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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-24-1898 Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-24-1898 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-24-1898." (1898).

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M&NY REPORTS FROM MAN? MEN. AFFAIRS IN . MANILA CUBAN EXPEDITION Royal main rtofeod pur, SITUATION wVolefaa and dslUloua. Humors fly Thick and Fast Concerning New Minister of Foreign Affairs Admiral No. 4 Bakery. Fleets Lack Confirmation Battle Ex- Camara's Fleet May Have Sailed from Two Weeks' Time Will Exhaust Sup- - pected to Ocour This Week. Cadiz Persistent Eumors of Battle Official Information Received of New York, May 24. The Kev West in Windward Passage. C BRO of Provisions Food Denied the Sailing of Native Cubans H.B. ARTWRIGHT & ply correspondent telegraphs fcveniug .Madrid, May 24. A dispatch from Ha- World, that he has information from Volunteers. vana says: Secret orders have been for the Island. Spanish unimpeachable authority, that the Span- ish fleet is still at Santiago de .. given Admiral Cervera what course to The Buffalo Arrives. pursue in the event tho Americans at CONTROL COUNTRY to COAST TELEGRAPH SERYICE REBELS New York, 34. A to tempt cut communications between GROCERIES FLOUR POTATOES May dispatch Cuba and con- the Tribune, from News, Spain. The Americans Newport Va., tinue to outside of Ha says: The auxilary cruiser, Buffalo, occupy positions vana, Cienfuegos, Cardenas, and San- United States Troops Anxiously Expected formerly El Cld of Morgan linn and later Atlantic and Gulf Seaboards in Constant the of the Brazilian tiago de. Cuba. There aro now 19 Eefused to Allow Ger- Nictheroy, navy, American before . Communication with Admiral Dewey will arrive at the shipyard here either warships It Navy Department GRAIN AND FEED. is reported tho Spanish government has man Ships to Land Supplies-Threate- ned Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Cable at Santiago de Cuba The officials received notice to this purchased aupther vessel to be used as just an armed Out. to Fire. effect. The Buffalo will be converted cruiser. and San Juan F0YDE from a dynamite cruiser Into n aux- 'w Minister of Foreign Affairs. Absolutely pur Duke Almedvar do Rio has New York, May 24. A copyrighted iliary cruiser. accepted Washington, May 24. Official Infor- the portfolio of minister of foreign af- Glassware Cnina dispatch to the World from Hong Kong;, Reported Sinking of Spanish Shins. fairs, which was declined mation has been received from the Cu- Crockery I The World by Castillo, dated May 24, says: Evening correspondent at Spanish ambassador to Paris. Tho ban legation of the sailing last Wednes- Port au Prince that a dis- from of the HCTfAl UMNO tOWWft 0O. IttW VOIKa The situation In Manila is desperate. tolegraphs duke says ho does not desire the office, day Tampa first Important boat from Portde Palxon ex- Food is scarce, meat exhausted, whilo patch Sunday, but accepts it on patriotic ground. expedition by native Cubans. The says that a rumor was current there was commanded General FOB SALS BY all canned stuff Is nearly gone. Two Onlelal Announcement Concerning; .Span- pedition by . that the cruiser and , GARDEN AWD FLOWER SEED. weeks will exhaust all available Spanish Vizcaya ish Fleet. Jose Morlet, consisted of Morlet and supplies. auxiliary cruiser Alfonzo XIII have! about 400 men. ine volunteers demanded tooa, Dr Madrid, Noon. It Isyofflelallv an With the expedition H. B. CARTWRICHT & BRO. t been sunk by United warships. nounced are General Julio Win. the Spanish government authorities re-- 1 Ltes that the squadron of Admiral Sangnllly and fused to elvo it and riots are threatened. Ileflultely Laaated. Cervera was still at Santiago de Cuba Astor Chandler, jl'he" Florida carried Wo3t 24. some TELEPHONE 4 A deles-atlo- is said to he nreimrincr t.n fiy May The Spanish fleet yesterday. According to the published 30,000 SprIngfioldirrlfles and rapid and has followed, mining and prospect- wait on United States Consul Williams, has been definitely located, but no en news here, Admiral Camara, command- urmgguns oi me notcnaiss lype. xnese ing continuously. He was a Dane and arms will enable no as citizens fear an outbreak. The In gagement has as yet taken place. ing tho Cadiz squadron, has been fully General Garcia not has relatives in this country as far to additional as five surgents control the surrounding conn Kngagenient Expected this Week, Instructed and returns to Cadiz tonight. only equip 30,000 troops, known. He was about forty but also to his own mon am- old. and Chief Aguinaldo has arrived The movements of the United States Admiral L'amura's Fleet. supply with years try for which have boon in with his staff to organize the rebels, fleet, which are known here, make it London, 24. A to the.: munition, thoy May dispatch such urgent need. bolItrain All residents are moving from Cavlto absolutely certain that no battle has as Kvoning News from Madrid says: robbery. s ) spamsn omciais sav that soo men yet occurred, but an engagement is No news is allowed to leave Cadiz. No News at All. (BLOT s:pR,iirsrQ-- is Two Held Santa were killed and 700 wounded in th expected to occur this week. Although it Is announced today that It stated by the Navy department Young Cowboys Up Fe bombardment by Admiral Dewey. All Preparation for Destroying Spanlah Fleet- - Admiral Camara starts hence tomorrow that no news has been received hero of Train Near Belen Last Night and Se- to an between classes are watting anxiously the ar Every has been made to rejoin the fleet, it would not bo sur engagement the fleets and cured Considerable Sher- preparation no news of the of IT. H. H. Money rival of our troops. There is no sick destroy the fleet, which is off prising to learn that the squadron had arrival tho ness on our Spanish at West has come. iffs and Fosses in Pursuit. 4. ' . ships. the coast of Cuba. already left and the presence of Admiral Oregon Key 24. The south- Dewey's Nerve Continue. Cinea to tile Front. uiniara as wen. as the ollicial announce- Comprehensive Coast Telegraphic Service. Albuquerque, May ments anent tlie fleet, soon After bound train on tho Santa Fa New York, May 24. A dispatch from Richmond, Va., May 24. General sailing west several weeks' work along the passenger nave a to d of Manila says tho German consul there Fitzhngh Lee will leave here, today for ward, been blind cover the entire stretch tho Atlantic and gulf railway, was held up and robbed this to parture. There is some here coasts, tho has com- alTSHS-a'cloc- tried land provisions from Gorman Tampa. anxiety Navy department morning near Belen, by V- - but Admiral as to whether Admiral Cervera's"entiro the most and eff- r'.s ships, Dewey refused to Warships Kept pleted comprehensive two boarded the it. The consul then declared Iuy. squadron has been able to in icient system for tho young cowboys. They permit A from West to Com- observing approach to tho he would special Key the Cuban waters. of a hostile fleet that has ever been train at Belen and compelled the en- according dispatch, mercial Advertiser Key West has put to force a under the of says: Program 'ltegardlng Philippines Changed. Into operation. A new bureau has been gineer run the train down the road landing protection not been so deserted by for about four a two German cruisers. Admiral warships A from Madrid savs it is created for this purpose, known as the miles, whero stop was Dewey weeks as this It will never special today fire- 10 morning. coast sorvice, In of Cap- made. Taking the engineer and lureaienoa tire upon ine cruisers am be that the vessels were evident the program in regard to the signal charge I the to land was aban complained islands has tain Bartlctt, who attends to this as men with them, they went back to the attempt supplies kept inactlvo when there was a Philippine been chamred aonen. prospect It Is believed there will be no immediate well as the work of the naval board of express car, threw one of the safes out of a tight. of car and blew it with Celebrated Hot Springs are located in the midst of the Ancient engagement in Cuban waters, but Ad information. The system has the ser- the open dyna- e One Cable In Working Order. mite. a THESE Dwellers, twenty-fiv- miles west of Taos, and fifty miles north of PREPARING FOR TROUBLE. miral Cervera will draw off the vice of 2,300 men stretched along the After securing considerable and about twelve miles from Barranca Station on the Denver enemy of Fe, Capo Haytien, Hayti, May 24. The - i coast from Bar Mo., to Galves- amount money from the wrecked safe A Rio Grande Railway, from which point a daily line of stages run to the niiin- Hie ituiz iieet relieves jiavana. Harbor, cable from this to Guantamo and Tex. These aro divided 34 mounted horses, which were near Springs. The temperature of these waters is from 90O to 1220. The eases Believed That Crisis in the War is Immi place Off In Their Iteckonlns;. ton, into they are carbonic. Altitude ,uuu reet, unmute very ary ana aengntiui tue year Santiago de Cuba is in working order. central stations about 60 to 100 miles by, and rode rapidly toward tho moun- - London It for srrant- - round. There is now a commodious hotel for the convenience of invalids nent and Jamaica Will Be Af- showing that it has not been cut. newspapers take The In con- tains In the west. The messon-ge- r, and These waters 1686.24 Brains of salts Directly eu apart. stations are turn express tourists. contain alkaline to the tnat tno snips reported by HIs-coc- riohest Alkaline Hot in the world. The teoted Provisions for 18 Months Spanish Fleet Hailed From Santiago de yesterday nected directly by telecranh with tho a young man by the name of gallon; being the Springs efficacy C'ulia. Lloyds agent at Para, Brazil, as havitiL' of these waters has been thoroughly tested by the miraculous cures at- Are Stored. signal office of the coast navy was not molested, neither were : Being arrived at 9 o'clock depart tested to In the following diseases Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Copyrighted bv Associated Press. Port there Monday morn ment and aro on the Tho men who Disease of New 17. A from Eio operators duty nk'lit passengers. perpe Consumption. Malaria, Bright'g the Kidneys, Syphilitic and York, May dispatch to au Prince, 24. ing Janeiro, are the Oregon, trated the were not over 20 Mercurial Affections, uatarrn, all Female uom-plaint- Hayti, May According and day, keeping the navy robbery bcrotuia, ia urippe, the Marietta and department smooth-face- etc., etc. Board, Lodging and Bathing, $2.50 per day. Reduced World from Kingston, Jamaica to current rumor here, tho Spanish Nictheroy. in constant telegraphic toucn with the years of age, both about rates given by the month. This resort is attractive at all seasons and is Verde commanded bv Hope the Rumors Will Prove True. Five feet six and 10 says: Cape squadron, entire stretch of Atlantic and gulf inches, weighed about open all winter. Passengers for Ojo Caliente can leave Santa Fe at M 24. 160 Va- a. m. and reach Oio Caliente at 5 p. in. the same Fare for the round The of a of be Admiral Cervera, which arrived recent London, May Persistent rumors coasts. pounds each. The sheriffs of day. signing treaty defense were In circulation hero trip from Santa Fe to Ojo Caliente, $7. For further particulars address tween the United States and Great ly at Santiago de Cuba, subsequently early today to Cables Cut by Cruiser 8t. I.ouis. lencia. Socorro and Bornalillo counties, sailed tho effect that a naval Britain was announced in a re from that port, the destination great battle had Tho this afternoon with posses, aro in pursuit. dispatch unknown. been in the of tho Wind- Navy department ANTONIO JOSEPH. ceived here on being fought vicinity de- Prop.. Saturday by the military ward between posted tho following bulletin: The Another Humor Destruelon Passage tho eastern end DAY Caliente, Taos County, New Mexico autonomies, it is believed a crisis in of to SpaitUh of Cuba western partment has no reason to believe a DEWEY CELEBRATION. 0o the war between America and Vessels. and the part of Hayti, battle occurred Spain hi which both American in Windward uassairc. imminent and Jamaica will be Los Ansreles. MaV 24. The Timnu squadrons Tho cruiser St. Louis has directly closed in on the Verde auxiliary cut Attractive Program Determined Singing, aneciea. au leaves 01 aDsence of milt here has received a of a Spanish Cape tho cable at do Cuba and San Electric copy telceram squadron, and destroyed the Santiago Speaking, Fireworks Hall Fire Proof and Lights, Elevator, tarv and naval officers have hnan nun, sent by Senator Jones, who is in Wash- completely Juan do Porto Rico. Firgt-Claa- s. I Spanish ships. Decorations. Steam Heat. Everything celled, and supplies and provisions suifl ington, to a friend at Santa Monica, Suspicious of Camara's Movements. I dent to last 18 months are being stored which says it Is known positively in Tho has Tho work of the committee on ar- AMERICAN AMD EUROPEAN PI. AM8. