the have grown and the individuals are is a scion of the Asaf Jahi dynasty who were the fabulous who wrote poems to Jinnah and hailed von Moltke (1800-1891) who wrote: Hence if humankind is to survive we have to opt There was no person in sight. It Overview of Shimla not always professionally linked to the Nizams of Hyderabad. He can only be described as ‘A him as an ‘Ambassador of Hindu- ‘Everlasting peace is a dream, and not for peace. There is no other alternative. seemed as though a magical hand had Samaj. But did the Trust Deed not Prince for all Seasons’. One has to meet and speak with Muslim unity’ came from Hyderabad even a pleasant one; and war is a necessary Another dream for which he works hard is to see tended the pine trees and the neat floral enjoin dedicated people to assist social him to understand what I am trying to say. where her Bengali Brahmin father was part of God’s arrangement of the world the subcontinent of South Asia (India, Pakistan, borders, then wiped the sky clean of change? Shail, with her years of teaching He was born on June 8, 1930 in the Khana Bagh Palace, a leading medical doctor in the Nizam’s ...Without war, the world would slide Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) come together all urban pollution. The winding path experience at St. Edmunds, started the family home in the city of Hyderabad. Attended by Health Department. Within the dissolutely into materialism.’ Mohsin Ali in some form of union/federation/confederation. led to the Brahmo Mandir displaying holding English classes in the Samaj for a multitude of servants he led a pampered life. He was Nizam’s Dominions were autonomous Khan then went on to demolish the theses The billions now being drained away on so-called an unusual “all religions” logo. Close the young children whose parents were educated at a select school for the sons of aristocratic Hindu Rajas and Raos as well as of Moltke and Huntington with splendid ‘defence’ and nuclear armaments could then be by was another cottage with a simple unable to help with schoolwork. Along families. Later he came to England for his further education Muslim Nawabs. logic and elegant argument. He pointed used for the uplift of the poverty stricken masses. nameplate, “Pandit”. I rang the bell with the children came curious mothers, and became a financial wizard and business consultant. At The Nizam’s eldest son had the out that the current conflicts and rivalries Mohsin Ali Khan is associated with a number of with the excitement of imminent themselves in need of some guidance the time His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Dominions in title ‘The Prince of Berar’, the Crown together with the mutual mistrusts which charities including the Red Cross and UNICEF. discovery as I had not known of the in life management. Shail asked some the Deccan extended to an area equivalent to the size of Prince, just as the eldest son of the are evident in the ensuing human misery He advocates a well represented World Parliament Shimla Brahmo Samaj being extant. of her friends to help and very soon France. The Nizam was the senior most Indian ruler and British monarch is even today titled also apply almost with the same force to which would be concerned with the entire planet The building was perhaps a mute “homework” classes started in Maths, the only one to have the title ‘His Exalted Highness’. He ‘The Prince of Wales’. By an odd quirk dissent among the faiths themselves and Earth and the condition of all creatures that live witness to the colonial period of the Hindi and several levels of English. was not answerable to the Viceroy of India since his treaty of history Prince Mohsin Ali Khan their failure to establish political dialogue on it. Well connected with the great and the famous Viceregal Lodge of Shimla. Innovative ideas such as story telling, ties were with the British Crown. Hyderabad had its own of Hyderabad is the only surviving member of the Asaf among themselves. good, he is known in the world’s capital cities and Mrs. Shail Pandit, who opened the quiz, are used to teach the children civil service and railway, its own currency, its own army and Jahi dynasty who personally knows and is entertained ‘I have also no doubt,’ he declared, ‘that the present in the highest diplomatic circles. Though at ease door, recounted the vision and social about religion and good conduct. It is its own revenue and postal service. Education was given a by Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, of the House of dispensation for global peace making suffers from a serious with royalty and heads of state he has not lost the action that constituted the eminence a shared democratic environment. The priority. Nizam’s College and Osmania University were as Windsor. These delicacies are what are called rivayaatyen, system fault in that there are no institutionalised meeting common touch. He fulfils Kipling’s prescription of the Brahmo Samaj at the turn of the older teach the young but occasionally, good as any in British ruled India. the traditions, decencies and courtesies of those of royal points for Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and Temples for the complete man. He is not yesterday’s man. century. the little ones too teach the older people Hyderabad was, in fact, a well governed state in which descent. to establish political dialogue with a view to reinforcing the On the contrary, his passion for the future of The Himalaya Samaj was the creation Along with the Punjab Brahmos, Brahmo Samaj in Shimla still retains a by taking them through the land of all communities lived in harmony. The majority of the However, this profile is mainly concerned with Mohsin system already in existence rather than reliving the legacy of humanity proclaims that he is of Lala Kashi Ram. Born at Taran in followers from Bombay further peaceful environment, an immaculate uncharted imagination. Everyone sits population were Hindus of various castes. In common Ali Khan’s qualities as a sterling human being who has a tradition and history which is now well behind us.’ tomorrow’s man. 1954, he came under the influence of strengthened the community. The hall with wooden pews, a “Missionary together, eats together, sing together in with Muslims, all urban Hindus spoke Dakhni Urdu. worked hard over the decades to further the cause of love, He concluded by quoting Sir Nizamat Jung, Reginald Massey’s latest Keshub Chunder Sen and took a vow Bengali hymn book translated into a Room” and a fascinating library, goes the ancient “Missionary Room” lined When I first visited Hyderabad I really could not tell the toleration and understanding the world over. He is a Sufi the statesman, philanthrophist and educationist of book is India: Definitions and of ordination in the Brahmo religion. with books keeping alive Lala Kashi difference between Hindus and Muslims. Their language of the Naqshbandi order and hence his deep belief that Hyderabad: Clarifications One may recall that Keshub Chunder Ram words, “if there is no meaning in stayed at Shimla from early 1882 to religion, it is not worth it’s name; it is Continued from page 9: Kosovo and Self-Determination late 1883 recovering from an attack like the salt that has lost it’s savour.” utopian scholars? Does international law provide any answer to International law needs cross pollination of ideas and be a multilateral legal framework of international relations of diabetes. At his residence, “Tara In the summer, when the hillside is a these complex questions? energies on a platform of amicable negotiation and settlement? Can View,” he conducted divine service and verdant green the volunteers, organize he legal system—be it national or international as one there be an exchange of civilizational, cultural and social met a variety of local people. He also, a multi-religion service followed by a Global village causes difficulties Tsingle discipline and subject cannot tackle and bring values to make for greater and deeper understanding of a at this time, dictated two books, the “preetibhoj” for 200 people. It was a deeper analysis shows a different picture. Considering the harmony and order when the nature of the issue is more than common and collective life? Can nation-states incorporate in Nava Samhita (the Law of Life in the lesson in amity as well as purposeful Aglobal village where we now live, the tremendous effects legal, outside law and logical reasoning.Studies in sociology, their constitutional laws provisions that value practically the Nabadidhan) and Yoga. Though Keshub spirituality. of globalization, the massive clash of civilizations, development cultural anthropology and human psychology have shown that social, cultural, economic and political aspirations of long- Sen left Shimla, Lala Kashi Ram carried However, the pristine premises of the of science and technology, advancement in telecommunication human energy is multi-dimensional in nature ever striving for ignored and neglected peoples? Can there be clauses spelling out on the missionary work and found his Himalaya Samaj requires a new infusion and aerial navigation, human life has become very deep, robust a mastery of life. Its encapsulation under a single legal domain anti-, plebiscite and selective and partial autonomy helpers in other members, Lala Rallia of activity. Vijay and Shail, recognising and dynamic with endless and ever escalating desires and remains far from practical. dependent on individual political and social circumstances.? Ram, Babu Jodunath Ghosh and Babu that prayer and community feelings wants. However, the new phenomenon of a globalized world It is therefore time that international law underwent a cross- Honest answers to these questions both at international Hemchandra Mazoomdar. As an active overcome many barriers are now planning brings added difficulties in realising this right. No matter pollination of ideas and thought to help solve this human crisis and national levels could see the struggles for the right Minister from 1914-25, Lala Kashi to emphasise spiritual discourses rather how international legal systems, community of nations or with the potential to erupt anytime, anywhere, even from to self-determination dissipate. In the wake of terrorism, Ram propagated the Brahmo faith than religious practice. In a globalised international relations work (in the context of Article of the an unknown village and across borders of different countries violence and intimidation as a method for solving the through preaching, prayers, social world, philosophy and religion from International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the threatening international peace and security. group-identity crisis, nuclear threats at a larger level and the work and publications. That he was a Mall Road, Shimla all quarters are potential sources of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural An appropriate constitutional framework and legal highly increased level of the telecommunication network, person of exceptional merit is recorded well being. Returning again to the Rights, Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights methodology with checks and balances built in has become any unrest or revolt should be looked at seriously with swift by his contemporary Rev. J. K. Koar. Hindi “Bhajanmala”, theological tracts to the credit of the Trustees. For many implications of the all-faith logo on the and many more) the dimensions of self-determination not only imperative. To put things more clearly, if the following attempts at an inclusive approach, a view point that has Lala Kashi Ram, described as “Minister in English and Hindi, adaptations years, every Sunday, punctually at 10 Samaj spire, the custodians are holding keep changing, but ever-growing, renewing and expanding. The questions are capable of an affirmative answer we may get a gained increasing acceptance in the international arena Trustee and builder” in the memorial from Kabir and Guru Granth Sahib a.m., Shail would open the Mandir, the door ajar for anyone who will speak ideas and issues of self-determination in international law and clearer picture: through the establishment of various international bodies, tablet of the Himalaya Brahmo Mandir, were included in the books sponsored light the lamps and launch into prayer of peace, harmony through international relations keep growing. And this is where sub-commissions and committees, international regulations left another permanent contribution by the Samaj. whether there was any other person and humanitarian the changed socio-political context of the globalised world Questions seeking answers in affirmative and resolutions alas, yet to take firm root in to faith in his lucidly written tracts, During the recent years, the Pandit present there or not. The forest, the sky, concerns. creates a legal convolution in its treatment of the problem. The an the international community of states give more the minds of the world’s statesmen. League of All Religions and The Message family has looked after the Samaj in the birds were adequate witness to her Malashri Lal right to freedom and self-determination are inherent in human Cconcrete time and energy to build a political