Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1958 The aG zette March 1958 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1958" (1958). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 2. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME SEVEN LANGSTOM UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH, 1958 NUMBER 3 Religious Emphasis HonorStudenfs Week Is Observed Are Announced Here From Mar. 2-6 The loliowing students earned a Kclijjious Minphasis Week was ob­ 2.00 average or better for the fall served on the campus of Langston semester of 1957-58. 1 University, March 2-6. u>58. The .\bram. jamcs ii.. Biology, junior; theme tor the Week was ‘Answer- Anderson. \'erlean. 1 iome Econo- iii}; the Crisis.” Through this theme ncHiiics, treshnian; lietty. Coetta, we I. ntleavored to offer to our stu­ Sociology, senior; Blakley, David, dents a religious interpretation of Biology, sophomore; Holding. Lucie, these times of change. The objective Sociology, senior; Hragg, .\rnold. of the Week were ( i ) to explore Art. so|)homore; Brewer, I loward, religious resources for eltective })er- j Mathematics, so|)homc)re; Buckner, sonal and social living based on faith RolKrt. History, freshman; Butler, iand rational belifs; (2) to provide ’ Senora \\'ard. Elementary Educa- ! opportunities for counsel with re­ ! tion, special; Campbell, ('arolyn ligious leatlers; and (3) to make Home Kconomics. senior; Carter, available channels for commitment ; Samuel, Biology, senior; Clay, Syl- I to a vital and challenging faith. ^ via Moss, Music, senior; Coates, Ed- Andrea Johnson, junior, nnaioring in Josephone Coleman, senior, major­ The following persons served as ' ward, Sociok)gy, freshman; ('ole- biology, is from Ardmore, Oklahoma. ing in sociology from Langstgn, Okli- C. Rodger Wilson homa. She is a member of Kappa , leaders and consultants during the man, Christine, Music, sophomore; She Is an honor student a mennber of Dal+a Pi honor society, the Young week; Reverend W'illiam Lawson, ('oleman, josephine. Sociology, sen­ Kappa Delta PI honor society, and Al­ Women Christian Association, and Del­ ilirector of the Baptist Student ior; Combs, Opal, Business Admini­ pha Kappa Alpha Sorority. ta Sigma Theta Sorority. L’nion and C'hair of the Bible, Texas stration, junior; Corbin. R. S.. Soci­ - Southern University. Houston, Tex­ Kappa Alpha Psi ology, special; Cotton, Irahell, Art, as; Reverend Robert S. Mosby, Has 25 Anniversary junior; Crawford, Barbara, Biology, Efa Sigma Chapfer . , . Pastor, Wesley Methoilist Chuich., freshman; Crutcher. Lucille. Music, Austin, Texas; Mrs. Mattie Ielt^, Mr. C. Rodger NN'ilson. (irand senior; Danshy, Walter. Agriculture, Of Kappa Delia Pi President's Office manager. Fast Side Office of the Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Fra­ junior; Davis, N’an, Mathematics, Continued on Page Three senior; Diggs. .\rnu. Agriculture, Langston University will observe ternity, will be the guest of Alpha Selects Delegates Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi senior; Duke. Lita lean. Sociology, Its 61st Founders' Day on Saturday, senior; Ellison. Lawrence, Industrial March 1=;. A joint program will be when they cominemorate the 25th The (\iinoc.itioii ()l Kappa Della Arts, senior; Fisher. Floyd. Agricul- sponsored by the alumni and the •Anniversary of the chapter. Pi will Iv lu-lii in ('liicami, Illinois, university. The general aluiraii voted Mr. Wilson, a prominent C h ic a g o !ju t n o r ; Cilkey, Clarence. Phys- M.irch 21)22, iijsH. Miss Antlrca to h.i\e their aniuial meetinj; on attornev and Director of the State ! tducation, senior; (Jillespie, lohnson will rcfircscni I t.t .‘'i^nia l U i n o i s . I'ouiulers’ Day or the weekend near­ Employment Agency of i Barrington, ( haptcr and Miss loscphine ('olc- est I'ounders’ Day. served'as a member'of the Crand 1 lunior; Harte, ni.in will stTvc as alternate. Board of Directors of Kappa Alpha business Education, senior; Mr. 7 '. H. Mayberry, one of .Mrs. Thcre.^ia .Moore, Counsel­ Langston University's outstanding j Psi for a numlxT of year before ^ Economics, or (H I'.ta Si^ma ('hapter, was se- alumni, will he the guest sjKaker. | being elevated to the office of (Irand Industrial Arts, kited In the I'.xecutise Council of 1 1 le h.is served for a number of years ! Polemarch in 11)54. The Fraternity , .\delaide. Mathe- Kapp.i I)elta I’i to sir\e as chair­ has made many notable advances! senior; jennmgs. Will,am, as a city councilman for the city j man ot the isitual IU'\ision at the during the Wilson tenure. 11’ re-Dental. senior; Johnson Andrea. ol St. Louis, and is also a rcnl estate i ('hicaj.;o ('on\ ocation. Sunday, .A] iril 20. 