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Navy department received in Kingston. Washington that the United States fleet advices from Cadiz that the torpedo rangements for tho Dewey day celebra- has destroyed the nn-- boat Destructor and is mem Italian Official Dead. Spanish squadron Bills Passed House , Pros tion progressing nicely, all the aer Anmirai uervera. by the Appointments have been in ordor and are Rome, 34. Bendito erpina, put bers from tho chairman, A. L. May Brin, inspec Made by the President. ready to start with Admiral Camara's Judge tor of naval and Morrison, down.uro working faithfully 'LAIRS ..He? general engineering "WILL SAIL TOMORROW. Washington, March 24. Mr. King fleet, so soon as it reaches Cadiz en route minister of died to a deco- marine, today. (Utah) called and the house to tho Philippines. The Alphonso XIII make the affair success. The nsr. ML. up passed and aro the bill Pelayo expected to remain at rations for the hall will be grand and SANTA FE, Three Big Steamships Loaded with Troops senate authorizing the appoint- Cadiz with the homo CONDEMN AN ALLIANCE. ment of a commission to squadron. The beautiful. A magnificient lot of fire- and Leave San Francisco allot to the is of the American Supplies in Uintah Indians certain lands on their Navy department suspicious works is to be sot off after the meeting Plan 92.00 and $3.00 per day. the Morning for Manila. news fo far as it relates to Camara's to the air. Plan 1.00 and United Irish Societies of Chicago Have reservation, and to secure from them a movements. adjourns open European $ upwards. San Francisco, May 24. Four com cession of their remaining lands. The The committee on music met last reused Uondemnatory Besombons Con of 14th United and with three members of the panies the States house passed a bill granting I), 12; GASOLINE EXPLOSION. evening cerning Suggested Anglo-Americ- infantry (regulars) a full reelment of acres of land to Santa Barbara, Calif, committee on arrangements, namely, The Claire has the Defensive Treaty, Oregon volunteers, and a picked for tho purpose of water works: also th Judge A. L. Morrison, Hon. Manuel sam- F. C. Men in a Steel ar- only convenient ERB, Proprietor. Chicago, May 24. Tho United Irish battalion of California heavy artillery senate bill for the temporary increasi Twenty Employed Foundry Rito Otero and Mr. II. L. Ortiz, and ple room In the city. left Presidio this and boarded of the number of Badly Burned. ranged for a very complete and exhaus- societies of Chicago, at a big mass meet morning army hospital the transports City of and St. Louis, 24. -- A tank tive program of music and songs; none over John M. Sydney May gasoline ing presided by Smythe Australia, preparatory to starting for The senate spent tho the In but patriotic songs will be rendered and resolutions con- day debating the American steel foundry at Gran- adopted emphatically Manila. An enormous crowd saw them in tno war revenue re- the committee is now hard at work prac- the paragrapns bill ite blew 20 demning suggested alliance botween off, and made the Oregon men feel to taxes. City, III,, up today, burning ticing such. There is a great deal of the united they lating corporation States and Great Britain. had friends here. About noon the Presidential employes. Kuehns, the company's musical and vocal talent and skill steamers Appointments, is hurt. The of SMOKED BY MILLIONS. left the docks and anchored Tho sent the chemist, fatally explosion among the members the committee out in president today following was caused a fire which and will on SPANISH the stream, near the Citv of nominations to the senate. by burpod the patriotic songs be rendered smelter and a of de- the 1 as Peking. Tomorrow morning tho three ar In part the moulding evenlngof June by this committee Appointment Signal Corps Tho loss is estimated 875,-00- never big steamships will start for Manila. be partment. at they were in Santa Fe before. Eeserve Squadron Under Camara Preparing lo colonel, Lieutenant Colonel Hen- The committee consists of the ry H. C. Dunwoody; to be lieutenant col- following: to Bail. Miss -- Mrs. W. M. onel,- James Ailon. Morrison, chairman; New 24. A to CONTRACTS FOR ARMOR PLATE, Captain Hang Larson Fatally Injured. Misses Gulllford, Gulliford, York, May dispatch Captains to be Richard P. Tipton, Amy Majors Special to the New Mexican. Lamy, Hlanchard, Keller and Otero, and the World from Tangier, Morocco, says Strong, 4th artillery; George II. Scriven, 5CT. Bethlehem & Will Fur-- Cerrillos, N. M., May 24. Hans Messrs. McCord, Johnson, A. L. Morri- The vessels of re Carnegie Company signal Win. A. following the Spanish corps; Ulassford, slgual Larsen was last Crichton. Hcr-ger- e, -- SOLD BY- - serve nisn Armor lor Three fatally Injured night son, Jr., Hoy Crlchton, at Cadiz under Admiral Camara in corps. about 13 o'clock at the Ortiz mine, and A. Johnson. are to sail: Course First Lieutenants to be J. E. Tipton George preparing of Construction. Majors near Dolores, resulting in death this armored cruiser Emperador Car- 34. Bids were Maxfleld, Frank tireen, Samuel Reber, 4 Cheap Kate to Indian Pueblo. FISCHER & CO. Washington. May of the morning at o'clock. Larsen was los V, protected cruiser Alfonso XIII, signal corps. and the ore car the At time a of five or more de- opened today for supplying armor for P. Morrill of consul tramming jumped any party H. & CO. & CO. torpedo gunboat Destructor, torpedo Griffith, Ohio, at track on a he with It a sires to visit tho San Ildefonso Indian S. KMJNE A. WALKE1 boat the three battleships, Illiuols, Alabama Matamoras, Mexico. trestle, falling Proserpina, auxiliary distance of twenty fcot to the a rate of one fare for tho round ' and Wisconsin, now In course of con C. ground. pueblo, cruisers ratria ana Kapldo, (formerly Dewey Bailey, United States mar- One arm and one log were broken and will bo made to tho Rio Grande sta- n struction at the Union Iron trip Hamburg-America- vessels) transport works, New shal, district of Colorado, ho Mews and The con was also soverely injured internally. tion. ships, and three vessels, the names of port Cramps yards. Larsen was well known in to of sale one tracts will to the Bethlehem & Car- this territory Tickets limited date and which are unknown. It is reported that go Tine Kavanaa. In southern Santa Fo to cover negie company at8400 ton, tho maxi- especially county, ticket entire partv. instead or going to the Philippines, this per Finest line of Havana cigars at wuere ne was T. J. Hki.m will mum allowed bv law. universally respected. squadron probably cross the Atlan Schourich's. He came here about fifteen years ago General Agent, R. G. & S. F. F. II tic tore-enior- Admiral I'erveras squad- THE ron, which Is understood to be at San- tiago de Cuba.

MARKET BEFOBT. SEVEN 'Firstlatiorial Bank New York, May 24. Money on call POINTS OF MERIT 1 . nominally V, per cent. Prime t No Scwlnt under Mm Mlt-j- mercantile paper, yt Silver, Take one third ku mwlap Time hi money to some 83.50: . peopla OF 57W; lead, copper. 11. a. Divide strain on cloth. Chicago. Wheat, May. 81.85: Julv. 'A . (live firmer fastening wtUt i.o. vorn, May aim; July, less aewing. uais, May, zax J uiy, 4X. n. j. Hnoks and unhook earler Kansas City Cattle, receipts 7,000j (N thread to catch on the eye). to snaae 6. Hu more reliable hump bt maruei, steaay, lower; free M. native steers 84.00 84.05: Texas caiue from thread under till. N. as common 4ame price Santa steers 83.35 84.45; Texas cows 83.00 safety Fe, nooks, B 3.90 native cows and heifers, 82.50 84.65; stockers and feeders, 84.00 83.00 84.25. re- AD. 85.50; bulls, Sheep GO CUSDORF, ceipts, 3,000; market, firm; lambs, 83.85 Manager. UNITED STATES DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY at so. 50; muttons, 83.00 at 84.20. Chicago. Cattle, receipts, 2,500; market, quiet but steady; beeves, 83.90 Parasols! Ladies' 85.15; cows and heifers, 82.50 84.60; Texas steers, 83.80 84.35; stockers and feeders, 83.90 84.85, Sheep R. PALGN - receipts, 9,000; market, strong to 10c Parasols! Skirts! J. President higher; natives, 83.25 84.60; westerns, 84.00 84.55; lambs, 84.00 a 85.90. The finest and clieapetit elec- We are In receipt or a line TtlE H. VAUGHN Cashier tion or ever shown In selectlou or ladles RAPID J. CABLEGRAM FROM DEWEY. parasols homespun this city. It Is a pleasure to look linen skirts In all colors. The Situation in Manila Unchanged Great HOOK'EYEL at the colorings or parasols we latest styles, plaited. The hand-sonie- st Booroityof ttovmom Outbreak of at less than - Spanish Soldiers Feared. received to day. Von can buy goods ever shown In any one hair or Its 24. The de- Millinery The Washington, May Navy an elegant all silk parasol Tor store. Come early and get your actual cost ARCADE partment today received a cablegram We closed out an new from Admiral Dewey, as follows: less than In any Eastern city. size. entire and attractive line or everything "Manila, May 20, via Hong Kong, In May 24. Secretary of Navy, Washing- this line. Call and convince H. L. ORMEROD, Mgr. ton. Situation Is unchanged. A strict. yourselves that you can buy for blockade continues. There is one for- of dollar for wlch you scarcity provisions in Manila. For All our Ladies' have This Is no eign subjects fear an outbreak of Span- - waists been reduced in Price. Call merly paid 99.60. fake isu ana oe FINE POOL AND BILLIARD IN CONNECTION. suiuien ney win transferred and see the diflferenceinOxices. TABLES to Cavite by the foreign men of war In ' ' the harbor. General x : Aguinaldo, the ?S. rebel chief who was broueht here from CARPETS. GARPBTS Hongkong on the McCullogh, It or- We will sell ganizing a force of native cavalry, and you an all wool Ingrain Carpet at 50 oents per yard. Vines, Llqncrs, and Cigars. CQlTWAl.LV may render assistance that will be valu located able, iiewev. "4

7 atwnt syuij-atb- (oV SOCIETIES. her voyage from Elo de Janeiro to tlio has brought the Doctors now agree that The Daily Hew Mexican West Indies. Tho captain and crew of that country. j is curable. 1, A House con- - form of Moutesnma Lodge No. The If a immer the said nothing, but were Republican government consumption ship F. ft A. VI. Regular com- lident of tlieir ability to whip anything in France is stable and strong enough Three it taken to munication first Monday In f things, each month at Maaouio Hall SILVER NEW MEXICO. PRINTING CO. could send the to withstand the of a CITY, THE NEW MEXICAN afloat, that Spain against pressure majority cure rat 1 :30 p. m. tho even tenor of tho of the people there is no of gether, will nearly every F. S. Davis, danger W. M. On I he or Board and Koom fl.SO to 2 per and skill and the result troublo from the French nation at this case in the first the B. European Plan, m Second-Cla- n matter at the trip with speed stages; J. Brady, FVButered of an alliance Secretary. I ho week. Santa Fe Port Office. shows that tliev were right. time, despite reports of cases more ad- day. Special rate Iy with majority Spain. those Santa Fe Chapter No. 1, B. A. B1TIS OF SOB80BIPTION9. I'he National Tribune of Washington, vanced; and a few of M. Regular convocation aecpnd SPACIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Monday in each month at Ma- oer $ K Creditable Alter All. 7 Dally, week, by carrier ' D. ha this to say as to the men wno Progress sonic) Hall at :B0 p. m. Dally, by carrier J C, far advanced. B. When in Silver per month, W U. S. Jambs Brady, City FRANK E, Daily, per month, by mail J volunteered for the 1st regiment, To many people the progress of the se- H..P. MILSTED, Prop. Dally, three months, by mall W The first is, fresh air; the Stop at the Best Hotel. ; 00 volunteer known as Teddies war seems the failure to Arthvb Sblioman, Daily, tlx monthi, by mail cavalrv, slow; bring Secretary. Daily, one year, by mail. ' V Riders." about decisive battles on the sea, and food ; the third, Weekly, month 'Hough cond, proper per 75jg Wublv n niiaptw "There is one thini: most commend the delay in occupying Cuba Is almost cod-liv- er Santa Fe Commander! No.l, aix moata 1 00 rid- Scott's Emulsion of conclave fourth Weekly, per able about Roosevelt .and his rough and many adverse remarks K. T. Regular Weekly. Der Tear are made of exasperating Monday in eaoh month at HOTEL WELLINGTON Formerly Welcker'a. ers. They largely up young on the are heard. The fact is oil with hypophosphites. Hall at 7:30p.m. loen of wealth, education ana social subject Max. Frost, K. C. rwThe Nrw Mhiioah la the oldest newa who are like truo Amer that this feeling is the result of im- be cured, must not i Na Minn. Tt is aent to every position, acting To you,o. a ana in uic to have done with an unfortun- Addison Walekr, Poatnffinn In the Territory and hai large icans, enusung airecuy patience lose in and, if thin, Keoorder. American and European Plana. mil oiroiilation among the intelli ranks, to take whatever comes to a pri- ate state of affairs and not the result of weight, gent and progressive people of the southwest. vate soldier. Thev are the most flatter slowness on the of the O. O. IF. 15th Near U. S. contrast to those who are taking part government. you must gain. Nothing I. Street, Treasury, ing is 33 since war was actual LODGE advantage of their wealth or parentage It but days Scott's Emulsion to PARADISE ADVERTISING RATES. equals 1. O. O. moeta D. C. to get soft positions on the staff, where ly declared and a call made for 125,000 No. 8, F., flesh. y'lTS,L. every Thiiraday even-sS'ln- g Washington, Wanted-Oneoe- nta wordeaoh insertion. the only service that they need actually In time over in good Fellows' Class Restaurant a n. line eaoh insertion. volunteers. that short keep you at Odd tfuropean Plan, $1.00 per day and Upward. First Local Ten cents per is to wear unnorms ai re 5oc. and ti.oo, all druggists. Looal-Prefer- red Twen, render ineir hall. Reading position Is the 100,000 men have been mustered Into New York. . u .....onmBllnaoanti Inurtjnn. Tho people's heart with SCOTT &BOWNE, Chemists, H. W. St yens, Recording Secretary. and Permanent ceptions. arms and con American Plan, $3.00 per day and Upward. Transient Displayed Two dollars an Inch, single Koosevoit crowa. tho service, equipments O. O. in One dollar an CENTENNIAL ENCAMPMENT No. 3, 1. Quests. column, per month Daily. tracted for and delivered, a communication the aecond and either or partially F.: - Inch, siugls column, in English Regular of eaoh month at Odd if el- L. M. FITCH, Proprietor. Spanish Weekly. of and effectiveness has fourth Tueaday and given on W. G. Hamilton, assistant general navy strength Iowa' hall: vlaltine patriarchs welcome. Additional prices partioulary Im-- abnnd- - 'una. A. Goodwin. C. P. The New Mexican will be found of copy ol matter to ne maeruxi. of tho Pecos Irrigation & ( been evolved out of almost nothing, snow In the mountains hut an Daily receipt manager A. F. Scribe. on file the Hotel was this week ap- and in service. ance of water in the streams. Eablsy, at Wellington, provement company, manned placed actual Whit-mor- with full authority Gallinas Springs James E. e MYRTLE REBEKAH LODGE, No. 9.I.O.O. pointed manager An amount of work that is certainly from TUESDAY, MAY 34. and charge of all company business. Crops and grapes suffering F. : Regular meeting first and third Tueaday when all the conditions are winds. Rain needed of eaoh month at Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting WATCH WORK A HCKCIAI.TY Since tho retirement of Mr. Faulkner amazing tho dry badly: brothera and sisters welcome. the office has been vacant and the nam- considered. Nor is that all which has Las Cruces C. E. Mead Pleasant Thbrbsa Nkwhali,, Noble Grand. is weather but cold It is said that 150 Ohio men have al ing of Mr. Hamilton to tho position boon accomplished in a month's time, and agreeable nights Hattik Wagner, Secretary. Ho has an retarded the of vegetation some- for the postoffice at Ma both fitting and necessary. Tho nations of the world that have for growth AZTLAN LODGE No. 3, I O. O. F., meeta ready applied of conditions of what. Farmers are still cutting the first in Odd Fellowa hall, J.'H. intimate the every evening ., no the knowledge Friday wel- THEHudson,PIONEEB nila. Holy smoke; wonder presi of the past of a century sneered at of alfalfa. Wheat, barley, and San Franolaco atreet. Viaiting brothera the entire valley, the Interests the quarter crop N. G. as a fourth-rat- e oats are out Water is come. Nate Goldokf, dent is worried. company thoreto, Is in full sympathy tho United States power heading nicely. A. F. and peo-ul-e Easley. Secretary. and accord with the farmers, and will and a nation of dollar chasers, have very low in irrigation ditches, to see at all look for a shortage during the sum MEXICAN FILIGREE JEWELER It is positively laughablo give careful attention that portions been taught to respoct and dofer to the IEC. OF 3?