framework of the Brahmo Samaj. Shimla with assistance from Trustees keeping up an honourable tradition. is Professor nature. But on a global platform of unequal development one is that understands the aspirations of peoples in their quest for Dr. K. Parameswaran is Associate Another period of glory for the who are in Bombay and Delhi. Mrs. Seven years ago Mrs. Pandit had a of English, faced with the changing dimensions of self-determination and the better life? Can there be an international legal framework Professor of Law at Gujarat National Himalaya Mandir was the 1960s Kaushalya Pandit, Shail’s mother- vision which urged her to alleviate University of hence the helplessness of a legal system to stay tuned. to cognise an issue even before it leads to conflict? Can there Law University, Gujarat, India. when Sant Gurdial Malik and Shri in-law, would conduct the Sunday the conditions of the less privileged New Delhi 10 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE MALASHRI LAL PRESENTS BOOK-LINE DELHI BOBOX XOFFICE: SEAT: THEATRE/LONDONTHEATRE/LONDON The ‘extra-ordinary’ case of A Disappearing Number The DSC Prize for South Asian Literature By ComplicitÉ, Novello Theatre (Sep 2010) he DSC Prize for South Asian Literature Moreover, the construction of a ‘South Asia’ promote the best writing in and about South It is high time that outdated debates around ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian’ work shifted towards exploring what makes Tbreaks new ground in offering equal is an act of the imagination. Any writer has Asia, it is heartening that the first year of the opportunity for winning a prestigious award to the freedom to enter the imagined precincts Prize attracted a large number of entries. The ‘skilled’ theatre that asserts its presence, engages, challenges and even amazes without needing to stamp its feet. writers around the world, irrespective of their without necessarily having a biographical long list of 16 books, announced in New Delhi ethnicity, location or nationality. The only link with it. The DSC Prize also looks within in September, now has a short list of 6 books Review by Chandrika Patel common ground is their interest in creating the complexities of India’s multiple languages announced in London in October. a fictional representation of the south Asian and the rich literatures in it. Works of fiction, With an attractive tag of US dollars 50,000, n an article in (16 Jan 2004) adbhuta (marvellous/amazing) rasa prescribed by the experience which is evoked in the spectator through the region. In a globalised world where writers translated into English are eligible for the and enormous international prestige, the final ICo Artistic Director Kristyn Landon-Smith of Natyashastra, the fifth Veda (C. 200 B.C.-A.D.200). skill of an actor and a poet”. The emphasis on creating transit easily from one country to another, Prize, subject to the conditions mentioned in award will be announced in Jaipur, India on Tamasha Theatre Company expresses her frustrations The Indian treatises prescribe evoking of rasa (taste) as ‘skilled’ performance is interesting where director/actors and even maintain multiple homes, it makes the rule book. Possibly, this is the only literary 22 January 2011 during the famous Jaipur at being pigeon-holed as an ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian the ultimate goal of natya (drama), not to be understood are thought of as ‘poets’, each involved in inscribing the for a convincing modernity that a Prize Prize at present that calls for entries on such Literature Festival. theatre’ company and asks “ Does an Asian cast or as the conventional ‘western’ notion of drama but more theatrical space at different times. Indeed the director/ should recognize and value such mobility. a broad platform. Given DSC’s vision to Malashri Lal subject matter make for “Asian theatre”? What is a “’visible poetry”. The adbhuta rasa has been given a creator McBurney and the cast offered a truly ‘skilled’ Asian theatre”? In his article (‘Asian theatre in Britain’ performance in a collaborative vision of concepts, of 2004), Artistic Director of Tara Arts Jatinder Verma time/infinity converging with text, sounds, visuals, LONDON’S LITERATI CELEBRATE GLOBAL AWARD describes irreverence, recovering forgotten histories, emotions, movements and bodies. Perhaps theatre- South Asian Literature on global platform memory, language, content that directly relates to its goers expect such ‘adbhuta’ experiences in an age of producers, and a dialogue with film as some of the the celebrity-era where so much of the ‘ordinary’ is shortlist of six books was announced Unknowns (Pocket Books) tropes—spices, and servants, and glossaries— rewarding work produced by novelists about “marks of distinction of Asian theatre.” On the face of passed off as ‘extra-ordinary’, justifying the price of the A at a prestigious gala dinner at London’s * Manju Kapur: The Immigrant but had moved beyond these, with authors South Asia. it, Complicité’s A Disappearing Number appears to have tickets. Globe Theatre, late October. Long listed (Faber & Faber) now writing departures from the familiar. The DSC Prize for South Asian Literature most of the ‘ingredients’ of the makings of an ‘Asian’ It is not surprising perhaps that the mostly rave authors, publishers, London’s literati and * Neel Mukherjee: A Life Apart The six novels on the shortlist take us from is a first-of-its-kind endeavour that focuses theatre in terms of its predominantly ‘Asian’ cast (seven reviews of A Disappearing Number focus more on ambassadors from the South Asian region (Constable & Robinson) quiet, deeply rooted, intimate stories, such on the richness and diversity of South Asian out of nine cast members who have said to have taken the various aspects of McBurney’s aesthetic vision, gathered together for the event. * HM Naqvi: Home Boy as Musharraf Ali Farooqui’s Story of a Widow writing. The prize is also unique since it is not part in the devising process) along with the historic without remarking on the strong ‘Asian’ elements of the Following intense deliberation over a long (HarperCollins India) to explorations of history past and present, ethnicity driven in terms of the author’s origin subject related to the genius Indian Mathematician production. The reputation of the company/director, and is open to any author belonging to any Srinivas Ramanujan’s relationship with Cambridge levels of engagement and cultural understanding of the Speaking on the occasion, Chairperson of the part of the globe as long as the work is based based G.H. Hardy, interfaced with a ‘modern’ romance content are some of the factors that are often reflected Jury, Nilanjana S Roy said, “As we finalised on the South Asian region and its people. between a University Lecturer Ruth (Saskia Reeves) in the reviews. Moreover the labels of ‘Asian’ or ‘British our shortlist, the criteria that was uppermost The DSC Prize initiative has been guided by and her American-Asian partner Al (Firdous Bamji). Asian’ associated with theatre companies/practitioners in our minds was DSC’s mandate to look for an international advisory committee comprising Simon McBurney’s mesmerizing conceptual vision can also ‘colour’ the focus of the reviews. One wonders the best and the most interesting examples MJ Akbar, Urvashi Butalia, Tina Brown, cinematically unfolds in a multi-media-led theatrical what the focus of reviews might have been if A of the contemporary novel set in, or about, William Dalrymple, Lord Meghnad Desai, space created by Michael Levine’s utilitarian design Disappearing Number had been made under an ‘Asian’ South Asia. In different ways, as we argued David Godwin, Surina Narula, Senath Walter in which the characters effortlessly ‘glide’ between or ‘British Asian’ banner? the merits of the final six contenders, all of Perera, Nayantara Sehgal and Michael Worton. Chennai and Cambridge to the sounds, languages, film Bearing in mind the recent debates around the pre-

Professor Malashri Lal with guests, us rediscovered the pleasures of reading—a Mr Gopi Hinduja, Herman Narula, Mrs Surina Mr Manhad Narula, Director, DSC footage and movements. It even has ‘Asian’ characters occupation with ‘ethnicity-matching’ in relation to mostly publishers, authors, press and pleasure that we hope will be shared by all Narula, Mr Srichand Hinduja and Monika Limited, thanking the Jury said, “Shortlisting that break into Bharatnatyam-style dance routine adoption, perhaps the Asian-led companies cannot Mohta, Director of The Nehru Centre literary media/agents and invited guests readers, wherever they come from. Moni six books from sixteen can never be an in mid speech that Amardeep Sohi objects to in his escape being ‘ethnically’ judged by its mainly non-Asian list of 16 books, the eminent Jury, chaired by Mohsin was taken, as we all were, by the rich as in Neel Mukherjee’s A Life Apart, which easy task especially if all sixteen authors are Guardian theatre blog: ‘British-Asian theatre needs critics, armed with preconceptions and expecting to see Nilanjana S Roy along with renowned literary variety of experiences that one gets from these moves from contemporary London to pre- powerhouses of literary talent. The jury for a facelift’ (April 2010). In fact McBurney’s brilliant ethnicity-defined stories and aesthetics infused with well figures, Lord Matthew Evans, Ian Jack, novels; Ian Jack commented that the South independence Bengal. The old immigrant the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature must production effectively utilizes various Indian accents worn trinkets of Bollywood, marriages and traditions. Amitava Kumar, and Moni Mohsin, picked Asian novel today has found its voice—often, narrative is wide enough to accommodate be applauded for executing this responsibility and languages, Bollywood-inspired dance interjections, Complaints by some Asian theatre practitioners of being the shortlist for the gala global award. The multiple and very varied voices. For Lord Manju Kapur’s precise, moving analysis of and narrowing the nominations to the most ‘exotic’ Indian garments and a live flute player—the ‘ethnicity’ defined may be justified but those labels DSC Prize for South Asian Literature now in Matthew Evans, reading the novels submitted a marriage between two immigrants, one deserving six. The shortlist announced today stereotyped dimensions associated with ‘Asian’ identity, also avails them of both funding and programming its inaugural year, carries a prize of $50,000 for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature an old hand, one new, to America; Tania brings us one exciting step closer to the without suggesting an ‘orientalist’ or ‘Asian Masalla’ opportunities that they have fought to gain, particularly for the best writing about the South Asian was a welcome reminder of how much things James’ exploration of the diverse choices winner of this prestigious prize.” aesthetic. So can the awards winning (Evening Standard in the current economically challenged climate. The region. The shortlisted entries announced on had changed from the era when Britain two sisters face as one stays home and one The winner of the first DSC Prize for and Critics’ Circle Theatre Awards 2007 & Laurence time has come when Asian-led companies are no the occasion were: and America exported books to India and struggles with a new identity; and H M South Asian Literature will be announced at Olivier Award for Best New Play 2008) A Disappearing longer the gate keepers of ‘Asian’ work, as in recent Pakistan. With a rising publishing industry in Naqvi’s brash, swaggering post 9/11 saga. the DSC Jaipur Literature Festival in January Number be called an ‘Asian’ or a ‘British-Asian’ play? years, themes, aesthetics and cast associated with ‘Asian’ * Amit Chaudhuri: The South Asia, what we were now seeing, in his Each novel on this list has a distinctive voice, 2011. The prize will be awarded for the One of the striking elements of McBurney’s vision is identity have been utilized by other non-Asian theatre Immortals (Picador India) words, was knowledge and creative thinking as with Amit Chaudhuri’s exploration of best work of fiction pertaining to the South the combination of the ‘mimed’ actions (Shane Shambu companies/practitioners like Complicité, redefining the * Musharraf Ali Farooqui: The Story being “exported” to other parts of the world. the worlds of musicians and aspiring singers Asian region, published in English, including and Divya Kasturi) mixed with soundscape of Englishes idea of ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian’ work. Just as there is of a Widow (Picador India) Amitava Kumar commented on how the in The Immortals, and taken collectively, translations into English. echoed in Ramanujan’s and the call centre woman no such thing as an ‘Asian’ community, it might be said * Tania James: Atlas Of South Asian novel may have some of the old they represent some of the finest and most Visit www.dscprize.com for more details. ‘Barbara’s sing-song ‘Indian’ Englishes, Al’s (Firdous that there is no longer such thing as an ‘Asian’ or ‘British Bamji) American English and a variety of British Asian’ work, both of which