MKSF Newsletter

August, 2018

Dear All, At the beginning of August, we were honored to host in Ministry for the KSF, Chief of National Guard of the United States of America, General Joseph L. Lengyel as well a delegation of the U. S militaries. Col. Jeffry Fischer, on the occasion of ending of assignment of Defense Attaché of the U.S for excellent cooperation and coordination, we awarded medals. Also, I hosted for a farewell meeting Director of Liaison Advisory team of NATO (NALT) for Ministry and the KSF, BG. Ralf Hoffmann decorating him with a medal “Distinguished service “ Commander of the Security , LTG. Rrahman Rama attended graduation ceremony of two KSF cadets, Sc.Lt. Kemajl Haliti and Çlirim Morina in Sundhurst of the United Kingdom. Also, LTG. Rrahman Rama hosted for a farewell visit Defense Attaché of Republic of Italy accredited to Republic of Kosovo, Col. Franco Galletti. Whereas , Major General Gëzim Hazrolli, Director of Directorate for Operation in Ministry for as well, BG. Zymer Halimi, Advisor to President of Republic of Kosovo upon invitation of Commander of National Guard of IOWA , Major General Timothy Orr stayed for an official visit in IOWA of the U.S. At environment of barrack “Adem Jashari” of Land Force Command (LFC) of the KSF IN Prishtina ended course of German Language which lasted for five- months provided by the German Embassy in Kosovo. In this course are certified six KSF members. It is conducted traditional humanitarian action for blood donation with a motto,, a blood dot for one life saving”, due to the needs of the National Blood Transfusion Center of Kosovo. The KSF in cooperation with German KFOR are conducting a humanitarian Project for assisting monastery “Arhangjeli” in Prizren. The KSF via Engineering Battalion has responded to this German KFOR request who have donated over 120m³ gravel to the monastery “Arhangjeli” in Prizren for gravel transportation from the , KFOR camp up to the environment of the Prizren monastery. Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, LTG. Rrahman Rama after request of Suhareka Municipal assembly has ordered the KSF Units of Crisis Response Liaison Unit and Engineering Battalion to extend a hand to Institutions and citizens of the Suhareka Municipality in order to cope with situation caused by the latest floods and bring life back to a normality. The action went through two stages. With respect Rrustem BERISHA, Minister of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force 6 members of the KSF were certified in German Language course

Wednesday, 1st August 2018. In the barrack “Adem Jashari” environment of Land Force Command (LFC) in Pristina has been completed the German Language Course which lasted for five-months. The course has been provided by the German Embassy in Kosovo. Attended: Land Force Commander (LFC) BG. Enver Cikaqi, Ambassador of Germany to Kosovo , Mr. Christian Heldt, Chief of Cabinet of the Land Force Command , Col. Hasan Hoxha, Logistic Advisor in MKSF, Col. Armin Dausch, official for Transformation and Standardization in MKSF , Col. Haki Hoti, as well officers and other members of the KSF various Units. The ceremony opened by Chief of Staff of Command of Land Forces , Col. Hasan Hoxha, who provided details about this course attended by 6 KSF members for five –months in row. The Germany Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Christian Heldt with an occasional speech addressed to attendees, said: “I would like to express my respect for the members who successfully passed the German Language course. This is a very meaningful sign to me which connect Kosovo with Germany’’. Whereas Commander of Land Force Command, (LFC) BG. Enver Cikaqi has thanked the German Ambassador with these words: Thank you Ambassador for you time and participation to this ceremony. Your presence here today shows support that the Kosovo state and specifically the KSF has from the German state but, also from the German Army. At the end of the course are awarded certificates for the best students of the course.

Minister Berisha and Commander of the KSF, LTG. Rama awarded with a medal Military Attaché of the U. S, Col. Jeffry Fischer

Thursday 2nd August 2018. In Ministry for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) dated 1st August, 2018, organized farewell ceremony for Col. Jeffry Fischer, on the occasion of the end of assignment of the U. S Military Attaché.


