Audit of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities and Assessment of Local Needs

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Audit of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities and Assessment of Local Needs AUDIT OF OPEN SPACE, SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITIES AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL NEEDS A REPORT BY PMP MARCH 2006 CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introduction and background 1 Section 2 Undertaking the study 6 Section 3 Strategic context 9 Section 4 Consultation findings 15 Section 5 Parks and gardens 35 Section 6 Natural and semi-natural open space 50 Section 7 Amenity green space 59 Section 8 Provision for children and young people 76 Section 9 Sports facilities 90 Section 10 Allotments and community gardens 117 Section 11 Cemeteries and churchyards 125 Section 12 Green corridors 130 Section 13 Resourcing open space 136 Section 14 Planning implementation 141 Section 15 Summary of recommendations 160 APPENDICES Appendix A Benefits of open space Appendix B Demographics Appendix C Open space types and descriptions Appendix D Questionnaires Appendix E Site assessments Appendix F Step 3 & 4: Setting and applying provision standards Appendix G Open space publications Appendix H Supply and demand models Appendix I Quantity standards Appendix J A quality vision for Epsom & Ewell Appendix K Accessibility standards summary Appendix L Catchment maps Appendix M Site overview by typology Appendix N Site list Appendix O Playing pitch map Appendix P Prioritisation of Open Space Sites APPENDIX M – SITE OVERVIEW BY TYPOLOGY The site assessment matrices completed for each open space site across Epsom & Ewell (see Appendix E) provide a score for quality and site access in addition to an assessment of any wider benefits such as educational or heritage benefits. Sites are given a score for the following factors: - cleanliness and maintenance, - security and safety, - vegetation and - ancillary accommodation. These scores are then weighted (multiplied either by 3, 2 or 1) to reflect the perceived importance of the factors. Factors which are given higher weightings (e.g. cleanliness and maintenance - 3) are perceived to be the most important and to have the largest impact on the quality of the site. Factors with a higher weighting will therefore influence the total score more than factors with lower weightings. Amenity Greenspace Site Area Size Quality Quality Accessibility Accessibility ID Site Name (ha) Score Percentage Score Percentage Usage Level 83 Beggars Hill 2.44 20 44.4 11 36.7 258 Epsom Downs AGS 50.84 257 Nonsuch West AGS 3.55 Chessington Road 76 Recreation 1.79 27 60 15 50 Often 81 Green Lanes 2.26 28 62.2 19 63.3 256 Nonsuch East AGS 5.3 192 St Ebbas Village Green 0.89 11 24.4 16 53.3 Court Recreation Ground 255 AGS 2.49 254 Hogsmill AGS 15.24 82 Hook Road Arena 11.68 34 75.6 18 60 Often 86 Gadesan Road AGS 0.31 28 62.2 9 30 87 Park Avenue West 0.67 21 46.7 9 30 88 Gadesden Road 0.47 32 71.1 11 36.7 Low / Insignificant 251 AGS hospital cluster 8.58 199 Elizabeth Drive/Way 2.07 30 66.7 17 68 225 Race Course AGS 2.67 94 Timbercroft 0.35 25 55.6 16 53.3 No usage 246 Vicarage frontage 0.28 247 Horton 'A' 7.33 AGS adjacent to Epsom 252 Downs Golf Club 0.23 61 Fair green 0.71 29 64.4 18 60 High / Significant AGS adjacent to 226 Longrove Park 1.14 217 Bahram Road 0.2 36 80 17 56.7 51 Stones Road Pond 0.47 11 24.4 6 20 52 Stamford Green Pond 2.28 32 71.1 19 63.3 High / Significant 74 Hatch Furlong 1.61 26 57.8 30 100 103 Royal Avenue 1.12 28 62.2 11 36.7 Low / Insignificant 62 Clay Hill Green 0.73 32 71.1 11 36.7 High / Significant 178 The Green 1.91 30 66.7 20 80 31 Long Grove Park 6.09 29 64.4 22 73.3 High / Significant 30 Dulshott Green 0.33 29 64.4 18 60 70 Kings Church 1.89 26 57.8 12 40 71 Longmead 4.04 26 74.3 14 46.7 SITENAME Postcode Football Hockey Rugby Cricket Mini f/b Other sports Ancillary facilites Community use Data source Alexandra Recreation Ground KT17 3AX 3 1 1 1 mini f/b, 1 Bowling Green, 3 tennis courts, Yes Council Gibraltar Recreation Ground KT17 1XU 2 1 1 Bowling Green, 1 mini f/b, 3 Tennis Courts Yes Council Auriol Recreation Ground KT4 7DR 3 1 1 Bowling Green, 1 mini f/b, 4 Tennis Courts Changing Rooms Yes Council, REFF 1 Bowls Green, 1 Mini f/b, 3 Tennis Courts, 1 Court Recreation Ground KT19 8SF 3 1 Astro Training pitch Changing Rooms Yes Council, REFF King George V Playing Fields KT19 9SS 2 1 athletics track, 2 tennis courts Yes Council Epsom Sports Club KT18 7NQ No Council Rosebery School KT18 7NQ 1 x rounders pitch, Astro (4 x Tennis