have always been about Dr Kartar Lalvani, Chairman Jon Slack and Bhavit Mehta of Amphora Nilanjana Roy, author/ Hosts Hardeep Singh accents Chetna Pandya, Paul Bhattacharjee and David perception and prescription. It is high time that the of Vitabiotics Ltd, Surina Arts who organised the first ever DSC columnist and Chair of the Kohli and Nikki Bedi Annen) that helped to create the wonderfully divergent outdated debates around ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian’ work Narula and Mr Harpinder South Asian Literature Festival in UK! jury for The DSC Prize Singh Narula (HS), worlds of Chennai and Cambridge in a theatrical space. shifted towards exploring what makes ‘skilled’ theatre Chairman of DSC Ltd. The form-centered approach contained biographical that asserts its presence, engages, challenges and even elements of not only Ramanujam’s short life but amazes without needing to stamp its feet. Perhaps it is also the individual actor’s personal stories without not the British-Asian theatre that becoming identity/voice-centered but leaning more needs a facelift but theatre made by towards exploring the dynamics between the characters/ prominent position in the Natyashastra, “into which British Asians. situations/time through striking images and transitions all other rasas (erotic, comic, pathos, furious, heroic, that engage, amaze and amongst other feelings arouse terrible, odious) are supposed to merge at the end of Dr. Chandrika Patel holds a Anhad Narula, Mrs Surina Narula MBE, patron a sense of wonderment. This experience may be the play”. According to the Sanskrit scholar Byrski, doctorate in Drama (British to DSC Literature festival, Baroness Shreela Flather, Mr Manhad Narula contemplated with the idea of evoking of the eighth the Adbhuta rasa “belonged to the sphere of discursive Asian) 12 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 13 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE COLUMN CARNATIC MUSIC RECITAL INDIAN ART MUMBAI EXPRESSIONS Carnatic ChillS THE BUSINESS OF ART ANJU MAKHIJA Review by Srikanth Sharma Darshana Vora concert with a difference and surely with the theme. n International conference on open itself up to collaboration with the West, been translated into English by the P.S.Nerurkar. Like Dhasal, he brought Krishna, James Laine’s Shivaji and A it was. I was lucky to be a member The alap in Raga Amritavarshini a Acontemporary India Art was held at and encourage an exchange of ideas and late Dilip Chitre. Namdeo Dhasal a distant world into focus. Mumbai, Taslima Nasrin’s Lajja are among the of an audience at this ‘different’ concert popular composition of Mysore Vasudeva The Bhavan Centre, Institute of Indian Art viewership. Also, there was a growing need has often been described as a poet who as we know, is in Maharashtra and books which have faced troubles in aptly titled Carnatic Chills held in Acharya was extremely captivating. The and Culture, on October 12, 2010. The aim for serious curators of Contemporary Indian altered the face of Marathi literature Marathi literature has a long tradition India. Mistry on his part suggested London on 17th Oct 2010, organised composition Sudhamayee was presented of the ‘Business of Art Conference’ was to Art to join large institutes in the West, in order by giving the downtrodden a distinct of outstanding poetry and drama. The that those who ban his book should by Milapfest who are pioneering new well with tasteful variations on chitteswara illuminate audiences in the UK to the role to provide a much-needed curatorial service voice. In 1972, Golpitha was released English-speaking world is constantly read Rabindranath Tagore’s poem: ways of getting Indian music across to (syncopated musical notes). played by Indian art promoters in raising for specialised exhibitions to take place. The and this book of poems had a great exposed to it via some translation or Where the mind is without fear. the masses. Carnatic Chills was part of Akhilandeshari in Raga Dwijavanti the profile of Indian art to the International recent inclusion of Indian art in Art Basel, and impact. His latest collection, Nirvana- the other. In recent years, especially Mumbai has always been a source Milapfest’s monthly Indian music concert was well embellished with nuances full status it now enjoys. a possibility of a representation in the Venice agodarchi Pida (The Pain Before in experimental drama, there has been of material for creative people and series Music for the Mind and Soul. of grammatical and pleasant gamakams/ Consider the fact that as many as six Biennale in 2011 are very positive signs. Nirvana) was the focus of discussion a great influence of not only Marathi, many draw inspiration from its ‘seedy’ Milapfest is a high-energy youthful gliss. Dwijavanti is a rare raga for a galleries and art institutes in London have The afternoon session of the conference at Jnanapravaha. but other regional languages as well. side. This has been a subject of much organization always in pursuit of innovative western instrument,yet Anil made it had major exhibitions of art from India— was based on Indian art galleries outside Dhasal has a reputation of being Political parties, especially the Shiv debate here and even films like Slum ways of bringing classical music in its many appear so very easy. The Royal Academy, the Saatchi gallery, India and presentations were made by Niru the rebellious poet of the underworld Sena, have done their share to protect Dog Millionaire have come under forms to audiences across the UK. Raga Andholika - the main item of the who fought against the establishment. the culture from the onslaught of criticism for zooming in on poverty. Anil Srinivasan, Lalgudi GJR Krishnan evening with a tricky scale and not easily His early poems focused on the ‘Red foreign influences. They regularly Many writers, who make it big in the and BS Purushotham jelled well coming available for smooth runs on the Arohana Light’ area of Mumbai and the life of raise their voices against films, plays international circuit, are often looked together to create a unique and thematic or Avarohana scales—but Krishnan and sex workers. Some of these are bold or books that show Indian culture in a down upon by local critics. The concept with the three instruments rarely Anil took on the raga elaboration with elan. and revealing. In The Young Prostitute, bad light. The latest is their objection content of their work, which may be ever heard together in Indian classical They jelled very well indeed in producing The Conference Panel (from left to right): Dr. Heather Elgood, Amrita Jhaveri, s the lashing monsoons recedes, Dhasal writes: “The thigh blasted open/ to Rohinton’s Mistry’s book, Such appealing and exotic to foreigners, music—piano, violin and kanjira, an the most emotively appealing combination Roshini Vadehra, Premilla Baid, Guler Ates. AMumbai city forges ahead with never before had I seen a face devoid of a Long Journey, which according to is often considered either mundane instrument similar to the tambourine. of notes. The composition Raga sudha rasa more festive and cultural activities. or sensational. However, writers This ensemble of instruments is a first with ragamalika swaras was the highlight. the Whitechapel Gallery, Iniva, Hauser and Ratnam (Aicon Gallery), Connor Macklin As is well known, our umpteen Indian continue to draw upon the material Wirth and Haunch of Venison in 2010 alone. (Grosvenor Vadehra) and Abha Housego “Mumbai has always been a source of Anil Srinivasan at the grand piano deities, are utterly charming and their here. British writer, Roy Moxham, At the verge of the annual Frieze art fair, it (Saffronart). Chairperson Nada Raza was keen forms only limited by the imagination. material for creative people and many launched his book, Outlaw—India’s seemed an apt time to open a discussion on to understand the responsibility of galleries in Ganesha, with his elephant head, is a draw inspiration from its ‘seedy’ side. This Bandit Queen and Me, which traces how much Indian art had really impacted the the presenting of exhibitions. Niru shared case in point. During festivals, like the life of the famous bandit-turned- international art scene. how his curatorial ideas at the Aicon had Ganesh Chaturthi, activity moves to has been a subject of much debate here politician, Phoolan Devi. Moxham’s The presenters for the morning session resulted in a strategy of including non-Indian the streets with dancers and musicians and even films like Slum Dog Millionaire book is based on his meetings with (India-based galleries) were Behroze Gandhy art within the gallery programme, thereby celebrating with great fervor at every have come under criticism for zooming in the former dacoit, who was shot dead (Chemould Prescott Rd, Mumbai), Roshini making the art from India dialogue with its corner. in 2001. Vadehra (Vadehra Gallery, Delhi), Premilla Baid western counterparts. Connor Macklin shared The staid English literary and on poverty...” The streets and neighborhoods (Gallery Sumukha, Bangalore and Chennai) how his visits to India and collaboration with art scene is also opening up. One and Guler Ates, artist (The Loft, Mumbai). Vadehra Art Gallery had changed Grosvenor At a recent book awards, Mumbai of Mumbai recently inspired an of Mumbai’s biggest festivals, the exhibition titled, Bombay 100 Years The session was chaired by the eminent Amrita gallery’s portfolio from European to Indian Kala Ghoda Fest which takes place Ago. The show included enlarged for the UK. Pianist Anil Srinivasan came Krishnan being a traditionalist did justice Jhaveri and Dr. Heather Elgood. art, with a commitment to exhibit upcoming in February, has writers reading in photos of heritage structures like the across as one very familiar with the plot. from the carnatic purist’s perspective. The presentations showcased the unique talent. Saffronart, India’s most successful gardens, outdoor cafes and near city Rajabai Tower, Museum and Grand Anil Srinivasan who apparently held the The concert also featured a tillana in Raga history and evolution of each gallery, online auction business had been pivotal to landmarks. Perhaps, this trend has Terminus. Kamlesh Shah, strings of the show together is a pianist mand—a Lalgudi Jayaraman composition. and provided a valuable insight into the the exposure of Indian Art in the West, and picked up due to poor attendance organizer of the exhibition, had used equally skilled in Carnatic and Western Anil’s layering of chords and harmony complex collective inputs that have resulted by listing prices on the internet, it had been at more conventional venues such as photos from his collection and blown Classical music. But he is careful not to was a real treat. The introduction in the all pervasiveness of Indian Art in the the first to propose a standardisation of artist’s libraries. them up on canvases. Photography mix the two styles. His layering out of a to the pieces by the pianist kept the World Market. Whilst Gallery Chemould prices for artworks, something that had not The Art Conspiracy is a new initiative has a long tradition in Mumbai— supplementary abstract audio feel filled audience more informed technically of and Vadehra Art Gallery have been family been addressed at the time of its inception ten that was organized in the city recently. the Bombay Photographic Society was the air with harmony. Krishnan with his the goings on. businesses, Gallery Sumukha is a fairly young years ago. Art was displayed prominently across established in 1854. emotive violin playing establishes a good Purushotham’s sensitive playing enhanced enterprise as is The Loft, which offers an The conference proved a tremendous venues in suburban Bandra such as With the Diwali celebrations structure with the traditional compositions. the total appeal. The khanjira known to be international artist residency. Galleries in success, largely due to the participants’ and lounges, coffee houses, restaurants and underway, picturesque Rangolis More often than not, there is no percussion a rather loud instrument appeared to have a India showcase both Modern masters as well delegates’ engagement in dialogue and open the famous Bandra Fort. Organised and flickering lights can be seen to hold his free-flowing music. But when twin and split personality in Purushothm’s as cutting edge practices by younger artists, discussions. The M P Birla Millennium Art by The Art Loft, it’s goal was to everywhere. I usually spend my Diwali the khanjira sounds seep through subtly hands. His skills became manifest during nurturing video and performance art as well Gallery had a group show by Gallery Sumukha bring creativity into our daily lives. in a small village, about 50 kms from they become very meaningful, adding value tani avartanam. The absence of the as maintaining strong artists’ portfolios or and Visual Art UK, where, over lunch, the Mumbaikars, who are always short of Mumbai, and the nights—radiant and a sensitive tinge. mridangam though was conspicuous. a strength in curatorial practices. The lack panel and delegates had the time to mingle time, could appreciate creativity while with stars and fire crackers, diyas and Krishnan