(ESIA) of the Proposed Upgrading of Lodwar- Nakodok Road
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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Public Disclosure Authorized (ESIA) of the Proposed Upgrading of Lodwar- Nakodok Road South Sudan – Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Program Public Disclosure Authorized l l l l l l a a a a a a n n n n n n i i i i i i g g g g g g i i i i i i r r r r r r O O O O O O Public Disclosure Authorized Draft Revised ESIA Study Report December 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized Proponent Consultant Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) Panafcon Ltd Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill ACK Garden House, 2nd Floor Wing C P.O. Box 49712 – 00100, Nairobi Kenya 1st Ngong Avenue, Off Bishops Road P.O. Box 53147, 00200 City Square Tel:+254-20-8013842 Nairobi, Kenya Tel:+254 20 2732230/2732231 PANAFCON Ltd. CONTENTS PAGE PROJECT SUMMARY VIII CERTIFICATION 1 LIST OF ACRONYMS 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 16 1.1 Introduction and Background 16 1.2 Project Justification 17 2 POLICY, LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 18 2.1 Overview 18 2.2 The Constitution of Kenya 18 2.3 Legal Framework 18 2.3.1 Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) No 8 of 1999 18 2.3.2 Government Land Act Cap 280 22 2.3.3 Land Titles Act Cap 282 22 2.3.4 Trust Land Act Cap 291 22 2.3.5 Registered Land Act Cap 300 22 2.3.6 Land Control Act Cap 302 22 2.3.7 Public Health Act Cap 232 22 2.3.8 Public Roads and Roads of Access Act (Cap. 399) 23 2.3.9 Factory and Other Places of Work Act (CAP 514) 23 2.3.10 Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006 23 2.3.11 Physical Planning Act, 1999 24 2.3.12 Water Act 2002 24 2.3.13 Work Injury Compensation Benefit Act 2007 24 2.3.14 Traffic Act, Chapter 403 24 2.3.15 Use of Poisonous Substances Act, Cap 247 25 2.3.16 Forest Act, 2005 25 2.3.17 Malaria Prevention Act (Cap246) 25 2.3.18 The Standards Act (Cap 496) 25 2.3.19 The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 25 2.3.20 The Occupation Safety and Health Act, 2007 25 2.4 Project Listing in the Second Schedule 26 2.4.1 World Bank Operational Policies 26 2.5 Policy frameworks 33 2.5.1 The National Poverty Eradication Plan (NPEP) 33 2.5.2 Kenya National Aids Strategic Plan (KNASP III) 33 2.5.3 The National Policy on Gender and Development 33 2.6 International policy framework 34 2.6.1 United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of 1994 34 2.6.2 Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 35 2.6.3 The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar, 1971) 35 2.6.4 Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention 35 2.6.5 Convention on Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972 35 2.6.6 Convention on Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1990 35 2.7 Administrative framework 35 KeNHA/Revised and Updated ESIA for the Upgrading of Lodwar-Lokichogio-Nakodok 240Km (A1) Road December 2014 Pan-14-042 - i - PANAFCON Ltd. 2.7.1 The Kenya Roads Act No. 2 of 2007 36 2.8 World Bank operational policies relevant to the project 37 2.8.1 World Bank Operational Policy 4.01-Environmental Assessment 37 2.8.2 Bank Operational Policy 4.11-Physical Cultural Resources 38 2.8.3 Bank Operational Policy 4.12-Involuntary Resettlement 38 2.8.4 World Bank Policy on Access to Information 39 2.9 Alignment of WB policies with Government laws relevant to this ESIA 39 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 41 3.1 Location of the road project 41 3.2 Present condition of the road 41 3.3 The design of the proposed road project 43 3.3.1 Terrain of the alignment 43 3.4 Technical specifications of the proposed road project 44 3.4.1 Geometric design 44 3.5 Traffic forecasts 45 3.6 Materials investigation 47 3.7 Pavement design 48 3.8 Drainage structures (drainage design) 48 3.9 Technology, procedures and processes 49 3.9.1 Outline of the construction of the road 49 3.9.2 Concrete works 49 3.9.3 Earthworks 50 3.9.4 Road pavement 50 3.9.5 Steel works 50 3.10 Commissioning: Operation and maintenance 50 3.10.1 Structural and civil engineering works 50 3.10.2 Site reinstatement 50 3.10.3 Reinstatement philosophy 50 3.10.4 Timing of reinstatement 51 3.10.5 Site clean up 51 3.10.6 Permanent reinstatement 51 3.11 Decommissioning and abandonment plans 51 3.11.1 Decommissioning of existing facilities 51 3.11.2 Legal basis 51 3.11.3 Technical solutions for abandonment 52 3.11.4 Products, by–products and waste 52 3.12 Project waste management strategy 52 3.12.1 Project waste management principles 52 3.12.2 Hierarchy of waste management practices 53 3.12.3 Transfer of waste to third parties 54 3.12.4 Construction waste and emission inventories 54 3.12.5 Release to the atmosphere 55 3.12.6 General wastewater disposal 