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?? _-rr-?i. *=?====== ~ v =» j SSegle Sheet THEHERALD Eight Pages TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 144. LOS ANGELES, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, J3?B PRICE FIVE CENTS AMUSEMENTS |os Angeles'Theater ;\u25a0 * TT^a^ Tre "uf NAVAL COURT THEY WILL WIPE OUT THE YANKEES REACHES PORT FIVE NIGHTS, Commencing Tuesday, Feb Matinee Saturday. Edward k. Bid's mm , y-j rr -*7\ , Ready to Investigate the A Lieutenant of the Spanish Navy Outlines Spain's Plans And Drops Her Mudhook Magnltlcont Scenery, Gorgeous Costumes. Kxcellont Cast, Beaut I'llIChorus. Ihe Top Noieh of Success. Keats now on sale. Popular prices, '1 >c, .Or, i»., }l lut Main 70 Maine Disaster j#»**y ax Los Angoie?" Kocieiy Vaudcvoio Theater For the Subjugation of the American People Off Staten Island WVek Commencing Monday, Feb. 2t. Srand JSToMay fyaU***^®**'*WORK TO BEGIN TODAY The Vizcaya Is Relied On to Be Able to Effect the Destruction of New York City SPAIN'S 810 CRUISER and Other American Ports Will Be Taken Care Of. lul Exhibition ot Magic nnd Laugh- - - ON THE ARRIVALOF THE COURT Annihilation Promised Jann.c ttioodyood PROTECTED AGAINST ATTACK BROTHERS Vfiss Descriptive AT HAVANA Famous Eceentno 1 Vocalist. * BY FANATIC'S Air..Dais CUIDAD JUAREZ, Mex., Feb. 20. a port In the United States nent, you can __. ....bust Week of ... that is depend upon that. - ?(Special to The Herald.) fortifp-d jfdams Dolllne c.,i« L,» l»ettte bund Lieut. sufficiently to withstand the We have a splendid navy, and some f Tlfttiiams and ??"<* and n.-im.- 1 il?. Moaie Carlo Millionaires. Dormer Palmo of the Spanish navy passed attacks of one of our ships. The ex- of the fastest auxiliary cruisers In PRICKS NEVKH CHANGING Evening Heserved Seats, V6mid W cents: Gallery, 10 cents. SIGSBEE REPORTS PROGRESS through here on the 2:M train, on ception is the port of tic city of the world. After we lay two or | ROYAL ENSIGN HALF-MASTED Regular Saturday and Sunday cph.me Matinees, Wednesday. Te Main Mil his way to the City of Mexico. While New York. Hut you must be aware three of their largest cities In ruins, J 1IN mn R waiting for the departure of the powerful hrlng money- Rurbank Theater *"??«"\u25a0 that we have a 7000-ton this ought to the i ?? " °- * train, which was held for some time cruiser there, nnd we can hiving Yankee to our terms." THE ONLY THEATER IN THK CITY WITH HEATING FACILITIES - well afford Very Little Can Be Learned Until by custom house requirements, your to lose it if the Yankees tan afford "Ifnot, what then?" As a Token of Respect For the Death Week Commencing Monday, Feb. 21, THK EIXKsTOHD CO. Trained Monday. Tuesday, Matinee Wednesday, Deep Water correspondent, learning of his offi- to have their largest city in ruins. "Weill they will cross the ocean of the Sailors Aboard Tuesday and the u77, <j>. ,<? Patriotic War Drams \u25a0JJ/ue and Cray Have Done Their Work cial capacity, touched upon his mis- "The Bagasta ministry has no os- and try to land a force on our shores. the Maine MATINXI'" WASH INf'TOX'S"° 111 I) srKCIAL ROLIDAI RTH AY. sion to the City of Mexico, but his cillating plans. We have but one Nothing would suit me better, as on Including Saturday Matlneo, eyi > en Remainder ot week. a/ en nt guarded replies elicited no informa- and are pursuing it steadily. very the Comedy Success ? 'fow Jor/c /Jay Jiy '/Jay Associated Press Special Wire policy this thing hinges our plan of Prices, 15c, \u25a0\u25a0!.-,.\u25a0, .Tie, rule. Matinees 10c nnd 850, Ti-.epliolie Main 1i7O Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON. Vf». 20.?The naval NEW YORK, Feb. SO?The Spanish cruis- Park court of inquiry appointed to investigate _ LVaMan.,., er Vizcaya, lv command ol Capt. Kulate, tho Maine disaster will begin its work at came through tho Narrows this afternoon Sunday and Ziuosday, jfrobruary 20 and 22 Havana tomorrow. This news came to the and anchored off Tompklnsvtlle, S. 1., navy department this morning from Ad- where she is closely guarded by navy yard (Washington's Birth day), Continuous Coursing, commencing at 10 :«) a.m. each dny (rain or miral Sicanl at Key West. He simply tel- shine. SPECIAL ATTRACIIiiNS: Sunday -Exhibition of trick bioyole riding by the great nnd tugs ami police patrol boats. The Vizcaya oniv Lyons. Tuesday?Trotting race, mlie dash, iw a purse uf lieu. Kntries Iw, t. Dunce's i>. egraphed as follows: "The couct of In- has been lying outside the bar since Friday lv. Maggie Mac, by .McKlnney, dam by Del Mir; John Pender's l.r m. Helen J., by corrector, quiry sails for Havana 20th by lighthouse dam by brigadier; P. W. Hodge's xr 111. Akitn, l.v HoKJnney, by l.are.i. Runt.ing rare, night and was unable