KNOWLEDGEshapero rare books SCIENCE commerce history leviathan philosophy the bible speculation mathematics bubbles encyclopaedia women’s rights ideas education theory poverty geometryexperiment plato reason euclid trade sociology analysis population evolution UNDERSTANDING money Shapero Rare Books 1 Four Centuries of KNOWLEDGE 1525-1891 Shapero Rare Books Four Centuries of KNOWLEDGE 1525-1891 32 Saint George Street, London W1S 2EA Tel: +44 207 493 0876 •
[email protected] • FINE RENAISSANCE ATLAS 1. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Geographicae enarrationis libri octo bilibaldo pirckeymhero interprete, annotationes joannis de regio monte in errores commissos a jacobo angelo in translatione sua. Johannes Grüninger for Johannes Koberger, Strassburg, 3 April 1525. A FINE EXAMPLE OF THE FOURTH STRASSBURG EDITION OF PTOLEMY. THE WORK INCLUDES THE FIRST PRINTED MAP IN AN EDITION OF PTOLEMY TO NAME AMERICA, THE FIRST PRINTED MAP OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, AND THE FIRST PRINTED MAP OF CHINA. The list of contributors is a veritable ‘who’s who’ of German Renaissance publishing: the text was translated by Wilibald Pirckheimer, using the notes of Johannes Regiomontanus, perhaps under the editorship of Johann Huttich; the ornamental woodblock designs on the reverse of the maps are attributed to Albrecht Duerer, who also contributed the woodblock of the armillary sphere. The present edition was printed for Johann Koberger by Johann Grüninger, using the woodblocks of the first Grüninger edition of 1522. The woodcut maps in the trapezoid shape developed by the German cartographer Nicolaus Germanus in 1460 comprise 27 maps according to Ptolemy as well as 23 “modern“ maps (Tabula Moderna) according to the knowledge of the time.