Portland Daily Press: March 21, 1898
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ~ PR]CE THK£E CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, I8«2-V0L.35. rORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1898.___ against the authorities stopping tele- made by The latest total reported to Mr. Klopsch miscellaneous. grades of good3 now exclusively grams to newspapers. It cbarac- 1\ WINTER. --- I. 1' in the is necessitious cases. Spanish ILL, HUM, w in Lowell and 205,000 SOT VET READY. the Merrimac Mills OURS IE WE NEED TBEI. trizes such action as “a useless preceduro A MESSAGE LOOKED FOR* will be If the government will sanction the ar- meantime the immense plant because the preES is both prudent Powder a in tbe sub Spanish moved from New England to rangement, Jarge building and to urb of where the Alfonso patriotio.” _r- Springs or some other site in Georgia Guauabacoa, XII. is now will be TIME FOR INTERFERING. be decided upon. regiment quartered the south Is rented by tbe relief committee. Several The contemplated move to March 20.—At the Kirk street better hundred reconcentrados have been set Lowell, Arabian Gives Ilirili To in consequence, it is alleged, of just Court Will Continue Work Rev. W. A. Bart- Woman Chili and Don’t Wish to to acres of Through Congreagational chucrb, If It Arrives Will Tale Precedence facilities for manufacturing, proximity Argentine work cultivatingi ten ground in this way lett, in his sermon, stated that the time Most to the cotton fields and labor be surrounding the building, Torturing, Disfiguring, cheaper come for Americans to interfere in Chil l In Snow Dank. contributing to their own support. This Week. had ing especially considered.” Sell A collection of $80 was Humiliating of Ships. Tho plan is experimental, and if suc- behalf of Cuba. Everything. taken to be divided between the Cuban Of itching, skin TARIFF. cessful is capablo of extensive develop- burning, bleeding, scaly THE KLONDIKE found and the Maine sufferers. and ment elsewhere. relief scalp humors is relieved church a collec- instantly Consul General Lee today visited the At the First Trinitarian a of and by warm bath Cuticcba Soap, You Can Free of and disas- SAY IF SYNOPSIS tion of and contributions food THEN MURDERS THE INFANT WITH jvith What Carry I>nty BUT WILL DO SO IF THEY ARE graves of the victims of the Maine IMPOSSIBLE TO $25 a iWILL PRO ter has been were taken for the destitude single application of Cuticuka (oint- WAR PREPARATIONS W’hat You Can’;. in the cemetery. Tbe ground clothing and orna- IS IN WASHINGTON. Cubans. PAIR OF SCISSORS. ment), the great skin cure, and a full dose NEEDED BY UNITED STATES. leveled preparatory to sodding VOKE DEBATE IN HOUSE. mentation with shrubs and flowers. of Cuticup. A Resolvent, greatest of blood BY QUAY- Washington, March 20.—The Depart- Gen. Lee will soon erect a fence enclosing VOTERS STAND purifiers and humor cures. ment of State is informed by the United all the graves with a gateway. The question of a suitable monument has not The Pennsylvania Senator Completely States consul at Ottawa, Ont., That Full Has Not Eeeo Had Previonsly Been Kefnsed Admittance general Made Man Sup- been Positive Report a Pleasant Statement by yet raised. lion*. Offered by the Consider that the same duties aro on Puts Wanamaker to to House "Where She Shelter— Opportunity imposed goods As a result of tho action of the central Transmitted—Capt. Barker Had Noth- Sought to Represent the South Ameri- of the Naval Bill—Belief Bill for destined for the Klondike region as are posed committee of the conservative party in of tliild Found in Out Home— ing to I)o With Court of Inquiry—Boai d Body other can Governments—Was In Conference Havana in all that are willing to March 20..—The Quay Maine Victims To Be Called Up Tu. imposed on goods imported into any urging Lancaster, Pa., Shown for Woman. take in the the Will Convene on Iowa Today. Sympathy of Canada. The instructions to the With President Yesterday. part coming elections, sweep at yesterday’s Republican primary day—Some Patriotic Speeches Kx- part local committee of conservatives in Eesiedies speedily, permanently, and this March 20.—The court of in- election has in magnitude with Augusts, March 20.—Amanda Joseph Canadian customs officers touching March 20.—President Mc- Cienfugos, of prominent men Key West, developed when all else fails. Qt pected. Washington, composed of an Arabian economically cure, matter are has in a to Roar Admiral the belated returns that came in during Bangor, pack peddlar, as follows: chi r h this morn- resigned body. quiry according Sicard, Boston. Kinley did not attend Potter Drug and Chkm. Corp. Sole Prop*.. March 20.