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JX-10 Page 1 of 81 __ Talked FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445224 __._____ Talked Talkedtalked Talked Talked Talkedtalked Talkedtalked Talked __ Talkedtalked Talkedtalked Talked TALK SHEET _____________9/3012008DATE 7:187:38TIME PM DavidDon Kohn Nason CALLER HONE# _________________TalkedMESSAGE 6:416:487:017:09 PM PaulDanJeffLee ImmeltSachs JesterVoicker _______________________________Talked 5:30 PM ___Talked 3:46 PM LarryJohn DuganSummers Redacted - ___Tatked 3:43 PM Secretary Paulson Personal ___Talked 3:193:293:33 PM LarryChairmanDan Jester Summers Bernanke Information ______TalkedTalked 3:003:063:073:17 PMPM LarryJamieJohnVikram FinkMack Dimon Pandit _________TalkedTalked ______________ 12:542:202:282:45 PM PM RodginBillCalvinAlan Rutledge Greenspan Mitchell Cohen _____TalkedTalked i12:21 i:46 AMPM LarrySecretary Summers Paulson __.___Talked i i:22:26 AM SecretaryDan Jester Paulson Talked 110:5211:0411:08AM 0:37 AMAM Jean-ClaudeDonBillChairmanCox Rutledge Kohn Trichet Talked ___________ 10:13AM10:209:529:53 AM AM_RitaChairmanDonDan ProctorKohnJester Bernanke TalkedTalked 8:309:0e9:139:14 AMAM ChairmanHankTonyJeff Immelt RyanPaulson Cox _TalkedTalked ________________________9/29/2008 8:088:09AM8:28 AM BillRitaJohn Dudley Proctor Dugan _TalkedTalked _____________ 5:385:445:51 PM SteveJeffeff Immelt Friedman _TalkedTalked _________________ CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 1 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445224 ---...-Tatkedr'A-I-E: -ri ('AITALK I SHEET -rn-_____________W-5:28535PM4:45PM PM KevinHank;Speyer PaulsonWarsh - - PHfl'JF ___TalkedTked_______MESSAGE 4:37 PM Rodgin Cohen Redacted - Personal___ Talked ________ -_____________ 4:23 PM Jeff Immelt Information __Talked _________________________________________ 3:13:253:354:13 9 PMPM NedBillDanMichele Rutledge KellyJester Smith ____TalkedTalked ________________________________________ 3:003:113:153:18 PMPM JohnCalvinJohnScott DuganDuganAlvarez Mitchell _____TalkedTalked _______________________________________________________ 2:162:312:552:59 PM HankKevinDonJeff ImmeltKohn Paulson Warsh _____TalkedTalked -__________________________ 12:0112:0212:052:13 PMPMPM RobertHankDan Jester Paulson RubiriAubin ____TalkedTalked _____________ i12:01 i:45 PMAM Jester - _Talked __________- i i:44 AM _Ed Forster __Talked ____________________________________- 11:32i i:44 AM NedKevin Kelly Warsh _TalkedTalked ______________ ______________________________________ 11:15AM11:18i i:20 AM JeanMeg McConnellMarie Davis __cantcameTalked find over ___________________________-111:12 1 :02:08 AM DanEdwardKevinTheoLubke Jester Warsh Forst _Talkedwellcameover CB ______ _____________ 10:3610:54 AMAM HankJohn DuganPaulson - Talked _____________________________________________________- 10:2210:268:508:55 AM AM PatSteveBillCongressman DudleyParkinson Shatran Anthony Weiner TalkedTalked ______________________________________________________ 8:038:408:488:49 AMAM DonHankPat ParkinsonKohn Paulson TalkedTalked ________ . TalkedTalked CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 2 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445225 TALK SHEET TalkedDATE 8:008:02TIME AM Mchefle Smith CALLER PHONE # MESSAGE _____________ 7:57 AM VikramDan Jester Pandit Redacted - Personal _____________ 7:50 AM