- - tacks on the conduct of tho war in such and all interests shall grow and pros mer. No rain. stars and stripes. Any people which Callento A. Joseph A remark- SANTA FE LODGE No. 2, K. of P. Regular AND DEALER IN as L,as urn, per. may Argus. Ojo at 7:30 o clock papers the vegas upuc. in 33 an of over cool week for this time of tho year, meeting every Tueaday evening - Tho New Mkxican agrees can days placo army ably Caatle hall. Viaiting given a oor- that is about all that ought to be or can heartily and fears are entertained that fruit has at knights at concern- 100,000 men in a shape to take tho field dial welcome. kobert h. itowlm, Clocks, Goods and Notions be said on tho matter. with its contemporary Eddy suffered from the cold. Grass on the unaiiceuor ioiuiiituiui. Watches, Optical in a few days after tho oath of allegienco ing the appointment of Mr. Hamilton ranges needs rain badly, but there Is an Lee Mukhleiskn, has been that can secure trans in streams for K. of K. and S. The Texas Democrats will nominate as general manager of tho Pecos Irri taken; abundance Irrigating pur- SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES. for the anti- wheat and alfalfa are as a candidate, for & company. Mr. ports and start an army poses. Corn, Congressman Sayers gation Improvement well, jno ram. CARDS. state. as podes ready for service tho moment land looking PROFESSIONAL SANTA FE NEW MEXICO governor of the Lone Star That Hamilton has been with the company Olio Cyril James Good grow- is that can rise in naval seems to Indicate that they do not love assistant general manager for about live touched; ing weather continued, but tho nights from a minor factor in tho poli- All DENTISTS. Mr. as did in good old days and has shown himself in that strength have been cooler. growing crops Bryan, they years where it are well. is claimed to bo to bo competent tor the tics of the world to a position growing Hay D. W. MANLBY, of yoro. capacity very two weeks Fruits continue prom- r, holds the balance of power in that short early. .! Office, Southweat Corner of Plow, position. His general knowledge, abil- Water, plentiful; rainfall, trace. over Flacher'a Drug Store. to the paper, "El Nuevo timo is to and ising. G. Subscriptions tact and are proof posi- entitled respoct deference, San Marcial J. W. McCoats Crops J. SCHUMANN, - ity, experience by tho Now Mox- is feared as a elomeiit In that Mexicano," published tive that ho will make a success as gen- and disturbing generally look first rate, excepting are in is inclined to look a littlo ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ican Printlnir comDanv. coming bo found the land grabbing schemes which have here- corn yellow eral manager and will right to the cold Stock at a very rate. The Spanish tofore been carried out without moles- owing nights. doing MAX. gratifying man in tho place. nicelv on the range. No rainfall. FROST, of want right at Santa Fe, New Mexico. speaking people the territory tation. Watrons M. C. Needham High , Attorney Law, BOOTS, news from American-Spanis- h no DEALER IN the the Sue Not the Government. The American people have reason winds, cool nights and the absence of CHAS. A. SPIESS. war. to ashamed tho rain have been unfavorable conditions Dis is of the be of accomplishments District Attorney for the First Judicial The Denver News opinion for stock and crops. trict. Practices in all the courts of the ter- and of the officials in Onice-Gri- SHOES, government preparing nin M. The Bryan candidate for governor of that the U. S. government is ritory. Block, Santa Fe, N. suing for a war for which the nation was Notaries' Reoords. Texas has withdrawn from the race, business and tho pro GEO. W. KNAKBEL, losing regarding tho thoMaine - M. totally unprepared at time The New Moxtcan Printing company Office Griffin Block. ana Santa Fe N. He saw defeat in the air, found he could posod suit for damages to be brought by in Collectiont FINDINGS. was destroyed in Havana harbor. It is has on. sale blank records for the use of searohing titles a apeoialty. not be nominated and concluded that the Rio Grande Land & irrigation com with of the safe to assert, that the United States will notaries public, the chapter discretion was the better of valor, nanv n,crainst the United States, re-- laws notaries, print- EDWARD L. BARTLETT, part a Compiled governing as was two f never again be caught in such de ed in tho front. Will bo dollvered at any Lawyer Santa Fe, New Mexico. Office In Bryanism Is not as strong it Block fonseloss state, the lesson has been or office on receipt of Catron rirst-Clas- a ! all rartlclar- - years ago, not by a good deal. "The bia Rio Grande Dam company postoffice express is an Item 81. 25. CHAS. F. in New Mexico, whoso construction was thoroughly learned, and that EASLET, (Late Surveyor General.) How the conduct of this journal does stopped by an injunction suit last year on the war bill that must, not be over federal is monogram Note Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, N. II. Land and worry some people. But .it was ever brought by tho government, looked. Paper. mining business a apeoialty. said to be nroDarini' a suit against thp note Is the correct - A that does its by the Monogram paper thus. paper duty United States for damages caused by de' for correspondence. The E. A. FISEE, thing private O. Hotel- neoole and stands up boldly for what it lav in the construction of the dam and New Mexican Printing company can Attorney and Counselor at Law, P. Box The Palace WEEKLY CROP REPORT. "K," Santa Fe, New Mexico. Praotloea In considers and its party principles, attendant irrigation works. furnish the latest stylos of this paper all Court of New right the see Supreme and Dlitriot can not but have enemies. That is as "There is no question but that and at very low prices. Call and Mexico. suit this coinpitoiy was should flow down brought against A Not Favorable Week Absence of samples. W. A. natural as that water an uniust one. and was Instigated by Very T. F. Conway, Hawkins, CONWAY A HAWKINS, WM. hill. rival interests. The News froely dis Earn Pelt fruit Very Promising, Annual Meeting1 American Medical As VAU6M, Prop. Attorney and Counaelora at Law, Silver City, Involved at the time, N. M., May 24, 1898.) 2, cussed the issues (Santa Fe, sociation, Denver, Colo., June New Mexico. Prompt attention given to all The volunteers, now assembling in and the doclsion rendered by our oare. Judge wook with on the 1898. buaineaa entruated to San Francisco for to Manila Bantz in favor of the company and sub- The ending May 23, departure above occasion the Santa Fe Route affirmed the court whole, has not been so favorable for the For the A. are being treated with characteristic sequently by Supreme will plaoe on sale tickets to Denver and re- B.RENEHAN, was In these 80 and the of New Mexico, approved growth of crops, tho weather being cool, turn at a rate of $19 for the round trip. Attorney at Law. Praotieea In all Territorial Clerk. hospitality generosity by people columns. the irrigation Dates of sale from Santa Fe June 4 and 5, 1898, Courts. Commiaaioner Court of Claims. Frank Hudson, Undoubtedly and and without rain. 8 and of the citv of tho Golden Gate. Cali suffered loss, but as cloudy windy, good for retnrn passage ten days from date Collections and title searching. Rooma great cit BAln. DomtB Colo- . company Tho effects of preceding favorablo con Side ride tickets to in 9 Spiegelberg Blook. fornia is great in all directions and in against tho United States it has rado, Salt Lake and Ogden at greatly reduced cannot sue are still and will bo sold after this meeting. For . and it is behind practically no redress. It ditions, however, apparent, rates hostelrv to date in patriotism public spirit In of particulars call on agents of the Santa Fe IKBUKASKJJK. No expense will be spared to make this famous up the United States for damages any and ranges, as a rule, are in H. no section Of this great Union. a crops Koute. S. LCT, Agent. the federal courts. It might bring Tho several frosts W. .1. llLACK, G. P. A.. 11 solicited If a fair condition. light Kas. respects. Patronage suit In the court of claims, but Topeka, S.E.LANEARD, Tho Baileys, the Stewards.tho Joneses, In favor It of the wook caused littlo goneral dam- judgment was rendered its Insurance Agent. Office: Griffin Building, like states- age; somo vineyards, and com- the Aliens and the yellow would then havo to obtain a special unprotected Biennial Meeting1 General Federation Palace avenue. Represent the largest re- fruits in being slightly business In the of men in the congress of the United appropriation from congress. Tho exposed places, panies doing territory National Educational Association Meet- injured, of Women's Clubs, Denver, Colo., New Mexico, in both life, fire and aooident luctance with which congress passos 2, . who war and howled and 21-2- insurance. ing;, D. C, States urged of nature is won Tho absence of rain is beginning to be June 1898. Washington, July back In appropriations this yowled for war are now holding known. The of a felt, especially in eastern and southern For the above occasion the Santa Fe Route isoa with the sections. Although as yet there Is suf will place oil sale tickets to Denver and re- For tho above occasion tho Santa Fe Pecos , the government man with a claim the govern- furnishing against ficient water in ditches there turn at a rate of SI 0.80 for the round trio. Valley Railway of want free silver ment realize some boneflt out of It, irrigating Dates of sale 18 and 19, 1MM: final limit Route will place on sale tickets to Wash sinews war. They may is some of a drouth before June The New Mexico & Coal Co. but ho never will. Tho Rio Grande apprehension for return passage, J une 3", mm. side ride Railway tngton, D. C, and return at a rate of Time card In effect 31, 1897, and unlimited or soe tho war summer is all in Luke January greenbacks Dam is advised to wasto no tho through. Ranges par- tickets to points Colorado, Snlt 855.50 for the round Tickets will Loave Pecos, Tex., un- company and will be sold and after this trip. (Central Time): dally n failure. There Is genuine, pure, it ticularly are beginning to feel the Ogden during be sold 2, 3 and 4, for return a. N. money on such a suit. Better apply meeting. For particulars can on agents or July good at 7:30 m., arriving at Eoswoll, M., drouth. Route. H. S. 15. Extension of adulterated patriotism for you. to the construction of its irrigation the Sai.ta Fe Lutz, Agent, CONSTRUCTING passage until July at 5:15 p. m. Leave Eoswell dally at have made 4. A,. . M. and realize some benefit out of Com, wheat and barley W. Black, (i. P Santa Fe, limit will be by depositing 9:25 a. m., at Pecos at 7:10 p. system, fair First of alfalfa is Topeka, Kas granted arriving Admiral Dewey's fleet is to be it. .::.-.- growth. crop tickets with and paying 50 cents to the m., connecting with tho Texas & Pacific being cut in tho southern districts, and at Washington on or before for all south, oast and and 20,000 troops under General Is Tbe El Paso & Northeastern R'y joint agent Ky., points north, near tho center of the territory just Poll Tax Notice. July 13, enabling holder to leave Wash- west. Merritt are to be dispatched to the The Franco-Spanis- h Alliance. Into bloom. Tho effect of the . 