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University Microfilms 300 North Zeob Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 a Xerox Education Company IJ 72-22,287 INFORMATION TO USERS This dissertation was produced from a microfilm copy of the original document. While the most advanced technological means to photograph and reproduce this document have been used, the quality is heavily dependent upon the quality of the original submitted. The following explanation of Techniques is provided to help you understand markings or patterns which may appear on this reproduction. 1. The sign or "target" for pages apparently lacking from the document photographed is "Missing Page(s)''. If it was possible to obtain the missing page(s) or section, they are spliced into the film along with adjacent pages. This may have necessitated cutting thru an image and duplicating adjacent pages to insure you complete continuity. 2. When an image on the film is obliterated with a large round black mark, it is an indication that the photographer suspected that the copy may have moved during exposure and thus cause a blurred image. You will find a good image of the page in the adjacent frame. 3. When a map, drawing or chart, etc., was part of the material being photographed the photographer followed a definite method in "sectioning" the material. It is customary to begin photoing at the upper left hand corner of a large sheet and to continue photoing from left to right in equal sections with a small overlap. If necessary, sectioning is continued again — beginning below the first row and continuing on until complete. 4. The majority of users indicate that the textual content is of greatest value, however, a somewhat higher quality reproduction could be from "photographs" if essential to the understanding of the dissertation. Silver prints of "photographs" may be ordered at additional charge by writing the Order Department, giving the catalog number, title, author and specific pages you wish reproduced. University Microfilms 300 North Zeob Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 A Xerox Education Company IJ 72-22,287 SHAH, Balkumar Prataprai, 1939- EVALUATION OF NATURAL AGGREGATES IN KALAMAZOO COUNTY AND VICINITY MICHIGAN. Michigan State University, Ph.D., 1972 Geology University Microfilms, A XEROX Company , Ann Arbor, Michigan Copyright © by BALKUttAR PRATAPRAI SHAH 1972 All Rights Reserved EVALUATION OF NATURAL AGGREGATES IN KALAMAZOO COUNTY AND VICINITY MICHIGAN By Balkumar Prataprai Shah A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology 1971 PLEASE NOTE: Some pages may have indistinct print. Filmed as received. University Microfilms, A Xerox Education Company ABSTRACT EVALUATION OF NATURAL AGGREGATES IN KALAMAZOO COUNTY AND VICINITY MICHIGAN By Balkumar Prataprai Shah The surface geology of Kalamazoo County was remapped with the help of Frank Leverett's manuscript field maps (available at the Michigan Geological Survey) and extensive field checks. The drift samples from the county were collected using the channel and pebble volume sampling methods. The petrographic analyses of gravel samples were carried out, and the data are correlated with the similar data from the surrounding nine counties in southwestern Michigan. Kalamazoo County lies in a reentrant district of the Lake Michigan lobe and the Saginaw lobe of the middle Wisconsinan glacial age. On the basis of provenance, observed lithologic distribution, and field evidences, a viable glacial history of the area has been pictured in seven figures. It is suggested that the Lake Michigan lobe and the Saginaw lobe were out-of-phase with each other. The Saginaw lobe sediments being laid down first Balkumar Prataprai Shah in the county and then pushed and overlain by the eastward advancing Lake Michigan lobe sediments. Characteristics of glacial, glacio-fluvial, aeolian, and other features and their associated elastics are described in detail. This information should help in future exploration of aggregate sources in Kalamazoo County. It is desirable, however, to incorporate the in­ formation regarding the nature and structure of local bedrock, thickness of glacial drift, and soils and their relation to the parent material, to complete the total picture of the area under investigation. Using available surface and subsurface information, attempts are made to present the total picture with the help of maps, cross sections, diagrams, and tables. The lithologic data are presented by a series of maps on which the percentages of each major lithologic group is entered, and isopleths are drawn. The resulting distribution patterns are clearly indicative of two pre­ dominant source areas in relation to sediment dispersal, and of glacial processes of two quite separate lobes. On the basis of above lithologic distribution patterns and geomorphology, the interlobate line is proposed (Plate I). The engineering properties, such as physical strength and chemical reactivity, show direct correlation with the lithologic composition of the drift in Kalamazoo County. Balkumar Prataprai Shah With the aid of petrographic analyses and the glacial geology, a map "Gravel Resources of Southwestern Michigan" is prepared. This map is a guide for giving preferences to the areas for prospecting future sand and gravel deposits. DEDICATION To My Family ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his deepest and most sincere gratitude to his major professor Dr. James W. Trow of the Department of Geology, Michigan State University for his patient guidance, advice, and constructive criti­ cism throughout this study. The writer is indebted to the following professors of the Michigan State University, who graciously served as members of his doctoral committee. Dr. Maynard M. Miller of the Department of Geology for providing intellectual stimulation for glacial inter­ pretation of the study area and his critical review of the manuscript. Dr. Chilton E. Prouty of the Department of Geology for his considerable professional aid and constant en­ couragement in the course of the graduate study and especially the doctoral work. Dr. Eugene P. Whiteside of the Department of Crop and Soil Science for his innumerable suggestions and helpful criticism concerning the soils and other aspects of the study. Thanks are due to Dr. William J. Hinze of the Department of Geology for his interest in the welfare and progress of the writer. The research was carried out under the auspices of the Research Laboratory Section of the Michigan Depart­ ment of State Highways as a Highway Planning and Research Project. The writer wishes to thank the entire laboratory staff, many of whom contributed materially with partial participation from time to time. It is not possible to cite every contributor to the project; however, Mr. M. G. Brown and Dr. N . E. Wingard require special mention for getting the project approval of the Research Laboratory Section and discussing the initial stages of the project. Recognition is also made of the efforts of the personnel of Graphic Presentation Unit and Photo Laboratory, who assisted in preparing the illustrations. Thanks are expressed to the personnel of the Michigan Geological Survey for furnishing well logs and other geological information. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page PART I I. INTRODUCTION ............................... 1 Aims and Purposes of the Study . 1 Previous W o r k ................ 3 II. PHYSICAL SETTING..................... 6 Location........................... 6 A r e a ........................... 6 Cultural Geography. ...... 6 Geomorphological Character....... 9 Relief........................... 9 D r a i n a g e ........................ 10 C l i m a t e ........................... 11 PART II III. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ..................... 13 Surface Mapping ................... .... 13 Field Sampling..................... 15 Large Samples— Channel Sampling M e t h o d ........................ 17 Small Samples— Spot Sampling Method . 18 Auger Sampling ................... .... 19 Sampling Problems .................... 19 IV. GLACIAL HISTORY AND STRATIGRAPHY . 21 Pre-Wisconsinan Glaciation....... 22 Wisconsinan Glaciation ................. 25 v Chapter Page Time-Stratigraphic Relations .... 26 Distribution of Drift ................. 30 Lake Michigan Lobe.................... 3 2 Saginaw Lobe........................... 3 4 The Lake Michigan—Saginaw Inter— lobate A r e a ........................ 36 V. CHARACTER OF SURFACE G E O L O G Y .............. 58 Glacial Features........................... 58 Terminal and Lateral Moraines. 60 The Kalamazoo Morainic System . 60 The Tekonsha Moraine ................. 64 Other Small Moraines in Kalamazoo C o u n t y ............................... 67 Till Plains............................... 71 Dr uml ins.................................. 73 Glacio-fluvial Features ................. 74 Outwash Plains. .............. 74 Lacustrine Plains and. Drainage Ways. 79 Clay and Silt Capping on Fluvial Plains 80 Aeolian Features........................... 81 Sand Dunes and Loess Sediments . 81 Other Features .............. 82 Undefined Transitional Zones .... 82 The Question of Karnes ................. 83 Types and Associated elastics .... 84 Boulders and Cobbles.................... 8 4 Gravel and Sand . ................. 8 6 Silt and Clay . 86 vi Chapter Page VI. BEDROCK GEOLOGY ............................... 88 The Lithologic Sequence.................... 89 Coldwater Shale........................... 89 Lower Marshall Sandstone................. 93 Bedrock Configuration and Pre—glacial D r a i n a g e ................................. 93 Structures.................................
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