The Gazette March 1958
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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1958 The aG zette March 1958 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1958" (1958). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 2. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME SEVEN LANGSTOM UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH, 1958 NUMBER 3 Religious Emphasis HonorStudenfs Week Is Observed Are Announced Here From Mar. 2-6 The loliowing students earned a Kclijjious Minphasis Week was ob 2.00 average or better for the fall served on the campus of Langston semester of 1957-58. 1 University, March 2-6. u>58. The .\bram. jamcs ii.. Biology, junior; theme tor the Week was ‘Answer- Anderson. \'erlean. 1 iome Econo- iii}; the Crisis.” Through this theme ncHiiics, treshnian; lietty. Coetta, we I. ntleavored to offer to our stu Sociology, senior; Blakley, David, dents a religious interpretation of Biology, sophomore; Holding. Lucie, these times of change. The objective Sociology, senior; Hragg, .\rnold. of the Week were ( i ) to explore Art. so|)homore; Brewer, I loward, religious resources for eltective })er- j Mathematics, so|)homc)re; Buckner, sonal and social living based on faith RolKrt. History, freshman; Butler, iand rational belifs; (2) to provide ’ Senora \\'ard. Elementary Educa- ! opportunities for counsel with re ! tion, special; Campbell, ('arolyn ligious leatlers; and (3) to make Home Kconomics. senior; Carter, available channels for commitment ; Samuel, Biology, senior; Clay, Syl- I to a vital and challenging faith. ^ via Moss, Music, senior; Coates, Ed- Andrea Johnson, junior, nnaioring in Josephone Coleman, senior, major The following persons served as ' ward, Sociok)gy, freshman; ('ole- biology, is from Ardmore, Oklahoma. ing in sociology from Langstgn, Okli- C. Rodger Wilson homa. She is a member of Kappa , leaders and consultants during the man, Christine, Music, sophomore; She Is an honor student a mennber of Dal+a Pi honor society, the Young week; Reverend W'illiam Lawson, ('oleman, josephine. Sociology, sen Kappa Delta PI honor society, and Al Women Christian Association, and Del ilirector of the Baptist Student ior; Combs, Opal, Business Admini pha Kappa Alpha Sorority. ta Sigma Theta Sorority. L’nion and C'hair of the Bible, Texas stration, junior; Corbin. R. S.. Soci - Southern University. Houston, Tex Kappa Alpha Psi ology, special; Cotton, Irahell, Art, as; Reverend Robert S. Mosby, Has 25 Anniversary junior; Crawford, Barbara, Biology, Efa Sigma Chapfer . , . Pastor, Wesley Methoilist Chuich., freshman; Crutcher. Lucille. Music, Austin, Texas; Mrs. Mattie Ielt^, Mr. C. Rodger NN'ilson. (irand senior; Danshy, Walter. Agriculture, Of Kappa Delia Pi President's Office manager. Fast Side Office of the Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Fra junior; Davis, N’an, Mathematics, Continued on Page Three senior; Diggs. .\rnu. Agriculture, Langston University will observe ternity, will be the guest of Alpha Selects Delegates Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi senior; Duke. Lita lean. Sociology, Its 61st Founders' Day on Saturday, senior; Ellison. Lawrence, Industrial March 1=;. A joint program will be when they cominemorate the 25th The (\iinoc.itioii ()l Kappa Della Arts, senior; Fisher. Floyd. Agricul- sponsored by the alumni and the •Anniversary of the chapter. Pi will Iv lu-lii in ('liicami, Illinois, university. The general aluiraii voted Mr. Wilson, a prominent C h ic a g o !ju t n o r ; Cilkey, Clarence. Phys- M.irch 21)22, iijsH. Miss Antlrca to h.i\e their aniuial meetinj; on attornev and Director of the State ! tducation, senior; (Jillespie, lohnson will rcfircscni I t.t .‘'i^nia l U i n o i s . I'ouiulers’ Day or the weekend near Employment Agency of i Barrington, ( haptcr and Miss loscphine ('olc- est I'ounders’ Day. served'as a member'of the Crand 1 lunior; Harte, will stTvc as alternate. Board of Directors of Kappa Alpha business Education, senior; Mr. 7 '. H. Mayberry, one of .Mrs. Thcre.^ia .Moore, Counsel Langston University's outstanding j Psi for a numlxT of year before ^ Economics, or (H I'.ta Si^ma ('hapter, was se- alumni, will he the guest sjKaker. | being elevated to the office of (Irand Industrial Arts, kited In the I'.xecutise Council of 1 1 le served for a number of years ! Polemarch in 11)54. The Fraternity , .\delaide. Mathe- Kapp.i I)elta I’i to sir\e as chair has made many notable advances! senior; jennmgs. Will,am, as a city councilman for the city j man ot the isitual IU'\ision at the during the Wilson tenure. 11’ re-Dental. senior; Johnson Andrea. ol St. Louis, and is also a rcnl estate i ('hicaj.;o ('on\ ocation. Sunday, .A] iril 20. 