to come Into tho har- o( dam steamer Mangrove. Marix today." three-quarter mile dash, lor a purse (ft -Entries: h. Glfford'l c. g. i (jo, by Honduras, .lam arrived owing to the dense fog rulnstorm3 Hazel; m Ulster by bor and Chas. Thomas'b. Vlekey, Honduras.dam Sieves; Bob Haokney's oh. g. This prompt action Is undoubtedly due prevailed for over Prince Hooker, by .loe Hooker, dam Princes*Ol Norfolk; Mission Stable's Vlshun, by Mr Dixon, which have forty-eight uum Virgie l> to the express direction of Secretary Long hours. ADMISSION, aSo LADIES FREE, including grand stand. sent yesterday to have the investigation The Spanish cruiser has been expected to Music by Seventh Reg luenl Hand Take Main street ears. begin at the earliest possible moment. The arrive here since last llunclay nnd the un- Limited F =j telegram was dated yesterday, so the fortunate catastrophe by which so many California board arrived there before nightfall and American sailors and marines lost their will be ready to begin its work tomorrow lives in Havana harbor last Tuesday night morning. By an error Incident lo the haste aroused more than ordinary interest ln tho Via ocuita J*e Z/ioute Cocry with which the orders were gotten out, arrival of the visitors. Tbe feeling which \ in this Angeles...B:oo a.m. Sunday, Tuesday /"\u25a0.,_. the first accounts placed Lieutenant Com- prevails among a great many people Leaves Los and Friday vicinity battleship Leaves Pasadena a.m. Sunday, Tuesday niuuder Seaton Schroedor on board as the tliut the American was S:2J and Friday int nilp'-r, destroyed deliberately by has Arrive p.m. Thursday third while, us v matter at'fact, enemies, Kansas City 6:10 Tuesday, and Sunday nt Lieutenant Commander Pollock, the ex- prompted the naval authorities to guard Arrive St. Lmiis...'. 7:(K) a.m. Wednesday; Friday and Monday $ " eeutlve olliccr or tho flagship New York, against any possible harm being done to Arrive Chicago 9:43 a.m. Wednesday, Friday and Monday $ $ holds that place. The hoard undoubtedly the visiting Spaniards at the hands of fa- ............ would have previously for the natics. Thlssplcndid train isfor iirst class travel only, but there Is no extra charge beyond the regular started but ticket and sleeping-ear rate. Dinning ears serve breakfast leaving I.os Angeles. Vcsttbuled and necessity of awaiting the arrival at Key Rear Admiral Hunce, commandant of tho electric light.-i. All the luxuries ol modern travel. West from Washington id' Lieutenant X.w York navy yard, received orders from Commander Marix, a naval otliccr well Washington last week to establish a care- skilled ill the lntrieacit B of marine law, ful and well appointed patrol to guard who was to be judge advocate of tliecour.. against any such emergency. The com- Capt, Sigsbee was heard from last night, mandant immediately put himself in com- JfCete~Shapeci Urack... but the toiograni was not delivered at the munication with Chief of I'ollce McCul- navy lagh and John A. Dough- DONK IN DAY department until thin morning. His appointed Lieut. A message goes the reports erty of the navy take churge of the pro- ON THE AND SATURDAY SPECIALS lv contirin press to TUESDAY of the events of in Havana liar- tective patrol. McCullagh respond- In addition lo ihe regular train service the Santa every yesterday Chief c runs on Tuesday a special express exploration immediately train, taking In Badlands. Riverside and tlie beautiesl ol Santa Ann Canyon. Leaves I.os Angeles bur so far as they relate to the ed and informed Rear Ad- ala. m; leaves Pasadona at 9:26 a. m. Returning arrives at Los Angeles at ti :jjp.in,. Pasadena of the wreck. It rtads as follows: miral Bunco that lie had Instructed Capt. :.'u p. in,, giving two hours stop at both Re.Hands and ltlvcrsldo. "HAVANA, Feb. 1!!.?Only most expe- Smith of the harbor police to hold himself wrecking supply 77. /'V ON THIS TRAIN AFFORDS PLEASANT rienced divers can do effective in readiness anil the desired num- * U/io Vosetvatton L.ar OPPORTUNITY FOR SEEING THE SIQHTt work on the Maine. In the upper works I ber of patrolmen to assist lv guarding the can use service divers. iJiil some work to- visiting vessel. The navy yard tug bouts day, but with little success. "Wiy do bet- Nina and Narkota, ln charge of Captains, ter tomorrow. Parts of the Maine, espe- Bell and Cantaln, respectively, were Im- cially the superstructure and connections, mediately placed at the disposal of Lieut. Z/iedlands Excursion are one confused mass of metal." Dougherty. Lieut. Neville of the marine Uuesciat/ telegram Capt. corps Another brief from Sigs- received instructions to take com- ?i February 22 S?ound Tjrip $2.76 bee read: mand of thirty-eight men, one llrst ser- Tickets good reluming February 28rd.