Kelly's Directory 1903

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Kelly's Directory 1903 166 EGHAM. SURREY. [ Kii:LLYtS l!'ryer William, beer retailer Ne'-0- Egbam Dispensary (William Hngh1Simmond Frederick, deputy sun:eyor' of Hall James, fishmonger lkrt'sford i:,.R.C.P.LOnd., ~t:a.c.s.i:ng.I Windsor forest & parks, Park side · · Harman James, ca.b proprietor snrgeon; mon. & t.hurs. 10 a.m.), l61Slade William, boot & shoe maker · Harrison Frartci~, carpenter · St. Jude's road IStaines & Egha.m Industrial Co-operative Hioeos & 'Vaterman; shopkeepers· Perkins GeorgE' John, butcher · I Society Ltd. (Walter -Smith, manager), Hone Charles, beer retailer Pile Wm. Hy. shopkeeper, 32 i\fiddle bill Alexandra road Hopkins J ohn George, pa.inter Peel '!'be Misses, private school, North· Standing Emily (i\fiss), teacher of music Humphreys William, grocer croft villas . · !Suhr Herman, hair dresser . - James William, fruiterer, St. Jude's road Randall Frederick, fiorii>t, Middle hill Swann & Co. chemists · · · .Kent Herbert, fruiterer, Victoria. street John, farmer, Bond street ,Ta.rsey George, dairyman, Victoria. stl"e€t .Kent, plumber & tobs.cconist Roake Mary Victoria. (Mrs.), farmer, jT.aylor Henry Geo. baker, Harvest road :Knox Francis, chinmcy sweeper Crown farm t'fbirkel William, boot maker · · Lecaan Ra1·ry, picture frame maker Roake Richard, dairyman, Bond street ·Thomas James Wm. grocer, Harvest rd Ledbrook Ja.s.W.d.raper & boot & shoe dl.r Robbins'Frederick James, maker, 1Turtill Ja.mes Woods, harness m. aker, Lees Harriet (Miss), apartments, Holly lo !l3 St. Jude's road · St. ,Jude's road · .Loughlin Cha.des, beer retailer . Rowland Rendall, builder, St. Jude's rd 1Want Richard, beer ret.a.iler, Harvest rd Macklin Charles, beer retailer, Harvest rd Royal Indian Engineering C-ollege (Col. 1want Robt.marine store dealcr,Victoria st Maidens Robert, smith ,J. W. Ottley c.1.E., late :a.E. president; Ward .!lfd.J. builder, Alexandra rd Menzies Willia.m, architect & surveyor. Lieut.-Col. W. J. Boyes, sec.; for staff 1Watts .Annie (Miss), apartm~nts; · 12 & surveyor to the Egham & Windsor ~ee p. 161), Cooper's hill I Korthcroft. villas · . Rural District Councils, Golspie · Rudling Alioe (.Mrs.),drssmo..St.Jude's rdiWatts Thomas, beer retniler . -.- Morris James, carman, Blay's lane Rud.ling Eliza.beth (Mrs.), corn & coa'l White Walter, baker & confect.loner .-"! Morton & Vickers, boys' preparatory dealer, St. Jude's road 'Wbit.e William, beer retailer & ca.rman, school, Scaitcliffe Salter Re&>inald Christ-opher, Temperance 1 Bond street • .Mummery Alfred William, insurance hotel, Harvest road · !Wiseman Eliza.beth C. (Mrs.), Sun P.H. agent, 30 Victoria. street Skeggs David, ho. furnisher, St. Jude's rd Bishopsgafo · ELSTEAD is a pa.risli. and 'l"'illag·e, near the river \Ycy, Ifield esq. and .Heatherdene of t.he Dowager La.dy Salt. · The 5 miles west from Godalming station on the Portsmouth bra.nch Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lord$ of the manor. The of the Loudon and South Westernra.ilway,in the South Western principal landowners Captain W. H. Rushbrooke of · _.,~ division of the county, hundred and petty sessiona.l division 1Thursley , W. \~.. G. Cornwall esq. Lady Jephson, the trnstees .