55 School Opener.Indd 57 18/09/2014 09:34 Slug Here St Martha’S School in Barnet and (Right) Some of the Boarders
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indEPEndEnT SchoolS SPEcial ½ The lady’s essential guide to private education. By Vanessa Berridge Go indEPEndEnT 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 The Lady 55 55 School opener.indd 57 18/09/2014 09:34 Slug here St Martha’s School in Barnet and (right) some of the boarders Sports period gets lively at Forest School in London ChOOSINg the rIghT SChOOl It’s a choice that could change your child’s life. So just how do you make the right one? hoosing a school is an school of your choice, you’re setting schools is now very competitive, so emotional business. It’s yourself up for a fall.’ even an able child may need some all too easy to let your It can be hard, of course, for par- extra support for the 11+ entry or aims and aspirations for ents to appraise the relative abilities Common entrance. Tuition can be Cyour child get in the way of clear- of their children, which is why it is seen as hothousing by pushy parents sightedness about their actual apti- worth listening to the advice of your determined to propel their children tude and personality. But it is vital to child’s current school when consider- into a chosen school regardless of be as objective as possible when mak- ing their next move. It is very much their aptitude. But this is not neces- ing this decision, and also to take in the school’s future interest that sarily so: tuition can offer a boost by professional advice from schools and their pupils go on to flourish in their giving children some one-to-one time even independent experts. senior schools. You could also con- to sort out any problems they have The most important thing that sider turning to organisations such with the syllabus that are not being parents should do is ‘align expecta- as gabbitas or William Clarence addressed in a large class at school. tions with abilities’, says Stephen education for a completely impartial It may be helpful for children moving Spriggs, managing director of Wil- academic assessment. William from the state to the independent sec- liam Clarence education, a provider Clarence education offers a half-day tor at 11 or 13, and needing coaching of highly qualified tutors and educa- evaluation of a child’s competence with the kind of exams set at these tional advice. ‘A lot of parents are in maths and english, from which ages. A tutor will be able to prepare a sucked into the brand names of big they will draw up a shortlist of child’s exam technique and develop schools, such as eton, harrow or schools. ‘We try to match the person- effective working methods. Westminster, when a less well-known ality of the child to the school,’ says ‘It’s a question,’ says Spriggs, ‘of school, such as repton or Oakham, Spriggs. ‘A happy child will find it far making sure children approach pa- may be better for their child. If you easier to learn.’ pers the right way.’ Private tuition decide there is no alternative to the entry to the most academic may also help to identify whether your 56 The Lady 19 SePTeMBer 2014 56 57 Choosing a school.indd 56 18/09/2014 09:35 independent schools special Pupils enjoying their break at Downe House in Berkshire and (right) Forest School child is in fact applying for the most care, how emotional problems are for my own children was a prep where appropriate school for his needs. dealt with, how the children are we were taken round by 13-year-olds For parents who may not them- divided up academically, how the in their final year.t heir enthusiasm selves have been to independent house system works, and how dis- was a glowing recommendation. schools, the whole enterprise may putes between children and about once you have visited, write down seem intimidating and baffling.s ome bullying are dealt with. look, too, at your impressions a day later, rather schools, too, are better than others at the notice boards and classroom than in the heat of the moment when putting parents at their ease: when walls: do they match the school’s you’re overwhelmed by the sales talk we went to look at a junior school for vaunted clubs and sports’ teams? is of the head and dazzled by the new our eldest son, the headmistress sat it only the rugby First XV who are theatre complex. it is probably best us on tiny chairs, so our noses were feted or does the school also flag up to take your children only to schools on a level with her desk. talk about the success of the level 6 netball you are seriously considering, and do power play! even if schools do their team? are the classroom walls cov- listen to what they say. it is easy for best to make you feel comfortable, ered with vibrant examples of chil- a 10-year-old’s views to be overlooked, you are undoubtedly there as sup- dren’s work or with mass-produced but they must be taken into account: plicants, hoping that your child will educational posters? try also to look their sixth sense may be right, while be admitted to this magic circle. to get as wide as possible a view of what’s on offer, you might visit thei ndepend- ‘Visit a number of schools to make comparisons, always ent schools show, which takes place on 8 and 9 november at battersea going during term time when lessons are in progress’ evolution in london’s battersea park. over 200 schools will be exhibiting, so the schools themselves will be sell- at the pupils’ books and essays. ask a parent may be blinded by the qual- ing, with prospective parents buying. for absolute numbers as well as ity of the facilities. some schools offer there will also be talks from school percentages for comparative studies half-day, day or overnight placements heads and leading educationalists. such as league tables. some schools in the case of boarding schools, to Visit a number of schools to make are inclined to claim, for example, give children an immersive experi- comparisons and do the groundwork 100 per cent success in a*s in man- ence. they’ll have a chance to eat a without your children, always going darin when only one (chinese) child meal at the school, take part in a les- during term time when lessons are in is sitting the exam. if the school is son and maybe a sports period, which progress. a wet morning break in reluctant to give you this breakdown, will give them a better idea of wheth- February is probably as good a test ask yourself why. er they can see themselves there. as any as to how well the school is be suspicious of a school tour that choosing a school is a bit like buy- run. as well as the obvious questions is led entirely by the head or a staff ing a house – a mixture of gut instinct about the curricular and extra-cur- member. the school i was most im- and hard-headed calculation. but ricular activities, ask about pastoral pressed by when researching schools your child’s needs are paramount. ■ 19 september 2014 The Lady 57 56 57 Choosing a school.indd 57 18/09/2014 09:36 Day, full & weekly boarDing gSa School 900 girls 4-18 years | founded 1885 StCatherine’s Bramley Superb academic and boarding provision, St Catherine’s provides girls with a perfect environment in which to grow up at their own pace, not one dictated by others. Open events seniOr schOOl - 9.15am 11th September 8th October 14th November BOArDinG inFOrMAtiOn eveninGs 15th September Boarders’ 20th November Friday evening bus Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF service to t: 01483 899609 London e: [email protected] www.stcatherines.info Thelady01 July 2014 V2.indd 1 09/09/2014 15:15:02 “A magical alchemy of bright children and special staff.” Tatler Schools Guide. We are a co-educational day school for pupils aged 4-13 with an outstanding academic reputation and proven track record of success. Open Morning 9-11.30am Friday October 3rd 2014 www.milbournelodge.co.uk Arbrook Lane, Esher, Surrey. KT10 9EG 01372 462737 00DISPLAY AD Template.indt 1 12/09/2014 16:23 InDEPEnDEnT SCHOOlS SPECIAl Eastbourne College – team spirit in action lIFE after SCHOOl Choosing the right f you are choosing a very aca- Woods, ‘and the experience gives demic school for your child, them insights into themselves and school is essential, there are certain assumptions each other. Pupils have to build a CV, that the pupils will be thor- not just write it, and need to learn but so is planning Ioughly prepared for their exams and transferable skills, which employers likely to achieve high grades. But how want.’ The careers process starts with for the next stage of do you look beyond scholastic attain- Year 10 pupils being encouraged to ment to find out how well the students look at job advertisements and really your child’s life will be equipped for life beyond the think about what employers are seek- school room and even university? ing. ‘We steer them to ask these ques- Gordon Woods, warden of Glen- tions of themselves.’ almond College in Perthshire, ad- Alice Phillips, headmistress of vises parents to look at a school’s St Catherine’s School in Bramley, Sur- broader curriculum, beyond the class- rey, and current president of the Girls’ room.