Partitioning the of Physical and Social Events Within a Unified Psychological Space Tianmin Shu Yujia Peng Hongjing Lu Song-Chun Zhu tianmin.shu, yjpeng, hongjing [email protected] Department{ of Psychology and Statistics,} University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Abstract shapes, these research areas have largely been isolated from Humans demonstrate remarkable abilities to perceive physi- one another, with different theoretical approaches and experi- cal and social events based on very limited information (e.g., mental paradigms. In the case of physical events, research has movements of a few simple geometric shapes). However, the been focused on the perception and interpretation of physical computational mechanisms underlying intuitive physics and social perception remain unclear. In an effort to identify the objects and their dynamics, aiming to determine whether hu- key computational components, we propose a unified psycho- mans use heuristics or mental simulation to reason about in- logical space that reveals the partition between the perception tuitive physics (see a recent review by Kubricht et al. (2017)). of physical events involving inanimate objects and the percep- tion of social events involving human interactions with other For social perception, some research has aimed to identify agents. This unified space consists of two prominent dimen- critical cues based on motion trajectories that determine the sions: an intuitive sense of whether physical laws are obeyed perception of animacy and social interactions (Dittrich & Lea, or violated; and an impression of whether an agent possesses , as inferred from movements. We adopt a physics 1994; Scholl & Tremoulet, 2000; Gao et al., 2009; Shu et al., engine and a deep reinforcement model to synthe- 2018). Other work focused on inferences about agents’ in- size a rich of motion patterns. In two experiments, human tentions (Baker et al., 2009; Ullman et al., 2010; Pantelis et judgments were used to demonstrate that the constructed psy- chological space successfully partitions human perception of al., 2014). In contrast to the clear separation between the two physical versus social events. research topics, human perception integrates the perception Keywords: social perception; intuitive physics; ; of physical and social events. Hence, it is important to de- deep reinforcement learning, Heider-Simmel animations velop a common computational framework applicable to both intuitive physics and social perception to advance our under- Introduction standings on how humans perceive and reason about physical Imagine you are playing a multi-player video game with open and social events. or free-roaming worlds. You will encounter many physical In the present paper, we propose a unified framework to events, such as blocks collapsing onto the ground, as well account for the perception of both physical events and of so- as social events, such as avatars constructing buildings or cial events based on movements of simple shapes. We aim fighting each other. All these physical and social events are to construct a unified psychological space that may reveal the depicted by movements of simple geometric shapes, which partition between the perception of physical events involv- suffice to generate a vivid perception of rich behavioral, in- ing inanimate objects and the perception of social events in- cluding interactions between physical entities, interpersonal volving human interactions with other agents. Specifically, activities between avatars engaged in social interactions, or we hypothesize that this unified space includes two promi- actions involving both humans and objects. nent dimensions: an intuitive sense regarding whether physi- This type of rich perception elicited by movements within cal laws are obeyed or violated; and an impression of whether simple visual displays has been extensively studied in psy- an agent possesses intentions in the display. Note that the in- chology. Prior work showed that humans possess a remark- tuitive sense of physical violation may result from observable able ability to perceive physical events and to infer phys- physical forces that can not be explained by perceived entity ical properties (e.g., masses of objects) (Proffitt & Gilden, properties (such as motion, size, etc.) in a scene. The devel- 1989), as well as to make causal judgment (Michotte, 1963), opment of this unified space may shed light on many funda- based on observations of the movements of two objects. Fur- mental problems in both intuitive physics and social percep- thermore, Heider & Simmel (1944) demonstrated that hu- tion. mans also excel in spontaneously reconstructing social events To construct such space, we project a video as a whole onto from movements of simple geometric shapes, and describe the space. Hence, a large range of videos can provide a dis- their observations in terms of agency, goals, and social rela- tribution of observed events. We can also project individual tions. These classic studies, along with a great deal of sub- entities in one physical or social event onto the same space, sequent psychological research (e.g., Kassin 1981; Scholl & and then examine pairwise relations between the projected lo- Tremoulet 2000; Gao et al. 2009, 2010), provide convinc- cations of entities in the