1898. coming Tho schools taxes are now-due- ington as lato as August 31, For for Lincoln, White Oaks and cool Is to show on the city poll AND Stages Philippine islands. That is business The sent but yestorday from nights beginning The amount Is $1 far each citizen. f urthor call on agents of the loave Roswell on Wed- report corn. and oats are head- particulars Nogal Mondays, and within a month the country will an In tho of Wheat, barley The has appointed Robt. Santa Fe Uonte. nesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m. London that advance price in localities. Gar- undersigned a ing nicely southern Johnson as his for the collection H. 8. Lutz, Agent,-Sant- For low rates and Information regard- hear more glorious news from Dewey bonds had been caused by the dens are In lino condition and deputy Spanish generally of said tax and advises all citi- & R. R. Fe, N. M. the rosourcos of this valley, and the and Merritt and their men. It is to be on inside of mat- well advanced for the season. hereby The El Paso Northeastern ing knowledge of those the zens that the said collector will call W. J. Ui.ack, G V. A., price of lands, or any other matters of that will send as information that Fruits continuo very promising. Tho Kas. to to hoped Spain many tersdiplomatic, who had upon them for tho payment thereof on will Topeka, interest the public, apply high, dry winds and cool nights have 18U8." To accommodate the public carry E. O. as possiblo to Manila. an alliance between France and Spain and after Juno 1, All citizens aro on Its construc- FAULKNER, . caused some setback, but on the whole tu meet the freight and passengers Receiver and General Manager The more the merrier and the greater be ex- urgently requested payment to and from end of its would soon announced, apparently the prospects are very good. It is tax as same ts to be tion trains the N. M. will of this nromptly Eddy, lie the victory. has but little value except to call atten pected that small fruits will be scarce used for' tho maintenance of the track. in some southwestern a city May 16, trains will leave tion to the situation in Franco regarding localities, but schools the year. Commencing Is of during coming El Paso at 7:30 a. m., and will OFFICE FITTINGS. Code of Civil Why Manila now being spelled with toward the full crop apples and poaches. Fruit John V. returning frocedurc. tho attitude of that country Is not to as as Conway, loave ond of track at 3:30 m., making In ter- one "I" is being explained by a New expected yield largely Olork of Board of Education p. Filing cabinets ofevery descrip- Every practicing attorney the United States at this time. last Is the close connection with to and boxes should have a of New York as follows as tho Denver year, but it thought that stages tion, document and flies, ritory copy the paper The result of several recent exchanges product will bo of a much liner quality. from Alamogordo, La IjUB and Tularosa pigeon hole cases, legal blank Mexico Code of Civil Procedure, bound News remarks: bo In con- ofllce between tho officials of the State depart Cattle are reported to prime dally. eases, ticklers and every In separate form with alternate blank "In the old geographies Manila was dition, although In some localities the Attention, Owners of Dogs. Passengers can now make the through conceivable kind of ofHce fittings pages for annotations. The New Mex- ment and those of the French embassy o'r same spelled Manilla. Whatever controversy ranges are beginning to got short. The Notice is horeby given, that dog II trip to from La Luis tho day. and furniture cun be bud of the ican Printing company has such an edi- might have arisen because of this differ- at Washington Is an understanding lambing season is over, and all reports censes must be taken out and for A. S. Greig, New Mexican company. tion on sale at the following prices: paid General Printing ence has been removed says a corres- which clearly assures a continuance of Indicate that It was an extremely satis- by the 1st of Juno next, as provided for Superintendent. Write for descriptive, IllualraUd Leatherette binding, 81.25; full law season. ' pondent of a New York paper", by Dewey, tho traditional friendliness existing be- factory by city ordinance. pamphlets. sheep, 83; flexible morocco, 83.50, , who knocked "1" out of It." Tho following extracts from the re- AH found without tho tween the two countries, in so far as the 'dogs regular It must be admitted that the explana- ports of correspondents will be found of license tag, on and after Juno 1 next, government of France Is concerned interest: will bo as ordinance tion answers all practical purposes. Impounded the city Whatever difficulty or unpleasantness Albuquerque M. Custors Not a vory directs. The office of tho city clerk good week for growing crops; rather will bo In THE SEVENTH Beet In the United 1S4 carload showed AN The of Massachusetts has fur may havo arisen out of the seizure of the from and after this date, the Sugar faotory separate analysis, chiefly lots, state cold and but about 34 per cent of sun- brick on Palace known States was erected at New Bferioo, in AVERAGE of 17.01 oent in 84.1 steamer the blockading building avenue, Eddy, 1896, per sugar beet; pel nished Its full quota of volunteers, fully Lafayotte by shine. No rainfall. as Adams hall. and made its first "campaign," beginning November cent purity. ; off coast of Cuba has all been armed, clothed and equlppod to the fed- fleet the Hernalillo Brother Gabrlol Dry Mahckmno A. Ortiz, 15th, 1896, and dosing February 15th, 1897. eral and In at its straightened out, the delay of cablo weather during tho wook; qulto warm City Clerk. THIS REMARKABLE RESULT was accomplshed by government addition, the and raw with the culture of beet messages from has been during day, nights unusually Santa Fe, May 30, 18l8. farmers, unacquainted own expense, is keeping three regiments cool. Frost of 30th caused con- THE CONTENT OF on new land oircum-stanoe- s, Is night "SUGAR in the beet" of the crop root, and under very trying and there no vino-yard- of infantry, two troops of cavalry and a satisfactorily, siderable damage in unprotected s, grown in tbe Eddy and Roswell sections of the val- lathe faotory was hot assured until May, and serious mis- regiment of heavy artillery in service as danger at the present of any especially in dry, sandy soil. In ley has proven to be more uniformly high than any a majority of the acreage was planted between JUNE between tho two govern- vineyards where vines have proper and other of the United 1st AND AUGUST 10th. a of several forts in Boston understanding , part States, garrison the convenient shelter the vinos are ILVER CITY REDUCTION coast of ments. vigor- harbor and on the sea the state. ous and ladon with grapes, branches al- COMPANY, Silver Clly, On the hand thero Is a Grant N. SI. Massachusetts has the only heavy artil- other fooling ready vary from six to eight Inches long. County, FORTUNATELY the land is blssssd GOOD SOIL makes the seed of the different class germ lery regiment in the National Guard of the animosity among Fruit trees are fine, after having been This plant has been purchased and inate. Ameri- several and look with the to United States and this regiment is now of the French people toward tho sprayed times, healthy. will be. oporated In the future by just fertility produce or are large; cherrlos begin- estate high and in at Fort Warren and the oth cans which may later on cause some Apples quite the of the late Senator grade beets, garrison ning to ripen. On the whole, there Is George Hearst, of California, under WATER makes the plant grow. or forts In Boston at the state's troublo of minor importance. Among about one-ha-lf U1IW harbor only the yield that there the general management of D, B. the the total failure of the was last but the fruit is much expense. Quite a difference between aristocracy year, Gillette, Jr. MORE FORTUNATELY the Pecos SUNLIGHT of and healthior. Gardens in gen- puts the sugar in the Massachusetts and North Carolina, for Incursion Into Mexico for the purpose larger It Is the Intention of tho present BEET. eral look very well, our to Irrigation 'and Improvement Co. GREAT Is the Rich which has work to fill its establishing an empiro on American notwithstanding management largely Increase . instance, hard cold and occasional west winds. the of the and and tbe Roswell Land and Water soil, In the '60s, and the death of Maxi- nights capacity plant equip Co. quota and has not raised half of it yet, Early cabbagos, turnips and onions are It with modern have an irrigation system of of THING left to be de. is a every appliance a vast Valley THE ONLY milian, still rankles and there latent very large. Sweet potatoes and corn for the successful and cheap treat- great magnitude, oovering .the Pecos has In some of the BEST SUGAR . BEET sired that Valley, is the desire to got even with tho United advancing qulto rapidly. ment of ores and concentrates. body Rle not on in . abundance is Tammany reorganizing police to lands on earth. The water is ap- ; hand In affair places alfalfa just beginning bloom, Consignments and SOUTHWEST h PEOPLE. We need fann--. of Greater New York to suit States for the the played correspondence NEED-- ; to thrifty department part wheat is in a very fair condition. The solicited. Advances will be made plied to the crop WHEN this It Is In the ranks ers; 500 heads of families each on and the decent people are by government. river is low but sufficient water . aftO-ao- re Tammany, supply on ores. ed farm. , kicking and groaning and howling there- of the bourgoolse, howover, where the for our irrigation. Ranges progressing, IN XH1 COUNTIES OV in a fair at. Serves them have no feeling the Americans is to be and cattlo generally very state. right. They against Coldest 38 No rainfall. THE SUN SHINES mors hours in HO terms or of found In Its real That an- night degrees. PAIRER conditions kick commlng. They helped Tammany strength. Cliff T. J,. Clark Light frost for the sale of beet and fruit lands were to succeed last November tagonism Is not the outcome of a friend- four but did littlo HENRY the day and more days in the year EDDYandQHAVES ever made. by staying past nights, damage. KRICK, in and from the and are liness for iSpain so much as It Is the re Poaches and apples will be a full crop, ddy Chaves counties, Hew away polls they getting (n ota aosnt ros Mezioo, than in other section OF MZXICO. knew sult of Investment In Panama canal but other fruit will be light. Water any NIW what they they would get. They the Gila sufficient for all of the west. WRITE for stock and bonds. And It ts those purposes. particulars. should have sense enough to take their Spanish High water last fall took out all river medicine without such a lot of noise. same matters i which have caused so dams, making farmers late, on account Lemp's New York Is to be tw much adverse criticism of this country of replacing dams. No rain, and ranges Ot. IjOUIS getting laughing In need. Cattle In condition. of and serves to over the war In the of Paris. The prime stock tho country press P. 1.1. Leese Beer. and classes Espanola Generally PECOS IRRIGATION AND IIIPROVEIIENT CO. be such. tradesmen, artisans poorer favorable. Light frost night of SOtti, Invested over lo0,000,000 francs in the but no damage to frnlt. Fruit Is quite EDDY, ITEW MEXICO. The yellow the lost It all. Water is more is journals, Panama canal bubble and nromising. aounuant; Tha am silver a deal of snow on tho tradp people, the free shouters and The same people have Invested In Span- good ranges yet. Aht BUNDS or from on bottle to t OR Frisco C, Variable sarload. Mailorder, r. t. HAGERMAV, . the sympathizers in this coun- ish bonds about and It Is Hlghtower EOSWELL LAND AND WATER CO. Spanish $400,000,000, weather, cold, and with considerable promptly filled. President chuck full of Vioo-Preslde-nt try ere Just apprehension the thoughts of again losing their sav wind. Crop making good progress 0. FAULKNER, IUXTVTXILL, XTEY? en OUAOALUPI T. SANTA F. I. ISEttOO, fr the C. S. battleship Oregon while ings through the defeat of Spain that stock In good condition. Not mnch Many Curious Inventori. UNDER OHIO PLAN. The woman who la THt TALK The officials of the office weak, nervous, tired and WASN'T CHEAP. patent say A GIRL INVENTOR. exhausted ; who has a that have never been so bothered The Candidates For Matrimony and the they poor ami variable appe- Which Smith Fell In a as during the fiscal vcar by Reception They lieceived. tite and no or Explains Why Tie present strength 1'niiit on the Floor. applicants for whose claims Sylvia was old enough to know that she It was shortly after the law requir- nerve; who suffers from patents Smith to upon investigation prove to have neither ittyht to resist the fascination thilt was ing an examination of the candidates pains and aches, drag went Chiunuo. This shouldn't down be clmi'ied ni;aiiist Ho had to novelty nor merit, and which are simply absorbing her bet thoughts. She studied for matrimony had gone into effect. ging and Smith. fto. so to Hut her lessons all which burning sensa- Some men are lorn lucky, somoiire horn crazy quilts, speak. among except arithmetic, When the judge took his place on the and all who and arc she loved in a roluetnrit sort of way and tions; who in Chicago and ionic aro obliged to go people, investigate, bench,' a number of ynuug people were recogn i there. LAND of conviction bv proof- recited with a fiiron look in her eyes. jes, MAXWELL GRANT, susceptible that 1h.i1 there can be no doubt that Hostetter's boinctimi's thnt look came to her w hen she waiting. sheherself,has Smith instructed bis wifo if any- Kiid become Stomach Bitters is one of the finest was talking Willi her and she "Call the first cac," the judge. irritnlile, thing of importance happened while he girl friends, cross, was tonics and of the stomach would forget what she imd said a moment "Joseuhns Jenkins versus Maria Mar- blue and de- awny to cull him up by the long dis- regulators tance Situated in PJew liver and bowels in existence. Nervous bolero, call people by wrong names, return tin, charged with contemplating matri- spondent, is in ickphc.uu. P'erJco and Colorado, bilious and malarious, rone; answers to and net alto- called the clerk. almost every There was where Smith made u mistake. subjects, the questions mony," case Smith's those troubled with inactivity of gether so Strangely Ihnt, srinio observing The forward, suffering attention hadn't been called to On th3 & Santa Fo - young people stopped from weakness Atchison, Topeka kiduevs and bladder, the delicate,- girl would break out. into a laugh, Chicago's titll business blocks but three aged, saying "Guilty or not guilty?" asked the and disease of times when he infirm and convalescent find In this "Sylvia, 1 believe yon nre crazy." the delicate Was summoned to tho tele- If had been a her judge. and phone olliee. and Union Pacific, Denver & Cull medicine a most realiable auxiliary of hylvin boy, straie - important organs that bear the burdens they replied together. In other when health and preventive of disease. reserve would hnve liecu readily under "Guilty," of maternity. words, Smith arrived in stood by her family, and she would never "I don't see anything for ft but to Thousands of women suffer in this way Chh apo ho was called for. Conditional. nave been to remuin so send you to the house of and do not recognize the cause, or if they "Is that you, dear?" permitted long correction," do understand their As her undisturbed in the garret, but how could said the judge. condition, neglect it It was Smith's wife's voice, and Smith Molly pedalled flying bike, rather than submit to the obnoxious exam- nerved hinvelf to hear that the was of Land for Sale, While the breeze her tresses blew, thuy suspect that a girl would be afflicted "But, your honor," they protested, inations and local treatment insisted baby craze for upon dead or the. house destroyed by lira. 1,110 She turned to Dolly and said: I like with the family inventing some "we haven't done anything." by the average physician. Dr. Pierce's