195S at iunior: lohnson. Ray. Busi- broker. ' p. m.. I. W. Young Auditorium,' Admmistration, lunior; Jones, President Harrison, acccimpaiiied Langston University, the , Agriculture, senior; by Mrs. Harrison, attended the meet will present its Silver Anniversary I Kirklanil, Henry. Biology, senior; Ware to Attend ing; of the President's ('oinmittce on public program. Mr. Wilson will be Lee. Airlvne. Sociology, senior; Lew- YW CA Convention Ciovernment ('ontracts called by the guest speaker Theodore. .Mathematics, .senior; N’ice President Nixon to discuss At 6;oo p. m. the Langston Alum-' I-i'tlejohn. Robert, Agriculture, sen- •Minority Opportunities in the Field The S('.\ is completing its finan ni chapter the Wewoka Alumni '^^^('.ee. Rachel Williams. Ele- of Employment. President Harrison chapter. the Tulsa Alumni chapter. ”icntary Education, senior; McKin- cial ilrive to send a delegate to the has indicateil a state-\\'ii!e conlerence William Lawson National ^'\\'C.\ Convention at St. the M.'skogee Alumni chapter and Herman. Business Admmistra- will be held at I.angston University, Alpha Pi chapter will unite in a tom. )unior; .\fcKmney. Lafayette, Louis, .Mis.souri. March H19. The •May 6, 195S. at which time high joint Silver Anniversary Banciuet at .Adnunistration. iiimor; delegate to the ('onvention will be school seniors throughout the st.nte Alpha Kappa Mu \'enora Ware, jimior, from .Merid Oklahoma Stale University. Still- B^'S' Admmi- will he invited, along with coinisel- ;w.iter, to climax the day's activities. Ration, senior; Montague, jackie, ian, Oklahoma. ors ami perspective employees. Initiates Seven _____________ Indu.strial Arts, rreshman; Moore, Tun tlelegates will go to the Rol>ert, Music, senior; Neal, Ber- Y.MCA ('onvention to l>c held at Scholarship, as ordinarily under i nard. Mathematics, .senior; Nolan. stood, is usually ideniitied with e.\- the l^iltmore Hotel in Oklahoma N.F.A.ToHold Scholarship Benefit iTiomas, Chernistrv, freshman; ('ity, March 20-2^. tensive information, wide learning, erudition. Sometimes, however it is Dinner Will Be Held ^ Duruii: the week preceding L’ni- State Meeting hiere lor; Patmon, Ola. Mathematics, knowledge of highly specialized versal Dav of Prayer for Stu.lents, The local chapter of Langston sophomore; Perry, fames. Mathe- fields, or rare things, h is knowl the SC.\ m a d e visitations to the The Oklahoivia Association of L’niversity A 1 u m n i Association matics, sophomore; Porter, Ciwendo- edge for the -.ake of knowledge. P>ut dormitories to lead tiiscussions per New I'armers of .\mcrica will hold Scholarship Benefit Dinner will he lyn. Sociology, sophomore; Proctor. mere accumulation of the data, en taining to pr.tycr. .\mong the very its State ('(invention .\pril 24-25 held March 2i}. ig^S at 7:30 p. m^ lames. Industrial A rts , senior; at Langston L'nivi rsity. The -Associ cyclopedia knowletlge. is not schol- interesting ijuestions discusseil were: The scholarship is a tuition schol (Juarles. .\rnold. Music, sophomore; “.-\re secondary prayers less ellective ation will give ilegrces and make arshiji. It must first be organizeil. Richardson, Shirley. English, junior: .iwards to members for outst.uuliiig h is the organization of knowledge arship of Srio per year, which ma\ than original prayers.^" ''.\re the he lenewed each year hv the recipi Ross, .\lfred. Business Education, prayers ol sinners heard.'" and progr.iins of supervised larniing. for the advancement ol knowledge, sophomore: Rosser, fames. Chemi ■More Si ^00 willill he avNardeil the extension ol its Irontiers, the ent. if he maintains a “B” average “Should one pray only when one is aiul remains in gooil standing vvith stry; freshman: Ryan. Hiram, hnkis- as prizes lor outstanding achie\e- finding of an iota of new truth. in need'" The discusi-ions were the institutirn. trial .\rts, junior: Leonard. lead by Rayford Harrington. Laf ments. It is the purpose of .Mphn Kap ( Conti Jim d on Pag( Three) competitive test administereil bv ayette McKiney and Solomon Hill. {'oiitests will he coniliictec! III pa Mu to encourage potential scl.ol- the L'niversity Testini; Bureau is This actisitv was culminated In the Livestock judgin ... .’uhlic Speaking, ar to continue their growth ;nnl to conilucted in .May tor all high school Morning Worship Service ('om- Parliament.iry rocedure. anti group share their learning and experience seniors. memcratinL' Universal Day ot Pray singing. The winners will he eligible with others, and to acccpt the re- Graduating Students er for Stuilents. to compete in the .\L.\LM()T Sec sponsi'ii'ities of leatlership in this Dr. Waldo E. Stephens will he tional ('ontest. to he held at Lang great task. In keeping with our pur- guest s|X’aker for the dinner.