space, which could serve as an infor- ing evidence that human inferences about physical and social mative cue for judging social/physical roles of entities (e.g, events are efficient and robust, even given very limited visual as an human agent or an inanimate object). inputs. To test the hypothesized psychological space, we report Although many studies of both intuitive physics and social experiments involving many Heider-Simmel animations in perception examined dynamic stimuli consisting of moving which simple moving shapes vary in degrees of physical vi- (a) Synthesizing Physical Entity Interaction Setting Example (Trajectories) Initial Render Physics Engine Condition the whole video Agent Human-Human (Goal: Blocking) (HH) Agent (b) Synthesizing Agent Entity (Goal: Leaving the room) RED Agent’s Policy t Agent F1 Ft Initial Render one step (50 ms) 2 Human-Object (Goal: Blocking) Physics Engine Condition by applying the forces (HO) Ft Ft 2 1 Object GREEN Agent’s Policy Collision Figure 1: Overview of our joint physical-social simulation engine. For a dot instantiating a physical object, we randomly assign its initial position and velocity and then use physics engine to simulate its movements. For a dot instantiating a human agent, we use policies learned by deep reinforcement learning to guide the forces provided to the physics engine. Rod Object-Object (OO) olation and the involvement of intention. Prior work usually created Heider-Simmel-type stimuli using manually designed interactions (Gao et al., 2009, 2010; Isik et al., 2017), rule- Spring based behavior simulation (Kerr & Cohen, 2010; Pantelis et al., 2014), and trajectories extracted from human activities in Soft rope aerial videos (Shu et al., 2018). It is challenging to manually create many motion trajectories, and to generate situations that violate physical constraints. Accordingly, we develop a joint physical-social simulation-based approach built upon a Figure 2: An illustration of three types of synthesized inter- 2D physics engine (Figure 1). A similar idea has been pre- actions for physical and social events. A few examples are viously instantiated in a 1D environment, Lineland (Ullman, included by showing trajectories of the two entities. The dot 2015). By generating Heider-Simmel-type animations in a intensities change from low to high to denote elapsed time. 2D environment with the help of deep reinforcement learn- Note that the connections in OO stimuli (i.e., rod, spring, and ing, our simulation approach is able to depict a richer set of soft rope) are drawn only for illustration purpose. Such con- motion patterns in animations. nections were invisible in the stimuli. Examples of stimuli are This advanced simulation provides well-controlled Heider- available at: Simmel stimuli enabling the measurement of human percep- tion of physical and social events for hundreds of different motion patterns. We also develop general metrics to measure physics engine to synthesize its motion. Note that our simu- how well the motion patterns in an animation satisfy physics, lation incorporated the environmental constraints (e.g., a dot and the likelihood that dots are agents showing intentions. can bounce off the wall, the edge of the box), but did not in- These two indices were computed for each stimulus shown to clude friction. If a dot represents an agent, it was assigned human observers, allowing us to map all videos into a unified with a clearly-defined goal (e.g., leaving room) and pursued space as the two measures providing primary coordinates. In its goal by exerting self-propelled forces (e.g., pushing itself two experiments, we combined model simulations with hu- towards the door). The self-propelled forces were sampled man responses to validate the proposed psychological space. from agent policy learned by deep reinforcement learning (see more details in a later subsection). Specifically, at each Stimulus Synthesis step (every 50 ms), the agent observed the current state ren- Overview dered by the physics engine, and its policy determined the best force to advance the agent’s pursuit of its goal. We then Figure 1 gives an overview of our joint physical-social simu- programmed the physics engine to apply this force to the dot, lation engine. Each video included two dots (red and green) and rendered its motion for another step. This process was and a box with a small gap indicating a room with a door. The repeated until the entire video was generated. movements of the two dots were rendered by a 2D physics en- gine (pybox2d1). If a dot represents an object, we randomly Interaction Types assigned the initial position and velocity, and then used the As summarized in Figure 2, we consider three types of inter- 1 actions, including human-human (HH), human-object (HO) STOP Feature FC t Image (state) 28 128x2 vˆ1 3x84x84 Policy (Actor) (st) FC LSTM Conv ⇡(a s, g) 28x128 128 FC t 32x8x8 LSTM | 128x2 vˆ2 64x4x4 128 64x3x3 Value (Critic) V (s, g) action Selected Figure 4: Network for the physical motion prediction model to emulate intuitive physics. Blue circles indicate the corners Figure 3: The deep RL network architecture for learning pol- of the room used for deriving the input features. icy for goal-directed movements of an agent. For each goal, we train a separate network with the same architecture. Formally, an