ks This "What what is the matter?" A drooping mustache, don't thing? passion for studying median "Not returned the Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medi- began you? ioal devices hud survived yet," judge, "but cine for women who suffer in Smith, emitted a through three no kiftvv. this way. It Fair Dolly longing sigh, of and it had cost there's tolling, you I" does away with the necessitv for these "How nice, "cooed his wife, "I can hear And her wheel a tremulous generations Ringgolds, Then " try- FARMING LANDS gave sway. them a great deal of money and much sor he checked himself. "Pardon me, ing ordeals, and may be used" in the privacy you as if you were in tho house. Are you UNDER IRRIGATION SYSTEM. As the straight proceeded to make a re row and he went on. "I forgot myself for a mo- of the home. It acts directly on the deli- really in Chicago?" disappointment. cate and Irat'lN su'i-e-g ply: knew tho a ment. This is a case of isn't organs concerned, makes them "Yes. What is tho mat" In 20 ami np urd, with perpetual water .Sylvia family story. Many matrimony, strong, vigorous and It banishes es, indeed if it droops my way. time she had heard about Grandfather it?" healthy. "Who invented the telephone, dear? Mr. ritflitN and on icrniNoflO annual the discomforts of the expectant period and tiieup easy payment Ringgold's pulley, which hud never been admitted was. Edison? Mrs. .loncn says that it was Mr. With 7 Interest They that it makes baby's advent easy and almost pain- Bull." per eent Alfalfa, Grain and Fruit of all completed. Thon thore was hor. Uncle less. It transforms weak, "Urn, well, we'll take up the ques- nervous, petulant "S.?o kindN grow to MAGICALLY Alexander, who repeated hor invalids into happy wives and mothers. here!" yelled Smith, "don.'t you perfection. grandfather's tion of lovers' quarrels first," asserted know that tauure, spending money, but gaining Thousands of women have testified, over this thing costs" and the judge. "Have you had any?" their own signatures, to this fact. The "She was in here, tiiis She CHOICE PRAIRIE OR MOUNTAIN GRAZING LANDS. EFFECTIVE nothing, finally there was her Cousin " morning. freeV Dick, whom half the in town callod Both of them flushed. "Favorite Prescription may be procured wore such u lovely gown, it" people front medicine ' Well Dick because "A great deal on that, any good dealer. Any wom- " !" (live watered and with good shelter, interspersed with TREATMENT Crazy Ringgold, he walked depends you an will write R. V. minutes). ITO ALL continued tho who to Dr. Pierce, Buf- "Cut bias, with" tine ranches suitable for and fruits the streets trying to interest rich men in know," judge. "It shows have advice emin- raiding grain in sle falo, N.Y., may the of an " !! !! FOR WEAK MEN his Impracticable patents. the temper. It's one of the quickest ent and skillful without !! !! (ten min- of tracts ! suit purchasers. specialist charge. utes). VMENy The women of the Ringgold connection, ways of at the true inwardness Mrs. Cora M. getting McLnurin, of Roekport, Copiah ".Shirred down tho" ALL S- one and all, had a horror of be- Co.. Miss., writes : " I had and OF AGE- patents, of things. Now, you," turniug to the displacement " mi cause thoy had suffered so many privations inflammation of the uterus. I was under the jj ;i m" (15 LARdiER I'ASTl ItES I'OK LEASE, for long terms of MONK Y IN ADVAHCE. Won- prospective bride, "if he didn't get treatment of our Tor a rem- from the failure and lossos inoldent to fnmily physician long minutes). fenced or derful appliance and clenllnc home to for two in suc- time, but received nolenent. I had fallingof in- years, unfenced; shipping facilities over two sent on to reliable them. No one knew these bettor sapper nights ternal with ulceration and "Trimmed with jet nnd" edies trial any things organs enlargement. I railroads. world-wid- e what would " '.J ; man. A reputation back of than pylvia. cession, you do?" I commenced using I)r, Pierce's Favorite Pre- jm j j; tin jgy this offer. Every obstacle to happy married ' Golden Medical Discovery,' ' Pleasant How could she toll hor mother or her "Why, I I I" scription, ' minutes). life removed. Full strength, development Pellets' and Kxtract of Smart-Weed- .' From tono of the 'Aunt Hester or her or ono "And to the first "With pink lining and lln" and given to every portion body. father any that you," turning prospec- the day I Irenan to improve, and in a short ' Failure impossible ; age no barrier. her mind was on fire with tho of in tive found her time I was able to do all my housework. It it nj!! iiiij j j iinii, GOLD MINES. spirit groom. "If you visiting 1 No 0. O. D. echenie. she had not been for your medicines would have (35 vention and that was trying to solve with a neighbor whan you wanted din- been dead minutes). of long ago." "Just from J'aris" On this Grant near its western arc situated ERIEKED! the mystery grandfather's pulley? ner, what wonld do?" Stomach and boundary But the of you liver troubles with sluggish the famous Gold day discovery was at hand "I would I the fact action of the bowels are cured Doctor Mining Districts of Elixnhcthtowii and It was house and Aunt why, is, I" by I!!!!!" O'.o minutes). cleaning time, "Case announced the Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Baldy, where mines have been successfully for 33 A Sense of Humor. Hester, while in tho garret, came upon a dismissed," "Seventy-fiv- dollars and" operated judge. "It is evident that neither one " !!!!'!! !!!'!!! !!!'.! years, and new rich discoveries were made in 1S95 in the Charlie dear, said Mrs'. Torkins, you remarkablo mechanical contrivance of has serious attention to mat- !!!!!!!" (i!5 vicinity ofthe new of and as know you used to thatl had no sense springs and wire and cords and bits of given any minutes). camps Hematite Harry Bluff say ' I . wood and brass nnd steel. She did not rimonial mutters. The "But don't he" rich as in un-locat- of humor. clergyman may Too Huggestive. " any camp Colorado, but with lots of as yet 1 have to look twice to know be !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! That is true, But must confess you what it meant. dismissed and the olerk will refuse Miss Do Pretty Let's form a seorot se open to on terms She vent to her a little " !!!!!!!!" (40 minutes)." ground prospectors similar to, and are on. gave feelings by the certificates. Chicago Post. cictv. w as getting scream ot 9 "Her bonnet was" favorable as, the 1'nited Slates Government Laws and am to hoar say so. And 1 surprise and dismay, which Miss DiriMnk Let's, liko the Odd l glad you Mrs. just Smith full in a fit on the floor, and three have a treat in the store for brought Ringgold running up from Fellows and Red Men, call it tho""An-den- t Regulation. you. Pretty All About Bachelors. hours w hen ho was at- soon am to ask for a the story below. Order of of later, found by the I going you spring King's Daughters." his wifo was h'uves to be "Oh, sisterl" cried Aunt Hester tragic All bachelors are pld bachelors. Miss I)e Or tho tendants, still talking. Majrc every morning, except Sundays, from bonnet, and I want you laugh and Mend "Ancient Ordei took as do when ally, pointing to the young girl s model. A bachelor is usually the result of of Dianas. " It all the money Smith had with Springer for Ihesc camps. good natured, just you you him to setllu the and tho next morn- of "Look! Sylvia has tho fatal fever in her egotism. Hiss De Or tho "Ancient Or- bill, read such things. Young ho a blood the curso of tho Ringgolds!" A woman so dislikes a bachelor that der of American" ing received poMal card from his wifo TITLE perfect, founded on I nilcd Stales Patent and After awhile came in from school. snying that sho had called him by tele- Sylvia she will a man to bis be- Miss Oldinaid Oh, don't let's onll it up confirmed decision IT. S. Whooping Cough. Sho know in a moment marry prevent phone the day before to tell him that by of the Supreme Court. that something one. the ancient order of anything! New York baby I had a was nearly dead nart disturbed the and in coming had cut another tooth, bnt she was afraid family serenity BaohelorB are Weekly. For further and to. from an attack of whooping cough. My tuitively guessed what it was her model about as useful ns they that tho had forgotten to tell him. particulars pamphlets apply been are beautiful. the Hauie Number. Smith is in the and is neighbors recommonded Chamberlain's bad found. Alwny hospital, there an The next Bhe was A bachelor be anxious woman in Mew York. Sho is THE MAXWELL I did not think day taken out to the compulsory is to pitied She was from Podunk, but sho had the LAND GRANT CO. Cough Remedy. that country to see what a of scene in tbe same ratio that a one true aristocratic the same. afraid that she left out some of the details mcdicino would change voluntary spirit just New any help him, but after would do for her. Uncle .Tcrold lived on is to be condemned. "In our town," she wiid, "I nm consid- and that Smith does not fully understand Raton, Mexico him a few doses of a small farm had boon a of ho bow Mrs. Jones was dressed. New York giving that remedy that formerly The husband is superior to the bach ered the leader Four Hundred." of Grandfather estate. "Ilnw i are there in Sunday World. I noticed an improvement, and one bot part Ringgold's elor because every husband has been a !iy jH'npIn your Sylvia bad never visited there before, and town'-- kt il the man. 'v tie curod him entirely. It is the bost bachelor. inquisitive T TTTT TTTTP, she found everything very interesting. "Thivu hundred and fifty, according to War Notes From liillrllle, medicine I ever had In the house. Her onnt took her out for A bachelor, though unhappy, cough a long ramble quite the census," she answered. Great, is noticed in war circles L. Soutli the and the two may be serenely satisfied. Of)tcourse one knows activity J. Mooro, Uurgettstown, I'a. through woods, gathered every thnt the size at home. Seventeen colonels and five ma- I autumn leaves and lichens and bunches of There is no revelation a bachelor of n town lins to Oil For sale by A. C, Ireland. that nothing do with the jors have been discovered ill the town hall bright red berries. In a socluded corner won't go to heaven when ho dies. Four Hundred. Chicago Post. loft next the of the woods notioed a Jo shingles. An Unfortunate Time. Sylvia tall iron It is really pathetic to see a bachelor At a nubile war demonstration which she rosembled last night I'l I'.ItLO, Men are so exclaimed Mrs. construction, thought, love a baby. Amply Qualified. the resounded to Ihu stupid the in the at mayor toast of KANSAS 1 1 Dinwiddle. observatory park home, and A a "Have had ns a and Hut) TV, she asked what it was. lonely old man, gray cat nnd a yci.i evej; any experience "Woman," inhabitants straight- Yes, her toothless inoioromn?" asked the street so-- I way declared that would at home IIIICAUO, replied husband, meekly. said Aunt Rebecca, with a liitle dog don't make a home. W. railway they stay Now here Is in the "Oh," erinteiideiit. and protect her In cmhi of war. ST. something paper "thnt is poor grandfnther'sdor-riok- . J. Lanipton in New York Truth. LOUS, about a crusade women sigh, your ."Have i''!s:ihl the applicant., with a In iliiiiiiii trenches for the fortiiloutiou against wearing He had it erected that he ex- XEWVOKK, hats in church. might smile .of .conscious "I can of Hillviilo 15 moonshine distilleries were with his Dear me, if More Than Laconic. superiority. periment pulley. n cur se Ihu rem- will be op- unearthed. We. confiscated ISOSTOW What is there stupid about that? had let stop platform them as war in your grandfather inventing alone, "Henrietta, " said Mr. Meekton, a lniidlmln il'.' limes out of 100." and the .Shouldn't women removed their hats wo all bo rich!" "you posite property, entire volunteer army PHILADELPHIA, do so might know said almost two hours His name went, on the roll at once. hasn't been sober since. church since they in theatres? You Aunt Rebecca knew ot you ago you pay Atlanta Consti WASHIXCTO.V That isn't the The mens sco, nothing were to tell me how much Chicago Tribune.' tution. point. stupid- the young girl's infatuation. going just ity consists in not waiting until after you thought the average man amounted Sylvia tried to keep her thoughts off the " Kiclmnl i;iul tho Other. Easter to start the movement. forbidden but this was not to." The Educated Porter. subject, easy ' Richard i.e Gulliennc, tho effeminate with the top of grandfather's derrick in She turned upon him a look of silent 'T doesn't reckon dat yoh's gwinter get The SWTA 1 E KOI'TE runs the handsomest trains in the Another Case of Rheumatism Cured By nil's funi dat ar said English vootwhu is now lecturing in Now full view of her window. . you pay concern," world, they are Palaces on wheels. lYce reclining chair Chamberlain's Fain Balm. inquiry. the colored York, has made what he is pleased to oall "I must examine it," the girl said to "You have said absolutely nothing purler. a curs, lighted by electricity. Through Pullman and tourist son was afflicted with rheumatism "Why not?" asked the collector. "They translation of the "Kubaiynt" of Omar between and California. cars on lim- My herself one afternoon, and she went out by since then." '' of which Edward sleepers t'hicngo Dining which contracted his limb until he herself into the woods and looked at the have some assets. Khayyam, Fitzgerald's ited trains. right 'Well," she answered, "that's what "Yes, sr.r, hns some, bnt isn't has long boon the standard. It is related was to derrick. It was just as her grandfather dey dey unable walk. After using ono I think he amounts to. " Washington cqunl to dah unreliabilities. " Washing- that a certain man went into a bookshop H ICKL'ST TIME IIEST SERVICE EAST AVD WEST. had left it years ago. There was an open and conversed with a friend behind tho Al and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain box four chains attached to Star. ton Slur. supported by counter. "Have you read Richard Le W. J. BLACK, ii. V. A., II. S. LCTZ, Agent, Jialm ho was able to be about I a lever, which was intended to be lifted again. Storm at Sea. Which Won? version of Omar Khayyam?" he lias. Santa I'e, X. in. by a but the had never been Topeka, can heartily recomiuond it to persons spring, lifting was Sulci the one candidate to the asked, and the friend accomplished, beoause It terrible. The tempest beat the voter, straightway replied: from rhoumatlsra. John Sni grandfather's pulley for for I am a nnd "I bavo not. I Kdward suffering would not "work." at the sea into a horrid fury, the waves were "Vote mo, poor man prefer Fitzgerald's. Sylvia lingered want the office. " I don't euro for Cissy." E.vohange. der, Freod, Calhoun county, W. Va. For spot, and what she mountain high, and they swept over the thinking comparing Said the other, "Vole for sale by A. C. Ireland. saw with what she had read. Why did frail craft forme, you ceaselessly. a man and need the el well not the work? Sho went out to flesh be cried. lire poor Great Satisfaction. spring "My creeps," where can I see (Jiucin That's Different. look at e next duy, and the next. you privarely?'