~;\f: " of Farnham, Hambledon nnion,. GuHdiord and Godalm.iug of the late J..ieut.-Gen. Sir F. Marshall {d.1900), ::urs. Combt>, of · .,:·;(!" county court district, rural deanery of God.aiming, arch· Frensha.m, :Mrs. Gooch, and Robert Mowbray Howe.rd esq. ;,'!. j deaconry of Surrey and diocese of 'Vinchester : it is supposed 'of B.road Oak, Seale. Tbe soil is partly light loam and sand; ).":. ,. t.o have derived its name from .having been the "station," subsoil, gravel and sand. The crops barley, wheat·, car-rote,. ~ { Y ·: -or" stead," of Ella, founder of the kingdom of Sussex:. The pots.toes and ryi:. Tbe area is 4,080 acres of land and 26 of· :~' -': -church of St. James is an ancient edifice of stone, with a belfry . water, of which 3,600 acres are common land and 29 wate. (; ;$.;;.~.· ~. surmounted by a. spire and containing 3 bells: t.he earliest rateable value, £.i,112; the population in 1901 was 904. ·. -;~~\t~ portion of the structure dates from the year 1123: the belfry Han.kley is a hamlet half a. mile west -_:• .:..;;(<~Ji _. formed .out- of a s~lid balk of oa~, . the s~ps being C'._ut Sexton, Charles Fitkin. ·~, ..• Jf~ ~1 1 .mto it_: the s_tamed ~.astmndow, er~t.ed !.u ~SBl , 1~~ memonal Post, l\L o. & T. o., T. J.L O., F..xpress Delivery, Pa.reel Post, ~.:.'1.fii !, to Juha (Smith), wife of the late Su Wilham ll~yues_ bart.; s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.7"'Jona.t.han Blackmore, µ,~ ;- she died Jan._ 2~, 1881 : the c~urch was. restored m 18.12, ~nd sub-postmast~r. Letters received from God11lming · at i·~.. .:' affords .270. sittings. The register dates Jrom t~e yea~ 1039. 7.45 a. m. & 12 noon ; 12.IO a.m. & 5.25 p.f:.D ~{~4 'The ~vmg 1s a. rector~, net y~arly value -100, mth residence, W ll L tte B (Cb h . d , U\ I d I" 10 & 5.20 p.m ' .. i;;,•;, and o acres of glebe, m the gift of the Archdeacon of Surrey, a keda r 0~ urc yar "a , c eare -· ;.i::J!l• },· .and held since 1854 by the Rev. Joseph Rhodes Charlesworth wee ys on Y ~ • ·.• '-' :t.L.\. of St. John's College, C&mbridge. There is a Con.gre. ~atioua.I School (mixed), ere.c:-ted in 1852 & enlarged in}~9?; j .gational chapel and a Young Men's Institute a.nd reading for 200 children; average attendance, 170; Edwaro V.ill1an: room. Sntlt.h's charity· of £5 was left by Henry Smith, of Pillinger, master · · 1Vandsworth, and alderman of Loudon, who died January Carriers to:- .30, 1628. River House is the residence of Lady Jephson, Godalming-G. Legg, daily · . "Elstead Lodge of C. Pilgrim eaq. Fullbrook of Gerard Streat- Guildford- G. Legg, tues. & fri. &. John King, toes. &:. fri ~, . ~-' PRIVATE RESIDE~"l'S. Rideal Samuel, Cbalcot Ellis Harry, farmer, Ham fa.rm 'Marked thus* receive their letters through SaJ.t Dowager Lady, Hea.therdene Ellis Job, farmer, River farm Thursley. Sharp John, Fir cottage · Horn John, farmer, Fullbrook Allen Alfred, Hill house · St;reatfield Gerard, Fullbrook Illlltitute & Reading Room Bacchns Henry, Abbots Pond Treatt R. Court Mill house Burchett, hon. sec) Baynes Cha.rles C. River house · Jeffrey Charles, general shop . 