agent’s behavior is defined by an Markov de- cision process (MDP), S,A,T ,R,G,γ , where S and A de- h i and object-object (OO) interactions, all of which are gener- note the state space (raw pixels as in Figure 3) and action space, T : S A S are the transition probabilities of the ated by the approach depicted in Figure 1. Note that in this × 7→ paper we treat the terms “human” and “agent” interchange- environment (in our case, deterministic transitions defined ably. When synthesizing the agents’ motion, we set two types by physics), R is the reward function associated with the in- tended goals g , and 0 < γ 1 is a discount factor. To of goals for the agents, i.e., ”leave the room” (g1) and ”block G match to the experimental∈ setup,≤ we define two reward func- the other entity” (g2). Specially, in HH stimuli, one agent has a goal of leaving the room (g ), and the other agent aims tions for the two goals: i) for “leaving of the room”, the 1 t t 1 to block it (g ); in HO stimuli, an agent always attempts to agent receives a reward, r = R(s ,g1) = (out of the room), 2 t keep a moving object within the room (g ) and the object has at step t; ii) for “blocking”, the reward at step t is r = 2 t R(s ,g2) = 1(opponent is out of the room). To simplify the an initial velocity towards the door. By randomly assigning − initial position and velocity to an agent, we can simulate rich policy learning, we define a discrete action space, which cor- behaviors that can give the impression such as blocking, chas- responds to applying forces with the same magnitude in one ing, attacking, pushing, etc. of the eight directions and “stop” (the agent’s speed decreases In addition to the three general types of interactions, we to zero after applying necessary force). have also created sub-categories of interactions to capture a The objective of the deep RL model is to train the pol- variety of physical and social events. For OO animations, icy network shown in Figure3 to maximize the expected re- ∞ t t we included four events, as collision, connections with rod, turn E[∑t=0 γ r ] for each agent. The optimization was im- spring and soft rope. Since these connections were invisi- plemented using advantage actor critic (A2C) (Mnih et al., 2016) to jointly learn a policy (actor) π : S G A which ble in the displays, the hidden physical relations may result × 7→ in a subjective impression of animacy or social interactions maps an agent’s state and goal to its action, and a value func- tion (critic) V : S R. The two functions were trained as between the entities. In addition, the invisible connections 7→ between objects (rod, spring, and soft rope) introduce dif- follows (assuming that entity i is an agent): ferent degrees of violation of physics in the motion of the t t t ∇θ J(θπ) = ∇θ logπ(a s ,gi;θπ)A(s ,gi), (1) corresponding entities if assuming the two entities are inde- π π i| i i 2 pendent. For HH animations, we varied the “animacy degree” ∞ ! (AD) of the agents by controlling how often they exerted self- 1 τ t+τ t ∇θV J(θV ) = ∇θV ∑ γ ri V(si,gi;θV ) , (2) propelled forces in the animation. In general, a higher degree 2 τ=0 − of animacy associates with more frequent observations about t ∞ τ t+τ t where A(s ,gi) = ∑ γ r V(s ,gi) is an estimate of the violation of physics, thus revealing self-controlled behaviors i τ=0 i i advantage of current policy over− the baseline V(st ,g ). We guided by the intention of an agent. The animacy manipula- i i set γ = 0.95 and limit the maximum number of steps in an tion introduced five sub-categories of HH stimuli with five de- episode to be 30 (i.e., 1.5 s). Note that we train a network for grees of animacy – 7%, 10%, 20%, 50%, and 100%, respec- each goal with the same architecture. In HH animations, an tively corresponding to applying force once for every 750, agent’s policy depends on its opponent’s policy. To achieve 500, 250, 100, and 50 ms. In an HH animation, we assigned a joint policy optimization for both agents, we adopt an al- the same level of animacy degree to both dots. ternating training procedure: at each iteration, we train the Training Policies policy of one of the agents by fixing its opponent’s policy. In As shown in Figure 1, in order to generate social events, practice, we trained the polices by 3 iterations. we need sensible policies to infer the self-propelled forces Inference of Physical and Social Events for pursuing goals. However, searching for such policies in a physics engine is extremely difficult. In this study, we Physics Inference use deep reinforcement learning (RL) to acquire such poli- The first type of inference assesses the degree of violation cies, which has been shown to be a powerful tool for learn- of physics for each entity. To capture this measure, we used ing complex policies in recent studies (Silver et al., 2017). physical events to train a deep recurrent neural network (see (a) Overall (b) Sub-categories of HH (c) Sub-categories of OO HH Response 1.0 1.0 1.0 HO Response

0.8 0.8 0.8 OO Response

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

Response proportions 0.0 0.0 0.0 HH HO OO 7% 10% 20% 50% 100% Collision Rod Soft rope Spring

Figure 5: Human response proportions of interaction categories (a) and of the sub-categories (b,c) in Experiment 1. Error bars indicate the standard deviations across stimuli.