55 4 ESIA STUDY APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 56 4.1 Lodwar-Lokichogio-Nakodok Road ESIA Study Activities 56 4.2 Desktop Review of Project Documents 56 4.3 Field Investigations 56 4.3.1 Method used for Evaluating Site Bio-Physical Data 57 4.3.2 Method used for Site Infrastructure Evaluation 57 KeNHA/Revised and Updated ESIA for the Upgrading of Lodwar-Lokichogio-Nakodok 240Km (A1) Road December 2014 Pan-14-042 - ii - PANAFCON Ltd. 4.3.3 Method used for Stakeholder Consultation 57 4.3.4 ESIA Project Report Preparation 60 5 PROJECT SITE BASELINE INFORMATION 62 5.1 Physical Environment 62 5.1.1 Geography and Topography 62 5.1.2 Climate and meteorology 64 5.1.3 Geology 65 5.1.4 Soils 66 5.1.5 Water resources 69 5.2 Biological environment 72 5.2.1 Ecological classification 72 5.2.2 Flora 72 5.2.3 Invasive species 75 5.2.4 Fauna 76 5.2.5 Environmentally sensitive habitats 77 5.3 Socio-cultural and economic environment 77 5.3.1 Population dynamics 77 5.3.2 Human population size and density 78 5.3.3 Human settlements 78 5.3.4 Population Distribution along Lodwar- Nakodok Road Corridor 79 5.3.5 Land Tenure and Land Use 81 5.3.6 Livelihoods 83 5.4 Public health 90 5.4.1 HIV and Aids 93 5.5 Education 93 5.6 Poverty levels 94 5.7 Gender dynamics 95 5.8 History and culture of the Turkana Community 96 5.8.1 Conflicts and cattle rustling 98 5.9 Physical infrastructure 98 5.10 Relief operations 99 5.11 Oil exploration 100 5.12 Trade, tourism and industry 100 5.12.1 Trade 100 5.12.2 Industrialization 101 5.12.3 Tourism 101 6 PROJECT AREA SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION 102 6.1 The Socio-Economic Profile 102 6.2 Population and Demography of Turkana County 102 6.3.3 Level of Education of Respondents along the Lodwar-Nakodok Road Corridor 103 6.3.9 Sanitation Facilities at the Lodwar-Nakodok Road 106 6.3.10 Distance to the Nearest Market Centre 107 7 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION 108 7.1 Approach to Stakeholder Consultations 108 7.2 Purpose of Stakeholder Consultation 109 7.3 Stakeholder analysis 110 7.5 Modalities for stakeholder consultation 111 7.5.1 Consultation with Project Area Community 111 KeNHA/Revised and Updated ESIA for the Upgrading of Lodwar-Lokichogio-Nakodok 240Km (A1) Road December 2014 Pan-14-042 - iii - PANAFCON Ltd. 7.5.3 Public Consultation Meetings (PCMs) Announcement and Agenda 112 7.6 Feedback from stakeholder interviews 116 7.6.1 Provincial Administration 116 7.6.2 Feedback from County Government 117 7.6.3 District Heads of Departments 117 7.6.4 Security, Immigration and Customs 117 7.6.5 Refugee agencies 117 7.7 Feedback from public consultation meetings 117 7.8 Anticipated impacts as perceived by members of the public 119 8 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 133 8.1 Analysis of route alternatives 133 8.1.1 Option 1: No upgrading of the existing road (‘no action’ option) 133 8.1.2 Option 2: Upgrading the existing road without any changes in route alignment 133 8.1.3 Option 3: The proposed route option 133 8.1.4 Option 4: Proposed route option with changes in alignment 134 8.1.5 Analysis of pavement design options 134 8.2 Drift realignment and bypass options 135 9 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 141 9.1 Potential Positive Impacts 141 9.1.1 Enhanced economic growth due to improved road connectivity 142 9.1.2 Employment opportunities 143 9.1.3 Economic and social value addition to the project’s local area of influence 143 9.1.4 Societal well-being 143 9.1.5 Improvement in gender parity 143 9.1.6 Training and transfer of skills 144 9.1.7 Improved response to emergencies and humanitarian aid 144 9.1.8 Opportunity to improve road drainage design 144 9.1.9 Reduction of dust pollution from the unpaved Road 144 9.2 Project Negative Impacts 145 9.2.1 Pre-Construction Impacts 145 9.2.2 Negative impacts to the biological environment 145 9.2.3 Negative impacts to the physical environment 149 9.2.4 Impact on human environment 152 9.3 Sites that require special consideration 156 9.3.1 Graves and cemeteries within the road corridor 156 9.3.2 Drifts across laggas 157 9.3.3 Riverine vegetation 157 9.3.4 Quarries 157 9.4 Potential Impact Matrix 157 9.5 Mitigation Measures 160 9.5.1 Pre-Construction Activities Mitigation 160 9.5.2 Mitigating potential impact on soil 160 9.5.3 Mitigating potential impact on hydrology 161 9.5.4 Mitigating potential impact on air quality 161 9.5.5 Mitigating potential impact on water resources 161 9.5.6 Mitigating potential impact on flora 162 9.5.7 Mitigating potential impact on fauna 163 9.5.8 Mitigating potential impact of noise and ground vibrations 163 9.5.9 Mitigating potential impact on physical cultural resources 163 KeNHA/Revised and Updated ESIA for the Upgrading of Lodwar-Lokichogio-Nakodok 240Km (A1) Road December 2014 Pan-14-042 - iv - PANAFCON Ltd.