University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-24-1898 Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-24-1898 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-24-1898." (1898). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/5933 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ANTA FE NEW MEXICAN VOL. 35. SANTA FE. N. M., TUESDAY. MAY 24. 1898. NO. 59. M&NY REPORTS FROM MAN? MEN. AFFAIRS IN SPAIN. MANILA CUBAN EXPEDITION Royal main rtofeod pur, SITUATION wVolefaa and dslUloua. Humors fly Thick and Fast Concerning New Minister of Foreign Affairs Admiral No. 4 Bakery. Fleets Lack Confirmation Battle Ex- Camara's Fleet May Have Sailed from Two Weeks' Time Will Exhaust Sup- - pected to Ocour This Week. Cadiz Persistent Eumors of Battle Official Information Received of New York, May 24. The Kev West in Windward Passage. C BRO of Provisions Food Denied the Sailing of Native Cubans H.B. ARTWRIGHT & ply correspondent telegraphs fcveniug .Madrid, May 24. A dispatch from Ha- World, that he has information from Volunteers. vana says: Secret orders have been for the Island. Spanish unimpeachable authority, that the Span- ish fleet is still at Santiago de Cuba.. given Admiral Cervera what course to The Buffalo Arrives. pursue in the event tho Americans at CONTROL COUNTRY to COAST TELEGRAPH SERYICE REBELS New York, 34. A to tempt cut communications between GROCERIES FLOUR POTATOES May dispatch Cuba and con- the Tribune, from News, Spain. The Americans Newport Va., tinue to outside of Ha says: The auxilary cruiser, Buffalo, occupy positions vana, Cienfuegos, Cardenas, and San- United States Troops Anxiously Expected formerly El Cld of Morgan linn and later Atlantic and Gulf Seaboards in Constant the of the Brazilian tiago de. Cuba. There aro now 19 Eefused to Allow Ger- Nictheroy, navy, American before Havana. Communication with Admiral Dewey will arrive at the shipyard here either warships It Navy Department GRAIN AND FEED. is reported tho Spanish government has man Ships to Land Supplies-Threate- ned Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Cable at Santiago de Cuba The officials received notice to this purchased aupther vessel to be used as just an armed Out. to Fire. effect. The Buffalo will be converted cruiser. and San Juan F0YDE from a dynamite cruiser Into n aux- 'w Minister of Foreign Affairs. Absolutely pur Duke Almedvar do Rio has New York, May 24. A copyrighted iliary cruiser. accepted Washington, May 24. Official Infor- the portfolio of minister of foreign af- Glassware Cnina dispatch to the World from Hong Kong;, Reported Sinking of Spanish Shins. fairs, which was declined mation has been received from the Cu- Crockery I The World by Castillo, dated May 24, says: Evening correspondent at Spanish ambassador to Paris. Tho ban legation of the sailing last Wednes- Port au Prince that a dis- from of the HCTfAl UMNO tOWWft 0O. IttW VOIKa The situation In Manila is desperate. tolegraphs duke says ho does not desire the office, day Tampa first Important boat from Portde Palxon ex- Food is scarce, meat exhausted, whilo patch Sunday, but accepts it on patriotic ground. expedition by native Cubans. The says that a rumor was current there was commanded General FOB SALS BY all canned stuff Is nearly gone. Two Onlelal Announcement Concerning; .Span- pedition by . that the cruiser and , GARDEN AWD FLOWER SEED. weeks will exhaust all available Spanish Vizcaya ish Fleet. Jose Morlet, consisted of Morlet and supplies. auxiliary cruiser Alfonzo XIII have! about 400 men. ine volunteers demanded tooa, Dr Madrid, Noon. It Isyofflelallv an With the expedition H. B. CARTWRICHT & BRO. t been sunk by United warships. nounced are General Julio Win. the Spanish government authorities re-- 1 Ltes that the squadron of Admiral Sangnllly and fused to elvo it and riots are threatened. Ileflultely Laaated. Cervera was still at Santiago de Cuba Astor Chandler, jl'he" Florida carried Wo3t 24. some TELEPHONE 4 A deles-atlo- is said to he nreimrincr t.n fiy May The Spanish fleet yesterday. According to the published 30,000 SprIngfioldirrlfles and rapid and has followed, mining and prospect- wait on United States Consul Williams, has been definitely located, but no en news here, Admiral Camara, command- urmgguns oi me notcnaiss lype. xnese ing continuously. He was a Dane and arms will enable no as citizens fear an outbreak. The In gagement has as yet taken place. ing tho Cadiz squadron, has been fully General Garcia not has