-- Mr. Hlooinfleld George Washington's "My complexion runs," shrieked she. mui Kmiuirer. cor people That Are Some men-sai- Uncle Ebeu will hab One afternoon Sylvia was engaged at is the lot of women to suffer reputation fur truthfulness must have Sick or " Just Don't For it u source of a heap tof say about being sturbed by a her fascinating occupation out in the been great satisfaction to his j6 eel Weill." most. Detroit Journal. Which Are They? wife. pee imDy. But dey s puinckiy silent when woods. She had made a clearing around ONLY O.JE FOB i finer s a cm the Sfmpkins Have you ever rend Shakes- Mr. Bollelleld what lemoves cures Hesdach r it Welsh rabbit dat Keeps awake. derrick, adjusted tho machinery and Certainly. But Pimples, i, Dyspepsia unt ST. some were Queer Effect. peare's works?' have yon in your mind? Ccstiveness. 25cts. a box st lrugitaor tv mgrj LOUIS, supplied pieces that missing. OKUiplen re , 4dreu Dr. BesanKO Vv. No, I've rend his but Mr-- . f fhiis. ts. old soldiers now fool She bad stepped into the lifting box and, "I'm out of politics," said the man Tinipkins plays, liiooiulield When he told Martha CHICAGO. ,Many the effects was not, aware that he had written anv TO happening to pull a hanging cord above Who had grown wiser. that he had been to the lodge or thnt he of the hard service they endured during Wolks. CHctign News. had been with a sick NEW YORK, ber head, she found herself suddenly "Got enough, have you?" asked the sitting up brother, tho war. Mr. Goo. S. of Chronicle-Tolegrup- Anderson, hoisted. , friend. sho believed him. Pittsburg BOSTON, she found it! sympathizing A Voting Girl's Chance Word. Kossvile, York county, Venn., who saw "Oh," cried, "I've I've bet! so found it!" "Yon Thoy pulled my leg Like slmdnwn they ttiii'ieo'er the ice. tho hardost kind of service at the front, bard almost lost In- Her mind is on Free Up and up the box went, the old rope that I my bead." beet ',le!y pleasure, Vicarious Suffering;. Reclining Cars, is now troubled with rheu- While he thinks of PPissnjes ot nnd rice frequently creaking and the scales of rust from the dianapolis Journal. oninge "Yes," she sighed, "for many years I've matism. had a severe And a dnitce to the wedilhm nuirch measure. Annual to "I attack lately," chains falling back on Sylvia's head. She Hor liltme eoiees nmied therc'B a Hweet little suffered from dyspepsia." Subscriptions Pul'mans, he says, "and procured a bottle of was so happy that she had no thought of Little Daisy, the Ballad Girl. seren m "And don't you take anything for it?" Standard Magazines are and she was she his her asked. "You look Chamborlain's Pain- Balm. It did so fear; Up up carried, till For a uiu:m.iit strong tmnssni round her friend healthy Diners. stepped out of tho little oar on to the top Then he kneels a!, liev lect ti if in a dream. enough." offered as prizes for saving much that I would like to know Yet alio li news lias good floor of the derrick. And, here, up in the not that (.'upiil crowned "Oh," sho replied, "it's my husband the wrappers from wnat you would cliarge me for ono air, Sylvia stood for five or ten glorious her. that has it." Chicago Nows. Boudoir Coaches. "Iain happy," she murmurs, '' 'Iwus you who CUDAHY'S dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted minutes, saying to herself, "I bave com were near. Dieted invention!" it both for his own use and to It grandfather's With mint her I'd Dud it unpleaniiut." A Good Sugeestiou. 4 supply "Father will be of me now," she DIAMOND SOAP Saves Hours Denver to to his as proud His lipsaru struck ilnmb witiianuediaticfenr "We want to do something original to friends and neighbors, every thought, "and mother will and Lest his speech mar the thnt is laugh, joy present, oolebrate our manager's blrthduy, " said O Mow York. One Change of should have a of in Aunt Hester Is tsiiTs ch mee family bot&j it their won't scold." And Sylvia it mulenr!iii!( thinii S''in! shoo boarder. on each herself a word,. tbe clerk Explanation wrap- home, not for rheumatism, but laughed little bit triumphantly him a a Cam. only as she stood on 'i'oi uncertain at best to risk fate on. "Give banquet at hotel," sug- the best tho high structure with idiot. per laundry soap C. M. lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, the of the trees 1 a n Rind," she went on, "for so often I've gested the cheerful "That would HAMPSON, top nodding at her. heard be an Jour- for sale all Commercial bnilses and for which it'ls'un she heard Rebecca Indianapolis by grocers. Agent, burps, Presently Aunt How easily you get a skate on." Col?. voice '. nal. Denver, equalled. For sale by' A. C, Ireland. calling from tho world below; W. K. Hereford in New York Journal, whore are "Sylvia, you? Supper's Financial Uevenge. reauy r A Different Case. "Thuy say that war scares muke trade , "I'm hore," said Sylvia. Little boy! exclaimed the man who ' When Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Jerold good." when wifo mad "had justturnod tho corner, don't you saw her up on the top of the derrick wav- "Yes, my gets at me, know It's for to match pen- - & SANTA FL she goes down town and spends every cent wrong you ing her handkerchief, the sight filled them The New Trains. riles?'-'- - with consternation and almost took she can lay her bands on." Detroit Free Burlington's- away Press. Railroad men Rim have had the I ain't matching pennies, he answer- their breath, and when she said, speaking privi- ed, as he surrendered a coin to his an- down from her "I'vo found out lege of examining the four new trains elevation, on 1st tagonist. I'm jest trying to. what was the mnttor with grandfather's Bright. which Ihu lJiirliiiglon Route, the Mr. Roinattz I VII a of in pcrvico between Denver pulley," tney soon learned tho truth. yon what, baby May, placed In due oourse of time tho OEHVER RfO GRANDE H, R brightens op the bouse, and that a a foot. and Chicago say tliey are as magnifi- have been sufferer chronic Ringgold pul- Mr. I a from was a few saw Practikel Yes; we've had to keep j cently equipped' as inly In tho country ley patented, but only that all ever ours lite diarhoea ever since the war and have it In several at a the gas burning night since i that even the famous limited expresses operation years ago great was born. Record. used all kinds of medicines for it. At world's fair knew that a of 14 had Philadelphia between Chicago and New York are girl ThnHrenlr Konte or the World. not or morn luxurious. perfected the Invention. Philadelphia handsomer last I found one remedy that has been a " Time No. 40. was Times. ' - rbla Dunno What He'll Do. The Every car is wide vestlbulod, and success as a cure, and that is Chamber- built for tho ' Ef the country goes ter Sghtm especially Burlington lain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhrca Rem- His Line. I dunno whnt I'll do. Uoute. IABT BOUND . WBBTBOUI-- Shortest "What line are you on nowf" asked the 'Course you'd flu' me standln Tho four trains . are Identical in P. E. Orlsham, Qaars Mills, La. - Ho. - MIIJW II0.425. ' edy. of her who chanced to 12. ier the red an white an blue, Each is young lady lover, 10:08 Line appearance and arrangement. For sale by A. C, Ireland. be a street car sm Lt. Santa Fs.Ar 6:sr p m But 'sposn they holloied "Charge "eiul" conductor, 1218 p in Lv.Eipaools,. Lt,. tO. :55 p m composed of a car i An we had ter go like funf Denver to Lincoln, , "Just at present," replied the register l:10n m...... LT.Embudo.Lv... M.. 8:25pm a palace sleeping-car- , a dining-car- and "Now, then, gen'lemen, hurry tip. Lv.Bnrreinos.Lv.. 80.. I've got tho rheumatism, Denver to Omaha. manipulator as his arm stole around hor 1:85pm 2:45pm two ri'cllning-clial- r cars. The Only a few more left. 'An the people 3:27pm....Lv.Tres PiedrM.Lv 97.. ltlUpm An I Denver to Chicago. waist, "I'm on the belt line. :40 .Test car Is new for .- "Chicago me 5:23 p m Lv.Autonito.Lv.,.131..11 am something News. .., v.:,,- .. ; , eall Dyzee little Dyzee with the Denver to St. Joseph, 1:00 p m Ly. Alamosa. Lv.. 100. .10:30 a m Can't a Denver-Chicag- o line. It Is a veritable " Nuggets. 10:50 6 :50 m Rim! ' Denver to St. Louis. I dimple.' p m..,...... Lv.8alida.LT....24.. a on whero ono PLEADINGS Settled Province'. Lv.Floreno.LY..311.. club house wheels, may Sparsely 1:50am Two trains daily from Denver at 0:30 or cards, ; The province of Parana, in 3:10am Lt. Pueblo. Lv...8tt.. 2:40am Ef tho country goes ter flghtin read, write, smoke, talk, play AJSTD Brazil, An Exacting Sweetheart. 4:40a m Lv.CoIoSpits.Lt.887.. 1:02 am I dunno what I'll do. a. in. and tt:S0 p. hi. The first Is the at the rate of fifty miles Which is about the size of Austria-Hungar- while traveling I kissed her on I ho mouth, the cheeks; a m ; .. Ar. Denver. Lv... 483. .10 .U0 p m I 'em in the trouble fastest tho second the is one-ha- lf helped morning train, an hour. It handsomely carpeted has only 800,000 inhabitants, 1 1 , kissed her on the nose; When went tn 'sixty-two- fastest night train, from Denver to the furnished with settees, cushioned of whom are foreigners. I kissed her I kissed her ear, Connections with the main line and and PRACTICE neck, But s'puMi we lose a buttlof East. a writing-desk- , And what do t branches as follows: easy chairs, a lavatory, yon Suppose It won't ho any fun, for and a Just as Good. Because I stepped to catch my breath At Antonito for. Durango, Silver ton Kase I'v got the rhoumatism Tickets at offices of connecting lines. a compartment (Forms to conform to Code) I - buffet. Tho current "Ah, James, you've broken all the good I theuKht that should smother and all points in the San Juan country. An I Paulson's Forms of Pleading, (the liouncw off in a rago and said, ' Jest . W. , General and ftro on lile, resolutions made." . .. At Alamosa for Del Vnllerj Ayent, periodicals newspapers under the Missouri Code, have you "I'm love another!" Jimtown, Croede, Can't 1 Tth Mex-le- aa surf yod 1039 St. Denver. and a carefully selected Is been placed with the New "Yes, sir, bub I shall make others quite Town Toniua Norte, Monto Vista and all points in the Run! library Printing Co. tor sale, Knoxvllle Journal. Sari Luis Atlanta Constitution. nrovlded for tho freo use of passengers. is good." v, : i ;, valley. K complete end comprehensive "i At Sal Id a with main line fur all The sleenlnir-ca- r is a gem, and the chair book of ted to the points Something' to Sleep on. s forms, ado, east and west, Leadvlllo. and diuing-car- aro in every way wonny new Code of Civil Procedure Including It is a Im- now In effect In New At Florence with F. & C. C. R. R. for singular thing, soliloquized the nt tho train of which thoy form an Mexico, Notioa for ; - Publication, philosopher who had been mar- . Part t. Ordinary Proceeding- the gold camps of Cripple Creek and recently Notice for Publication, portant part. in Courts of Record. Part 2. rHomesteod Entry So. H9.) ftotlee for Publication Victor. ried, that tho weight of somo biscuits iThfi Burlington Rouvo takes thoso . Attachments : ; Land N. M. ) Homestead No. 4314.1 be to rHomesteod No. 3089. Certiorari Garn- Officb at Santa Fk, Entry At Den- should equal twice the weight of Entry trains through to Omaha and Habeas In- - .. May 0, 1899. f . '. Pueblo, Colorado Springs and N. M ) palatial ishment; Corpus: Laud Ornoa at Santa n. M., ) the Ingredients of which .they are com- Land OmcH at Santa Fk, in quick- time. Mandamus i Notice Is that the following-nnme- d P, 11, 1898. ver v Jth all Missouri river lines for all April 2:1, J Chicago marvelonsly Junction; Prohibition hereby given May f posed. Deliver at 9:30 a. m. on Quo settler has filed notice of his liitantinn Notice Is hereby riven that, the fnllnlnr. poln s east. Notice Is hereby given that the following. Leaving today Warranto and Replevin. Part to makeVnal In of his r flTed onn of tKem aro landed in l. Miscellaneous. proof support claim, named has notice of his intention Through passengers from Santa Fe The Doctor's JMlemema. named settler has tillednoticeof his intention you Chicago and that said proof will be made before pro- to make Una) proof In of his claim, to make tt mil proof in support of his claim, at 2:15 tomorrow afternoon, thero mak- Affidavits: Arbl- - bate of Rio support will have rosorved berths in sleepers from UoctotV-Yo- - ' clerk Arriba county, at Tlerra and that said proof will be made before the u must and thnt snid proof will be made before the trations; Assurnmentst Oepoel- Amarilla. on June 15, via; Jirnulo Tru- - Alamosa if desired. give up drinking close connections with trains for all )88, Register or Receiver at Santa Fe. on June and Probate clerk of Mora county nt Mora, on ing tlous; Naturalisations, etc., etc. for the e. M sw, H, w. H se. H. see. 80, tp. vm, vm! muan For information address the litis, vir. : liurnn, for the oast. The running time from illlo, -- , ii, joL,eau FCntou, for the further June, Guadalupe points Bound in full law De- r. sw. ! Mr. 1 23 18 n sheep. 