travels extensively on carnatic For the uninitiated young, attuned to the of government funding and museums in and converse informally, as well as see the having coffee or grabbing a quick light”. them makes derogatory remarks about lanterns—are especially memorable. music tours all over the world. His style idea of listening to a heavy carnatic concert India has meant that gallery programmes wonderful works of M F Husain, Raza, Anish bite. The two-day festival included Reading from the wheelchair (the local politicians Copies of the book In the verdant villages that surround like his father’s is the gayaka style imitating for long hours, such experimentation may sometimes take on an institutional agenda Kapoor, Laxma Goud, Baiju Parthan, Vidya exhibitions, live art performances, poet has suffered ill-health in recent were burnt and there were demands Mumbai, silence and solitude still the vocal rendition. Krishnan is the son prove a hit. Only time will bring out the —with artist’s publications, talks, events and Kamat, Gurcharan Singh and Dilip Sharma night markets, workshops and film years) Dhasal’s voice was as powerful to withdraw it from the Mumbai reign supreme. of the illustrious and legendary Lalgudi long term impact of the experimentation. workshops to involve people and extend art amongst others. It also marked the beginning screenings. as ever, reminding one of the passion University syllabus. Despite much Anju Makhija is a poet, G Jayaraman. The unique feature of the Was the concert theme more to a larger viewership. Amrita Jhaveri posed of a new gallery programme for 2011 in art, Another recent move in Mumbai has of a poet who has walked the streets. hue and cry, this was implemented. playwright and translator based gayaka style is that one is able to decipher contemporary, classical, or carnatic is for the question about what would sustain the talks, screenings and collaborations which been to create galleries in renovated Listening to him read, I was reminded Bookstores, too, have kept the in Mumbai. She recently co- the sahithya or the song component from the listener to decide. The concert itself interest in Indian Art in the next five years, will make the Bhavan a very exciting venue Victorian structures. Jnanapravha of the poetry of Narayan Surve, novel off the shelves. We have seen edited, We Speak in Changing the instrument’s output be it a popular was indeed a performance of great elan and given that, what had driven it in the past five in the arena of dissemination of knowledge has a delightful space in the busy another poet whose work emerged this happen before in the city due Languages an Anthology of carnatic song or otherwise. sophistication. years was the rise in prices in the boom time around Contemporary Indian Art. downtown Fort area. It recently in a world outside the ambits of the to fear of some political parties. Women’s Poetry. She has I have yet to detail the actual content of Srikanth Sharma is a music from 2005-2008. Through the audience and Darshana Vora hosted a reading by Namdeo Dhasal, white collar world. Surve has been ’s Satanic Verses, B.R been on the English Advisory the concert which I admit isn’t the best way journalist and writer. sharma@ panel discussion, it emerged that perhaps it Gallery Administrator and Archivist, the illustrious Dalit poet, who has translated by Krishna Chaudhari and Ambedkar’s Riddles of Rama and Board of Sahitya Akademi. to do a review! I was just too carried away googlemail.com would mean that India could proactively The Bhavan Centre UK. 14 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 15 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE BOOK REVIEW BOOK REVIEW that can develop, and the numerous roles he has played longing, misunderstandings, and betrayal with gender, being concentrated. “All you need to do is add water and in this larger arena. Venezuelan Mariela Arvelo, who sexual, and racial undertones. This story connects it will expand.” To me, the book really is an invitation attended the University of Iowa’s International Writing Goa and Kenya in more ways than one. As a former to explore and understand Goan cultural history from Pivoting on the Point of Return: Setting Sail From Goa Program in 1980, says, “Strangely enough, while Tanzanian Goan, I appreciated this story that unearths a variety of perspectives. My hope is that it will inspire talking about [the] foreword, it is exciting; it has a kind deeply-held prejudices which, based on who marries more of us to document our own stories and add to the Review by Judy Luis-Watson of suspense....Yes! Believe it or not, I was reading it and whom even today, might still be just below the surface. Goan narrative. thinking: What will come next?” Assisting the editor on the original anthology was In the final chapter of Pivoting on the Point of Return, f Pivoting on the Point of Return: Modern Goan creates a richer context for the original music, gives it 21st century. Highlighting the work of several writers in the Joseph K. Henry, an African American, who at the time the “Afterword: Waiting to be Translated...,” Frederick ILiterature were a collection of music, you could greater depth, and changes the feel of the entire album. I wanted to review the book because I’ve been hoping Foreword helps the reader get into it and places it in was a doctoral student. His bio states that “he has found Noronha interviews Maria Aurora Couto, author of listen to it over and over, and it would surprise you with While it is time to give voice to the many excellent for a long time that the Journal would at least be re- a wider context, giving it more resonance and showing significant parallels between Goan literature and black Goa: A Daughter’s Story, of which Nazareth says in the something new each time. This literary compilation Goan writers in a second anthology, the publishing of printed, and was thrilled to learn that it was available as that Nazareth was right when he said as he was getting American literature which reveal the attempt to break Foreword, rather than holding on to nostalgia, “she offers an inside view of the rhythms and heart and soul a book. Co-published by Goa 1556 (named after the to the end of his original introduction echoing Edward out of the patterns of historical and psychic oppression.” discovers, using statistics, books, records, diplomatic of Goan experience. year the printing press arrived in Goa) and Broadway Said, “we have made a beginning.” I believe there is also a parallel between the essential role experience....and imagination. Retrieving the life of Frederick Noronha, an independent journalist Pivoting on the Point Book Centre in Goa, the book is easily available on- You will find excerpts of Nazareth’s published reviews music plays in Goan and black American cultures in her father, a doctor and musician, who fled across the based in Goa who is active in cyber ventures, wrote to of Return: Modern line. from the journal World Literature Today of novels by the struggle to overcome deep-rooted oppression, create border to Goa, where he died alone, she undermines the Peter Nazareth in the US that he loved the first Goan Knowing of my interest in Goan cultural history, my Violet Dias Lannoy and Lino Leitao. They form part of identity, and build community. Perhaps it is through ‘fantasy version of history’ that is imposed on Goa by anthology Goan Literature: A Modern Reader that was Goan Literature father Jerry Luis first passed along Peter Nazareth’s two an intense description and analysis of Goan literature, the arts that we are able to tap into, express, and liberate tourism, by an India unaware of Goa’s complexity, and published in 1983 by the University of Michigan in Edited by Peter Nazareth, Africa-based novels The General Is Up and In a Brown made available to Goans and not just readers of the ourselves. That is, we can free ourselves from exile. by politicians hungry for power.” the Journal of South Asian Literature (JSAL). Nazareth Mantle, followed by the Journal, Goan Literature: A literary journal. I am convinced that history could be more meaningful Maria Couto is responsible for the translation of the had the monumental task of editing and shaping the Publisher: Goa 1556/ Modern Reader. He was then in Montreal and I was a The imagery painted by Violet Dias Lannoy of a village if it were taught through the cultural arts. When classic Ethnography of Goa by A.B. Braganza Pereira. anthology with work from fifty writers from Goa and Broadway Book Center graduate student in the US at the University of New school based on Gandhian principles and the provocative The excerpt of the interview reveals the challenges of the Diaspora. A renowned literary critic and author, Mexico in Albuquerque-books travel well! The two relationships in her novel Pears from the Willow Tree translating Goan literature so it is accessible to a wider Peter is also a Professor at the University of Iowa, home ISBN 978-81-905682-5-8 novels helped me to understand some of my own are still vivid in my mind, years after I read her book. audience. She reminds us that just knowing the two of the International Writing Program. RRP: Rs 495 (HB) Rs 395 (PB) experience growing up as a Tanzanian Goan. The Nazareth has been instrumental in awakening Goa languages is not enough for a translator. “Familiarity with When Frederick invited Peter to edit a second Goan anthology gave me a panoramic view of what some of and the Diaspora to the work and value of Violet Dias the cultures and ethos is also essential.” Understanding anthology, he initially thought of a completely new the concerns and joys were to people of Goan ancestry. Lannoy who had a remarkable career in international the cultural context and the subtle nuances of language book. But then he thought of bringing out the JSAL Pivoting on the Point of Return: Modern Goan Literature Becoming aware that there were some fine Goan writers relations and excelled as an educator and writer. then is critical to the art of translation. anthology as a book. The result reminds me of what ensures that an out-of-print gem is accessible to a new who I could identify with was life changing. It gave Reading Lino Leitao’s novel Gift of the Holy Cross Sharing some refreshing insights into the issue of the music industry does best. Great recordings that generation. The book has a beautiful cover with new me a sense of belonging and pride that introduced me to the complexities of Goan life during identity, Maria Couto says, “Goans, like the French were out-of-print are released as CDs, and given a fresh beginning and ending chapters that we as a cultural group have something the liberation struggle, a time with which I was only and Germans, do not have children enough to attain look with a few previously unreleased songs added to bring it into the to say and to contribute to literature, vaguely familiar. As Nazareth says, “Leitao is a fine even the replacement rate. So is the answer multiple give the product greater value. By this I mean, that the to history. It inspired me to read and storyteller with a satiric political consciousness and a identities, the language and the soil? The creation new music not only adds an element collect Goan and ethnic literature. spiritual vision of a people’s awakening.” Comparing conducting lecture performances of Blues music and through literature, music and the arts of a Goan ethos of surprise, but it Pivoting on the Point of Return the poetry of Eunice de Souza and her minimalist its history for college students, senior adults as well as that is pluralistic, secular yet deeply religious, a joy is written essentially by cultural writing with that of Kamala Das, “a natural poet with school children, for example, I saw lights go on and they in life not fettered by prudery and hypocrisy, and the insiders, and that is significant. It is an excellent feeling for sound, rhythm, image, symbol, wanted to know more about the music, its origins and undimmed flow of various forms of art including our like writing and performing your word play and drama...,” Nazareth pays both writers a originators. Likewise, my understanding of American vibrant tiatr and the new found interest in film....” own song that expresses who you serious compliment. and world history has deepened as I have studied the With Frederick Noronha’s interview about the past, are and what is important to you In the Foreword, the editor also discusses the work cultural context of Blues, Jazz, and Gospel music. present, and future of Goan literature, Peter Nazareth and your contemporaries. But the of writers who sent him their books to review after the There’s a saying that you understand your own culture has ended the book by preparing for a second anthology book also brings in empathetic original anthology was published, for example: Carmo better after you’ve studied others. In an essay by Alfred to set sail. He invited artist Steve Ellerhoff to integrate outsiders like J. Mangamma who D’Souza’s Angela’s Goan Identity that illustrates the push F. Braganza I read years ago but appreciated so much the quotation, used as the epigraph to Desmond Hogan’s discusses when Goa became and pull of East and West on