Figure 4) as an approximation to emulate intuitive physics. Experiment 1 t The network can predict the velocities of the two objects vˆi, Participants i = 1,2, given their past trajectories Γt = sτ t . At each i i τ=1 30 participants (mean age = 20.9; 19 female) were recruited step, we feed a 28-dim feature vector to the{ network} by con- from UCLA Psychology Department Subject Pool. All par- catenating the two dots’ positions in the room, their relative ticipants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Partici- positions to each other and to the five corners highlighted by pants provided written consent via a preliminary online sur- the blue circles in Figure 4. We generated 2000 collision vey in accordance with the UCLA Institutional Review Board OO videos and trained the network on these videos with a and were compensated with course credit. 4-fold cross-validation. Using the trained network, we then conducted a step-by-step prediction of an entity’s movements Stimuli and Procedure assuming it is an object. By comparing with the ground truth 850 videos of Heider-Simmel animations were generated t vi, we can evaluate to what degree an entity’s motion is in- from our synthesis algorithm described above, with 500 HH consistent with physics predictions: videos (100 videos for each AD level), 150 HO videos, and T 200 OO videos (50 videos for each sub-category). Videos 1 t t 2 Di = vi vˆi 2, i = 1,2. (3) lasted from 1 s to 1.5 s with a frame rate of 20 fps. By setting T ∑ || − || ∀ t=1 appropriate initial velocities, the average speeds of dots in OO Intention Inference videos were controlled to be the same as the average speeds To evaluate the impression of whether a dot possesses inten- of dots in HH with 100% ADs (44 pixel/s). The dataset was tions in the Heider-Simmel display, we estimate a value index split into two equal sets; each contained 250 HH, 75 HO, and (i.e., accumulated reward) from an entity’s trajectory w.r.t. 100 OO videos. 15 participants were presented with set 1 and each possible goal. We first define a reward function: the other 15 participants were presented with set 2. Stimuli were presented on a 1024 768 monitor with a 60 (xt xt ) vt t g > Hz refresh rate. Participants were given× the following instruc- R(s ,g) = t −t t , (4) xg x 2 v 2 tions: “In the current experiment, imagine that you are work- || − || || · || where xt and vt are the position and velocity of an entity ex- ing for a security company. Videos were recorded by bird’s- t t eye view surveillance cameras. In each video, you will see tracted from its state s , and xg is the position of the goal. t t two dots moving around, one in red and one in green. Your For “leaving the room”, xg is the door’s position, whereas xg denotes the position of the other entity for “blocking”. In- task is to ‘identify’ these two dots based on their movement. tuitively, this reward function evaluates whether the entity is There are three possible scenarios: human-human, human- moving towards certain goal locations. Consequently, we can object, or object-object.” Videos were presented in random compute the overall value by selecting the most likely goal: orders. After the display of each video, participants were asked to classify the video into one of the three categories. " T # 1 t Vi = max R(si,g) , i = 1,2, (5) Results g G T ∑ ∀ ∈ t=1 + Human response proportions are summarized in Figure 5. Re- where [x]+ = max(x,0). Note that Vi defined here is different sponse proportion of human-human interaction swas ignifi- from the one in Eq. 2. Ranging from 0 to 1, a higher value of cantly greater than the chance level 0.33 (t(499) = 25.713, Vi indicates that the entity i shows a clearer intention and is p < .001). For HO animations, response proportion of more likely to be an agent. We remove the moments when the human-object interaction was significantly greater than the denominator in Eq. (4) is too small for the robustness of the other two responses (p < .001). Similarly, response propor- value estimate. Considering the complexity of optimal plan- tion of object-object was greater than the other two responses ning in the continuous physical environment, the proposed (p < .001) for OO animations. These results reveal that hu- value index offers a simplified measure of goal inference by man participants identified the main characteristics of differ- inverse planning (Baker et al., 2009; Ullman et al., 2010). ent interaction types based on dot movements. 1.0 50% 100% 0.6 20% 10% 0.8 Human-Human Response 7% Human-Human Response Human-Object Response 0.5 Human-Object Response 0.6 Object-Object Response Object-Object Response 0.4 0.4

Intention rod Intention

0.2 0.3 soft rope spring 0.0 0.2 collision 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Violation of Physics Violation of Physics