5. - ne. H e, H, nw, '4, see. 10; se. U sw. Vi, Slcklv never touch a drop. nw. H, se. 4, soc. 29, tp. n., r. e. Denver to Chicago is only twenty-seve- livered at any postoffloe In New He names the following- witnesses to prove seo. 3, 19 n.. r. 2 e undersigned. He names witnesses to tp. Doctor And, the following prove three-quarte- r hours. Just how Mexico upon receipt ot pub his continuous residence upon and cultiva He names the following witnesses to .. T, J, nui.M, General Agent. stop smoking discontinuous residence upon and oultivntiou and prove ' .Mr. sicKiv wter. llsher's prloe.U.00. Porehaser'i tion oi jam iano, vis: hit continuous resldenoe upon- and cultiva- Santa Fo, N. M, l don't smoke. or law land, vie i fast that Is will be best understood name on the book free Jose Gabion Martina. Juan Rivera; Man-- tion of said land, vis t nnlnr HiittiMht ItaH. 11 htiunn't ...... t... II...,: - Tl 1 live hour printed - 8. K. G. P. It is stated that it la' almost of oosi Address New kaxlaan Salvador Martlnes, E. Kenton. Hooper, A., in ! of uelBaldonado, "liporgc John 'Franklin f,lm anithlniT to irlve 111) I am Bfralrt Tcan't do ouio Romero .Jnmbo Medina, Ocnte,N.M. tho fastest schedule In effect i Timing company, nanta Vi I1IOII. , BJ. Carrie K. Kenton, U ilbert Labar, of N Denver, Colo, !ManL'bl K. Otbho. faster than MAKUib-K-. Peres. much tor von. Otjcho, Register, M. Manuel R. Otbho, Register, Roister. prior to February nth, lS'Jtf. V from Price & Lockard's store at Raton Awarded NEWS FROM THE BROWNIES PERSONAL MENTION. TERRITORIAL TOPICS last week and sentenced to 30 days each Honor World's Pair, in the Highest county jail. Midwinter Fair. Mrs. John Pearson and daughter havo Oold Medal, look much alike in outward appearance, Joe Anfenger went to Ccrrillos today. Albuquerque. returned to their home at Elizabeth-tow- n a in thorn Colonel Knaebel's but there's bij; difference Appreciating Ci- A. F. Christian, of Denver, is stopping a V. Graves, wife of the popu from Albuquerque, where Mrs. also In tin for garsHot and Plenty of Mosquitos at the Claire. lar station agent at Isleta, will leave Pearson attended the funeral of her G. W. Griffith, Xif Kansas City, is at California in a few days ior au James Dwyer. Wood rfnd Lieuten- - Eggs Colonel the Exchange. visit. Dave Collins, alias "Short Creek- to his at ant Colonel Koosevelt Strict I. R. Brown, of Kansas City, is regis Goorge S. Blunt is confined Dave," who killed Barney Clark tered at the Claire. room with a sprained wrist and a badly Raton by bring from an upstairs room. al.nilldi-- r t,h TBSUlt Of a fall who while out on 83,000 But A. D. of is Inlnrml and escaped Straight. Ashbaugh, Denver, regis nas Deen Meattie tered at the Palace. from a bicycle. bond, arrestea at Hose em- Wash. harden who has been O'Bannou, Noble -- Notes and A. C. Ireland returned from a short Felipe some CnEAM Captain Oooper a ployed in the Santa Fe shops for Dona Ana County. stay in Denver, last night. - tin,, noct ima hnen transterrea to uai- The first crop of alfalfa is being cut. Judge J. R. McFie returned last night and left for that place Sunday We keep only the beat quality. from a short visit to Las Cruces. lup, Miss Ethridge, of Las Cruces, Is quite Guaranteed for two night. 111. year Muller'a Letter. Manuel a well known citizen of man at Six) pounds pressure. Captain Baca, Chas. Chadwick, the commission cases of small Hun. G. W. Kuaobel, Santa Fe, N. M. Pena Blanca, is here on business. from Colorado has eight MPS and sheen buyer, has returned San Antonio, Texas, May 19, IMS. L. a of the from Rio Puorco country, pox. J. Lyson, knight grip trin thrnncrh the rocu Dear Colonel: I have received your Pueblo, is at the Palace. the interests In that The Santa Fo Rv. is quarrying no registered and reports sheep tter. also tho cigars. You have is in fine Lambing is about at Randall. Wv?M Otis Welch, a Denver mining man. section shape. realization how proud the Santa Foboys over and has Miss Herrou is a new clerk at A. A Part Qrape Cream ol Tartar Powder. to in the citv. He registers at the Ex shearing begun. felt when I read your kind letter Sheriff Hubbell re- - in Las Cruces. around change. Yesterday noon Jacoby's 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. W.H.GOEBEL them and passed the' cigars ooivnii information of a affray W. G. of Las Cruces, has new A. D. Allen, a drummer from Law stabbing Stewart, hev at once gave three cheers for Bland and tell rence, Kas., is displaying a lino of shirts that occurred in Sunday evening cabbago in his garden. THE HARDWAREMAN. Colonel Kuaobel I you, colonel, John Connors was cut has me nose of Santa Fe, some bovs showed tears in their at tho Palace. In which eight J. Findlav purcnascn G. L. Wyllys, formerly of the face ana oy Mesilla Park. a estate office in Ros- are about 900 E. B. a times about the ooay near has opened real eyes. There troopers Learner, representing general Sheriff Smith. The trouble Solomon of Las Cruces, has has been clerk of the was oi- house In Kansas is a Garcia, well. Mr. Wyllys here at present, uasi sunaay i dry goods City, arose out of matters. Smith is to Colorado for a trip. court, the past term, ficer of the there were about 8,000 Palace guest. money gone Supreme during day; under arrest awaiting the result oi Con The utile oi mr. auu mi. and will hold the office until his suc S. CO visitors iu the park, about 600 buggies a is in aaugnier - H. KAUNE & , Frank Feith, traveling man, nors' injuries. F. Scott, at Las Cruces, is ill. cessor is appointed at the next term oi and you may know what Kind ot a time the from La Junta. He his city registers Colfax Orson Stewart, of Las Cruces, predicts the court. He will make Roswell had to Keen me wnoie camp in oruer, at the Bon-To- and has Wo have 18 all over Wo has returned to Eliza- success with his bees this year. home in the future purchased posts camp. Chief Justice W. J.Mills, of Las Ve-i- s, Joyce Domlnice there, amounting to move most any day now as we bethtown. The Casad orchard at Las Cruces is the property expect is in the citv tho guost of Governor to 700 lots in tne most uesunuiu have a 1 our norses ana compieie ouiui Charles Hoskins, of Raton, has gone showing up a fine crop of fruit. - and Mrs. Otero. In the . Colonel L. Wood and Lieutenant Colo- to Oklahoma. John Wiler and wife, of Las Cruces, city. are Frank P. Chaves, a leading citizen of Socorro County. nol Roosevelt perfect gentlemen of is his are camping out at Loma Parda ml toward officers and men, but Rio Arriba county and who is well G. T. Hare, Raton, visiting J. G. of Socorio, was .strict, is Neb. Hilario Moreno, of San is Fitch, Sill wo have but little known in this city, here on business wife in Holdredge, Don Miguel, week court. rest, last Fil straight. Nights is his brother at Las uruces. in Silver City attending and on a visit to relatives. of for the mosou tos are Here dv tne minions, Fayette Gillespie, Raton, pros visiting Tho TCnt.nnal convocation was in Wo who in Oklahoma. ; rhariesW. Barker, of Mesilla Park, Ifominsr us company all night. have Miss Prlngle, has been teaching pecting Socorro the past week. a of typhoid-pneumoni- session at during Fresh of all Kinds regular eovernmont held rations and in the Indian school here, left last night Mrs. Edward Love returned to Raton Is having selge of wheat Oysters, Fish, Poultry - There Is a greator acreage tho dovs are pretty wen useu w iv, for her home in New York. from a visit in Kansas. Tnvit.nt.inna are out for the college ever in men Las Cruces in Socorro county this year than is the lot of you a commencement ball at May Received Twice a Week. My troop happiest Rafael Romero, formerly Interpreter L. Everett, of Raton, is building before. ever saw and, to be sure, I am proud of of under is in 35, the court Judge Laughlin, new adobe warehouse. thousand head of cattle them. do what I say and I stand Mora. is not water for both A great many They the city from Mrs. J. G. Johnson, of Raton, is visit There enough from tins bv them as long as 1 am able to. to Mesilla and Las Cruces ditches for will be shipped Magdaiona Hon. Sam Eldodt went up Chamlta ing relatives in Trinidad. the L will Close now, again maiming you this to look after his business Irrigation purposes. year. 1 fie of the. for vour kindness in remembering the morning W. R. Springle, of Raton, has gone Ed. mother ana sistor, oi Siga interests. to locate. s s Mondenhall. of Las Unices, bas Plingston, boys, hoping that we may be able to re to Albuquerque on Lincoln county, arc visiting fnencs in Geo. A. a commercial trav-i- s secured a grading contract " turn your kindness some day. captain Vincent, A new boy blesses the home of Mr. and Socorro. I eler from Denver, registered at the the Pecos Valley By Cooner is still here and tell you Mrs. Arthur uook at ttaton. .T u Pnlller. of White Oaks, who has a Claire. The Presbvterlan Ladies' Aid society that i do not ininn mere is ueiuir A. J. Hodges, of Denver, will set up a been in Socorro and vicinity some wooks, tho F. W. a man from of Las Cruces has adjourned its businoss man in today Dudley, traveling new barber shop at Raton. has returnod home. EI He has treated us finely, especially my Howell, Mich., is showing local mer-- meetings until October. WEST SIDE OF PLAXA. E. B. Manbv, of Trinidad, is visiting troop, and in every way he .could show chants a line of clothing, John Englc, of Las Cruces, reports At the Hotels. so. a no- his brother on the Sugarite. CALLS ATTENTION TO us a favor he has done lie is Demetrlo Loyba and Camllo Leyba, that his peaches, pears, plums, grapes, At the Geo. Gallup, John hie man. Mrs. N. McCroskey bas returned home nno Exchange: - two sheep men from Gallsteo, are in tho etc., are in conunion G. Zano, Escanaba, Mich.; u. w. urn- Excuse as I had a candle Bon- - to Raton from a Colorado visit. writing only city on business, stopping at tho Mrs. Louis Parker and daughter, oi fith, Kansas City; Otis weicn, uenver. and a poor one at that, your oia iriena Frank Crosson's new brick house T.aa have pone to Engle, where OTTIR, , Ton. npiinna. At. Claire: R. C. Chase and wife, PLACE. 1' KKU iUUl.l.l-.K- the is Here can be Ob- Fred Caffell, who works for Bond north Raton nearly completed. thev will spend the summer. Colo.; A. F. Christian, Here business is conducted on Business Principles. E, 1st U. S. Vol. Cavalry Glenwood Springs, form of Refreshments Capt. Troop Bros, at was in the yes Miss Jessie Maiors is visiting friends C. is oi aney E. Denver: I. R. Brown, tained Strictly First Class Goods in the Liquid Notes. Espanola, city M. Logan secretary Geo. Vincent, He left for home on this morn and relatives at Burlington, Kas. lodeo. I. O. O. F., at Las cruces, vice Kansas Citv. and Cigars. little sickness the terday. There is very among ing s Kio uranao. Charles Laub Is building a brick barn J. R. McFie, resigned. Demetrio and the health of the command is Judge At tho Bon Ton: Leyba, W. R. PRICE, Proprietor. troops R. C. Chaso and wife, of Glen wood on his Second street, Raton property, Attornev R L. Young and family, oi Gallsteo; L. S. Franken-berge- r, gooa. Canuto Leyba, remarkably are registered at the Van Houten's father and brother, T.HS r.rneos. will go the mountains this Manuel Tenorio, is now Springs, tourists, J. Antonito; Tho strength of tho regiment Claire. They are en route to California from Holland, are visiting him at Raton, week and rusticate for a while. Richard Richardson, An- DELIVERY MADE DAILY. about about 70 men having Guadalupe; 1,000 men, for an extended pleasure trip. Mrs. A. and have re c. Pedregon, of Las Cm- tonito; Francisco E. Salazar, Flagstaff; enlisted in the of San Antonio; these Osborg daughter B. city Joshua Raynolds, the Las Vegas turned to Hematite from a abroad has to mum I.. C. Davis, Albuquerque; J. Sterns, are mostly Texas cow men. trip ces, gone El Frank banker, wa a passenger south for El Lumlov has returned to Ra on.irt He was accompanied by his Chicago; Goorge Burns, Paso; has not had an Richard A. Crip- Tho regiment easy Paso last night on train No. 21, that extended visit to wifA Feith, La Junta; J. McKenzie, of but tho ton from an Albuquer time it by any means, rough was held up early this morning "hear r.tarinn Arm io and wile, wno nave ple Creek. ; ness of situation has stirred the boyi que. the Beien. of hoc vialtlno- relatives in Las Cruces, At the Palace:' A. D. Ashbaugh, out of them. Mrs. J. C Warner and Dud-le- up and is making soldiers E. T. of the Denver daughter, returned homo to Puebla, Mexico, last C. Alamosa; F. W. President Joffery, Raton, are visiting relatives In bvelyn Denver; Lydon, FAMILY TRADE A SPECIATY. Tho New Mexican arrives on time &, Rio Grande railroad, is in Alamosa Saturday. Howell. Mich.; L. J. Tyson, Pueblo; sent here Kas. E. B. daily and the dozen copies are today in his special car He is accom- crh&vM County. E. D. Allon, Lawrence, Kas.; lino of A son arrived at the home of Mr. and of has erreatlv appreciated and every panied by several of tho road's chief of George Montgomery, Amarlllo, Learner, Kansas City. Leave Order at Ireland's or Fischer's Drug is read with and in Mrs A. Hixonbaugh. in Raton, last acres iaim near Kos the paper avidity ficlals. nnrchased.. . .,,ten oi torest. week. rwen in market garden The New Lunch Counter Store or by Telephone. Geo. Gallup and John G. Zanc, of Es ana win engago Will Van of Raton Bon-To- First Lieut. Kane, of troop K, has canaba, Mich,, arrived in the city last Mrs. Bruggen, ing. At Conway's n is the only place Is relatives in Grand Mead- first-clas- s or- command of a section of two rapid tir- night and registered at tho Exchange visiting Rapids Captain J. C. Lea and Professor whore you can get a short in? Colt's mountain guns, which he and Thev are looking up a location in the Mich. ows are visiting Lincoln county points der meal in the citv. Mexico mili- some other Now Yorkers have presented territory for a home. Mrs. Isaac Halloway, of San Marclal, in the interests of the New to tho The two cost Is Mrs. Watson regiment. guns Cole Lydon, superintendent of the visiting hor daughter, tary institute. rant givenburg, 8,00O. Alamosa division of the Denver & Rio in Raton. Geo. H. Buss last week struck a GO To ALASKA BY A RELIABLE LINE News from San Antonio is to the ef- Grande railroad, was in the city yester Louis Llovd. of Springer, had his flow of soft artesian water on his STEAMERS FOR : TELEPHONE 43. on of Roswell at feet, that drill of the 1st regiment, U. day, a guest at the Palace, and left this shoulder dislocated by a horse falling farm nine miles southeast S. volunteer cavalry, is going on steadily tne norm via mo narrow him last week. a of 608 feet. DAWSON CITY, morning ior depth Howard and constantly, and that tne volunteers Business men of Raton have contribut E. S. Leland, nephew of Diamond, Opal, Turquois Watch Repairing gauge. V. S. office Flrst-Clas- s, are improving daily in