Minister Berisha has thanked the U. S for their unsaved support via ODC and IOWA National Guard. The Minister highly appreciated all times cooperation among years with Department of Defense of the U. S. Minister Berisha as a sign of honor and appreciation for his work done has awarded a medal “Distinguished Service” to Col. Fischer Also, Commander KSF, LTG. Rrahman Rama has thanked Military Attaché of the U. S Jeffry Fischer for professional commitment while conducting his work in the KSF. Also, Commander of the KSF, LTG. Rama awarded a medal for a, Meritorious Service”, to Col. Fischer. Whereas, Jeffry Fischer thanked Minister Berisha, General Rama and all staff of Ministry and the KSF for the cooperation and opportunity to work and contribute to the KSF. He expressed that he feels very honored and happy to have worked with the KSF.

National Center of Blood Transfusion awarded a certificate to the KSF Commander, LTG. Rrahman Rama

Friday 3rd August 2018. Today, at Ministry for Kosovo Security Force, a delegation of National Center of Blood Transfusion of Kosovo paid a visit. The delegation headed by Dr. Bukurije Zhubi was hosted by the COMKSF, General Rama and Col. Xhevdet Tahiraj, Director of Department of Medicine of the KSF. In the name of NCBT, Director Bukurije Zhubi awarded a Gratitude to the COMKSF, LTG. Rrahman Rama with a motivation for contribution, promotion and organizing of volunteer blood donation. On this occasion, the COMKSF, General Rama has thanked Personnel of NBTC for gratitude promising to further continue this kind of cooperation and provision of assistance to this center of blood donation. Dr. Bukurije Zhubi said that the KSF is the key donator of blood donation at national level to the national Center of Blood transfusion of the Kosovo and helped and continues to do so, also, in other ways on making blood donation arrangements out of the KSF barracks.


Chief of National Bureau Guard visited Ministry for Kosovo Security Force

Friday, 3rd August 2018. Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha and Commander for the KSF, LTG. Rrahman Rama, today hosted in a separate meetings in Ministry, Chief of National Bureau Guard of the United States of America, General Joseph L. Lengyel together with a delegation for U. S militaries. In the meeting of Minister Berisha, General Lengyel was talked on excellent relations among the Republic of Kosovo and United States of America in the security and defense area. They expressed high commitment to growth cooperation among two countries in the future. General Lengeyl after expressing his generous readiness, pointed out: We will continue in further increase of friendship among both countries. It`s our strategic priority to be together with you. I want to congratulate you for your readiness for giving contribution topeace.”


The KSF for the second time in a year donates blood

Weds. 8th August 2018.In Ministry for Kosovo Security Force, today started humanitarian action for blood donation with a motto,, a dot of blood for one life saving”, for the needs of National Center of Blood Transfusion of Kosovo from the KSF members and civilian staff of the MKSF. As always to the action have responded considerable number of them, also this time. Only in two first hours, number of donors reached to 24, which number foresees to be grown based on line of the members who were waiting to go through normal procedures provided by the medical teams.

KSF and the German KFOR supports monastery ,,Arhangjeli'' in Prizren

Friday 10th August 2018. The KSF in cooperation with German KFOR are carrying out a humanitarian project assisting monastery “Arhangjeli” in Prizren. The KSF via Engineering responded to the German KFOR request who donated a fund of 120m³ gravel to “Arhangjeli” monastery in Prizren for transportation of the gravel from the KFOR barrack to the monastery environment in Prizren. This monastery dates from the 13th century has historical and archeological values to the Kosovo heritage but needs intervention in preservation and maintenance of it. The KSF consistently supported many projects which are to benefit of the KSF and all citizens and religious cultural heritage in the Kosovo.


Commander of the KSF took part at graduation of two cadets at The Royal Military Academy in ,, Sandhurst’’ United Kingdom

Friday 10th August 2018.Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, LTG. Rrahman Rama took part at graduation ceremony of two cadets of the KSF, two Second Lieutenant Kemajl Haliti and Çlirim Morina. Both the KSF cadets successfully completed 12 months training which was based on in very intensive program with intention preparing of the new officers; to be competent leaders, capable to make fair judgments and conduct duties in professionally manner. Sc.Lt. Kemajl Haliti is a new officer of the KSF from ashkali community who previously completed education at University Study Center of the KSF and was selected for the Royal Military Academy in ,,Sandhurst’’, an equal opportunity for all the KSF members. After returning from the United Kingdom, Sc. Lt. Haliti and Morina will serve in the KSF in the position of the Platoon Commander , First Battalion of the Rapid Reaction Brigade in Gjilan, respectively , second Battalion of the Rapid Reaction in Istok. The Sandhurst Royal Military Academy is rated as one of the most prestigious academies in the world, from which emerged the most successful military leaders from all over the world. Each year, this academy trains more than 600 new officers with participation of many other countries of the world, including Kosovo, as well. The Kosovo Security Force, based on the cooperation agreement with the United Kingdom Army, will also send its cadets for education at this prestigious academy in the future in order that the gained knowledge to be contributor in the development and advancing of the operational capabilities of the Kosovo Security Force.On this occasion , the COMKSF , LTG. Rraham Rama congratulated Sc.Lt. Haliti and Morina for the achieved success in the Royal Military Academy,, Sandhurst’’ in United Kingdom at the same time requesting from them that the gained knowledge be applied successfully in the new given positions within the Kosovo Security Force.


