Food Security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District Luang Prabang Province LAO PDR (Contract Number: FOOD/2009/211-621)
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European Union Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District Luang Prabang Province LAO PDR (Contract number: FOOD/2009/211-621) FINAL REPORT July 2009 to December 2011 January, 2012 AGRISUD I NTERNATIONAL SIEGE : 48, RUE DE LA SABLIERE 33500 LIBOURNE – FRANCE – TEL/FAX : +33 5 57 25 17 06 BUREAU A PARIS : 195, BOULEVARD SAINT-GERMAIN – 75007 PARIS – FRANCE – TEL : +33 1 58 50 41 63 – FAX : 33 1 58 50 03 19 e-mail : [email protected] – site web : Association à but non lucratif reconnue de Bienfaisance – N° Siret : 390 364 776 00026 List of abbreviations: AHC: Asian Heritage Consultancy ASI: AGRISUD International CIFOR: Centre for International Forestry Research DAFO: District Agriculture and Forestry Office DEO: District Education Office DHO: District Health Office DLMA: District Land Management Authority EU: European Union GFS: Gravity Fed System GoL: Government of Lao PDR INGO: International Non-Governmental Organisation IRD: Institut de recherche pour le Développement LANN: Linking Agriculture, Natural resources management and Nutrition Lao PDR: Lao People’s Democratic Republic LWU: Lao Women Union MAF: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry MoFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoU: Memorandum of Understanding NAFRI: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute NTFP: Non-Timber Forestry Products PAFO: Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office PLUP: Participatory Land Use Planning PQ: Practical Question ToT: Training of Trainers TQ: Theoretical Question UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund WCS: Wildlife Conservation Society Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District – Final Report 2 FINAL REPORT 1. Description 1.1. Name of beneficiary of grant contract: AGRISUD International Headquarters : 48, rue de la Sablière 33500 Libourne – France – Tel/Fax: + 33 5 57 25 17 06 Headquarters in Paris: 195, Boulevard Saint-Germain – 75007 Paris – France – Tel: +33 1 58 50 41 63 Email: [email protected] – Website: 1.2. Name and title of the Contact person: Yvonnick HUET AGRISUD International France: Director [email protected] Sylvain BERTON Director of Operations [email protected] Raphaël VINCHENT Chief financial officer [email protected] AGRISUD International Laos: Claire KIEFFER International coordinator [email protected] 1.3. Name of partners in the Action: France Volontaires, formerly called AFVP, Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès 1.4. Title of the Action: Food Security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District, Luang Prabang Province 1.5. Contract number: FOOD/2009/211-621 1.6. Start date and end date of the reporting period: From 01/07/2009 until 31/12/2011 1.7. Target country(ies) or region(s): Lao PDR, Luang Prabang Province, Viengkham District Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District – Final Report 3 1.8. Final beneficiaries & target groups The project works in 25 villages of Viengkham district, nine of them being classified among the 18 most vulnerable villages by the District Authorities. Among these 25 villages, 14 villages are inhabited by Khmu ethnic group people, 6 villages are composed of Lao and Khmu households, 3 are Lao and 2 are Hmong. All of these villages have been moved from their original location at some points of their history. The project aimed to support the population of these 25 villages with various activities: - 508 vulnerable households with direct support from the project with priority to women heading households, and poor farmers with very limited access to land - Population of 10 villages without water supply - 25 Villages Committees Final beneficiaries: The whole village communities in 25 poor villages will finally benefit of the project, as well as women in need of capacity building and financial empowerment, Village Committees, local government and organisations, in particular the DAFO. Direct beneficiaries: In total, the project exceeded the number of direct beneficiary households expected during the whole project (566 households instead of 508). However, the number of women among the trainees remained low (31%) compared to the aiming of the project. In these communities, the women heading households is quite low, still the project managed to work with them, mostly on vegetable gardening activities. As for the others women, many of them, especially in Khmu ethnic group, didn’t dare to enter the trainings proposed by the project. They preferred to send their husband and then learn from him the contents of the