drill, discipline in Colora- ed for a stand Leland, register of the land KOTZEBUE Settings a Specialty. Strictly Frank Hudson spent Sunday the money building grand West some time and military bearing. do and on the home in at Roswell, went to Key Springs way stopped Hurley park. of in the SOUND At tho regular meeting of Santa hi off at Alamosa morning to see Mrs. H. F. Wilson and ago for the purposo enlisting yestorday family, all in . No. 2, K. of P., this very his and points lodge evening, the artesian well, leaving baggage Gardner, have gone to El Paso, where na,VvV has been business will be transacted C. H. Ballard, of Roswell; Important in charge of A; Ireland,' who brought they will join Mr. Wilson. Chaves ALASKA. S. and all members are to be on is home appointed cattle inspector for requested homo. Hudson SPITZ, it Mr, expected of one of the C. who OLD OF hand. invited Benton Cannon, Denver, county in the place of L. Ballard, THE JOSEPH IjADUE MANUFACTURER Visiting knights tonight. Laub s saw mill m Mex- new purchasers of has gone to the front with the New MIXING AND DEVELOPMENT Several of the eastern swells have Governor Otero will spend the last Colo canon, has arrived at his new bus! YUKON. Maxwell of ico volunteers. ' COMPANY OF been promoted. Norman, of this month in Las raue-men- 's three days Vegas ness place. H. M. Drake, tne Dawson, N. FILIGREE JEWELRY Boston, who is a millionaire, has been in attendance at the encampment of the arrived at the home of representing was Directors: Mr. Joseph Ladue, MEXICAN A daughter National bank of New York, W. T iHon.ChaunceyM. i)epew,wew lorn; made 1st sergeant of troop K; Hamilton Otero Guards at the Hot and n, N. W. Hon. Springs Mr. and Mrs. Herman Funk, at In Roswell last week arranging with the Hon. C. H Macintosh. Regina, T: Fish, Jr., of JNew York, so sergeant thereafter will visit Colfax county on and was named Thomas L.James, New York; Mr. H Walter last week, Bank of Roswell to extend the business . AND DEALER IN- - and Craig Wadsworth, also of New York official business. Webb, Hew Horn; rar. mmer " "Dewey." of tho New York institution. N. Y. ; Mr. Eli A. Gage, Chioago: a in the samo PUttsburgh, ; Hon Smith corporal troop. E. Burlingamo, tho well known S. has been ac Faulkner, of the Mr. William J. ArUell. New York re- L. Frankonburger General Manager N. Y.: Mr. William E troop. Captain Mullers, has Denver and man, went of embezzlement N. E. has to New M. Weed, Plattsburg, SILVERWARE, assayer mining of the charge P. V. & Ry., gone Brown, New York ; Hon. J. Nesbltt KircUpffer, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, its are sorrols. The quitted of s ceived horses, they west last night as far as Tucson, whoro at the Walter C. Had ley Co. of Raton made York from Roswell for the purpose Manitoba; Mr. Irwin C. Stump, New regimont has about 900 horses and uuu he goes to be a witness In a land case. to tho final of the Mr. K. B. Bronson, New York; Mr. fcdwin . is against him. attending disposition City, N. Mr. Thomas W. had in was . Maturin. Jersey J.; DECORATED CHINA. pack mules; every day practice He was on the train that held, up but Elder U-- m. newer, oi uatou, uw bonds for that road. CUT GLASS, on tne muies ana mere valuables. KirkpatrioK, uawson, a.n.i. putting packs lost no to New York to attend the meet Colonel W. M. Weaver, of Piano, Tex., LADUE-YUKO- TRANSPOR lots of on the of tho mules gone OneratlnK the kicking part Hon. J. F. Hinkle, of Lower Penasco, of the Northeastern Association of Is in Roswell for the summer. While TATION C MPANY. 3,00 tons steamers, Lenses. of on ing 1, Se- Examine Eyes free of Charge for Prescription and lots fun and swearing the part W. H. of Silver and ho will some land which leaving San Francisco about June and Capt. Jack, City, Primitive Baptists. there improve 5 St. Michaels, connect of the boys. were for of the Raton and to attle about June for Frederico Otoro passengers Editor Collier, Range, he purchased last year proposes witn eiegani riyer UUl " Las Vegas last night to attend a meet- has returned home from a visit in the reside on at some futuro date. son, notseoue rounu un i""";-,.- "- No. 1 Kansas meats, which is the is Marshal are uy , City ing of the territorial cattle sanitary southern part of the territory. He In the hearing of Deputy Alaska. Our vessels iigntea aminiv best, received on Monday, Wednesday - at Roswell hve elegant tables and accommodations, board, meeting in that city today. much improved in health. Rainbolt and Joseph McElroy ladies' boudoirs, special oabliis, g and salon, and at A. Walker & vo. of and n COAL & TRANSFER, Friday Mr. the A. T. & S. F. Conductor George Davey and wife, last, week. Rainbolt was discharged social hall, smoking room end buffet, poroe-li- McClintock, For and re- have to Nebraska, where held to await the action of the bath tubs, steam heat. passage W. railway at Pueblo, Colo., who Raton, gone McElroy Death of Mrs. J. Crumpacker. agent will the summer visit- arrantl inrv in the sum of 9500. The COMPANY LUMBER AND FEED. cently went through the novel experi- Mrs. Davey spend MsONWKE MERCANTILE Last night at 10 o'clock at Albuquer with a relatives and friotfds. the result of a shooting 609 Market, Street San Francisco, or Seattle, ence of being presented dynamite ing Rainbolt and All kinds of Rough and Finished Lumber; Texas Slooring at que, occurred the death of Mrs. J. W, bomb and whose hand was somewhat Charles Shepard and James West were affray in a saloon between Washington. lowest Market Windows andDoors. Also carry on a went of tho of the brothers the Price; " wife of Associate Justice the package, found larcony clothing McElroy Transfer Business and deal in and Grain. Crumpacker, injured upon opening guilty general nay Crumpacker, of the Territorial Supreme south last night to El Paso, Tex. court. The deceased has Deen in ior J. P. Whitney, of Boston, owner of Las. Vegas year, most of the time bedridden. Her the Cochiti land grant in Bernalillo TEBRITO BIAL TAX OO LLB 3 TIO TS CHAS. W. DUDBOW, Prop removal to New Mexico from La Porte, county and heavily interested tn mining a few months did her some Ind., ago, in Grant county, came up from Silver Territorial Treasurer Eldodt has received returns from good, but the change for tho better was last en route to For the month of April, Steam. City night Prescott, Rio Arriba and Valencia. The amounts not permanent. Deceased was 45 years where he will remain a few days, going the collectors from all the counties except of leaves a husband age and sorrowing thence to southern California for some reported to date are as follows; Now is the Time! and two children to mourn her untime- weeks. Laundry. ly loss. The body will be taken to La TO SECURE A HOME. Porto, Ind., tonight accompanied by Bon-To- n Leave orders barber shop will Restaurant. at Slaughter's Judgo Crumpacker, the funeral Basket leaves Tuesday and returns on take there and the remains in- All kinds of Kansas City meats, fish place Counties. a , We all charges. re- can be found at the Friday. pay express of terred In the family lot. Tho judge and game in season, 4 AGENT. The Mutual Building & Loan Association turns to New Mexico in about ten days lion Ton Hestaurant, don't iau to notice 3 o I O. P. AMBROSE, - a- from his sad mission. , their show window. Socorro. 1896 135.29 39.41 .371 175.07 Fe offers these REPAIR THE SIDEWALKS. 1897 204.52 59.911 2.09 14.61 36.51 .02 317.65 Santa bargains MINOR CITY TOPICS, 107.17 Colfax..,, 1895 83.64 23.43 .10 1898 138.84 40.46 179.30 Tbe Excnange Hotel, Dilapidated Streets Not Approved by 1897 217.45 63.31 4.36 15.71 39.08 .35 340.26 Taken by It Under Foreclosure Homeaeekers 1895 91.03 28. b5 117.68 U. S. weather bureau forecast for Emulate Santa Fe. 122.58 New Mexico: weather and 1898 94 88 27.68 Fair tonight Eaton's Example. 1897 02 31.89 .11 7.77 19.49) 2.19 170.47 , II. 13.46 rooms and of land on Cerrillos road Wednesday. , An cltized a barked shin Bernalillo . 1895 10.42 3.04 Hotel la Brick house of six plot Irate exposed 1898 94.88 27.68 122.58 Best located City. Antonio Bustamante has sued Pedro 36.571 8.19 819.22 near the Quintana homestead, (known as Creamer house) with to a Nkw and 1897 204 81 59.98 .. .05 14.621 ' Mexican reporter today 3.54 v which he claims is ' .01! fine orchard. - Sandoval for 86.50, ' San Miguel. 1895 2.72 81 remarked:' y' "k'v : 6.99 041 26.60 T. FOR8HA, on Francisco duo him for labor. 1896 20.47 220.18 J, Prop. House and lot San street formerly belonging 1897 168.71 49.S9 2.03 comes from the Infernal con- .42 to Mondragon Size 110 x 350 feet. A new roof Is boing placed on the "That 1897 5.61 165 .89 101 Mondra- dition of the sidewalks here. No, I Guadalupe.. 4.64 .21 20.51 Lot on upper Palace avenue formerly belonging to block at the corner of San Fran- Sierra...... 1896 15.66 70.50 Lainy hole. was walk- 1897 43.701 12.7M 1.28 311 ..t.Trt 1 140 x 150 feet. cisco and streets. didn't fall through a I 29.72 gon Shelby 1895 12.64 e.soi .48 S .50 with a friend 66 $2 of land with excellent stable ing down the street the Grant....,,. 74.17! ' .75 66 51. House and large plot orchard, L. F. Is as mail 1896 Frankonburger acting other and he on one end of 260.15 78.61 10.43 18.69 393.90 and outhouses, on Manhattan avenue, north of College street D. & R. G. tn of day stepped 1897 13 68 Week or Month clerk on the the place end of side 1896 10.57 3.081 Special rates by the 820 x 154 feet. a plank, throwing the the Dona Ana . '' "nXv .28L.. 197.58 with or without C. A. Carruth, who is taking a lay off. on which was 1891 127.191 37.251 t.od "; for Table Board, House and lot southwest corner Manhattan avenue and Co- up I walking. 1.66 .481 2.15 book raffled for Chaves. tm 24.68 The beautiful prayer "It's a wonder though, that somebody 1W6 19.08 S.BW llege street 58 x 22 feet. 4.52! 39.28 . benefit of Mora Sisters of Loretto a hole somewhere 1897 26.43 7.45 .07! 1.81 K. Corner of Plnaa. About five acres of land near residence of Jacob Weltmer. the don't fall in and 42.73 won Miss Candida Read. 1896 32.81 .56 south side San Francisco convent was by break a leg. This city needs one or two San Juan. .651 8.231 20.571 .84! 179.15 House seven rooms and placlta, of 1897 115.14 31.72 102 x The raffle took place at the convent suits to cause it to realize the .63 .18 .06 .87 north Sandoval street 72 feet. damage Tao. 1895 2.62 street, In this under of sidewalks. 1896 1.03 .59 Loretto, city, yesterday, importance good ' '..'is 16.91 1897 10.201 S05 ...72 1.74 All In order and will be sold at re- the direction oi sister Mary Aavier. "I see by the New Mexican that in 19.09 above property good Body. 1895 14.68 4.41 The many generous persons in this city the little town of Raton, above here, the 1896 24.95 7.41 "ioi 32.37 CLUB 151.96 OXFORD prices and on terms to suit. who took chances are accordingly noti city council has given property owners 1897 95 30 27.56 .63 6.81 17.30 markably cheap 1897 ' 88.45 26.82 1.64 6.17 15.44 140.25 fied of the result. 60 to build and Union.... ' COM1ICMT KESOBT IM MAilTA VK days repair sidewalks, 1896 22.2U 6.47 .01 28.68 A. A. ATKINSON, im- Lincoln. . Apply to Secretary. and tn event of failure to effect the 1896 29.14 8.51 .31 . 37.96 Delicious ice cream soda at Fischer's provements, the city will do it for them. 1807 44.05 11.89 2.71 3.16 70.69 Now. It savors ot the Mora...... 1895 5.64 ' 1.65 7.32 OHOIOB8T every day. that's enterprise. 1808 10.87 3.14 14 04 fel- 241 191 AND CIGARS. metropolitan and shows that those 1897 51.94 18.55 1.45 3.1 9 2 87.06 WINES, LIQUORS, Everything used in making our soda lows are un to snuff. is of best ll 561 801.8.' S 32.821 115.191 286.81 619.61 It 3 961.81 water and syrups the quality "Another thing; It's an Inducement Totals . 2,726 NOTICE TO TBS TAXPAYERS OF that can be bought. Try it ana be con for visitors to locate there. Exclusive agency for Anheuser Beer, & Co. Nobody JACOB WELTIIER SANTA FB COUNTY. rincod. , Fischer wants to make a home In a place where bottled and keg, Blue Ribbon and The of Santa Fe eonnty their children are in danger of breaking Schlitz, bottled. Canadian Club, taxpayers Funeral Services. In and Times notified that limbs, and where their own necks are Clark's Pure Bye Early are hereby during my The funeral of Samuel Emerson Black from sidewalks. If bottled in bond. jeopardy dilapidated your grocer wlskey, from the eonnty, Bufus J. Falen course of false and a ful took place at the residence of Hon. T. "The city is following a James Hennessy Brandy National Bank of Santa Fe. when a desire to run a 'tell us His line of and cigars. Books at the First B. Catron, this morning at 10 o'clock, economy cheap doesn't sell Schilling's Best tea, name, Imported liquors andStationery a. administration causes the powers that between the hours of 0 m. and 3 p Rev. George S. Madden conducting the bo to negloct Improvement. Money what kind want (Japan, English Breakfast, W. H. McBBYEB WHISKEY. m. daily, Sunday's exoepted, will re services. The members of the bar and and you PRI00ICAL8 number of friends of the de spent in looking after the health ceive and tor, in my name, and a large of citizens Is or , and what size pack- ELEVATION BYE. receipt ceased were present, and after the convenience the always Oolong, Ceylon, Blend) SCHOOL BOOKS, all taxes now due or to beoome - and Is sure to be commended stead, services the remains were taken to Fair- good policy see that IN CONNECTION due official term, and which bv anyone who has a lick of sense. you want. We'll you get it GILLARD HALL during my view cemetery for Interment. Judge ' tn age SCHOOL SUPPLIES. been court out or to "Tho sidewalks are rotten shape may be tendered him, he haying McFio adjourned respect to bo fixed away." Don't send us We don't sell at Next door to tho Boa Ton BesUurant of the deceased and the sad and ought right any money. Etc. authorised and empowered to do the memory Irate citizen off cussing ft V ITBXXT. Stationery Sundries, duly occasion, The limped AN ANOIIOO so. FREDERICK MULLER, the streets and the city alternately, and retail. In at Cn t.ha and Books not stcek ordered saitsro Collector of Taxes for Santo Fe Vluliaii airvn ntirpst when last seen was telling his grievance Frandsco A. & and sabsi iipMoasNstf ed let voidest soda water to be had to crowd on corner. 8m m Schilling Company arises, JT :'J anywhere. the all periodicals,