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Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Oral evidence: The future of Public Service Broadcasting, HC 156 Tuesday 14 July 2020 Ordered by the House of Commons to be published on 14 July 2020. Watch the meeting Members present: Julian Knight (Chair); Kevin Brennan; Alex Davies-Jones; Clive Efford; Damian Green; Damian Hinds; John Nicolson; Giles Watling. Questions 106 - 217 Witnesses I: Dame Carolyn McCall, Chief Executive, ITV, and Magnus Brooke, Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, ITV. Examination of Witnesses Witnesses: Dame Carolyn McCall, Chief Executive, ITV, and Magnus Brooke, Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, ITV. Q106 Chair: This is the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee and this is a hearing into the future of public service broadcasting and also we will be looking at the issue of Covid-19 and how that has affected our witnesses’ company today and public service broadcasting more generally. Before we begin, I am going to ask any of the members to indicate whether or not they have any interests in relation to this session. Giles Watling: Yes, I do, Chair. I am an occasional recipient of royalties from ITV. Chair: Thank you. Our witnesses today are Dame Carolyn McCall, the Chief Executive of ITV, and Magnus Brooke, the Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, ITV. Thank you for joining us today. Dame Carolyn, would you outline for the Committee the implications that Covid has had on your business and your public service broadcasting remit more broadly? Dame Carolyn McCall: Sure. Thank you very much for inviting us to do this.
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