1 :Bui-gess-Short ;):[rs. The Hermit.age Co¥M:&RCIAL. Keen J3rues, farmer, Staceys · · · '.~ ,..,, . Charlesworth Rev. Joseph Rhodes M .A . *Barna.rd Frederick, nurseryman Legg George, carrier & coal merchant. ". -ii<'.:_{<,; .· P..ectory · Blackmore Jonathi>n, post office · May Frederick farmer Red Rous& fMr&.~ r.;,•,1;~ *Cobb Mrs Bovington & Chalcraft, blacksmiths Payne & Bax~r grocc~s &c ~., •.}. -;) Cornwall William \folfr'ao, Beaufort lo Bowler Bedford Martin, grocer Ralph J11.1:nes, fa;m bailiff to Mrs. Co~ ·~ Cox John Henry, The Bi rchE's B6wler Harry, builder Westbrook farm . ' ; , r ;~ GOO<'h Rev. Francis, Harco\lrt Brain Richard Benjamin, butcher Stovold Ernest, farmer, Pa.uls! · ... .,, Hirst James, Fir cottage · Brummell Willia.m, Wool inn Syms John, Golden Ffaece inr. t'~'.{ · Ingram Cha.rlt>.s, Rlst-ead house C::csa.r Julius, farmer Tidy George, farmer, Church fa.rm.:.. J ephson La.dy, River house C<arpenter Cha.des, assistant overseer, Alfred J. : " Pilgrim Charles, E!stea.d lodge Heathfield Trussler Wnl. The P.a. & .C&T:':, EPSOM (originally "Ebbisham ") derived its name from effectually drained .an<;l the sewage is deodorised and. .. St. Ebba, a ~or thuUlbrian princess, and is a. parish and market wise disposed of on an irriga.tfon ground (part of town and the head of a petty sess1onal division, union and Court farm), a. po1'tion being pumped up to higher lao 11 county cou.rt district, delightiully situated on the western returned by gravitation; the effluent, by means of & • • verge of Do,vns, on the roa<l from London to of deop and surface drainage, is lartrely purified, and rn.DJI Dorl.dug, Horsham, Guildford and Worthing, wit.b st.q.tion~ the Hogs Mill ri>·er, by which it is disch1trged in~.o the '.l -On the London, Brighton and South Coast, South WC$tern and nt Kingston. The air of Epsom is very salubn~tL~; 1 South Eastern and Chatham railways, and fa 15 ~lies south· 1t.h e town lies in a natur~I bMin, but. tht: upper port~on th.•u.fq wedt-by·south from London by roa.d, 17 by the Bnghton and fiM downs, almost entirely open to the sea. on tJie 80 U.~ t South Coast railway, and about 14 by t.he South Western, 16 · and the is thuR agreeably vari('(i. It " , mile-~ north-east from Guildford, 9 north-west from Reigate, 1<tit11ted. a. Local Government Dist.rict 19 i>far. JS5i•·· 9 south-west from Croydon and 7 sout.h from Kingston, in t-he provisions of the "Public Health Act·, 1S4S" (1 t;e<! • the M:id division of the county, first division of t.n.e hundred Vi<'t. c. 63), but the government of the town is now vcs ·hb' of Copthorne. rt~ra.l denoer~. of Lcatherht>.ad, a.rc~de~conry l'.r~a~ District !?onncil of 9 members, formed ~~d~~ · -0~ Surrey and diocese of n mc:hcster. The town is lighted Vls1011$ of the Local Government. Act, 18~'! ( .· with ga.s from works t-hc property of thci Epsom and Ewell Ga.s Viet.
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