the Goan psyche, and more this time around in Pivoting on the Point of Return, novel Children of Lir, into a sketch of a sailing ship. This the birthplace of printing in Victor Rangel-Ribeiro’s Tivolem, set in a village in Goa, I learned more about Goan folk music. Did you know beautifully illustrates the theme of the book: to return India, and Adil Jussawalla who that was the winner of the 1998 Milkweed Editions that manddos reflect melancholy, are mostly love songs, from exile, not necessarily to Goa, but to find ourselves, shares his deep and respectful Fiction Prize. Of Margaret Mascarenhas’s Skin, the but also might have political themes? That manddo is honor our stories, and build community wherever we reflections on the often editor says “it is a brilliant first novel that gets under the derived from the Sanskrit manddala meaning circular may be, even across the oceans. misunderstood poet Eunice skin.” While these books are on my reading list, I’ve only movement? That “Xo Xo Juana” is a dulpod? Braganza Conveying the spirit of this anthology is Manohar de Souza and her poems. been able to find on-line Tivolem and Margaret’s new says, “If the manddo expresses the romantic side of Sardessai’s exquisite poem “We Are The World Wanderers” Beginning with the new novel The Disappearance of Irene Dos Santos published the Goan, the dulpod that follows typifies the realistic that he translated from Konkani to English: “Twenty-First Century in the US. facet.” Daknni in “Sanskrit means devil of a female; the Foreword,” the editor In the body of the book, Alfred F. Braganza contributes popular “Hanv Saiba Poltodi Vetam” is a daknni. “We are the world wanderers provides a rich synthesis two essays that are chapters from his book Discovery of Goans also have work songs called kunbi geet that And squanderers of love.... of his experience that sets Goa. He has a wonderful quote by Nehru in “Goans and are sung by laborers, the kunbis, and the themes range We have built our huts on the crests of waves the tone for this exciting the Portuguese Language.” Just as the subcontinent made from being hopeful and joyful, to being resentful of the And uncaged songs from our hearts collection of writings English an Indian language, Nehru said, “even Portuguese exploitation by landlords. This reminds me of the Blues For the blue winds of freedom....” that vary from being has become an Indian language.” What an empowering and work songs by African Americans, and the double analytical to folksy and way to think about “foreign” languages in former colonies. entendre that camouflage the real meaning of the lyrics Judy Luis-Watson is a musician, educator, romantic, to humorous We just have to turn things around to work for us! known to the cultural insiders. Braganza concludes that and writer. She currently manages the and caustic, to deep and Loy Saldanha’s “The Sister” set in a boarding school “Konkani music of Goans has much to contribute to volunteer program at the National Archives just plain entertaining. shows the ludicrous adherence to rules even as a young India, just as that of the blacks in America has done by at College Park, Maryland, US, where Peter Nazareth man commits suicide. The volume also includes way of progressive jazz and spirituals.” volunteers learn to assist provides insights into Saldanha’s powerful one-act play, The Undertaker, which In editing the anthology, Nazareth addressed it first to with archival projects. the literary world, the saw the light of day in the anthology and was performed Goans, then to outsiders. He “wanted Goans to learn Peter Nazareth’s reviews collaboration among on-stage in India a number of times this decade. from themselves (and from empathetic ‘outsiders’)....” of Judy’s (BluesWorks) writers and editors, Saldanha pursues the truth, however uncomfortable And he hoped that “the anthology could become a CDs “Far From Home” the comraderie that may be. But that is just the beginning of a complex window into self-knowledge and at the same time and “One Step: Live at and also the story waiting to be peeled open like an onion. become a dynamo for a changed consciousness.” He IMT!” have previously misunderstandings Lino Leitao’s “The Son” is a multilayered story of love, suggested that we think about this Goan anthology as appeared in Confluence. 16 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 17 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE BOOK REVIEW POETS RENDEZVOUS SONGS OF BLOOD AND SWORD: A DAUGHTER’S MEMOIR Diwali in the air Review by Reginald Massey Sheuli— Floral Messenger Or just single, not alone Are not dotted or feted on any special day t says volumes about the subcontinental elite when it and service. Sir Shahnawaz’s wife was one Begum Khurshid, and her father Murtaza, the elder of ZAB’s two sons from White clouds float carelessly Only goddesses who maybe mothers, wives and sisters Ihas to wash its dirty linen, particularly blood drenched the mother of ZAB. But who was she? Many claim that she his second wife Nusrat, a glamorous Iranian. She claims, On a midnight-blue ocean overhead Deserve distinction, while mortal sisters serve and smile domestic linen, in what they sanctimoniously insist is was a low caste Hindu dancing girl named Lakhi Bai, a that her grandfather was a masterful tactician who steered A gentle breeze awakens Submit, succumb, accommodate and bend backwards the decadent west. It is possible that water in the west, rare beauty, who hailed from the Parel district of Mumbai. Pakistan away from American domination and cultivated FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS The sleeping sheuli flowers being infinitely cleaner, does a better job. This is nota She converted to Islam, became ‘Begum Khurshid’, and China. He took to wearing a Mao cap. However, after Bow forward, touch feet, dust, fast to make feasts new phenomenon. In earlier times it was said that Motilal, married her protector by whom she produced three sons Pakistan’s humiliation by India in 1971, and the creation Suddenly a moonless night each year Stirred by the breeze delectable Jawaharlal’s haughty pater, used to send his suits and and three daughters. The elder two sons died young, the of Bangladesh, it was ZAB who charmed Indira Gandhi Becomes a radiant day The tender floral starlet Sisters graciously dot the foreheads of brothers shirts to be dry cleaned and laundered in Paris. This was second of cirrhosis of the liver. ZAB, her favourite, was the in a garden in Simla. He persuaded Gandhi to repatriate Each dark corner twinkles Spreads its six soft white petals The fragrant sandal wood dot before father and son in nationalist fervour burnt their youngest son. FB confesses that ZAB’s elder brothers were over 90,000 Pakistani POW’s without any loss of face to Sparkling homes, dazzling clothes The saffron stem holds the petals tenderly Can’t it be a reciprocal circular sign of mutual trust western clothes and donned homespun Gandhian garb. Lotharios, in others words, libertines and womanisers. either her or Pakistan. Gandhi, then riding high as the and care Tinkling laughter Even Jawaharlal, the prototypal Englishman, understood Apparently Lakhi Bai’s family and descendants still live in empress of India, could afford to be generous to ZAB Little snowy stars illuminate Let’s start sister- brother dotting (bon-bhai phota) on A magic wand transforms all that you can’t convince the starving Indian peasant while even though many Indians felt that she could have easily The leafy trees each autumnal night the same day dressed in your Savile Row suit and displaying your gold made ZAB sign on the dotted line and make him accept Wafting fragrance of seen or unseen sheuli flowers Songs of Blood and Sword: At midnight the grand Goddess Kali cuff links. But today the upwardly mobile in Delhi, the Indo - Pak border moving nearer to Lahore by about Devoted messenger of the fiesta of grand deities Brother to Sister Dhaka, Mumbai, Karachi, Lahore and Colombo, even a daughter’s memoir ten miles. Secondly, she could have insisted that ‘Azad Is invoked to bless the good earth Kali’s blood smeared scimitar glistens in the air Khatmandu, sport their Rolexes and Calvin Kleins with Fatima Bhutto, Kashmir’ be handed to India and that Pakistan recognize Like falling stars, sheuli- showers If you are not helpless, soft and hopeless unashamed arrogance. This memoir is a prize picture of unconditionally Kashmir as a part of India. ZAB, then The sound of drumbeats, Drop softly and soundlessly at night Not to dot you too is a problem, dear sister the malaise that affects the entire region. Jonathan Cape, London, 2010. £20.00 fighting for his political life, would have had to consent The carefree laughter of children Keeps its regular tryst with the soft light of dawn Multitasking and also fasting Mind you, Fatima Bhutto (FB), a Barnard College girl, ISBN 9780224087537 because if he failed to get back the Pakistani POWs there Animates the midnight prayers Heals the good earth with a downpour of fragrant You can move fast-forward with speed and force has much to complain and shout about and no publisher was no future for him in Pakistan. The so-called ‘Simla flowers You can be President in both hemispheres in Pakistan, where she is based, would risk his neck to India. Agreement’ was ZAB’s crowning achievement. Homely Lakshmi ushers wealth You are in the Supreme Court, Senate and Parliament publish her story. Asif Zardari (AB), known as ‘Mr Ten Shahnawaz became Dewan of Junagadh (mis-spelt My late father was in Simla at the time and told me On this night of the festival of lights Each morning young and old You are in banks and labs, colleges and schools Percent’ and several other juicy epithets, who has cloaked ‘Gunaghar’ in the book) which is now a part of India’s that the Pakistani delegation headed by ZAB flaunted Kali and Lakshmi share the same day-filled night Rush at dawn to pick up the tiny white stars You fly planes and are in combat forces himself in the convenient mantle of the grieving husband, Gujarat State. FB has inserted an unintentional touch themselves on the Mall in their black sherwanis and flowing Lights dazzle and crackers boom They string them into garlands and offer them to idols is not a man who forgets insults. AZ has been accused of of humour here. ‘Gunaghar’ translates as ‘House of Sin’. white shalwars as if they owned the place. An official whom Scintillating glow deafening sound Or just hold them tenderly in cupped palms You can weave words into novels or poems several scams and misdemeanours; he even, it is alleged, However, what advice Shahnawaz gave my father knew from his days in Lahore Is Lakshmi light and Kali sound No need to feminize you to make us feel masculine told a tale about his college degree. his master the Nawab recognized my father and they started Energy of Kali and the benign grace of Lakshmi Sometimes sheuli- trees do not let go so easily Let us dot each other in a New India in a new Hence Random House (Jonathan Cape is now an in 1947 is still not talking. He informed my father with a A strange mix and match Shaken to coax a flower-fall millennium imprint) has done the right thing to bring FB’s account crystal clear. If the broad smile: ‘Massey Sahib, we vowed The leaves and branches make a buzzing noise This is not a cosmetic change, nerds, but mutual to the attention of the world. The statistics are dire: FB’s ruler had judiciously that we’d land in India one day. And As the rhythmic drumbeats reverberate through the As the sheuli flowers stream down power-dotting grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) was hanged in 1979 opted for India his here we are !’ ZAB, the instigator of joyous air An annual silent flower-fall The Living Divine voice within us celebrates this on the orders of a second rate servile general, Zia-ul-Haq, descendants might Pakistan’s nuclear programme, had A thin young mother with her toddler daughter and That ushers in invincible Durga structural change who ZAB had foolishly appointed to head the Pakistan still be living in the infected his team with the notion wee son And festive times. No matter what They, the chronic myopia-afflicted army over the heads of other more senior and seasoned Junagadh palace. But that they were the victors, not the Suddenly raises her arms and dances barefeet group may say! men (ZAB thought that Zia was suitably subservient); the ruler emptied the defeated. Brother-Dotting Her toddlers sway in step, thrilled and fascinated her uncle Shahnawaz died mysteriously in 1985, some treasury and scuttled Arrogant in the extreme, the dapper Sanjukta Dasgupta As their loving mother swirls with the enchanting say he was poisoned, others that it was a combination of off to Pakistan as did ZAB was a Christ Church man with Sister to Brother drumbeats, drugs and alcohol abuse; her father Murtaza Bhutto was his Dewan soon after. an Oxford degree. But he could Sanjukta A beatific smile lights up the dancing woman’s assassinated in 1996; her aunt Benazir Bhutto (BB) met a The Bhuttos are be foul-mouthed, vindictive and The festive season Dasgupta is similar fate in 2007. descended from Hindu vengeful. He personal posse, known careworn face Ends with brother-dotting Professor of It is no wonder that the Bhuttos have been likened to Rajputs, ‘Sons of Kings’, as the Federal Security Force, sorted Bhai phota by sisters English at the the Borgias by Bob Geldof, the cursed house of Atreus of who had embraced out those who had crossed his path. As the sound of crackers boom, tired oil lamps flicker Young or old University of ancient Greece by Khushwant Singh and to the Jacobean Islam. They were Also he could not hold his drink. As the electric lights in homes twinkle through the night Knits the sibling bonds Calcutta tragedies by Max Hastings. Let me append another parallel. avaricious land grabbers At the same time he was extremely The young woman in a dirty faded sari and an Long life and prosperity The Bhuttos are not unlike the Nehrus: Jawaharlal killed who became feudal lords well read and an avid collector of oversized blouse For brothers become the prayers of sisters by the tragic failure of his India-China policy; his daughter in Sindh. Larkana became books. His letters to Murtaza at Dances and dances and dances under the flyover, Indira assassinated; her son Rajiv also assassinated; her their base and still is. They Harvard are sage, well crafted Which has been her home for sometime. The mortal sisters who maybe daughters, wives, mothers, wayward son Sanjay killed in a suspicious flying accident are certainly not proles pieces of prose and it’s a pleasure (at the time it was commented that Sanjay’s death was and hence ZAB’s loud to read some of the examples that posh addresses that the Bhuttos used as their Karachi World’s spoilt and idle rich. The truth, after all, has many versions. FB’s brilliant mourned the most by Mohammad Yunus, a long time socialist protestations, and FB has quoted. They compare town houses. FB was a girl then and she and her half- BB’s younger sister Sanam lives in London (where else?) book is by no means the last will and testament of the friend of Sanjay’s mother). It is amazing, when one surveys later BB’s, always sounded favourably with Nehru’s well brother (son from her father’s second wife) heard the in the same city where General Musharraf, the last military Bhuttos; many more will be written in the years to the scene, how much the two foremost political families somewhat fraudulent and known letters to his daughter. But if only he had shooting while huddled together in trembling fear. That ruler of Pakistan, also flourishes. Sanam has lambasted come. Let us not forget that the young Bilawal Bhutto of the rival countries—India and Pakistan—have in hollow. followed his own advice. But who does? He came to a very traumatic experience has obviously left its mark on FB. FB’s book in a letter to Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English Zardari, AZ’s son and heir and co-chairman with AZ of common. Roti! Kapra! Makaan! were heady slogans that the illiterate sticky end. His hubris was his downfall. She is convinced that her aunt BB and her husband AB language paper. She writes: ‘My sister always said that Pakistan’s ruling party is at Oxford, at his grandfaher’s This family history inevitably ties up with happenings and gullible masses swallowed hook, line and sinker. But Like father, like daughter. Benazir (‘Pinky’ to her doting had a hand in the murder. Her father, she makes out, was our family should not blame Fatima for the outrageous college, being groomed for a future role. Just like Sonia in Pakistan since ZAB joined the dictator Ayub’s cabinet. how much bread, clothing and housing was there actually father) cast herself as a latter day Joan of Arc and promptly a true socialist who believed that the Pakistan Peoples accusations she makes against us. Benazir said: Don’t blame Gandhi’s son Rahul in Delhi whose father, grandmother I can’t vouch for it but I’ve been told that ZAB addressed delivered to the people of Pakistan? Indira Gandhi, ZAB’s fell out with her brother Murtaza. And thereby hangs the Party (PPP) had been hijacked by vadheras (feudal lords), the child, blame those who poison her. But Fatima Bhutto and great grandfather were Prime Ministers of the the self-promoted Field Marshal as ‘Daddy’. ZAB’s, own counterpart in India, also took to sloganizing in a big tale. In ordinary circumstances it was Murtaza, the elder rapacious industrialists and crooked politicians thanks is not a child any more, she is a grown up woman and at ‘world’s largest democracy’. father Shahnawaz Bhutto (Knight, Commander of the way. To this day in both countries millions upon millions son, who should have stepped into ZAB’s shoes. That was to BB and AZ. Most interesting. And yet she confesses some point we must be held accountable for what we do This book has its errors certainly but it’s a rollicking Order of the Indian Empire, Officer of the Order of the are denied even clean drinking water. So much for the and still is the feudal custom in Pakistan. But he did not. that her father was a dandy who when at Harvard did not and what we say. Her book is an assault on my family, on read. Highly recommended to all those who wish to get British Empire, etc.) had died in 1957 having amassed vast Oxbridge educated socialists who lord it over their poverty You’ll have to read the book for a possible answer. know how to wash his own clothes in a washing machine. reality and, above all, on the truth.’ some idea of what Pakistan is all about. wealth apart from his inherited estates. The honours were stricken people. Murtaza and some of his guards were gunned down An American friend had to coach him in the mysteries of Strong words which must be taken seriously. But not Reginald Massey’s latest book is India: bestowed on him by the British government for his loyalty FB endeavours to make a strong case for both ZAB in Karachi not far from Clifton 70 and 71, the very washing and ironing. We can only shed tears for the Third quite convincing either. Definitions and Clarifications 18 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 19 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE CINEMA LONDON FILM FESTIVAL LITERATURE THE TAQWACORES CREATIVE PRESENTS: TAMIL LITERATURE TODAY Punk, Spunk, Islamic Monk—but not junk A conference held at the University of Chicago on 1 October 2010-11-09 by Sam Sterling By Lakshmi Holmström f the title of the film—eponymous with the novel Muslim penned this, his debut fiction draws upon his he University of Chicago has a ‘Rethinking Poetics and Translation: the formation of diasporas and her ‘journey’ from her early feminist Iby Michael ‘Muhammad’ Knight—confuses you, own isolation in America as a ‘New Muslim’ he was also Trenowned Department of South Contemporary Tamil Literature’, given transnationalisms for some years now polemics to her arrival, in her latest then you are not alone...I had to look it up myself! involved in co-writing the screenplay with Eyad Zahra Asian Languages and Civilizations, by Professor Chelva Kanaganayakam and his presentation on this occasion work, at a far more complex notion “TAQWACORES” is an amalgam of ‘TAQWA’ a Muslim American of Syrian heritage who is also the with a long tradition of Tamil Studies. of the University of Toronto. Professor was entitled, ‘Transnational imagery: of that ‘body’. Her latest fiction may Arabic for ‘God fearing’ and ‘Cores’ ‘Hardcores’. An debut director. I met up with him in London at the It has been home to many brilliant Kanaganayakam teaches English Articulating a Poetics for Diasporic be read, in a way, as post-feminist Islamic Punk movement emanating from the USA London Film Festival together with Bobby Naderi scholars, including A.K. Ramanujan, literature and has published and edited Tamil Literature’. Of particular postscripts. with hardcore attitude...bizarre you may think; but it (Yusuf) and talked to them at length about the film. poet, pioneering translator of Classical several books on post-colonial writing, interest, in this paper, was the manner The last presentation was given by gets more bizarre as the film unfolds with a group of They had obviously entered this project with their eyes Tamil poetry, as well as one of the one of his specializations. He has also in which the internet has enabled a Sascha Ebeling of Chicago University, Muslim youths sharing a ‘derelict’ building and Islamic wide open. They were well prepared and realistic with foremost scholars of his time, of South written extensively on contemporary variety of world-wide communication, and was entitled ‘Transnational Tamil, values—in Buffalo, New York. They are joined by a the potential ‘hot potato’ they had created and delivered, Asian languages and cultures. The high Sri Lankan writing. Most recently, and thus, the extraordinary survival of Global Tamil: Some observations quiet and even repressed second generation Pakistani, which they handled with care and sensitivity—this may standard in the exploration of classical he published a collection of seventy- a global ‘Tamil’ identity which does on the making of a New Literary Yusuf (Bobby Naderi) a student hoping to pursue an sound contradictory in itself if you watched the sex texts has continued, but in recent five poems in translation, of three not seem to militate against a local Culture’. Whereas Cheran spoke of Islamic way of life while at university—still under the scenes and the Gay-Muslim in the household. times there has also been an emphasis renowned modern Sri Lankan poets, diasporic commitment to the host a developing global ‘Tamil’ diaspora, influence of his family’s Islamic moral guidance. The Yusuf transforms under the influence of this Punk on modern and contemporary Sascha Ebeling Spanish focussed on a writing in all the Indian languages Not By Our developing global production of Tamil A gang from the wrong side of the tracks in Tears was a The Taqwacores taught at the university. The Norman multi media literature. Sascha’s expertise enables Cutler conferences, held annually to theatrical him to chart the ways in which such commemorate another brilliant Tamil performance a development has occurred over a scholar, were instituted three years ago of R.Cheran’s hundred years: his recent book was and focus on modern writing. They Tamil verse about the transforming movements in play presented began in 2007 with a one-day seminar by members of Tamil literature during the nineteenth on the work of the young Tamil writer, the Sri Lankan century. Salma. Conferences on Hindi and Tamil diaspora The papers were followed by Bobby Naderi (Yusuf) with Jehangir—Mohawk Malayalam were scheduled to follow. stimulating discussions, making us all Muslim Punk (Dominic Rains) in The Taqwacores The Creative Presents conference aware of the exciting, and sometimes housemates include: Jehangir, a Mohawk Muslim Punk Muslim sub-culture liberating him in more ways than one was organized by Sascha Ebeling, the paradoxical trends currently happening (Dominic Rains), a punk skater of the building include whilst finding his own identity both in the hierarchy of dynamic young professor of Tamil, in Tamil. For example, Dr Annamalai Rabeya (Noureen Dewulf) a feisty woman sporting a the household and the changing society at large. This is an who has held the post in Chicago for pointed out, in his intervention, that full ‘burkha’ which she never comes out of. American film made by American Muslims adding to the six years now. It was held in tribute simultaneous to a transnational trend, Unaware of what is in store for him—fermenting in films awe. All the actors are highly plausible in their roles to James Lindholm, on the occasion there is another trend of regionalism this ‘den of mischief’ governed by self-interpreted Islamic and the film is cleverly crafted and highly stylised with the of his retirement from many years “Tamil literature has reached beyond its in current Tamil writing, exemplified, rules, which includes the censoring of certain verses of use of hand-held camera and drained grainy colour with of teaching Tamil (language and for example, by the short story writer, the Koran; which one Muslim girl does not find relevant, mono-sound to heighten the ‘punk effect’. It must have linguistics) at the university, hence the original home in South Asia to become a Dilip Kumar who focuses on the small title. Gujarati community which has lived Club scene from Director Eyad Zahra transnational or global phenomenon...” The Taqwacores Tamil has a long literary history which in Tamil Nadu for decades. has developed separately in India and The day ended with a production Sri Lanka. There also have been settled Wilting Laughter. Contemporary country one might have entered. of Cheran’s play, Not by our tears, at Tamil diasporas elsewhere, notably in Tamil poetry from Sri Lanka has The two papers following Cheran’s the University of Chicago Gleacher Malaysia and South Africa, for several been intensely political, speaking out moved from these broader literary Center. This was not so much a decades. But, as Sasha Ebeling pointed of the experience—both individual issues and perspectives, to the close play as a performance of some of out in the conference flier, during the and collective—of the recent ethnic study of individual works. Martha his poems in English translation, last