trainings. In order to attract more women to the trainings, the project changed its methodology by implementing the trainings in the villages. The DAFO technicians were also encourage to promote women participation to the trainings, using the head of villages influence, talking with the husbands as well as explaining to the women the importance and role of the trainings. Because many of the women are illiterate, they were afraid that they will not understand the contents of the trainings. The technicians reassured them that the training tools used by the project have a lot of pictures and a practical training will be done to help them understand and remember the techniques. Chart n°1: Number of beneficiary households for each agriculture activity Number of households Number of households Number of women Activities expected for 25 trained to date among the trainees villages Pig farming 125 112 13 Poultry farming 250 213 41 Vegetable production 100 31 16 Home-gardening 250 246 115 Rain-fed crops 375 329 51 VVW 50 49 1 TOTAL 1150 980 237 In this chart, the total number of direct beneficiary households expected for the whole project (508) doesn’t match the sum of direct beneficiary households expected per activity. The reason is because some beneficiaries can enter one to three activities upon condition that he/she doesn’t apply to pig AND chicken farming. For example, some beneficiaries were interested in chicken farming and vegetable gardening. In the same time, they can be elected by their peers to be the Veterinary Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District – Final Report 4 Village Worker (VVW). In this example, we see that one person can be count three times. As for the rain-fed crop production for animal feed activity, all the beneficiaries in pig and poultry farming were expected to enter this activity. Target villages: The project worked in 25 target villages chosen in October 2009 in close cooperation with the PAFO, the DAFO and the Head of the district. Nine of them are listed among the 18 poorest villages in the district. The District offices selected the villages according to various criteria as the presence of others projects (to avoid overlapping), the needs for water supply systems and for agricultural extensions activities. Chart n°2: Activities, number of final and direct beneficiaries per village Water supply Project PLUP Direct No of Population construction n˚ Villages coverage implem- beneficiaries 566 households or ented Total Male Female 2010 2011 improvement Male Female 1 Vangheung 68 329 170 159 X X X X 17 10 2 Hat Gnao 48 279 139 140 X X X 3 8 3 Bouamvanh 59 302 150 152 X X X X 17 4 4 Viengkham 226 1299 645 654 X X X X 23 16 5 Hat Lao 33 197 104 93 X X X 17 3 6 Hat Houng 48 294 157 137 X X X 9 9 7 Houay Soy 37 195 94 101 X X X X 17 2 8 Hat Kor 69 342 166 176 X X X X 19 1 9 Samton 73 424 208 216 X X X X 11 1 10 Houay Ko 44 308 175 133 X X X 8 4 11 Poukeo 60 391 188 203 X X X X 20 1 12 Donkeo 63 383 211 172 X X X 15 2 13 Vangkham 45 259 131 128 X X X 16 5 14 Toumming 52 251 126 125 X X 18 4 15 Kiulay 62 387 161 226 X X 18 3 16 Vangbong 105 628 330 298 X X 13 13 17 Nakkang 47 276 132 144 X X X 15 11 18 Chakkang 122 682 338 344 X X X 17 3 19 Thavan 59 309 117 192 X X 16 11 20 Phonkham 73 395 170 225 X X X 18 5 Houay 21 90 711 408 303 X X 16 10 Thong 22 Paklao 67 414 259 155 X X 14 11 23 Namsoy 94 761 475 286 X X 12 12 24 Nongkham 84 484 235 249 X 19 6 25 Bouammy 68 437 258 179 X X 19 6 Muang 26 178 X 5 13 Mouy 27 Vangbay 87 X Total 1974 10737 5547 5190 13 23 392 174 Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District – Final Report 5 The project first started its activities in 14 villages in 2010, and then added 11 villages in 2011. The village of Muang Mouy can be considered as the 26th target village of the project since the project supported the Technical Service Centre, 18 families in vegetable gardening, as well as the improvement of the water supply system of the village. The project also supported the improvement of the water supply system in the village of Vangbay which is added in the chart below as the 27th village. The village of Viengkham is composed of two neighbourhoods (Viengkham I and Viengkham II, distant by two kilometres) where the project supported 2 water supply systems. Map n° 1: Localisation of AGRISUD target villages within the District of Viengkham Food security for Women and Rural Poor in Viengkham District – Final Report 6 2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 2.1. Executive summary of the Action As new implementing agency in Lao PDR at the beginning of this project, AGRISUD had to deal with the regularization of the INGO and the project by the Government of Lao PDR prior to the effective implementation on the field.