Figure 6: Constructed psychological space including HH ani- Figure 7: Centers of all types of stimuli. mations with 100% animacy degree, HO animations, and OO animations. In this figure, a stimulus is depicted by a data point with coordinates derived by the model, and the colors of points correspond to the interaction type used in the simula- data points indicate the average human responses of this stim- tion for generating the synthesized animations. The coordi- ulus. The two coordinates of the space are the averaged mea- nates of each data point were calculated as the model-derived sures between the two entities, as the measure of the degree measures averaged across the two entities in an animation. of violation of physical laws (horizontal) and the measure of The resulting space showed clear separations between the values indicating the presence of intention. The mark shapes animations that were judged as three different types of in- of data points correspond to the interaction types used in the teractions. Animations with more human-human interaction simulation for generating the corresponding stimuli (circle: responses (red marks) clustered at the top-right corner, cor- HH, triangle: HO, square: OO). responding to great values of intention and strong evidence signaling the violation of physics. Animations with high re- sponses for object-object interactions (blue marks), located Next, we examined human responses to the sub-categories at the bottom left of the space, show low values of inten- within the HH and OO animations. We first used the animacy tion index and little evidence of violation of physics. An- degree as a continuous variable and tested its effect on human imations with high responses for human-object interactions responses in the HH animations. With increases in degree (green marks) fell in the middle of the space. of animacy in HH, the response proportion of human-human To quantitatively evaluate how well the model-derived interaction increased significantly as revealed by a positive space accounts for human judgments, we trained a classi- correlation (r = .42, p < .001). This finding suggests that fier using the coordinates derived in the space shown in Fig- humans are sensitive to the animacy manipulation in terms ure 6 as input features (D and V for the indices of physical of the frequency with which self-propelled forces occurred in violation and intention respectively). For each ground-truth the stimuli. For the OO animations, the response proportion type of interactions k HH,HO,OO , we fit a 2D Gaus- ∈ { } for object-object interaction among the four sub-categories sian distribution pk(D,V), using half of the stimuli as train- yielded significant differences (F(3,196) = 34.42, p < .001 ing data. Then for a given animation with the coordinates of by an ANOVA), with the most object-object responses in the (D,V), the classifier predicts p(k D,V) = pk(D,V) for ani- | ∑k pk(D,V) collision condition, and the least in the rod condition. Pair- mations in the remaining half of the stimuli. The correlation wise comparisons among the four-categories show significant between the model predictions and average human responses difference between collision and everything else (p < .001), was 0.748 (p < .001) based on 2-fold cross-validation. Us- between soft rope and rope (p < .001), and also between soft ing a split-half reliability method, human participants showed rope and string (p = .018); there is a marginally significant an inter-subject correlation of 0.728 (p < .001). Hence, difference between rod and string (p = .079). the response correlation between model and humans closely We then combined human responses and the model-derived matched inter-subject correlations, suggesting a good fit of measures for each animation stimulus to depict the unified the unified space as a generic account of human perception psychology space for the perception of physical and social of physical and social events based on movements of simple events. Figure 6 presents the distributions of 100 HH videos shapes. with 100% animacy degree, 150 HO videos, and 200 OO We examined the impact of different degrees of animacy videos, all in this unified space. In this figure, an animation on the perception of social events, and how different subcat- video is indicated by a data point with coordinates derived egories of physical events affect human judgments on inter- by the model, and the colors of data points indicate the aver- action types. The unified space provides a platform to com- age human responses of this stimulus. Specifically, the values pare these fine-grained judgments. Figure 7 shows the centers of its RGB channels are determined by the average human- of the coordinates and the average responses for each of the human responses in red, human-object responses in green, sub-categories. We first found that, with a decreased degree and object-object responses in blue. The mark shapes of data of animacy, the intention index in HH animations was gradu- ally reduced towards the level of HO animations. Meanwhile, Human Entity Object Entity human judgments of these stimuli varying from low to high 1.0 90° degree of animacy transited gradually from human-object re- 0.8 135° 45° sponses to human-human responses, consistent with the trend 0.6 50 40 30 20 that the data points moved along the physics axis. Among 10 0.4 all physical events, the rod and spring conditions showed the 180° 0° Intention highest intention index and the strongest physical violation, 0.2 0.0 respectively, resulting in a greater portion of human-human 225° 315° interaction responses than the other categories. 