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[email protected] Website : www.icar.org.in/i1ri INDIAN LAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE Preface qrffiFnA Executiue Summary. uii Introduction ,7 R e s e ar ch Ac c o mpli shments 1. Lac Production ........ ......5-29 1.1. Productivity and Quality Improvement ............... .................5-20 1 . 1.1 Collection, maintenance, conservation and evaluation of lac insects and host plants and their genetic improvement t.t.2 Identification and characterization of kusum and galwang genotypes for high productivity of lac ............ 8 1.1.3 Screening of lac insect germplasm on Ziziphus mauritiana (ber) and Flemingia semialata for improved productivity 10 1.r.4 Improvement in lac host propagation techniques ................. t2 1.1.5 Development of techniques for micropropagation of lac hosts t4 1.1.6 Biological, Chemical and Molecular Characteization of Lac Insect-Host Plant Relationship .............. 15 1.2 Production Improvement and Crop Management 20-27 1.2.1 Development of kusmi lac cultivation technology on Albizia procera.............................. 20 1.2.2 Development of package of practices of lac cultivation on Prosopis juliJlora ................