—Whether or not The Maine’s steam launch was raised the The are even was arrested by Deputy Sheriff J. F. *• Washington, articles of will continue its work through coming today. majorities bigger (£7* How to Cure Every Skin and Blood Humor,' free. W’eariug apparel, personal as is his but instead speDt on tbe Maine disaster ing custom, “toflay from the wreck by the contractors. last Bean of at the board of inquiry adornment, toilet articles and similar as it is not ready to make a re- than indicated in the advices of Augusta Windsor, today, tivo hours and more in conference with The latest official advices from Genera 1 woek, yet 7 with a effects of arriving in SOAP. to this week special personal persons disaster. The state- charged with the murder of her newly PIMPLY FACES" F°rlCCTICUEA goes Congress Assist- Pando’s forces tell of nn unimportant port on the Maine night. for Canada may be passed free, without several members of the cabinet. frem the President calling witli tbe rebels in the Barker carried the re- candidate on the ticket born baby at South Vassalboro, Friday. message entry at customs, us travelers 10.30 skirmish province ment that Captain Every county bagguge ant Secretary Day called about of action, our relations with under the of customs Puerto Principe. to is denied. favored the friends of the senior She admits the child was hers, but olaims Yonr Cri’occr Advises Congressional provisions tariff, until 1. port Washington, officially by as this shall o’olock and remained nearly TROUBLE. Spain and the proximity of a war, but provision only include such FLOTILLA CAUSED Too of his flying visit to Key West United States Senator has uoen chosen, that it was born dead. An autopsy on and and Bliss were object low to of the articles as aotually accompany are in Secretary Long Secretary remain shows that the child was fiSuy viewed from the standpoint March 21.—The increase in the was not ascertained outside social circles as have also the candidates for as- tho the use of and as are necessary appropri- the other members They re- London, Quay now ou to present. of the censorship says tbe state killed a of shears or some other emergency preparations going ate for the wear and use of such persons severity press until It can be authoritatively as- sembly, six in number and for the by pair mained less than an hour. Commander of the Times is due today. a of Madrid correspondent instrument thrust place the country in state of defense, for the immediate purpose the journey sorted that Barker had nothing convention of whom there are a round sjmrp being into tho with Mr. who has been to a storm of contradictory reports raised Captain will he debated and present comfort and convenience and Glover, Flint, throat in four different Tho probably exhaustively by the detention of the torpedo flotilla at to do with the court of inquiry. He came dozen. The victory of J. A. Stokber over places. Sold Medal Flour. shall not be held to apply to merchandise acting for the government in the negotia- in the House in connection with the naval the Canaries and for the future it is in- from on a Senator C. G. who was a woman was brought here and lodged in or articles intended for other persons or tions for the of also oalled here on Friday Tampa special Kauffman, bill the consideration of purchase ships, tended to all telegrams relating the to wait the action of the appropriation for sale. and prohibit mission to the harbor defences, candidate for re-nomination, is a most county jail, was shown into President's private to the flotilla or the general naval investigate which will on The In the absence of rulings by tl/e board on decisive one. His will reach neit month. A of shears begin Tuesday. many oflioc. The members of the cabinet following out some lines suggested by majority grand jury, pair of customs as to articles Included in the preparations. 1350 at a conservative estimate. Four Heins in the bill, tho in- leaving the White House said there was wera found in tho woman s pack with emergency large officers at General Wilson, chief of engineers. Capt,. half as foregoing regulation, customs no special significance In the meeting SPAIN AS AN ALLY. years ago Kauffman had nearly crease in the enlisted force; the liberal class he left here last stains supposed to be blood on them. ;The the port of entry aro to decide the this morning. The report of the Maine Barkor’s plan, when "many more over Stober. The irajority March 19.—Gen. Janies for of tho are I rovlsion for battleships, torpedo boats and of wearing apparel and like court of had Washington, confer with Commander for the members of the assembly remains child in charge of the quantity inquiry not been received, of the night, was to articles in use entitled to be pa sed free Longstreet, speaking Spanish in the Northern district which and dry docks will bring the whole sub- nor was it definitely known when it of the who is now delegates county physician, Dr.