relatives in this country as far to additional as five surgents control the surrounding conn Kngagenient Expected this Week, Instructed and returns to Cadiz tonight. only equip 30,000 troops, known. He was about forty but also to his own mon am- old. and Chief Aguinaldo has arrived The movements of the United States Admiral L'amura's Fleet. supply with years try for which have boon in with his staff to organize the rebels, fleet, which are known here, make it London, 24. A to the.: munition, thoy May dispatch such urgent need. bolItrain All residents are moving from Cavlto absolutely certain that no battle has as Kvoning News from Madrid says: robbery. s ) spamsn omciais sav that soo men yet occurred, but an engagement is No news is allowed to leave Cadiz. No News at All. (BLOT s:pR,iirsrQ-- is Two Held Santa were killed and 700 wounded in th expected to occur this week. Although it Is announced today that It stated by the Navy department Young Cowboys Up Fe bombardment by Admiral Dewey. All Preparation for Destroying Spanlah Fleet- - Admiral Camara starts hence tomorrow that no news has been received hero of Train Near Belen Last Night and Se- to an between classes are watting anxiously the ar Every has been made to rejoin the fleet, it would not bo sur engagement the fleets and cured Considerable Sher- preparation no news of the of IT. H. H. Money rival of our troops. There is no sick destroy the fleet, which is off prising to learn that the squadron had arrival tho ness on our Spanish at West has come. iffs and Fosses in Pursuit. 4. ' . ships. the coast of Cuba. already left and the presence of Admiral Oregon Key 24. The south- Dewey's Nerve Continue. l.ee Cinea to tile Front. uiniara as wen. as the ollicial announce- Comprehensive Coast Telegraphic Service. Albuquerque, May ments anent tlie fleet, soon After bound train on tho Santa Fa New York, May 24. A dispatch from Richmond, Va., May 24. General sailing west several weeks' work along the passenger nave a to d of Manila says tho German consul there Fitzhngh Lee will leave here, today for ward, been blind cover the entire stretch tho Atlantic and gulf railway, was held up and robbed this to parture. There is some here coasts, tho has com- alTSHS-a'cloc- tried land provisions from Gorman Tampa. anxiety Navy department morning near Belen, by V- - but Admiral as to whether Admiral Cervera's"entiro the most and eff- r'.s ships, Dewey refused to Warships Kept pleted comprehensive two boarded the it. The consul then declared Iuy. squadron has been able to in icient system for tho young cowboys. They permit A from West to Com- observing approach to tho he would special Key the Cuban waters. of a hostile fleet that has ever been train at Belen and compelled the en- according dispatch, mercial Advertiser Key West has put to force a under the of says: Program 'ltegardlng Philippines Changed. Into operation. A new bureau has been gineer run the train down the road landing protection not been so deserted by for about four a two German cruisers. Admiral warships A from Madrid savs it is created for this purpose, known as the miles, whero stop was Dewey weeks as this It will never special today fire- 10 morning. coast sorvice, In of Cap- made. Taking the engineer and lureaienoa tire upon ine cruisers am be that the vessels were evident the program in regard to the signal charge I the to land was aban complained islands has tain Bartlctt, who attends to this as men with them, they went back to the attempt supplies kept inactlvo when there was a Philippine been chamred aonen. prospect It Is believed there will be no immediate well as the work of the naval board of express car, threw one of the safes out of a tight. of car and blew it with Celebrated Hot Springs are located in the midst of the Ancient engagement in Cuban waters, but Ad information. The system has the ser- the open dyna- e One Cable In Working Order. mite. a THESE Dwellers, twenty-fiv- miles west of Taos, and fifty miles north of PREPARING FOR TROUBLE. miral Cervera will draw off the vice of 2,300 men stretched along the After securing considerable and about twelve miles from Barranca Station on the Denver enemy of Fe, Capo Haytien, Hayti, May 24. The - i coast from Bar Mo., to Galves- amount money from the wrecked safe A Rio Grande Railway, from which point a daily line of stages run to the niiin- Hie ituiz iieet relieves jiavana. Harbor, cable from this to Guantamo and Tex.
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