three decades in particular, ‘Tamil war. It introduces a new vision and Selby’s paper was entitled ‘Emotional interspersed with folk songs in Tamil, literature has reached beyond its energy into a two-thousand year old registers in the short fiction of D. and dance sequences, chronicling Director: Eyad Zahra original home in South Asia to become literary tradition. Kanaganayakam Dilip Kumar’, and was based on her and commenting upon the recent Actors what one might call a transnational called for a new poetics which would current work, the translation of the ethnic war. Bobby Naderi Yusuf or global phenomenon’. There are allow an analysis of this new poetry, collected works of an extraordinary The conference was held at the the leading of Friday prayers by a woman, the ‘call to Dominic Rains Jehangir been a big weight on the shoulders of a young director to many reasons for this, specifically the and a critical practice which can contemporary author. Martha Selby is Franke Institute for the Humanities, prayer’ strummed on an electric guitar, various sex acts Noureen DeWulf Rabeya deliver a film based on a controversial novel. He has done and blaring punk parties with booze flowing. The sort of well in delivering a well balanced film albeit shocking to ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, which has move beyond the ardent needs of the a professor at the University of Texas which is located in the wonderful caused a wide scattering of Sri Lankan moment, and evaluate the aesthetic at Austin, and is a scholar of Sanskrit, Joseph Regenstein Library of the activities which would be quite ‘normal’ at any university Country: USA some and in ultra speed. The subject matter may/will Tamils to all parts of the world. In the and lasting qualities of this poetry as Prakrit and Classical Tamil, and it is University. Chicago was looking its student’s house party but this is all happening in an Duration: 83 mins upset a lot of people but...you cannot take away from light of this, the conference aim was well. a new venture for her to apply her best; the maple trees turning red- allegedly Muslim household! Bizarre or is it just the ‘Young Language: English Eyad Zahra’s quality film. The controversy begins here. to ‘explore some of the many faces and Chelva Kanaganayakam’s paper was considerable skills in literary analysis gold. An added bonus for those of us Ones’ trying to find their own identity within a Christian Website: www.taqwacore.com The film is to be released in late October in USA. It has facets of Tamil literature today’. At followed by the presentation by the poet to the subtle and finely told stories of who stayed on for some days, was the lead society culminating in a ‘Punk Muslim’ sub-culture Classification: expected 18 Cert distribution in the UK but the release dates are not yet with its revised or loosely updated rules—contemporary, confirmed...so do keep an eye out forThe Taqwacores. the same time, the conference was a and academic, R. Cheran who teaches a modern writer. proximity of the Italian restaurant, sharply focused one, held over a single in the Department of Sociology at My own paper, following Martha’s, Medici on the 57th Avenue, where, we yet built on a solid Islamic foundation with its load- Writers: Eyad Zahra (Screenplay) day, with five speakers and a relatively the University of Windsor in Canada. drew on my twenty years of were told, Obama bearing and long-standing pillars (values). Blurring the Michael Muhammad Knight (Screenplay & Author) Sam Sterling is an actor,critic, line between what is ‘halal’ or ‘haram’ (un-Islamic) is and screenplay writer and small and sharply engaged audience. Cheran is one of the foremost poets experience in translating the fiction of used to eat. The conference began with a in Tamil in our times. He is also the feminist writer, Ambai, and was will always be controversial by whatever standards used. So Producers: David Persey (Executive Producer) playwright. He is also an homage to Jim Lindholm by Sascha one of the editors of an anthology, entitled, ‘Mapping the body, mapping Lakshmi should we categorize it film as punk or junk? Well, your Michael Muhammad Knight (Co-Producer) independent film producer religious background may well influence your thoughts on currently producing the Ebeling who spoke on behalf of Maranathul Valvom (We will live the world: Ambai, Sukirtharani, Holmström many of Jim’s students and users of amidst death), 1985, which changed Kuttirevati.’ My aim was to focus is a literary this film, but you must not let the depiction of the overtly Release Date: USA October 2010 UK TBC film Shakespeare Goes his text books. This was followed the face of contemporary Tamil on Ambai’s treatment of women’s critic, writer ‘shameless’ actions influence your decision totally. Sterling Rating: A must-watch—but not with the family! Bollywood and is based in Michael ‘Muhammad’ Knight a converted American London. by the first presentation of the day, poetry. Cheran has been theorizing relationship to their bodies; to plot and translator 20 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 21 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE FICTION CINEMA

pitiless bear of a man, Rashid Khan, was thus a God-sent the devils have broken my wrist. You may get it out and And then a sweet sleep overwhelmed him. The Seat angel to Sula Batt as he alone gave him occasional chance take some money out of it. It may be of some help to Vazira took out the pouch hid under the hay and to stretch his mutilated limbs and have the luxury of you. Come put your hand under my garments, take out returned pussy-footed to her own bedding and snuggled Shafi Shauq breathing fresh air. Whether he had any excrement in the stitches and get it out.” up with her children. his entrails or not, he feigned to try for as much time Without giving went to her joy, she came near him, hat an ungrateful cur of a son he finally On the yonder bank of the Sindh, a long convoy all important documents were safe in the cabin.” as Rashid Khan could bear until the latter gave him a looked out through the rent of a window; there was no Quite before the set of dawn, a sound was heard “Wproved to be! He cringes to pay the ransom of military vehicles meandered on the serpentine Bearing killing pain for all these twenty-one days, Sula deadly pull. soul visible. outside the hut—a creak, a long creak, of the log-door to save my life, his own father’s life. Even today Javid highway. The convoy of Shaktimans and Ashok Lilands Bhat persistently remained lost in misgivings like these. Rahman Khan, the owner of the shanty of Sula Batt’s “Let’s wait a little. May be Rashid Khan comes in.” of the fence of the compound. It was a doleful creak that didn’t turn up with the money. It might be that he did disappeared like a huge black anaconda in the dense He, nevertheless, waited for some miracle to happen incarceration, was taken away by four boys as their Saying this, she moved away, giving a soft wipe of her startled Vazira. Without wasting a minute, she got out not find apt time to come. But he could somehow have forest, leaving behind acrid and thick fumes that got that could save him. There was no sign that intimated escort. He was ordered to accompany the group to the garments on Sula Batta’s face. The whiff of the buffalos’ of the bedding and lit up the lantern. Rahman Khan and found some way out...It may be that there is some other ensnared in the foliages of pines, spruce and deodars. that he was being remembered; the news of his getting hamlet that was located on the other bank of the Sindh skin absorbed in her garments pervaded all his veins. all the four guys were already there in the room. hassle at home, he couldn’t be so thick-skinned, I know And on this bank of the river, a band of the BSF kidnapped was nevertheless broadcast on the first day of river where a tyrant like Sula Batt had been looting the The costly perfumes that he once used could not match “You bloody pimp! Get up, you are finished. Your own for sure. It is the twenty-first day of my being in the troopers, bearing their machineguns, snipers, stein guns his disappearance from the town. people of several villages for the last thirty years and, had, the enlivening smell. He started panting. son has turned into an informer. You are finished.” One custody of these undertakers. Gosh! Be kind to me. You and other black arsenal, warily looking around, marched Holding all his organs assembled, he crouched at the therefore, to be punished for every crime. Rahman Khan “I shall do that in late night when all the kids are of the guys, foaming with anger, said. alone can save me now.” uphill and, ordained to some unknown place, moved sill of the lone window of the Gujar shanty, he took care alone knew the labyrinthine paths under the copses of slept.” Vazira gave him a bracing promise and began Sula Batt, lay there reclining on his back. His wide Soliloquizing, he changed his posture of crouching ahead through an arroyo. that no bit of the warmth of his own breath escaped from walnut trees that linked the hamlets on the banks of cooking the beans; she had already made many corn- aghast eyes were transfixed by the stark vespertilian roof for no posture did give his mutilated organs relief from “It might be that they are deputed to search me out.” the besmeared outer woollen garment, worn to shreds, the river. All the boys, except the guest from across the flour breads. of the dungeon where he could see nothing but cobweb ache. He continued eyeing the path through the rent Sula Bhat had a hazy hope. “May be, my name, too, has so that his maimed body did not get frozen in the chill. border, belonged to Shahbad in the south of the valley. As usual, Rashid Khan arrived before it as night, and hanging serpentine threads of soot. in the mud wall of the Gojar’s shanty. Nothing but figured on some list of the disappeared people in the files He kept his hirsute face and the running nose covered For the last five days, Rahman Bhat, accompanying the dragged the captive to the outdoors behind the boulder Four of the gang, with mud-spattered clothes, were unending bleak mounds and empty fields were there of some office there in the town.” underneath his woollen. The reek of his septic injuries group, had been away from his home. fence where he pissed quite quickly. He got him back to humming with fright and anger. They sat down propped to be seen. Denuded walnut trees and copses of poplars He would yell to them, but that could be his impending was felt nasty no more by him. He had pulled down the Vazira Gojarni had the permission to make the captive his allotted place, kept him tied to the pole and left. The against a sac filled with their arsenal. Rahman Khan poured and willows bore yester night’s fresh fluffy snow on their death. The yell that emerged in his chest got stuck in his curls of his woollen cap to cover his wounded neck. His survive till the purpose was fulfilled and thus she fed him kids, too, were home. They lit up the lantern and ate out some water from the pitcher placed there on a stand bare shoot. And snow flakes danced up and down in throat. tears silently dripped through his nose and this soaked with one homemade corn-bread that he took with red corn-flour breads and the well cooked beans. Using his into a tumbler and made each of them moisten his hoarse stark air and got stuck to whatever space they found. During the twenty-one days of his captivity he had his filthy shirt and nothing was there to dry it up. He, salt tea without milk. And when there was no vigil, she aching left hand, Sula Batt also took a little food. Vazira, throat. They guzzled the water. They did not put their The descents of the hillock were marked by white lines many a time escaped from the yawning snout of death, however, intermittently managed to lift some part of the secretly placed a little of ghee under a handful of parched taking pity on the captive, fed him with loafs of bread mucky shoes off for they had no time to waste there. made of snow behind the ridge of undulating fields; yet he had a faded hope that his only son Javid would drenched shirt from his chest and blew his warm breath corn flour in the cup that she then refilled with hot tea. made soft by the hot cooked beans. snow on the sun-facing slopes had melted away during come, pay the ransom and save his life. They carried, over it, it gave him a little relief. His congealed right She had known from her husband abut Sula Batta’s While chewing the food, he continued gazing with “My darling Sula, my son, get up now. It is getting the day. The sky was gloomily overcast and it looked like rather dragged, him from one hidey-hole to another. wrist was chained and the chain was tied to a pole of the lechery that what a knack he had to entice others’ women. his deadened eyes at the youthful but wrinkled face of too late.” Sula Batt heard these words in clear voice; he dusk much before the sunset. The chill of winter was “What if they had to sell everything out, God is there shanty; a big lock that appeared like a curled slumbering While serving this hamstrung infamous womanizer for Vazira and sought some hope of fresh lease of life