Commander of the KSF hosted for a farewell meeting Defense Attaché of Italy

Commander of Kosovo Security Force, Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama received for a farewell visit Defense attaché of the Republic of Italy accredited to the Republic of Kosovo, Colonel Franco Galletti.

KSF- supports Suhareka Locals in inundations

Friday, 17 August 2018. Commander of Kosovo Security Force Lt general Rrahman Rama, after receiving request from Suhareka local assembly, has ordered KSF units and Crises Reaction Liaison Unit and engineering battalion to help out citizens of Suhareka locals in coping with the aftermath of deluge, in order to have these people recovered soon. KSF operations are continuing to clean the road, pumping out water, removing many debris from narrow paths bought by pouring raining on august 15 in this municipality. After the floods, in Suhareka Municipality, many neighborhoods have suffered material damage, either in road infrastructure, in private homes and other business facilities. In this operation, the KSF has engaged its appropriate technique for these cases, such as: road tankers for road cleaning and erosion prevention; Kipper trucks for loading and transporting soil and gravel as well as excavators for carrying out works to avoid damages in the villages Greiqec, Papaz and Leshan.


Land Force Commander brigade general Xhevahir Geci met with new NALT director Brigade General Uwe Becker

Thursday, 23 august 2018. Deputy commander of Land forces brigade general Xhevahir Geci accompanied by LFC chief of staff colonel Hasan Hoxha hosted today at “Adem Jashari” barracks new NALT director brigade general Uwe Becker. General Geci welcomed General Becker and informed him of the developments and activities that have taken place in the KSF, good cooperation with NALT advisers at all levels, which are providing a great help in building the capacities of the KSF, in all areas. General Becker was delighted by the KSF's meetings and achievements and pledged to continue working and cooperating with the KSF in support, advice and assistance in all areas, along with his advisers, in all levels of the KSF.

General Hazrolli hosted in farewell party general Hoffman

Friday 24 august 2018. The Director of Operations Directorate of the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force, Major General Gëzim Hazrolli received in a farewell meeting, the Director of the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team (NALT) for the Ministry and the Force, Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann, upon completion of his mission in Kosovo. At the meeting, where was also his successor Brigadier General Uwe A. Becker, was discussed about the co-operation and co-ordination of activities between MKSF / KSF with the NATO Advisory Team as well as the readiness to deepen this cooperation in the future. On this occasion General Hazrolli thanked General Hoffmann for the cooperation and contribution given to the advancement of the KSF. It is worth pointing out that Brigadier General Ralf Hoffman has served in Kosovo for a year at the helm of the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team for the Ministry and the Force, and that by the end of this month it is expected that the leadership of the NATO team will be taken over by the officer German senior, Brigadier General Uwe Becker.


Second battalion of Rapid Reaction executed the exercise “Mountaineer”

Friday, 24 August 2018. From 13 to 28 August 2018, members of second battalion of rapid reaction brigade are part of mountain search and rescue mission called “mountaineering” which is taking place in KFOR base of “ Italian Village” in . The main activities of the exercise were closely followed by the KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Guoci and the Commander of the Rapid Reaction Brigade (BRSH), Brigadier General Fadil Hadërgjonaj, who also joined the double rope launch in Via ferrata ''. The two generals, besides highly praising the work done during the "Mountaineering" training, they also expressed the common will to continue cooperation in various military fields. Members of the KSF, respectively members of the Second Rapid Reaction Battalion, are being trained by professional instructors of the Italian Army Mountaineers' Unit. We can say that the knowledge provided in this training has so far been of a high professional level, and also their appropriation by BAT2 members is quite satisfactory given the dedication and discipline they have shown during the training. Therefore, these knowledge will be an added value for the professional development of members of the KSF.