Bob Steel Information _______________________________________ 6:067:007:367:50 AM BobTreasuryJeffDan Lacker SteelJester Confeoence Call to reconvene@7:00am - 5:42 AM Bill Dudley __________________________ 4:57 AM5:38- AM5: 1 1 AM TreasuryJean Claude Conference Trichet Call toreconvene©5:00am _____________________________________ 3:443:454:15AM4:00am AM ChairmanJohnC/Call Dugan w/Dugan, Bernanke NedKelly, TFG, B. Rutledge&M. Suya __________________________ 3:12 AM2:52- AM3:44 AMChairmanTreasury Conference Bernanke, S.Call Alvarez&D. Kohn -_____________________________________________ 1:51AM12:50AM1:34AM1:47- AM2:51 AM DonJohnTreasury Kohn Dugan Conference Call ___________-_____________9/28/2008 11:08PM11:16PM12:0312:26 AM DanJesterJohnChairman Dugan BerriankeBernanke ___________________________________________________ 10:3110:34PM10:4510:52 PM DonJohnKevinDan Kohn JesterDugan Warsh ______________________________________ 10:1710:188:268:30 PM PMPM DanKevinRodgin JesterJester Warsh Cohen ___________________---_____________ 8:088:118:158:18 PMPM JohnDanChairmanRodgin JesterDugan Cohen Bernanke __________________________ 7:357:417:588:00 PMPM JohnDanDonRodgin Jester KahnDugan Cohen&Ken Wilson CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 3 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445226 TalkedI-lA-rg: TiM (AITALK I FRSHEET -___________________________ 6:327:187327:00Pm PM DavidRodginDan Jester Nason Cohen PHONE TalkedTalkedMESSAGE _____________ 6:22 PM Kevin Warsh Redacted - Talked _____________ 6:20 PM John Dugan Personal Talked - 6:15 PM Vikram Pandit Information Talked _____________________________________ 5:466:026:076:10PM PM JamieVikramMichelleDanJester Dimon Pandit Smith Talked _____________________________________ 4:555:015:045:19PM PMPM DanMichelleJamieDimon Jester Smith&Secretay Paulson TakedTalked __________________________ 4:064:184:334:46 PMPM JohnDanVikramEd Liddy JesterDugan Pandit TalkedTalked ________________________________________ 3:483:513:59 PMPM LloydDanKevinRodgin Jester Blankf Warsh Cohen ein Talked _______________________________________ 3:013:203:283:38 PMPM JanetJanetJeffMichelle Lacker YeflenYellen Smith TalkedTalked ________________________________________- 2:302:342:362:55 PMPM _ChairmanDanRodginJohn Jester Dugan Cohen Bernanke (As per TFG; Baxterwill return this call) TalkedBaxterTalked (talked) ________________________________________ 1:2612:082:28 :28 PM RahmTomDanJell Immelt NidesJester Emanuel (callon TFGs cell phone) TalkedTalked _____________________________________ 12:08112:521:15PM 2:35 PMPM DavidKevinDanDanJester Jester WarshViniar&Treasury Team TalkedTalked _______________________ i12:04PM1 :55 AM TomDon KohnBaxter Talked CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 4 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445227 TalkedflATF TIME CALLERTALK SHEET PHONE # _______________________ 10:5111:10AM11:13AM11:16AM AM TomBobRubinJeffDavid Immelt Nides Viniar MESSAGE -____________ 10:44 AM Redacted - ____________ 10:39 AM Rodgin Cohen ____________ 10:18 AM BaxterKevin Warsh&Alvarez Personal _____________ 9:45 AM David Viniar Information _______________________________________- _9:109:359:409:43 AM JamieLloydDanCalvin Jester Blanktein DimonMitchell ________________________________________9/27/2008 __________________8:318:468:56 AMAM VikramDanLloyd Jester Blankt Pandit ein __________________________ 5:455:506:096:15 PMPM LarryVikramDanMeg________________________________________________ Jester McconnellSummers Pandit&Simon Potter __________________________ 5:085:155:185:26 PMPM DanSecretaryJohnDon Jester KohnHavens Paulson for VikramPandit __________________________ 4:583:414:084:21 PM PMPM? ChairmanSheilaSteve ShafFriedmanBair Bernanke ran __________________________ 2:533:043:173:50 PMPM JoshKevinDanVikram JesterSteiner Warsh Pandit ____________________________________________________ 1:411:522:012:50 PM DavidDanKevinDan JesterJester WilcoxWarsh ______________________________________ 12:0312:351:27 PM PMPM _ LarryJeffMeg Lacker McconnellFink _________________________ i11:53AM i:47 AM SecretaryEdForst Paulson CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 5 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445228 Ta'kedrl-rI;: - TIM TALK SHEET -iii- 11:36i i:43 AM ChairmanDavid Nason Bernanke CMI ER PHONE # ______________TalkedMESSAGE - - i i:31 AM Dan Jester and Ken Wilson Redacted - Personal __Talked _____________ ?? Rodgin Cohen (TomBaxer will call)_________________________ Information Talked _____________912612008 7:177:368:388:54 PMAM LarryJeffTom ackerNides Summers __TalkedTaBaxter I k ed _______ __________-- 6:50PM6:547:14 PM KevinWarshLloydTomDan JesterNides Blanktein _____Talked - 6:216:426:45 PMPM SecretarySteveDavid ShafNason Paulson ran __TalkedTalked ------ 5:005:19PM5:226:07 PMPM TomNidesRodginLewis Kaden Cohen TalkedTalked - _____________-. .-_3:574:284:54 PM BobJohnRodginKyoto Rubin Dugan Omori, Cohen Deputy Pres. Mitsubishi TalkedTalked - ____________- 3:493:55 PM AlanSecretary Greenspan Paulson Talked - 2:092:403:363:46 PMPM JerryAlanDanTheo JesterGreenspan CorriganLubke _TalkedTalked ___________ 1:45i :49:53 PM BillTomJamie Dudley Nides Dimon TalkedTalked 12:441:40i :44 PMPM JeffSecretaryRodgin lmmelt Cohen Paulson TalkedTalked - _______-_____________-__10:2110:4710:5212:35 AMPMAM VikramRichardLee Sachs Pandit Haass, CFR _________ Talked - - 10:10 AM DanDon JesterKohn TalkedTalked -. - 9:10 10:018:38AM (approx.)AM AM KevinMervynChairman Warsh King, Bernanke BOE TalkedTalked CONFIDENTIAL JX-10 Page 6 of 81 FRBNY-STARR(CFC)-0445229 Talked TALK SHEET _____________nû-r 7:468:24TtMF AM ChairmanBII Dudley Bernanke CALLER PHONE# ______________TalkedMESSAGE _____________ 7:43 AM Dan Jester Redacted - Personal __Talked _____________912512008 7:257:417:33 PMAM MichelleSecretary Smith Paulson Information ____Talked _________________________________________________ 7:17:15PM7:18PM 1 PM KevinRodginCohenLeeSachsDan Jester Warsh ____TalkedTalked _____________________________________ 5:475:586:32PM6:36 PMPM SecretaryDavádTheoChairman Lubke Wilcox PaulsonBernanke ____Talked ________________________________________ 4:004:355:225:33 PMPM KevinViceDanDavid ChairmanJester WarshWilcox Kohn _____Talked _______________________________________ 2:172:202:382:55 PM BillSteveChecki Rutledge Pearistein, Wash Post _Talked __________________________ 12:062:13 :56 PM DavidSenatorViceSecretary Chairman Oddsson, Charles Paulson Kohn BankSchumer ofIceland __TalkedTalked __________________________ i:36:50 PM Dan Jester _Talked _____________ 1i :23:06 PM BobTom RubinNides _Talked _____________ 12:3212:3412:53 PMPM SecretaryLloydRodgenVice Chairman Blankfein Cohen
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