there. recognized his mother’s voice whose face was visible to readying to stiffen everything. Appallingly shaped dense to bestow much more upon us. Whether by fraud, deceit serpent was put on the chain. The key was in custody over five days, she provided him a little warmth by her The lantern was put out, and the kids with their him in the thickly tasselled fluffy gloom all around him. and dark clouds collided and dissipated into each other or underhandedly, I have built up so much, but of what of Rashid Khan, a Gojar who lived in the shanty on the occasional smiling glances and rejuvenated him by her sated bellies, nestled close to their mother, were soon in She had died some forty years ago, yet her compassionate forming more fearful forms. The topmost precipice of avail? I own plentiful assets in many villages and the other side of the corn field. sweet Gojri-Kashmiri drivel. deep slumber under the tattered quilt. When all started face shone vividly in the dark. the Harmokh alone shone with bloody red dazzle of the town, yet I rot in here in this dungeon; all rubbish. How The very remembrance of Rashid Khan, the wolf of “I shall never forget your favours,’’ he used to elate her snoring, Vazira gave a slight cough. Sulla Batt, too, With a sudden pull they removed the quilt from setting sun. hard had I egged him on to do what numerous boys a man, would send chilling tremors in the marrow of in return. “ Just wait and see what I can do for you when coughed in reply, but he could hardly stop his coughing. his half naked body lying motionless like a log. They A look at the bloody red precipice ripping the gloomy of the villages and towns did—go across the border, get his bones. It was, however, Rashid Khan who came in I am freed from this hell.” And when he really stopped coughing, his nose felt the dragged him out. He could not utter even a whine for he sky made Sula Batt shudder. trained in using weapons and defend himself and his wee hours every morning, unlocked the chain, dragged Sula Batt had made this promise to her a hundred smell of buffalos in Vazira’s clothes; she was quite close was no better than a sac filled with dry husk. The monotonous precincts spread on the two banks of kin, but he, a womanizer, could not be spurred. It is him out of the dungeon, made him piss and defecate times, and made it again now. to him. This made his sinews and ligaments hot that “You bloody pimp, you are finished. Your own son has the roaring Sindh river looked benumbed by some hex. never late even now, he too could join this or that outfit. behind the huge boulders, wash his organs at the creek “Keep this hot kangri (a fire pot placed in a knit wicker might have relieved him of coughing. Vazira had already turned into an informer.” The snarl of the spurts of the Sindh appeared surfaced His life too is not safe. Save him, God! I hope he is safe, and, using all manner of bad names, dragged him back basket) under the phyaran (a loose outer garment); this come out of her bedding and at a snail’s pace moved How could a sac of husk say anything in reply? from the bosom of the hell; an undecipherable din. all that I own will be grabbed by others otherwise. I wish to his allotted place and kept him tethered as usual. The will warm you up.” close to him and was very much there under his quilt. Two of the team lifted their heavy kit and carried it She took out her own hot kangri from underneath her “Where is the pouch?” Vazira whispered while touching away with them. garments, taking all care, lifted up the captive’s garments, the pinna of his left ear; the warmth of her breath made Sulla Batt was taken to the nearby ravine, called Ahara craned out her lean arm that went straight to his bruised his heart pound heavily. Naar where he was shot dead. They axed his head from tummy; the warmth of her hand sent waves of warmth Sula Batt took her warm groping hand into his two the body and threw it into the gushing waters of the into his shrivelled sinews. A smile danced on her lips and hands, first, made it touch his hirsute chest and after Sindh. The rest of the dismembered body was hid under Sula Batt felt as if his ache had completely vanished. letting it lie there for a moment he showed it way to the boulders and the heap was covered with the foliage After doing this act of piety, she was busy with her the pouch in the under-lining of his waste coat that lay of firs. routine chore of feeding her goat and two staring rolled under his lateral ribs. Vazira made him take a turn buffalos. The warmth of the cattle’s breath was now and lie on his back. It took her a pretty long time to At half-past eleven, they had encounter with army in more soothing to Sulla Batt than the luxury of the open the stitches with her untrimmed nails; Sula Batt’s the canyon and all the five of the team were killed. The hamaam of his house. hands, too, remained busy all this while. news was broadcast in the afternoon on the same day The kids were still outdoors enjoying the swing that Taking out the pouch finally, she could see even in the they had made by tying a thick rope to two forked boles dark that it contained a bundle of thousand-rupee notes. In the evening, on the same day, Javid was dolled up of the old leaning elm. They had also made a pivoted Without moving her body, she hid it under the pillow and Kohl was applied to his eyes. With full honours he whirling pole to get rides on it. made of a roll of dry paddy-grass. occupied the seat of his father in the drawing room of “Vazira!” He passionately called her by her name, and And then the unaided Vazira had to perform the whole his splendid house. surely she too was waiting for this call. “I have a secret to of the expected act herself. He had no energy to help her. Three Patvaaris of the area waited outside the house; share with you. But you shall have to take oath on your He forgot the pain of the burns caused by cigarette bits they had all the revenue documents with them. kids that you do not divulge this to anyone. All right?’ and bruises on his back. In the adjacent room there were as many as nine shop- The heat of the kangri had warmed up the chilled While the two buffaloes remained busy with their cud, owners of his newly inaugurated marrow of his bones and, as such, he could not stop throughout the dark night, the two bodies remained shopping-mall, they were waiting telling her the secret. cuddled under the tattered quilt. The buffaloes made there to greet him. “What!” pretending nonchalance, Vazira replied in a a strange sound by masticating and exhaling heavily Javid was busy with the members way as if there was no inquisition in her “what”. “Tell it intermittently. of his own newly constituted to me, I swear.” Busying herself she said. The mice romped about in the shanty as if they team. “There is a pouch under the lining of my waistcoat. I participated in the festivity. had a premonition that something wicked was to befell The low sounds and slow movements continued till Shafi Shauq is a poet and me, so I had kept it hidden there. I cannot reach to it as Sulla Batt’s body in his fifties was depleted of all vigour. critic who writes in Kashmiri. 22 CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE 23 CONFLUENCE FEATURE

Sharon Yamamoto - The Colours of Inner Peace

n an age when art defies definition and seems which gets lost in the hurly-burly of our outer life. Ito be beyond the common man’s understanding, We have become so much a part of a society in a this artist’s work comes as a breath of fresh air. hurry to produce, consume and create statistics that Sharon Yamamoto’s paintings answer many of we have lost sight of our true selves. Sharon reminds the questions we are confronted with as we go us that we are souls living through an experience of through life—a clear idea in each of her paintings, earthly life through which we fulfil ourselves. communicated in an effortless way. Her recent Like all artists, Sharon Yamamoto has her exhibition, after a trip to India, served to confirm favourite themes. Many of her paintings speak of that her source of inspiration is the same spirituality journeys, inner journeys of self-discovery while that binds all human beings. other paintings speak of the two opposite parts Having lived three decades in the United of our nature with which we need to live—the Kingdom, Sharon Yamamoto is really a third practical and the creative, the destructive and the generation Japanese American who in her compassionate, the beastly and the angelic. The upbringing and education, is more American themes of some of her paintings are also about than Japanese. Graduating in Fine Arts from the nurturing and loving and finding happiness in Illinois Wesleyan University she has had a long the little joys of life, reminding the viewer of the career in teaching art and as an artist. Married to significance of the seemingly insignificant. Not an Englishman she has brought up her children only does the theme of the mother and child come in Britain. Keenly interested in the history of back in the various collections but also her work Learning To Fly religions, she studied for sixteen years at the is full of compassion while she touches on the College of Psychic Studies in London and draws common feeling of insecurity, of not knowing what The Muse on this knowledge when she paints. the future will bring for one’s children—that which Although she is the product of several cultures is at the heart of every parent. Sharon’s work is entirely individual and doesn’t One of the unique features of Sharon’s style is look like having come under any one of these the way she uses light. “Light itself is a symbol,” influences. She draws inspiration from her she says. In all her works the central figure is lit up Japanese roots as much as she does from Walt by an object or another figure and that brings out Disney’s early animations but in the end her the meaning of the painting. One of her recent paintings reflect her own thoughts. Her work works shows a little being sitting before a human looks deceptively simple but it is neither naïve figure and casting a golden glow. The title “Muse” art nor children’s illustration, not even religious explains it all. Often it is a golden child who with art. It is something beyond all this even though the radiating light, guides the main figure in the it has elements of all of these styles. Her subjects picture. Her paintings engage us emotionally and spring from the experience of daily life, from the intellectually while we appreciate the beauty of common human experience of trying to live in the forms she has created. harmony with oneself and with the world. “Every human being is potentially an artist,” Recently Sharon exhibited her work at the Holland she says, “but only some develop the skills to Park Icehouse Gallery in London. Hidden away express oneself.” But having developed that skill to behind tall trees and flowering bushes this venue was perfection she chooses to allow her inner voice to perfectly suited for Sharon’s paintings. Her works, take over. She admits to shutting out reasoning or which always carry an atmosphere of peace and rationale when she begins painting, laying herself harmony, are peopled by humans, animals, birds, open to inspiration from the outer universe. trees, streams, oceans, the night sky or the dark Sharon Yamamoto travelled to India in 2009 and woods. There is often a narrative element which discovered for herself the land of which she had gives to her work that fourth dimension: time. heard so much. She and Tony her husband, set out Talking of the recurrent theme of the child in with very few expectations, yet they were constantly her paintings she says, “I don’t consciously create discovering things. She said, “We were surprised in symbols, it happens on an unconscious level. many ways on our first trip to India by the kindness However, I am aware of the universal symbols. of the people, the sophistication, the humour, the A child is an unencumbered soul before the graciousness and the wealth of material, spirituality personality takes over.” and of relationships.” During her short trip she When you have had a good look at Sharon managed to see quite a bit of India’s ancient art, the Yamamoto’s work you begin to see her inner world, high point being a visit to Ajanta and Ellora. or the collective inner space of all human beings. As one goes through Sharon Yamamoto’s work One senses a link to things that cannot be explained one becomes aware of the true role of an artist in by rational thinking and certain concepts such as human society, as an intermediary who brings us the idea of the soul, and man’s true self, begin to face to face with the reality dawn on the viewer. This luminous being recognised beneath the surface on and at the core of all eastern systems of thought— which we dwell. known as the atma to Hindus or ‘Buddha nature’ to Sunayana Panda, an Buddhists—streams through her paintings. alumnus of Annamalai She says, “My paintings come through me, not University, is a freelance from me.” She brings into sharp focus the wisdom writer and journalist of our inner life, that part of the human experience living in Pondicherry Sharon Yamamota in India 24 CONFLUENCE