Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 2000 No. 70 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Hampshire, Mr. ROBERT SMITH. I be- called to order by the President pro The Honorable CRAIG THOMAS, a Sen- lieve he has 30 minutes, and again that tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ator from the State of Wyoming, led is an undesignated time? the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is correct. PRAYER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. WARNER. I think there are other United States of America, and to the Repub- designations of time we should recite. The guest Chaplain, Rev. Philip A. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Senator Smith, president of Providence College, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. INHOFE from Oklahoma has 10 minutes; Providence, RI, offered the following f Senator SNOWE from Maine has 30 min- prayer: RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME utes. Let us pause for a few moments and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. WARNER. If those Senators will place ourselves in the presence of God. THOMAS). Under the previous order, the counsel with the managers, we are As we gather in Your presence this leadership time is reserved. going to do everything we can to ar- range for their recognition at a time morning, O gracious God, we thank f You for the gifts You have bestowed on mutually convenient. I see the distinguished junior Senator us. The grandeur of the universe, the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- from Massachusetts on the floor. It wonder of love, the beauty of friend- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 may well be that we could proceed with ship, and the time to enjoy it all. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under that, but I shall defer to my colleague thank You for the privilege of living in the previous order, the Senate will now momentarily. a land of plenty and promise, equality resume consideration of S. 2549, which and opportunity, a land where freedom the clerk will report. SCHEDULE For the benefit of the Senate, we will reigns and peace is possible. The legislative clerk read as follows: resume consideration of the Depart- A bill (S. 2549) to authorize appropriations We ask Your blessings on the Mem- ment of Defense authorization bill. At bers of this Senate as they grapple for fiscal year 2001 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for other pur- 1 o'clock, the Senate will begin 2 hours with complex economic, social, polit- poses. of debate on the McCain amendment ical, and cultural challenges in this Na- Pending: Smith (of NH) amendment No. regarding soft money disclosure. That 2 tion and around the world. Grant them 3210, to prohibit granting security clearances hours will be equally divided between the insight, wisdom, and courage to to felons. the sponsors of that amendment and fashion legislation that will create a McCain amendment No. 3214 (to amend- the Senator from Virginia. fresh vision and inspire hope, that will ment No. 3210), to require the disclosure of Following that debate, Senator KEN- expenditures and contributions by certain balance opportunity costs with social NEDY will be recognized to offer an political organizations. justice, that will enhance the quality amendment regarding health care man- of life for all Americans, while paying The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- agement organizations. Under a pre- special attention to those in our midst ator from Virginia. vious order, there will be up to 2 hours who experience their existence as frag- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, again I of debate on the Kennedy amendment, ile or painful: the ill and the elderly, wish to express my cooperation to the again, with the time equally divided the unloved and the unwanted, the leadership of the Senate, most specifi- between Kennedy proponents and the hungry and the homeless, the disadvan- cally my distinguished ranking mem- Senator from Virginia and/or his des- taged and the downtrodden. ber, Mr. LEVIN. We are making progress ignee. on this bill. Votes will occur at approximately 5 Finally, we ask to enrich our faith I inquire first of the Chair with re- o'clock. Senators should be aware, and strengthen our hope, nurture our gard to time allocations. I believe, other amendments may be offered dur- wisdom and deepen our love, increase under the previous order, 1 hour has ing the morning session. Therefore, our compassion, and broaden our toler- been reserved for the distinguished jun- votes may occur prior to the 1 o'clock ance so that our lives may illuminate ior Senator from Massachusetts, to be orders. the lives of others and light up the assigned at some point today; is that I thank my colleagues. I know the places where we labor and live. not correct? distinguished minority whip seeks rec- We ask You this as a people of faith The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ognition on a matter. confident of Your love and goodness ator is correct. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the only and as a people of hope who trust in Mr. WARNER. I inquire further about correction I make is that the amend- Your promises. Amen. the distinguished Senator from New ment will be offered by Senator ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4721 . S4722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 8, 2000 DASCHLE or his designee, rather than I am honored to be a graduate of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Senator KENNEDY. Providence, as was my father. I have objection? The Senator from Michigan. Mr. WARNER. I thank the distin- fond memories of my years there, as Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I would guished Senator. Yesterday I believe my father did in his undergraduate add the following: It is my under- the Senator brought that to my atten- days. standing of the unanimous consent tion and we failed to record it. My Father Smith led this institution agreement that recognition of the statement is so amended by the distin- most admirably during his tenure. We speakers who are listed here with a guished Senator from Nevada. are delighted and honored he is per- fixed period of time, including Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without forming the duties of assistant chap- KERRY, Senator SMITH, Senator SNOWE, objection, it is so ordered. lain here today. I commend him for his and Senator INHOFE, is solely for the LEAVE OF ABSENCE opening prayer. purpose of debate and not for the pur- Mr. REID. Mr. President, on behalf of The Dominican priests are known as pose of offering an amendment. Is the Senator CONRAD, I ask unanimous con- the order of preachers, Mr. President. Senator correct? sent, under rule VI, paragraph 2, he be Certainly Father Smith eloquently dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is permitted to be absent from the service played that historic reputation of the correct. of the Senate today, Thursday, June 8. Dominican order. The lives of the stu- Mr. LEVIN. I thank the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dents who have attended Providence The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. College have been so admirably altered objection, it is so ordered. Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I pro- as a result of the education of this Mr. WARNER. I yield the floor. pose to my ranking member that as wonderful institution. I know they join The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. soon as we conclude our opening re- me in expressing our gratitude, not BUNNING). The Senator from Massachu- marks, the Senate then recognize the only to Father Smith but the faculty setts. junior Senator from Massachusetts for and administrator and others over the Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I thank a period of 1 hour; is that correct? years who provided literally thousands the chairman and ranking member for Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, my two of students and families with a wonder- their courtesy and I appreciate the colleagues, the Senator from Con- ful educational opportunity in liberal time of the Senate to be able to discuss necticut and the Senator from Rhode arts, medicine and health, a very di- an issue of extraordinary importance. Island would like to take a moment to verse academic curricula that is of- It is an issue that is contained in this acknowledge our distinguished visiting fered at Providence College. But also bill. It is a line item in this bill of Chaplain this morning. If they could as my colleague from Rhode Island has some $85 million with respect to the just have a moment to do that. adequately and appropriately identi- issue of national missile defense. Mr. WARNER. I am delighted to ac- fied, it is the spiritual leadership as President Clinton has just returned commodate them in that fashion. well which we appreciate immensely. from his first meeting with the new The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- It is truly an honor to welcome Fa- Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and ator from Rhode Island. ther Smith to this Chamber, to thank arms control dominated their agenda, f him for his words, and to wish him and in particular, the plan of the United GREETINGS TO REV. PHILIP A. the entire family of Providence College States to deploy a limited national de- SMITH the very best in the years to come. fense system, which would require The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. REED.
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