Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation
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Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Taipei, August 3-5, 2010 ` Editors: Eric Gilman Asuka Ishizaki David Chang Wei-Yang Liu Paul Dalzell ` !"#$%$!&& ''()*+$ #,--%#% +/&` #00#11#12213#` ####2#1#411512 1%62#00122##4 ##2% 7$"63(*!&38!3( 294:4#;9:<% 00###101, =>%7?5%:%@%A:?%;>1<%/&%Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation.` '+$% 402, ` !"#$%$!&& ''()*+$ >3,72%B%4 #,--%#% #2`#691 #116%6&6!!&/(% `11121411 1a42691#1 :#2% Table of Contents 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7 SESSION SUMMARIES AND PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS >E4$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%( SESSION 1: 9'>$99$@6: 78190F4 %%%%%%%%%%%%* 76>$7@@6676=6:6=>>6 #:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/( 2### OPENING SESSION `,2 #4301 9>676=::>$$ Dr. Larry B. Crowder, :5+4%%%%%%* Dr. Wu-Hsiung Chen, Minister, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan%%%%%%%%%( 9#12# # 9>676=>G$ Dr. David Hyrenbach'`+4 %%*! Mr. James Sha:= 2>E4A%%%%%%%/& +4":4W `120 Mr. Wen-Jung Hsieh `12#2`3 :#$@"39 1## 1>E# %%%%%%%%%%%%%/& Mr. Daniel Dunn:5+4%%%%%%%%%*8 Dr. Rebecca Lent:92`27 ##? 22+%$%6$4 %%%21 #2 Mr. Sean Martin1'@ Dr. Hsueh-Jung Lu69 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%21 +4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*( ="25, REPORTING ON COMMITMENTS 411#4##1 AND PROGRESS SINCE IFF1 Mr. Randall Owens="2 Ms. Kitty M. Simonds>E4: 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!& `%%%/* 2##4 24 01F1 Dr. Robin Warner+42%%%!* ###1 Mr. Paul Holthus19%%%%%%!8 * SESSION 2:$>$+:7>$99$@6: SESSION 3:77=76="A'9$>6$77L> 76>$7@@6676=6:6=>>6 $>7>$=9+$7676>7$'>7>$ Session 2A:>$>7L>$96=>$ Session 3A:77=76=$>6$77L>$>7>$ 6:@66>$ "A'6:6=76=:7$:$76$@@ $@>7$'>7>$76@+:76=9$@7$6@ $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%47 $$7L>6>7$'>7>$ 1##1 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%71 6'71 Dr. Jo-Ann Leong'72 03`1 "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!( 20# Dr. Rebecca Lewison$:$+4 O* ="25 1##1 5;Rhincodon typus< 0` Mr. Randall Owens="2 Dr. Shoou Jeng Joung69 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8/ +4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 74 6>12#01 # Ms. Deirdre Boelke6>1 0R002# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8) ?1##20 011#1 WE##1 Mr. Geoff McPhersonQ5+4 %%O8 Mr. Mao-Cheng Wang% % & #1 7##2## 1 $1 Dr. Osamu Abe672 Dr. David Fluharty+42 %%%61 $Q# %%%%%%%%%%%%%76 $0#1 Dr. Donald Kobayashi+%$%6 Session 2B:>$>7L>$9'> $4`71$ 9>7@76>+>7$'76=76:+$A 1Dr. I-Jiunn Cheng69 +4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%77 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* 12#00 $22` `2@ 2##0+$#3535 Dr. Martin Hall73# 6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%) Ms. Timm Timoney6' 71"`%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8 Session 3B:G>3"$>:>'67$$ 1E#=" 6:7$'>7>$"A' 25## Mr. Andrew TobinN1$2171 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%66 1 71E## 11421` Ms. Ming-Hua Lee$%%)8 Mr. Bill Wells$## %%%%%%%67 7$21$01 E###, 10,#20 2 0 Mr. Yi-Ping Hung Dr. Lida Pet-Soede %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%67 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%) 1E## ,5301 #+%$% ##20 Mr. Marion Larkin+$ Mr. Keith Symington %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)O Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation 4 $#2011` >42121#10 ` 11`4 Mr. Bill Holden$1#%%%)( 2,1 1#S 5a10,14 Dr. Tom Nishida672 11 $Q# %%%%%%%%%%%%%& Mr. Duncan Leadbitter$0 #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%( $50` Dr. Kwang-Ming Liu69 1410 +4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&O 25301` #,@2+$1#3 2#1#52>:## ` SESSION 4:>9>6:796$9 Mr. Bundit Chokesanguan$ 7@>>676=9$@6:76>$7@ :4#%%%%%%%%%%%(* @6676=9'7>L>$+$76"@>>@=7 7$'>7>$ $02>#5 Mr. Henk Brus%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(8 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%111 Session 3C:77=76="A'76@96=@76> 271%%%* 6:+$>$>76>7$'>7>$ >6:7T,78%%%%%%%%%%%%%8 $$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(O >6:7T/,0'9?%%%%( $R12 `5 >6:7T*,"517 Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila+42" $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%121 0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(( >6:7T!,#%%%%%%/* >2205> >6:7T8,$#5"#%%%%%%%%%127 `9273# W220 7811 %%%%%%%%%%% 141 # Dr. Rick Deriso73# >6:7T,#@%%%%%%%%%%%/O8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(( 2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/)* 100` Dr. Eric Gilman'`+41 "97 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&& 4214#1#52 224011 Dr. Martin Hall73# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&8 92G077" Dr. Rebecca Lent+%$%6 $4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&8 $010#11 `,10 Dr. Charles Cheng1"111 Dr. Mayumi Sato"1@2%%%%%%%%%%&8 8 Foreword from the Co-Hosts #1##12227 $#1";78<1#*38/&&% 77;7<41`26U1 'Q#1%01010 #`%70RE#11102#`0 142#10`% 7014#21#424? 11%7##402##` 42#`51#2014% ##;$<##102% 22#411##2`1#41 1##314#`$ 22#14% #?1#2311 114#24%#02 E#=22E4#1#2122115 R2$% #1112#47110% 94#11`#010110 4##410##1%78## 1`1401#520#01141 1#4#1% 78##1##:11344 ##11`11###1#0 #4#144#0`11%52 78##1#2##10#% $ James Sha Kitty M. Simonds := >E4: ` 2 >E4A 7 Executive Summary Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation PREPARED BY: 24#014% Dr. Eric Gilman'`+4 #E#1##21 Mr. Paul Dalzell` 20#01 530114% Ms. Asuka Ishizaki` 21 Dr. Larry Crowder:5+4 #10` Dr.