Courts) Yes, during the netball season School Kingswood House School KT19 8LG 1 1 STP, field playground Yes School Ebbisham Sports Club KT19 8SG 3 Tennis Courts Yes Council Epsom County Primary School KT19 8SD 1 Small field No School, Ofsted 1 on site training field, All games take place at Pitch bookings managed by Glyn/ ATD Technology School KT17 1NB 8 Priest Haill (Reigate Hill) Turf Sports 0208 335 0879 School, REFF Blenheim High School KT19 9BH 2 1 Large Field, Informal School Sutton and Epsom RFC SM2 7NF 3 Yes,y Council agreement which sets out the Ewell Castle School KT17 2AW 1 1 1 Field expectations of use. School Cuddington Croft School SM2 7NA 1 (off site) 1 Field No School Cheam Cricket Club SM2 7BJ 2 I artificial wicket Pavillion, 3 artificial nets, No ECB Upper Mill, Old Schools Lane Grid ref used Pavillion Google Nonsuch High School for Girls SM3 8AB 1 1 x Astro, (1 x field in the future) Yes - Lettings run by school School Danetree County Junior School KT19 9SE 2 (Junior) Large Playing Field Changing Rooms Yes School, REFF 2 x fields separated by field , 1 x smaller field Epsom and Ewell High School KT19 9SW 2 outside sports hall. Yes School, REFF Dragons KT19 0JB 2 2 Yes OSF Site List River View School Playing fields KT19 0JP 1 1 large field, 2x Playground, Basketball Pavillion Yes School Auriol School KT19 OJP 2 1 5-a-side, 2 x playground Yes School Scout Hall Playing Fields Grid ref used 1 basketball, tennis, playground, bowling green Cuddington Primary School KT4 7DD 2 Changing Rooms Yes School, REFF Wandgas Athletic Ground KT4 7JW 1 Cricket Pitch, 2x artifical nets Pavillion No Club, Multimap St Ebbas Cricket Ground, Grid ref used Old cricket ground, not marked out currently Old Suttonians - Walch Memorial Playing Fields SM2 7HJ 7 Pavillion Yes, book through school Club Website Cuddington Croft Playing Fields SM2 7NA Priest Hill Playing Fields KT17 3DS 4 3 Changing Rooms Yes Club Website, REFF Gym, Pool, Spa, Steam, LA Fitness KT17 3HG sauna, Membership LA Fintess website 4 (Winter), 8 12 Epsom College KT17 4JQ 4 (Spring) (Spring) (Winter) 4 4 x Cricket, Astro-Tennis Changing Rooms Yes, bookings procedure REFF Cuddington Golf Course SM7 1RD 18 Hole Golf Course Club House Membership Club website Nonsuch Primary School KT17 2HQ 1 No School Stoneleigh First School KT17 2LW 1 Field No School NESCOT, Reigate Rd & Glyn School KT17 3DS 1 No Council, REFF Stamford Green Primary School, KT19 8LU 1 Field No Council St Martins School KT17 7AD 2 Changing Rooms Yes School, REFF St Josephs RC Primary, Rosebank KT18 7RT 1 x junior f/b 2 x Field's - Non Sporting Changing Rooms Yes School, REFF Wallace Field Infant School KT17 3AS 1 large field No School Wallace Field Junior School KT17 3BH 1 large field No School Longmead MUGA KT19 9BZ 1 x MUGA Yes Council Epsom Bowling Club KT18 5EW 1 Bowling Greenn Pavillion No Council Lintons Lane Playing Fields and Tennis KT17 4DE 4x Tennis Courts (Floodlit) Yes Council Polo Field, Horton Park KT19 8PL 1 Polo Field Club House/ Pavillion No Club Website Mead School KT19 0QG 1 large field - Non Sporting Yes School The Warren Recreation Ground KT18 1 Large field Yes Council Near New Park Grid ref used unable to find further info SITENAME Postcode Football Hockey Rugby Cricket Mini f/b Other sports Ancillary facilites Community use Data source Alexandra Recreation Ground KT17 3AX 3 1 1 1 mini f/b, 1 Bowling Green, 3 tennis courts, Yes Council Gibraltar Recreation Ground KT17 1XU 2 1 1 Bowling Green, 1 mini f/b, 3 Tennis Courts Yes Council Auriol Recreation Ground KT4 7DR 3 1 1 Bowling Green, 1 mini f/b, 4 Tennis Courts Changing Rooms Yes Council, REFF 1 Bowls Green, 1 Mini f/b, 3 Tennis Courts, 1 Court Recreation Ground KT19 8SF 3 1 Astro Training pitch Changing Rooms Yes Council, REFF King George V Playing Fields KT19 9SS 2 1 athletics track, 2 tennis courts Yes Council Epsom Sports Club KT18 7NQ No Council Rosebery School KT18 7NQ 1 x rounders pitch, Astro (4 x Tennis Courts) Yes, during the netball season School Kingswood House School KT19 8LG 1 1 STP, field playground Yes School Ebbisham Sports Club KT19 8SG 3 Tennis Courts Yes Council Epsom County Primary School KT19 8SD 1 Small field No School, Ofsted 1 on site training field, All games take place at Pitch bookings managed by Glyn/ ATD Technology School KT17 1NB 8 Priest Haill (Reigate Hill) Turf Sports 0208 335 0879 School, REFF Blenheim High School KT19 9BH 2 1 Large Field, Informal School Sutton and Epsom RFC SM2 7NF 3 Yes,y Council agreement which sets out the Ewell Castle School KT17 2AW 1 1 1 Field expectations of use.
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