General Hazrolli and MKSF delegation were on official visit in Iowa

Friday, 24 August 2018. Major General Gëzim Hazrolli, Director of the Operations Directorate of the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force and Zymer Halimi, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kosovo, with the invitation of Iowa National Commander, Major General Timothy Orr, stayed for an official visit to Iowa, United States. Gen. Gëzim Hazrolli and General Zymer Halimi, together with American generals Timothy Orr and Donahade Newton, discussed the good co-operation between the two states, Kosovo and Iowa, respectively the two forces, the KSF and the Iowa National Guard. This bilateral cooperation is developed in the framework of the interstate agreement that Kosovo has with Iowa, which is successfully concretizing each year with annual plan of activities. The purpose of the visit of the senior delegation of Kosovo officers was mainly to visit the Regional Training Institute at Dodge Iowa camp, closely following the mobilization at the Iowa Guard Headquarters, observing medical trainings, vehicle maintenance and weapons, knowledge of the Air Base vision, etc. Gen. Hazrolli and Halimi as well as American generals Orr and Newton also discussed the possibilities of increasing the level of cooperation and the continuation of the identification of other fields for future cooperation, with an interest in advancing the Kosovo Security Force.


Minister Berisha awarded NALT Director General Hoffman with Distinguished Service Medal

Tuesday, 28 august 2018. Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha and KSF commander, Lieutenant General Rrahmen Rama attended the ceremony of changing the director of the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team (NALT) for MKSF and KSF. In the activity held at the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force, organized by NALT, where the ceremony of changing the authority of the director of NALT from Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann to his successor to Brigadier General Uwe Becker was also present the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. , Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj, Deputy Minister of KSF, Agim Ceku, Secretary-General Shkelzen Sylaj, KFOR Commander, General Salvatore Cuoci, Ms Liliane Maes of the NATO Operation Division, KSF Generals, KFOR Military, and Ambassadors and Attaché Accredited in the Republic of Kosovo Kosovo. On this occasion, thanking General Hoffman for the excellent cooperation between MKSF / KSF and NALT Team and with General Hoffmann as Director, KSF Minister Mr. Rrustem Berisha said, "It is the second time that the change of the authority of the director of NALT is done at the premises of the Ministry for KSF, a proof of close and sincere cooperation". Further, Minister Berisha addressing Director Hoffmann said: "Dear General Hoffman, during this one year period you, with your leadership qualities, the cooperation and the support offered, have set the standard of interaction that will serve as a model of forwarding and the development of our defense and security system, and will make it easier to cooperate with your successor in this important task for us as a force and for the mission of the international military presence in Kosovo". At the end of his speech, sharing the High Representative Service Medal for Hoffmann, Minister Berisha said: "Encouraged by your work, General Hoffmann and your predecessors during my mandate, I welcome the new Director of NALT, General Uwe Becker’’. Also Commander of the KSF, Lt. Gen. Rrahman Rama, on behalf of the Kosovo Security Force, shared the "Selfless Service" medal, General Ralf Hoffman, in a gratitude to the co-operation and continuous coordination during his service at the helm of NALT 11

On his part, the Director of NALT, Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann on the occasion of handing over to the new Director of NATO Team, Brigadier General Uwe Becker, thanked the KSF leadership with the words: Thank you for the cooperation excellent! We have had excellent partnership in a transparent and trustworthy environment. Within the mission of the KSF and NALT, we worked together with mutual respect to the existing challenges ''.

Kosovo Security Force again gets engaged in recovering efforts after inundations in Suhareka

Wednesday 29 August 2018. Kosovo Security Force after the request of the Municipality of Suharekë with the decision of the Minister of KSF, Rrustem Berisha and by the order of the commander of the KSF, Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama, is engaged for the second time, in the rehabilitation operation after the floods in Suhareka and surrounding locations. The KSF Unit of the KSF is continuing the operation in support of the population of the villages of Suhareka such as: Reqan, Sopi, Savrovë, Leshan and Tërnaj where after the rainfall on 15.08.2018 they caused considerable damage both on the road and in blocking the riverbed, and the many waters that had diverted their flow. The KSF has engaged personnel and equipment to manage the situation, in order to normalize the lives of residents of those localities. This is the second time, within August, that the Security Force is engaged in the rehabilitation operations caused by rainfall in Suharekë.