195S at iunior: lohnson. Ray. Busi- broker. ' p. m.. I. W. Young Auditorium,' Admmistration, lunior; Jones, President Harrison, acccimpaiiied Langston University, the , Agriculture, senior; by Mrs. Harrison, attended the meet­ will present its Silver Anniversary I Kirklanil, Henry. Biology, senior; Ware to Attend ing; of the President's ('oinmittce on public program. Mr. Wilson will be Lee. Airlvne. Sociology, senior; Lew- YW CA Convention Ciovernment ('ontracts called by the guest speaker Theodore. .Mathematics, .senior; N’ice President Nixon to discuss At 6;oo p. m. the Langston Alum-' I-i'tlejohn. Robert, Agriculture, sen- •Minority Opportunities in the Field The S('.\ is completing its finan­ ni chapter the Wewoka Alumni '^^^('.ee. Rachel Williams. Ele- of Employment. President Harrison chapter. the Tulsa Alumni chapter. ”icntary Education, senior; McKin- cial ilrive to send a delegate to the has indicateil a state-\\'ii!e conlerence William Lawson National ^'\\'C.\ Convention at St. the M.'skogee Alumni chapter and Herman. Business Admmistra- will be held at I.angston University, Alpha Pi chapter will unite in a tom. )unior; .\fcKmney. Lafayette, Louis, .Mis.souri. March H19. The •May 6, 195S. at which time high joint Silver Anniversary Banciuet at .Adnunistration. iiimor; delegate to the ('onvention will be school seniors throughout the st.nte Alpha Kappa Mu \'enora Ware, jimior, from .Merid­ Oklahoma Stale University. Still- B^'S'nc.ss Admmi- will he invited, along with coinisel- ;w.iter, to climax the day's activities. Ration, senior; Montague, jackie, ian, Oklahoma. ors ami perspective employees. Initiates Seven _____________ Indu.strial Arts, rreshman; Moore, Tun tlelegates will go to the Rol>ert, Music, senior; Neal, Ber- Y.MCA ('onvention to l>c held at Scholarship, as ordinarily under­ i nard. Mathematics, .senior; Nolan. stood, is usually ideniitied with e.\- the l^iltmore Hotel in Oklahoma N.F.A.ToHold Scholarship Benefit iTiomas, Chernistrv, freshman; ('ity, March 20-2^. tensive information, wide learning, erudition. Sometimes, however it is Dinner Will Be Held ^ Duruii: the week preceding L’ni- State Meeting hiere lor; Patmon, Ola. Mathematics, knowledge of highly specialized versal Dav of Prayer for Stu.lents, The local chapter of Langston sophomore; Perry, fames. Mathe- fields, or rare things, h is knowl­ the SC.\ m a d e visitations to the The Oklahoivia Association of L’niversity A 1 u m n i Association matics, sophomore; Porter, Ciwendo- edge for the -.ake of knowledge. P>ut dormitories to lead tiiscussions per­ New I'armers of .\mcrica will hold Scholarship Benefit Dinner will he lyn. Sociology, sophomore; Proctor. mere accumulation of the data, en­ taining to pr.tycr. .\mong the very its State ('(invention .\pril 24-25 held March 2i}. ig^S at 7:30 p. m^ lames. Industrial A rts , senior; at Langston L'nivi rsity. The -Associ­ cyclopedia knowletlge. is not schol- interesting ijuestions discusseil were: The scholarship is a tuition schol­ (Juarles. .\rnold. Music, sophomore; “.-\re secondary prayers less ellective ation will give ilegrces and make arshiji. It must first be organizeil. Richardson, Shirley. English, junior: .iwards to members for outst.uuliiig h is the organization of knowledge arship of Srio per year, which ma\ than original prayers.^" ''.\re the he lenewed each year hv the recipi­ Ross, .\lfred. Business Education, prayers ol sinners heard.'" and progr.iins of supervised larniing. for the advancement ol knowledge, sophomore: Rosser, fames. Chemi­ ■More th.in Si ^00 willill he avNardeil the extension ol its Irontiers, the ent. if he maintains a “B” average “Should one pray only when one is aiul remains in gooil standing vvith stry; freshman: Ryan. Hiram, hnkis- as prizes lor outstanding achie\e- finding of an iota of new truth. in need'" The discusi-ions were the institutirn. trial .\rts, junior: Ry.tn. Leonard. lead by Rayford Harrington. Laf­ ments. It is the purpose of .Mphn Kap ( Conti Jim d on Pag( Three) competitive test administereil bv ayette McKiney and Solomon Hill. {'oiitests will he coniliictec! III pa Mu to encourage potential scl.ol- the L'niversity Testini; Bureau is This actisitv was culminated In the Livestock judgin ... .’uhlic Speaking, ar to continue their growth ;nnl to conilucted in .May tor all high school Morning Worship Service ('om- Parliament.iry rocedure. anti group share their learning and experience seniors. memcratinL' Universal Day ot Pray­ singing. The winners will he eligible with others, and to acccpt the re- Graduating Students er for Stuilents. to compete in the .\L.\LM()T Sec­ sponsi'ii'ities of leatlership in this Dr. Waldo E. Stephens will he tional ('ontest. to he held at Lang­ great task. In keeping with our pur- guest s|X’aker for the dinner.
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