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Violation of Physics 270° Experiment 2 (a) (b) In Experiment 1, human participants were asked to classify Figure 8: Human and model-simulation results in Experi- the three interaction types. But for human-object responses, ment 2. (a) Representative cases of animations that elicited the assignment of the roles to individual entities was not mea- the human-object responses, located in the space with model- sured. In Experiment 2, we focused on stimuli that elicited derived coordinates. The colors reflects average human re- the classification of human-object responses, and asked par- sponses of assigning a dot to the human role (red) and to the ticipants to report which dot was a human agent, and which object role (blue). (b) Orientation histogram of the segments dot was an inanimate object. Specifically, the role assign- connected by the concurrent pairs of entities in an animation. ment in the human-object responses helps us identify some key characteristics in the psychological space that signal a human-object interaction. did not show consistency in the role judgment (each entity was judged as a human or an object by exactly half of the Methods participants). 25 participants (mean age = 21.3; 19 female) were recruited Conclusion from the UCLA Psychology Department Subject Pool. 216 videos were selected from Experiment 1 based on the crite- In this study, we propose a unified psychological space to rion that more than 40% of subjects judged the HH videos or account for human perception of physical and social events OO videos as human-object interaction. 201 videos were HH from movements of simple shapes in Heider-Simmel anima- videos and the other 15 were OO videos. tions. The space consists of two primary dimensions: the The procedure was the same as Experiment 1 except that intuitive sense of violation of physics, and the impression on each trial, subjects were asked to complete two tasks: first of intentions. We tested the space by measuring human re- to judge the interaction type; then if the judgment was human- sponses when viewing a range of synthesized stimuli depict- object, they were further asked to report which dot repre- ing human-human, human-object, and object-object interac- sented a human agent and which dot represented an object. tions in the style of Heider-Simmel animations. We found that the constructed physics-intention space revealed clear Results separations between social and physical events as judged We projected all entities onto the psychological space based by humans. Furthermore, we trained a classification model on the model-derived measures for each individual entity, and based on the coordinates of each stimulus in this space. The connected a pair of the two entities that appeared in the same resulting model was able to predict human classification re- video. We visualized 10 animations that yielded high human- sponses at the same level as human inter-subject reliability. object response proportions and the most consistent role judg- The present paper provides a proof of concept that the per- ment among participants as shown in Figure 8a, where cir- ception of physical events and social events can be integrated cles represent the dots that were frequently identified as hu- within a unified space. Such common representation enables mans, and squares represent the dots identified as objects. the development of a comprehensive computational model of The resulting segments showed a common feature in that the how humans perceive and reason about physical and social connection of the two entities in the space depicted a near- scenes. Perhaps the most surprising finding in our work is vertical orientation, primarily due to high intention value for that the classification result based on just the two measures the human dot, and low intention value for the object dot. To reflecting the violation of physical laws and the estimate of further examine the orientations in the space for the human- intention can predict human judgment very well, reaching the object responses, we calculated the histogram of the orien- same level as inter-subject correlation. The good fit to human tations for animations judged as human-object interactions, responses across a range of Heider-Simmel stimuli demon- which shows a high concentration around 90 degrees (see Fig- strates the great potential of using a unified space to study the ure 8b). This finding suggests that the two dots in the Heider- transition from intuitive physics to social perception. Simmel animations elicited similar degrees of physical viola- The main benefit of constructing this psychological space tion, but one of them showed a much clearer intention. Note is to provide an intuitive assessment for general impressions that this analysis excluded 38 stimuli in which participants of physical and social events. To build up such representation, humans or a computation model may use various cues to de- Kassin, S. (1981). Heider and simmel revisited: Causal attri- tect intentions and/or physical violations; such cue-based de- bution and the animated film technique. 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(Original ever, the model has limitations. For example, the simulations work published 1946). are limited by a small set of goals, and the model requires predefined goals and good knowledge about the constrained Mnih, V., Badia, A. P., Mirza, M., Graves, A., Lillicrap, T., physical environment. Future work should aim to extend the Harley, T., . . . Kavukcuoglu, K. (2016). Asynchronous analysis to a variety of goals in social events (Thurman & Lu, methods for deep reinforcement learning. In International 2014), to develop better goal inference, and to support causal conference on machine learning (icml). perception in human actions (Peng et al., 2017). A more com- Pantelis, P. C., Baker, C. L., Cholewiak, S. A., Sanik, K., We- plete model would possess the ability to learn about physical instein, A., Wu, C.-C., . . . Feldman, J. (2014). 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